rapid weightloss

lundi 29 février 2016

N - Nutrition: What Not to Eat

Nutrition is the first link in the Health Chain - NEW START. There are so many aspects to the subject of Nutrition. This article is going to lay out the basics as to
I believe in trying to make things as clear and simple as possible, and I believe that God cares just as much about the health of our bodies as He does the health of our souls, and that He's made it very clear in the Bible what we should eat. After all, He created us, and as the Designer of our bodies, surely He would tell us how to best take care of them. You never buy anything of good quality that doesn't come with an Owner's Manual, right? Likewise God has given us clear instructions in His Word as to how we should take care of our health.
I'm a firm believer that the VEGAN diet is the healthiest diet... afterall, that is the diet that God gave us when He created us. The Bible tells us that when God created us, our diet consisted of Fruits, Grains & Nuts.
But then, after sin came into the world, He modified the diet, and vegetables were added. "Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field." Genesis 3:18. Vegetables have properties in them that were not needed before sin... But sin changed things... Everyone knows how carrot juice and beets and broccoli help people with cancer...
Meat was not added until AFTER the Flood ~Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. Genesis 9:3. And then in Leviticus Chapter 11, God made a distinction between which meats were permitted to eat and which were not, clearly explaining the CLEAN & UNCLEAN meats. In order for a mammal to be considered clean, it MUST chew the cud and have a split hoof. In order for a fish to be considered clean, it MUST have fins and scales.
When we get to Heaven, our diet is going to go back to the diet that God created for us, in the beginning, a VEGAN diet. Nothing will ever die in Heaven, so there will never be any dead animals to eat. Doesn't it make sense that we should, as much as possible work towards the VEGAN diet NOW? Surely God knows what is best for us.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9333666

dimanche 28 février 2016

Achieve Your Dream Body in 8 Weeks

Weight loss is actually simple when you know what you are doing.
The market however has created this giant illusion that you need this magic pill and that super program to get your best body ever.
This however is not the case
You can start losing weight today by following the 3 pillars to weight loss success
1. Nutrition
This is the most crucial part of weight loss!
It is not that magic pill you drink before or after meals. It doesn`t run for hours and hours on end on a treadmill until sweat streams down your face like a river. Sure, this would help but you can then cancel the entire workout with a nice fast food burger after the workout to "reward" yourself.
The key to nutrition for weight loss is consistency.
Choose a plan and then stick to it.
I would recommend the following plan
The Banting Diet
This is the diet that I personally use. It is the most simple and easy to follow diet on the planet and I have tried a few. You do not need to weigh any food. You don`t have to eat by the hour. You do not need 6 different Tupperware containers.
The diet is simple.
Eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are full. However, you need to eat food from certain lists. The green list means you can eat as much as you want from the list. Then, from the orange list you can have 1 item and the red list is a big NONO.
2. Training
Training to me is very important on any weight loss program as it accelerates your progress. On the Banting diet, you will still lose weight, whether you are training or not, however you will have much better results when following a training program as well.
I would recommend weight training programs that are designed by Kris Gethin, I find that I resonate with his style of training and have achieved the best results following his programs.
The gym, however, is not for everyone and if you feel like the gym scares you, you can also follow a training program at home. Simply do 20 minutes worth of HIIT cardio in the morning and evening.
How does HIIT work?
Let`s say for example you enjoy jogging...
You will run for 15 seconds as fast as you possibly can and then jog slowly for 45 seconds. Do this 20 times and you are good to go.
3. Motivation/support
Support: Find a person who you can be accountable before you start. This way you know that when you eat that piece of chocolate cake you have to tell someone about it and you will be less likely to consume it in a moment of weakness.
Then for motivation: Find a picture of a person you want to look like and stick that picture in places where you will see it often. Looking at your goal continuously helps you to stay on track.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9325406

samedi 27 février 2016

How to Succeed at Weight Loss

Losing weight, eating healthier and becoming more active... while these sound like common resolutions for the New Year, these goals don't have to begin January 1st. Making this healthy lifestyle change can be good any time of the year.
Many people struggle with weight loss and eating enough of the right types of foods. Finding time for physical activity is another common challenge a lot of people face. While it can seem overwhelming at first to make the changes needed for a healthier lifestyle, chances are you'll love the benefits which often include increased energy and reduced joint pain.
7 Tips to Help You Succeed at Weight Loss
For those of you who struggle to find the motivation and energy to succeed during a healthy weight loss program, here are 7 tips to help you stay focused.
1. Make a Schedule: Weight loss programs can seem daunting and intimidating at first, but a schedule can make everything seem more manageable. Creating lists, plans and scheduling out your workouts and meals will help you follow an organized and constructed program. Although planning takes time, this will help you find pockets of time for weekly workouts and even help you make your lunch and plan for snacks. Taking a couple minutes to plan ahead will relieve your stress and keep you focused on the path to success.
2. Reward Yourself: I'm not talking about with candy... reward your weight loss by going for a walk, buying a new book, taking a bubble bath or purchasing a new clothing item... Rewarding yourself with inedible items will keep your weight loss program move forward successfully. These types of "treats" help you stay focused on your goals and motivated to reaching another milestone in your weight loss program.
3. Stay Off the Couch: I know it may seem unusual, but try watching your favorite TV shows while walking on a treadmill or doing some yoga stretches. According the Institute for Medicine and Public Health, the average person sits in front of the TV for 56 hours a week. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Stay on track by forgoing the sedentary TV time and finding a way to stay active instead.
4. Eat In: I know, I know. Everyone loves to eat out, but staying in and fixing your own meals six out of seven nights a week will help you maintain your nutritional goals. When you eat out all bets are off. Oftentimes the menu gets a hold of your good decisions and you wind up with a bucket of fried food in front of your face. Cooking your own food allows you to stay in control of what goes into your meals and your mouth.
5. Substitute: Stay on track by substituting fresh fruits and veggies for your potato chips and sugary snacks. Try swapping out different exercises as well to avoid getting into a rut or suffering from an overuse injury. Doing the same physical activities day after day can become boring, so try mixing up your workouts to keep things interesting and fresh.
6. Smile: Stay positive! Every day you should wake up feeling renewed and confident in yourself. Just because you may not have achieved your weight loss goal yet, doesn't mean that it is impossible. Having a positive attitude and pleasant demeanor can go a long way to help increase your motivation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9334776

vendredi 26 février 2016

These 8 Types of Foods Make You Fat and Gain Weight

Let us discuss about the foods that help you in gaining fat and weight. There are many foods which you think are healthy, but make you fat in the long run. Some of the facts may surprise you and you will be shocked how you have been thinking about these foods. Let us discuss one by one.
#1. Fat Free - Fat Free Rice Cakes, Low fat biscuits, calories counted ready meals
This food contains starch with zero fibre. Starch is finally converted into sugar in our body. Our body produces insulin to control sugar. Insulin production helps in storing fat, increasing hunger and craving. So this cycle keeps repeating and we gain weight.
Eating high starch grain based diet will make you fatigue, depressed, constipated, malnourished, irritable and vulnerable to chronic illnesses like high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes.
Food companies market them as healthy food, but in reality they are helping you in gaining fat and weight, so avoid them as much as possible.
#2. Slim Fast Shakes
Most of these shakes are made up of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, enriched flours. The corn syrup is a grain, not a vegetable. It is an anti nutrient, contains omega-6 fats which are inflammatory and blood sugar disruptive. In flour enriched products, only two or three nutrients are added back after removing 15 nutrients. These products are left which nothing as nutrients.
#3. Sugar free - Sugar Free Ice Cream, Sugar Free Snacks and Desserts
Sugar free products are loaded with artificial sweeteners. These sweeteners will make you gain weight as they trick your mind and body. They do not feed your body anything what it actually needs. This will produce vicious cycle of craving, eating, eating more artificial sweeteners and more craving. As a result of this, you will gain weight in long turn.
If you really care about your health then keep away from highly toxic aspartame (NutraSweet) and other sweeteners such as sucralose (Splenda), saccharin (Sweet-n-Low), and acesulfame-k.
#4. Protein and Energy bars - Soy protein energy bars, Tofu, Soy milk
Protein and Energy bars are basically soy protein isolates. So protein isolates create deficiencies of vitamin E, D, B12, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc. Zinc is necessary for a strong immune system and also plays important role in intelligence and behavior because it is needed for optimal development and functioning of nerve and brain system. It also helps in controlling blood sugar level and it is required for healthy reproductive systems.
So do not consume higher doses of Protein energy bars and tofu products.
#5. Diet Soda
Diet Soda contains artificial sweeteners which are not healthy at all. Sweeteners like NutraSweet and Splenda do more harm than good to our body. They raise insulin in our body and store fat. So avoid them all.
#6. Refined vegetable oils - canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, and safflower oil
We have been told to avoid fats. But it's not the case. There are two types of fats, good fats and bad fats.
Bad fats are trans fat and vegetables fats. This is contrary to belief that cholesterol and saturated are bad fats. But in reality they are good fats which are required by our body to function properly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9328457

jeudi 25 février 2016

Painless Ways Of Losing Weight

If you are desperate to lose those excess pounds, know that there are painless ways for losing weight. Though eating healthier and adhering to an exercise regimen will take some work, it won't really require heroic effort. All you need to do is to make simple lifestyle changes.
How To Lose Weight
Add foods to your diet rather than subtracting them - You must add healthy goodies that you really love such as juicy grapes, cherries, or snow peas. Consider slipping those favourite fruits into your bag and add the veggies into stews, sauces, and soups.
Forget working out - If "exercise" will inspire you to creative avoidance, experts recommend avoiding it. Maybe the trick for you to enjoy a workout is to never call it working out. So burn some calories and invigorate muscles by riding bikes, hiking, beachcombing, grass skiing, and washing the car.
Walk - If the weather is nice, a super-easy way of staying fit is to walk. It would be wise for you to get out of your office and enjoy walking meetings. Also, take the stairs whenever you have the chance. Experts say that walking for at least 30-minutes a day is a good start.
Switch to lower-calorie versions of the food you love - While you are trimming fat calories, boost your fiber intake since this will help you feel satisfied longer. Adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough can be a smart option.
Hydration helps - Keeping your body refreshed with lots of water might likewise help your workout. Most people say that they can exercise more and much longer if they are hydrated.
Tune in - Practice some stress-relieving cardio boxing whenever possible. Also, try dancing to the music you love. When watching your favourite show, pedal your stationary bike or walk the treadmill during commercials. It would also be a wise idea for you to put in high-energy exercise videos and be motivated by it. Well, it would not actually matter what you do as long as you are up and active.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9330467

mercredi 24 février 2016

Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Weight Loss Program?

Today, I am going to point out a few common mistakes we make in our weight loss efforts. We put hard efforts, but do not understand where we are going wrong. Most of us have faced these challenges at some point of time. Take one mistake at a time and improve upon it.
#1. Not drinking enough water? It is a must for fat loss!
I figured out that drinking water is really challenging. We have to at least drink 3-4 liters of water each day during our fat loss regime. It is required for proper functioning of our liver. You could suffer from headache if you do not drink enough water. So make extra efforts to drink more water during fat loss days. Simple method can be to buy a one liter water bottle and drink four bottles each day.
#2. Not eating enough protein? Have at least 20-30 grams per meal.
Protein is critical for fat loss. It is the building block of muscles. Eat at least 30 grams in breakfast and more than 20 grams in lunch and dinner. It will control your food craving and provide necessary energy for that day. For first few days you will feel like you are overfeeding but you will be comfortable after a few days. 2-3 whole eggs or chicken or 30 grams of protein shake with milk can do the trick.
#3. Not eating within one hour of waking.
Not eating within one hour of waking up from bed can affect your fat loss program. Skipping breakfast is also closely related to over eating later in the day. Even if you do not feel hungry in the morning, have a little breakfast with milk shake. So make special efforts to eat in the morning.
#4. Overeating fast food, nuts, peanuts, etc.
Fast food can kill your fat loss efforts and it is really challenging to avoid them or stop them. So eat foods which are rich in protein, legumes and fiber. Also do not over eat nuts and peanuts. Once we start eating nuts, we do not stop eating them. They are addictive and tasty. You can have fast food on cheat days. So whenever you get a feeling of eating some fast food, make a note of it and eat on cheat days after exercise.
#5. Overeating sugar-free or low-fat foods.
When we are on a fat loss program, we tend to consume foods which say sugar-free or low-fat foods. They do not help in losing fat but help in gaining fat because these foods contain artificial sweeteners which increase your food craving and you tend to eat more.
#6. Hitting the gym too often.
When you are on a fat loss mission, focus more on your eating habits. Spending more time in the gym can reverse the focus because you tend to eat and drink more. So, do high intensity training 2-3 times a week, not more than that.
#7. Skipping the breakfast.
People who skip their breakfast tend to become fat. Because when you do not eat in the morning, your sugar level goes below required and you binge more during the day. So your pancreas has to produce more insulin. This can lead to type 2 diabetes in the long run. So have a protein rich breakfast and enjoy it, you will be more energetic to lose fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9305967

mardi 23 février 2016

Targeting Rapid Fat Loss

Your body needs to be able to function and when you cut your caloric intake below 1000, your body will begin to suffer. The more muscles you pack on, the more body fat you will burn because the calories you have eaten will be burned for energy by your muscles. In order to burn calories from your stored fat, your body requires the presence of oxygen. During aerobic exercise, your body goes through several stages before it reaches the point where you are burning fat.
Unprocessed foods are simply better for your metabolism and make it easier for your body to maintain a faster metabolism. A healthy body will be able to easily absorb the key nutrients in whole foods, eliminate waste effectively, and have the necessary energy to exercise on a regular basis. Plenty of foods can alter your mood for the worse, particularly if you eat them in large portions. You do not have to drastically cut down on calories or reduce the intake of carbs to a low level.
Your metabolic rate has always been, and will always be, a result of a combination of your activity levels, caloric intake, and the types of foods that you consume. When you eat small amounts often your body is constantly working to digest and absorb food which requires energy. Regular exercising can be quite the challenging activity if you do not know where to begin or how to perform the exercises properly. Numerous studies have shown you will burn more calories and more fat if you train in intervals.
Seated cable rows are a great way to work the back muscles. For the most efficient workout possible, try to have most or all of your exercises pre-set and ready to go. The squat jump is an effective exercise for developing the quads and glutes, and is carried out by performing a squat and forcefully jumping up, landing back in a squat. Your toes should slightly be pointing outward, while your feet should be at shoulder-width distance. The straight leg deadlift is an excellent exercise for strengthening the hamstrings and lower back. The alternating superman is an effective exercise for developing the core and lower back, and is performed by lying prone, lifting the legs, arms, and head and holding it.
Good health and a fit body are within your reach with a personal trainer to help you stay fit and give you one-on-one instructions to help you reach any fitness goals. You can also try certain diets that incorporate tested and proven principles in fitness and weight loss, putting them into an orderly program that melts away body fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9318752

lundi 22 février 2016

27 Uncommon Ways To Lose Belly Fat Faster

Today I am sharing with you some uncommon fat burning tricks. Apply them and you can get faster results and enjoy your journey to a healthy life.
#1. Have breakfast within half an hour of waking up in the morning.
If you do not have a habit of eating in the morning or when you wake up, then try to develop it. Eating within half an hour of waking up, starts your fat loss. Make your breakfast protein rich and avoid skipping breakfast. People who skip breakfast attract many health issues like obesity, heart problems, etc.
#2. Consume snacks that contain healthy fats.
It's a general notion that fat is not good for our body, so we should avoid it totally but that is not true. There are healthy fats which are required by our body to develop strong cell structure. Healthy fats control your appetite and help in fat loss. Some examples are coconut oil, coconut cream, almonds, pecans, walnuts, super dark chocolate, avocados, whole eggs, etc.
#3. Avoid sugar free and low fat products.
When you are on a fat loss regime, you try to grab things with the labels "Sugar Free" or "Low Fat". These help in gaining weight because they do not provide the necessary nutrients which are required by our body. Sugar free items contain artificial sweeteners which are more dangerous for our digestive system. Also, these make fat loss harder because you tend to eat more carbohydrates and sugar rich foods. These labels are only for marketing the products.
#4. Increase your protein intake.
Protein intake is crucial for fat loss, so you have to be very careful about your protein intake. Make sure you have 20-30 grams of protein per meal.
#5. Use Alpha-Lipoic Acid (100-300 mg) before each meal.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a potent antioxidant and a free radical scavenger that has been proven to regenerate vitamin C and Vitamin E. ALA helps you store the carbohydrates you eat in the muscles or in your liver as opposed to fat.
So make your fat loss faster with ALA.
#6. Use Policosanol (20-25 mg) before bed.
Policosanol, an extract of plant waxes, often sugar cane. It is used to increase the amount of HDL cholesterol and decrease the LDL cholesterol. Tim Ferris experimented with it for fat loss and it helps in burning fat faster.
#7. Use Garlic Extract before each meal.
Use Garlic extract (200 mg) before each meal. It is used to control cholesterol and is found to be very effective in fat loss. It can also be used in salad dressing. Cook often with garlic. It has many health benefits.
#8. Chew your food at least 12-15 times before swallowing.
Do not eat in a hurry. Chew your food for at least 12- 15 times so that it is properly diluted and easily digested. Spend time enjoying your food for at least 30 minutes and chew more, which helps in fat loss. Do not eat for the sake of eating. Enjoy your meal.
#9. Limit your fruit intake to one piece a day for fat loss.
You may ask why is there a restriction on fruits? We need all the nutrients for a balanced diet. But fruits are directly converted into glucose and stored as fat. So when you are on fat loss, say no to fruit juice and try it eat one piece of whole fruit per day.
#10. Drink lemon water before each meal.
Drink lemon water before or with each meal as lemon is a good antioxidant. Make it a habit so that it helps in keeping you healthy.
#11. Drink green tea 2-3 times a day with lemon.
Green tea helps in fat loss. Drink it 2-3 times a day with lemon. It will energize you and it also acts as a good antioxidant.
It aids the digestive system and reduces cancer risks. Drinking green tea during work outs greatly help in fat loss.
#12. Drink iced water 2-3 times a day.
When you drink cold water, your body has to burn extra calories to heat up the water which burns fat significantly. So in a day try to drink 2-3 glasses of iced water.
#13. Drink at least 8 glasses of water for fat loss.
If you are not drinking sufficient water then you will fail in your fat loss efforts because our body needs a lot of water to cleanse itself and for optimum functioning of liver. Make extra efforts to drink water. If you do not drink enough water, you might also suffer from constant headache.
#14. Try various frequency, duration and intensity levels of workout in order to keep getting results.
There is no fixed method for exercising. Try different exercises with different frequencies and intensities. Change your duration weekly. When you do short exercises like 10 minutes a day, try to make it intense.
#15. Perform Yoga for fat loss.
Become a yogi as doing yoga gives so many benefits in the long run. It is a great way to lose fat and reduce stress. By holding poses for certain time periods, you also improve concentration.
#16. Increase the time in downward exercise.
When we perform exercises, we put more power in forward motion and quickly do the downward motion. Try to perform the downward exercise for longer duration so that you spend more energy.
#17. Play competitive sports.
This is a great way to lose fat. By challenging yourself, you achieve more. Sports are a great way to get into a desired shape and it's much more fun to workout with someone else in a competitive atmosphere.
#18. Measure your weight daily.
Step on to the weighing machine daily so that you can see the changes and get excited about results. Do not get discouraged when there is no weight loss in a day or two. It's perfectly alright. You must be having some other changes. Doing so you can design your program or become serious for the coming day. You will get conscious and start getting good results.
#19. Have your body fat percentage measured weekly.
Measure your body fat percentage every week. There are many devices which can measure belly fat in 2-3 seconds like Karada Scan from Omron. You can use your preferred device but keep track of your fat. There are many types of fat in our body, keep eye on belly fat, fat surrounding our heart, etc.
#20. Use Neuro Associative Conditioning.
You can reprogram your brain by this trick. When you have a bad feeling like skipping your workout schedule or want to eat unhealthy foods, then pull out the picture of some obese person or your photo when you were obese. Next look at the picture of your hero or someone you admire for fitness. Keep those photos in your mobile or in your pocket.
#21. Chew gums between meals.
This trick is not healthy for long term but helps in fat loss. When you get very hungry and have no control then chew gum so that you get a feeling of fullness and do not eat. Do not get addicted with this type of habit.
#22. Find an exercise buddy.
Find out someone who wants to lose fat like you. Share your methods of doing exercise, diet methods or what you are doing to get best results with each other. Make it a healthy competition to lose fat faster.
#23. Practice positive self affirmation.
Self affirmation works. Stand in front of a mirror at home or the gym and say "You are going to be strong today", "You are going to have the desired body whatever it takes" and you will start seeing results.
#24. Hang with the friends who are health and fitness conscious.
You are the average of 5 people you hang around with. So reduce your time with the people who are not healthy even though they are your good friends. Make it a habit to hang around people who are more health conscious.
Burn Fat even faster
#25. Use ginger for cleaning your stomach.
Ginger has many health benefits and is a powerful antioxidant. It can help in improving your digestion and soothe your stomach. Few unique compounds in ginger can help prevent your body from forming new fat cells. So include ginger in every meal you eat.
#26. Exercise for 60-90 seconds before a big meal to send calories to muscles cells instead of fat cells.
Before eating, make it a habit of doing 60-90 seconds of intense exercise so that whatever you eat, it goes to your cell development and is not stored as fat. These types of muscle contractions really help in fat loss.
#27. Cinnamon for blood sugar control.
Cinnamon is great for controlling the glucose level in your body. So add this spice in your meals or have it with your green tea or any other drink you like. It will do wonders.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9307797

dimanche 21 février 2016

Ridiculous Ways to Battle Belly Fat Without Dieting

s it possible to battle belly fat without dieting? Gain insights on how to shed unwanted pounds around the midsection without a trendy diet.
You know how it is when you are trying a new diet and you feel so depressed because you have to change a ton of things, cook different recipes, and experience hunger? Diets have a way of changing your normal routine. This makes it difficult to want to continue it for very long. Sometimes they make you physically feel yucky as you have to eat differently.
You can accomplish your weight loss goals without the extreme ways of dieting. In fact, it is better to learn how to do it on your own so you can continue healthy habits for a lifetime. Stopping bad habits and acquiring a fresh a start with new habits is a way of working with your personal routine to establish a healthy lifestyle.
As I focused on eating more healthy, I was able to add healthy eating habits one by one into my daily schedule without upsetting anything or anyone. I just started one step at a time and soon I had created good habits that not only helped me flatten my belly but also maintain it.
Ways to Battle Belly Fat Without Dieting
Gut health. It is important to make sure your digestion and gut health are working properly so that you can speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat burning machine. To help with gut health, take a probiotic vitamin everyday. This will help to lose a bloated belly and indigestion.
Cleansing. Drink lemon water to help detoxify your colon and clean out sludge. Lemon also helps to balance the body's pH levels to aid in digestion.
Lower Stress. Stress is a huge contributor to belly fat. There is a hormone that is released when stress is high. This hormone is like food for fat cells. Use relaxation techniques to combat stress.
Exercise. Of course I am going to mention this one, but not for the reasons you may think. Exercise reduces stress and also releases a feel good hormone that will help you have energy and lower stress levels.
These are a few of the ways you can begin your journey to lose those extra pounds on the stomach. They were game changers for me to start seeing results much faster than I did in the past.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9325919

samedi 20 février 2016

The Reasons for Variation in Weight Loss Among Different People

Foods have varying impacts on different persons. We can eat the same food, similar quantities and of the same quality but research has it that the amount of weight we will be gaining from the foods will be absolutely different.
Once carbs, for example, are induced into our systems, they are broken down into simple sugars and released into our blood stream. Rate and time taken for these activities vary from person to person. The main reason; however, as to why people gain weight, is simply because they are burning less than what they are taking, hence the body converts and reserve the excess as fat stores.
We tend to take more calories than what our bodies can successfully burn resulting in our enormous weight gains.
Moreover, weight gain can also be a result of an underlying health complication such as the ones below:
Underactive Thyroid - The thyroid gland is responsible for the production and regulation of the thyroid hormones. These are enzymatic catalysts that control the body's metabolism. These hormones speed up the metabolic activities that require energy, hence ensuring an active being. When the body is deprived of these hormones, metabolism declines causing reduced activity and low ATP energy use. This allows the body to store the excess carbs in form of fats.
Diabetes - Failure of the pancreas in production of adequate insulin is what is termed as diabetic. Insulin is the hormone responsible for allowing glucose from the bloodstream to diffuse through the body cells, tissues and organs for energy production hence its absence results in too much sugar in your blood stream. Treatment of diabetics is by directly injecting insulin into the patient's system to counteract the deficit.
However the insulin injected may result into weight gaining scaling. This happens when the patient's diet does not merge the insulin in his/her system. Meaning she/he is taking more than what the body burns.
Aging - Metabolism gradually slows with age. Once old age creeps in, we tend to be less active. During this time, we tend to lose much of our muscles. Muscles are the main sites of calorie burning. When we lose muscles, we are restricted to a reduced calorie burning. Suppose your diet doesn't change, you are eating the same and drinking at the same level that you were used to when you were little younger. This will mean your body is storing the unutilized calories and hence weight gain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9326639

vendredi 19 février 2016

5 Worst Foods For Weight Loss

Is learning about the worst foods for weight loss effective in losing weight? Take the easy road and learn what food you should avoid to achieve weight loss success.
Do you recall the feeling of making a mistake and then having to admit it and say you were sorry? That is not a good feeling. It is one we all try to avoid, but one that we have all experienced. We are human right? It is similar to realizing you may have been eating the wrong foods that you didn't know were halting your progress to shed unwanted pounds.
We are always looking for good things to add to our lives, so it is also good to learn what you should shy away from. Learning about the kind of foods you should stay away from is another step closer to your goals. It gives you an advantage so that you have one more path without resistance.
When I was on my weight loss journey, I knew what foods to avoid, but I mostly focused on what I should eat. Once I knew what to avoid, I didn't worry about it anymore. I just thought about the type of food that would be the best to prepare and eat. Not worrying about the bad food, I was able to reach and surpass my goal.
5 Worst Foods For Weight Loss
Bagel. A bagel is a large amount of wheat, gluten and other things we can't pronounce to eat for one meal. Bagels are too large in size for what you body can digest quickly. The bagels that are made with enriched flour is a double whammy. Enriched flour breaks down into sugar which is food for fat cells.
Soda. Soda is full of sugar. Sugar is food for fat cell growth. Artificial sweeteners are not any better. They can inhibit proper digestion. The carbonation in soda causes bloating and indigestion.
Butter. Butter is very fattening with a high fat calorie count. Butter contains trans-fats and is not good for your overall health. Don't add it to your food. Use olive oil or canola oil instead.
White rice. White rice is usually eaten in large amounts. The proper amount for good digestion and fat burning would be about a ¼ of a cup. White rice, like the bagel, is converted into sugar. Choose brown rice instead.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9325922

jeudi 18 février 2016

8 Diet Habits That Will Trim Your Waistline

People all but tell you what a fat slob you are and that you need to thin down a lot. They also give you unasked for advice on what to eat and what to avoid eating, how much to exercise and when. But there are times when despite all your best and honest efforts, things just don't work for you. At such times, ditch all the advice and try some of these diet habits that could turn the tide for you:
Have your ears acupunctured: You probably never imagined that you would have your ears needled, but if you knew that it could curb your appetite, you might give it some serious thought. According to research, there are five points on the ears that are related to digestion and hunger. When these points are acupunctured, people lose weight. Worth a try, don't you think?
Maintain a food diary: This one always works for dieters. By tracking all that you ate in a day prevents you from doing it again. But now, research proves that you could take a photo of the food you want to eat rather than write it in a diary because this gives you the option of changing your food choice for a healthy one.
Drink plenty of water: Here's another of the many diet habits that can trim your waistline. If you drink cold water, your metabolism can get a boost since your body must now work harder to warm the cold water, so you will lose more calories. Drinking water from time to time also gives you a feeling of fullness and keeps you from snacking. It also keeps you hydrated before you begin to work out and helps release hormones that build muscles.
Stop sitting, stand up: Everyone knows that sitting for long makes you add weight. So, instead of this, get to your feet every now and then by responding to calls, working on your laptop while standing and speaking to your colleagues while standing. You can also do some exercises while standing and contribute to some weight loss.
Are you getting enough sleep? One of the keys to weight loss is getting adequate sleep. You tend to put on weight when you don't sleep enough which makes you eat more than you should. This happens because your body metabolism doesn't function well in the absence of adequate amount of sleep, hence you tend to reach out to foods you shouldn't be eating and put on weight.
Eat at the same time each day: You should schedule your meal times so that you eat between 8 am and 8 pm each day. If you do this, you can lose significant amounts of weight, something enabled by the rhythm of the body's natural digestive system that reaches its peak during the day and ebbs at night.
Keep a straight posture: If you sit and stand straight and pay keen interest to your posture, not only will your figure look good but you will automatically make your stomach muscles tone up.This, in turn, will prevent you from eating unnecessarily and pile on the kilos.
Hang out with positive people: If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you need to be in the midst of positive-minded people. A healthy support group of friends will help you reach your goal faster and you will begin to make healthy lifestyle choices that contribute to further weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9319265

mercredi 17 février 2016

Exercise and Weight Loss Go Hand in Hand - Some Useful Tips

It is a fact that exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. You can't expect to lose weight just by dieting; you need to do some exercise to complement your diet. It's also not feasible to just exercise and not eat healthy as though you may be obese, your body needs nutrition to safely and effectively lose weight. So as the way you shape your life determines how you shape your body, here are some tips to keep your body moving.
Yoga helps
Yoga. Though it's such an old form of exercise, no other form of exercise has so much popularity and acclaim as yoga. It not only benefits the entire body, it's cheap to do as all you need is some space and at the most a yoga mat, it's portable as you can do your yoga anywhere and it's really effective in helping with weight loss and getting you back in shape.
The plus point of yoga is that it creates a strong mind-body connection wherein you know when you are full. This encourages mindful eating which helps keep you fit and healthy and at least maintain weight if not lose it!
Lifting weights help
All it takes are a few quick and easy exercises to burn a few calories every day. This means you just have to walk a mile in 20 minutes or do about half an hour of house cleaning to burn calories. While there's nothing wrong about exercising in the evening, it's better if you exercise in the morning. This is because research has proven that morning exercise improves your quality of sleep at night, which in turn promotes weight loss.
The best way to lose body fat is by lifting weights as it not only burns body fat, but also helps build lean muscles and effectively reduces belly fat. You need to improve your body's muscle mass to increases your body metabolism.
Learn to eat right
Besides exercise, it's necessary to learn to eat cautiously. This means you need to start eating before you start feeling hungry, and stop eating before you feel full. This is important as if you starve yourself, you end up eating more than you should, and this only spells disaster.
So now you know why people who starve themselves saying they are 'dieting' usually end up gaining more weight instead of losing it! Moreover, you need to eat slowly and end your meal before you burp in satisfaction. You will be just fine if you drink a glass of water after that.
Be positive
Last, but not least, while exercise and weight loss do go hand in hand, it's also important that you maintain a positive attitude all the time. If you have a habit of telling yourself that you are healthy and active, it creates a dramatic impact on your mind and consequently on your life.
Your body responds well to this positivity and in return, helps you with your weight loss endeavors. If you don't believe that you can lose weight, you develop a negative mindset which in turn hampers all your dieting and exercise efforts!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9321875

mardi 16 février 2016

How To Lose Your Weight Quickly

Please note, these useful tips can make you more hungry and if you have no power of control then you might give up with these. So, make you mind first and then go with this simple plan.

  • Step 1: Cut sugar and starch from your food
    You might hear about insulin which acts as the significant fat storage hormone present in our body. So, first of all you should cut down insulin from your body as much as you can. These foods play an important role in stimulating the insulin in your body. Decreasing insulin also provides another advantages to your body. For example, lowering insulin makes your kidney to excess more water and sodium from your body which results to reduce unnecessary weight of water from your body.

  • Step 2 - Eat vegetables and proteins
    Before eating something, make sure that your meal contains vegetables, proteins and fat source. Eat fresh green vegetables as much as you can. It is not a bad habit to load your plate with vegetables having low carb. Don't be afraid to eat meat and vegetables having all vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibre that your body really needs to make you healthy and fit. You can add two to three meals in a day. If you feel more hunger, you can add fourth meal also in your diet but make sure to eat healthy food.
    Several delicious foods full of proteins include:
    Eggs - Enriched with omega-3
    Meat - Lamb, chicken, beef etc
    Fish - Salmon, lobsters and trout
    Healthy vegetables include:
    Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Celery, Cucumber, Spinach, Swiss Chard
    Fat sources include:
    Butter, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Tallow, Avocado oil and many others.

  • Step 3 - Try to lift weight daily
    Go to the gym, do yourself warm, lift up weights and then stretch. If you have never visited gym in your life, you can also ask a trainer to give you advice. You will be able to burn calories by lifting weights. Moreover, this will restrict metabolism of your body from slowing down.You should be strong in this battle and don't give up soon. You should keep in mind that you are not alone trying to lose your weight. Most of women all around the world are suffering from this problem.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9315917

lundi 15 février 2016

The Challenge in Losing Weight

One of the major challenges of people who would want to lose weight is how to start to lose weight. Why is this so? I personally know how hard this is because ever since I was young, I never bothered about my figure or how I look. Even when I started to fall in love, court women, I never saw the need and its importance in order for me to be able to get that sweet YES of the woman I fell in love with. I always told myself that if a person loves me, they would accept me no matter what I look or how I may appear.
It took me a while before I came to realize that there is a difference and a big difference at such between people who go and exercise and people who do not at all bother to keep their body fit and healthy. I have realized when I attended the Kerygma Conference last November 2010 that you have to love yourself and exercising is one manifestation of loving yourself.
I got blown away by this particular teaching that I thought loving myself means eating what I want, and doing what I want. Eventually, I found this line of thought wrong. So I told myself I would start to love myself and start losing weight.
Another critical event in my life is when one of my former colleagues told me that women would not like me because of my appearance and that if I wanted to get into relationships that are lasting, the only way to do it is to lose weight and become slim.
So what are the challenges that I have encountered in my journey to lose weight? I bet that most people have experienced the same and among of the struggles / challenges are the following:

  • The motivation in losing weight
  • The reason to lose weight
  • The determination to lose weight

In everything that we do, we would always have that motivation that would fire up and fuel what we are doing. When we are eager to get slim, the first thing that we have to do is to have that motivation to do it. It is not easy as I have met several people who would always put losing weight as part of their New Year's Resolution but then, it has been a part of their yearly list but it has never come into reality. Eventually, they find themselves putting it in their list again the succeeding year.
People often say that any task that you would want to accomplish must have sufficient reason or what others would call value in order for you to be able to fulfill it. One must see the value of why they need to do this. I myself admit that the first time I tried this, I never saw the value in it but simply to be able to court women and have a girlfriend that would love me entirely and not be disgusted or ashamed of how I look. But then, I found myself doing it for the wrong reasons. Now, there is this one specific reason for me to do this and this has added value to what I am doing... LOVE OF SELF. Since I love myself, I would need to take care of my body. Taking care of my body means I would need to ensure that my body is healthy and face it, I am not growing any younger. As I come of age, I get prone to more health risks and I could not endure imagining myself with heart disease or even as a person that had a stroke and half of my body is paralyzed. I could not bear that thought, and that struggle that I saw when I was taking care of my grandmother who got paralyzed because of stroke

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9288272

dimanche 14 février 2016

Top 5 Ways To Lose Weight Safely And For Good

The basic formula to lose weight safely and for good is to decrease the amount of calories that you eat each day and increase how often you exercise. Beware of 'crash diets' that promise to help you shed unwanted pounds in super quick time. These diets are generally too restrictive on certain food types which is not healthy and you'll usually end up putting back on any weight you lost when you stop the diet.
Here are 5 ways to lose weight safely and for good.
1. Cut Back On Unnecessary Calories
Limit the amount of unnecessary calories you eat (eg, starches, sugar, etc.), and eat fewer foods with a high glycemic index. These are foods that quickly raise your blood sugar levels rise after being eaten (eg, white bread, short grain white rice, pies, cakes, pastries).
2. Watch Out For Alcohol
You won't lose weight very easily if you drink too much alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol not only has a negative affect on your waistline but also your skin, liver and brain. Alcohol is very high in calories and a night out boozing can add up to a lot of consumed calories. Alcohol also makes you feel hungrier so you eat more.
3. Drink More Water
It's essential that you keep up your water intake. In addition to helping keep your organs in good working order, you will literally be flushing out the fat that's been hanging on to your body for so long.
4. Exercise Doesn't Have To Be Horrid
There are many different exercises that you can do to lose weight. Exercise doesn't have to come in the form of a running machine or hours at the gym. Just making small changes can make all the difference. For example, use the stairs instead of the elevator,park your car farther away from your destination, or get off public transport one stop early. Try to get in 10,000 steps a day for maximum weight loss benefits.
5. Stay Positive And Allow Yourself An Occasional Treat
Your willpower can be enough by itself to keep you from overeating, and eating unhealthy foods. But there's nothing wrong in allowing yourself a treat every now and then. If you deny yourself all the foods you love, you'll never be able to maintain your diet. If you do eat a little too much one day or miss out on some exercise, don't beat yourself up about it or give up on your weight loss goals. Accept the set back and remain positive that you will, and can, lose fat quickly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9313178

samedi 13 février 2016

Disadvantages of Laxatives for Weight Loss

The National Institute of Health states that two-thirds of Adults are obese. People wake up everyday and consume a tremendous amount of calories but in this day and age people want to change. They strive to find that perfect physique that is shown on television everyday. So they go to the extremes of using various products to succeed in the progress of shedding pounds. A product in particular people are now having discussions about is laxatives. Laxatives for weight loss have become a hot topic. In the article we will discuss the disadvantages of laxatives for weight loss.
What are laxatives?
Laxatives are medicine that is used to help relieve constipation. If people have a hard time with their bowel movements they use laxatives to expedite the process. With that being said people try to minimize the calories their body absorb by speeding up the digestive process. The truth is people are not just minimizing the calories but they are minimizing the vitamins, nutrients, and much more. So is it really worth disrupting the chemistry of your body to lose weight? What happen to the convention way of losing weight?
Disadvantages of Laxatives for Weight Reduction
The use of laxatives needs to be discussed more often to help people understand the various disadvantages of the medicine. Here are some we will discuss:
- Stomach Pain. People have reported all over that you frequently have stomach pains as a side effect of taking laxatives to often. No pain no gain right? Well not in this aspect the pain you are suffering is not a good pain leading to a good outcome.
- Dehydration. Dehydration is a serious issue and can become out-right dangerous. The body will not function properly if you do not replenish the correct amount of water. You can forget about losing weight because when your body is dehydrated your metabolism slows down. Once your metabolism slows down you will in turn gain weight versus lose it.
- Nausea/Vomiting. This is not surprising with the disruption of the body chemistry. One way the medicine works is by drawing water into colon helping the stool to pass through and the side effect may be nausea/vomiting.
- Serve Diarrhea. Diarrhea is the leading cause of dehydration.
- Confusion. Confusion is caused from the low potassium levels you obtain from taking the medicine.
- Weakness. The lack of nutrition from the frequent use of the medicine causes you to feel weak. The body needs a certain amount of nutrients to function properly.
There are many other disadvantages that come with taking laxatives that will take us all day to discuss but we get the point.
Weight control is an everyday battle. We have to monitor are calorie intake and exercise. If you are determined to have that perfect physique then nothing will stand in way except yourself. We have to learn the necessary things to find out how our body works. Everyone's body work differently but you have to understand what it will take for you to gain weight when you want and to lose weight when you want. Once you figure out that formula then you can start to introduce products to perfect your physique only once you get to your goal weight of chose.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9305619

vendredi 12 février 2016

Tips to Stress Eating (+ Stress Busting Foods!)

Stress is one of the most common causes of overeating and weight gain.
Can you relate? Your day gets busy, life feels overwhelming, and you find yourself (without much thought) inhaling a sugary fatty "treat" because you think it's going to make you feel better - and it does for about a minute. Maybe you turn to junk food to "boost energy" or to help you deal with your feelings of anxiety, frustration, anger, or sadness. All the while you're gaining weight and feeling worse instead of better.
As much as you want to stop stress eating, it's hard to control because (ironically) it happens when you're stressed. It's not enough to just tell yourself not to do it. In fact, trying NOT to stress eat can actually intensify stress and make you want to eat more. It is possible however, to break the cycle of stress - stress eating - more stress with the right plan.
A plan to successfully control stress eating is not just about food. In fact, it doesn't start with food at all. A few non-food strategies and a bit of practice can make a huge difference. It takes persistence and creative ways to calm and successfully soothe yourself. The goal is to rewire your brain to identify certain non-eating behaviors as comforting, and to use those behaviors when things start to feel stressful. These three stress busting strategies can help you to calm down and take control.
STRESS BUSTING TIP 1: Be Aware and Take Care
Much of stress eating is so unconscious that it happens automatically and you may not even realize it. Before you can make changes in your behavior, you need to be aware of what you are doing. Keeping a journal can help. Write down where and when you stress eat. Was it during work or late at night when you are alone? Do you notice any patterns? Try to determine whether or not you were physically hungry. At first you may be journaling after the fact, but eventually you're awareness will increase and you will catch yourself before you stress eat. This is the goal; and then you can decide to NOT stress eat and do something else to cope.
If you remove stress eating from your life, you have to replace it with something. Write down a concrete list of all the healthy, non-food related activities that give you a quick pick-me-up on a tough day. Here a few simple examples.

  • Change your routine. Get a new mental and physical perspective -even if it's just for a few minutes. Leave the room. Sit in a different chair. If you have stress eating rituals like stopping in at Dunkin' Donuts on the drive home from work, shake things up and take a different route home. Avoid the familiar (and habit-filled) routine if you can.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9317207

jeudi 11 février 2016

Top 6 Tips on How to Lose Weight in a Week by Changing Your Food Habits

So you want to lose weight in a week, and you know you can do it only if you change your food habits. However it is important you know how to do this, and make the right changes. It is only if you know what changes to make will you find the answer to how to lose weight in a week.

  1. It is most elementary; you need to eat more of fruits and vegetables. They have an important role in weight management and health maintenance. In fact, it helps with weight loss if you eat foods low in energy density, with fewer calories per gram of food.

As fruits and vegetables contain lots of water and fiber in their natural state, they contain fewer calories and a lower energy density. Moreover, its increased water and fiber content make you feel full, which discourages you from overeating or bingeing on junk food.

  1. Sugar is a no-no while trying to lose weight. Studies have proven that consuming sweet beverages only leads to weight gain. In fact, it's stated that sugar can be worse than fat if its harmful health effects are considered.

  1. You love snacking, and if you learn how to snack healthily, you can continue snacking while trying to lose weight. Keep nutritious food around you, especially while stepping out of your home like fruits, granola bars or a packet of plain popcorn. They all contain fewer calories, and are better than the high-calorie snacks.

  1. Drink more soups as soup at the start of a meal helps curb your appetite so that you end up eating less. Moreover, soups are high in nutrition and low in calories; just what is needed for losing weight. The best soups to drink are vegetable-based soups, tomato soups without cream and soups of chicken or beef broth. They fill your stomach with fewer calories than creamy ones.

  1. Once you learn how to say no to crispy, cheesy and creamy things, you find part of the answer to how to lose weight in a week. Learn to avoid fried foods, high calorie snacks and sauces.

Use your creativity to avoid these unhealthy foods by skipping cheese in sandwiches, not adding butter of mayonnaise while cooking something at home and instead, adding pepper and lemon for zest. Not only are creamy and cheesy foods high in calories, they are also high sources of saturated fats.

  1. Eat more of whole grains as they slowly digest to make you feel full for a longer period of time. Studies have proven that women whose diets consisted more of whole grains were less likely to gain weight when compared to women who consumed less whole grains. Moreover, the inclusion of whole grains to your diet helps reduce abdominal fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9310715

mercredi 10 février 2016

Weight Loss:7 Powerful Tips That Will Help You Shed Excess Body Fat

The best way to get the sustainable weight loss results that you are looking for starts with proper nutrition. This includes getting enough macro nutrients and micro nutrients. Macro nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Micro nutrients include vitamins and minerals.
Tip 1: Stay Away From FAD Diets That Promote "Low Carbohydrates Or No Carbohydrates"
Carbohydrates are one of the three macro nutrients that our body needs. Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and fuel. Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen and used as energy. We get our carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. All carbohydrates are made up of sugar. The two main forms are of sugar are glucose and fructose. Fructose is the sugar that can be found in all fruits.
The two different types of carbohydrates are simple & complex. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly in the body. With simple sugars our blood sugar spikes very quickly at which point it crashes. Our energy levels will follow our blood sugar levels. In other words, it is best to stay away from simple carbohydrates; however, consuming good carbohydrates is essential to your health and weight loss success and you should consume carbohydrates with every meal.
Tip 2: Eat Low Glycemic Index & Low Glycemic Load Foods
The glycemic index is a way to measure how much a carbohydrate will cause a rise in blood sugar. Focus on eating low glycemic foods. Glycemic load is a new way to measure how much sugar is in the foods we consume. The following foods are low GI & low GL foods; (all Bran cereal, apples, carrots, kidney beans, red lentils & strawberries).
Carbohydrates like russet potatoes and corn flakes are high GI & GL foods that will cause weight gain as well as a sugar spike.
Tip 3: Avoid Pop And Artificial Sweeteners
There have been studies that show that consuming one can of pop per day will depress the immune system by as much as 80% for up to eight hours. People that drink one can of pop per day will be twice as likely to develop type two diabetes. Eating balanced meals and the correct sugars is the key to success.
Tip 4: Consume Protein With Each Meal
Proteins are the building blocks in our bodies. We need it for building muscles, energy, hormones, immune health and for every function in the body. Protein is not an ideal source of fuel because our protein is what is broken down for muscle development. We should eat protein every three to four hours to keep our blood sugar balanced. Carbohydrates are ideal for energy otherwise our bodies will break down our muscles in order to access the protein that they absorb.
Tip 5: Eat In Hormonal Balance
Every meal should contain a protein, carbohydrate and healthy fat. To learn how to eat in hormonal balance it is necessary to see a nutritionist or simply use the free health portal that I have provided for you, compliments of True Star Health.
Tip 6: Consume Two Whey Protein Shakes Per Day
People that consume two shakes per day containing whey protein will have lower levels of a hormone called "ghrelin", in their system. Low levels of ghrehlin tell the body that we are full and that it is not necessary to eat. High levels of ghrehlin do the opposite.
Tip 7: Consume Good Fats With Every Meal
Our body needs all three macro nutrients to function smoothly. Our brain is made up of 60% fat. Fat makes up the cell membranes to all of our cells. If you are not consuming enough fat or are consuming bad fats, you will compromise the integrity of your cells.
Monounsaturated fats will improve our cholesterol levels which can decrease our risk of heart disease. An example of good fats are avocados, olive oil and fish oils.
To summarize, all that you really need to do is to eat in hormonal balance, take high qualityprofessional natural supplements and exercise on a regular basis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7034229

mardi 9 février 2016

6 Ways To Lose Belly Fat And Keep Your Patience

Here are 6 ways to lose belly fat and keep you from frustration and giving up.
1. Recognize that It Won't Happen Instantly
Yes, you do want to lose belly fat as quickly as possible but it's not going to happen in a single day. Don't overdo it on the calorie counting and exercising at the beginning. For many people, it's a good idea to limit exercising to a few days per week if you haven't done much exercise in the past. If you are already active, don't up your exercise levels too much at the start and give your body a few weeks to get accustomed to the change in eating habits.
2. Eat Smaller Meals More Often
Eat smaller meals during the day to stop you feeling hungry all the time. If you do away with healthy snacks between meals, you're only going to make yourself hungrier at meal times, which causes you to eat a lot more than you really need.
3. Steer Clear Of Processed Foods
To lose belly fat, start scaling down on the amount of processed foods in your diet. Processed foods are those that come in packets, boxes and cartons and they usually contain a lot of hidden fats, sugars and salt.
4. Eat More Fruit And Vegetables
The best vegetables to help you lose belly fat are cruciferous vegetables. These include things like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, radishes and kale. These super veggies have nutrients that help to balance out elements that cause the body to deposit fat around your stomach. Fresh fruits such as grapes, cherries, berries, apples, mangoes and bananas are tasty options to have instead of high calorie desserts and cakes.
5. Develop Your Exercise Program
If you increase your level of physical activity even one notch, it can make a substantial difference and help you to lose belly fat more quickly. Look for places where you could add a little exercise to your daily activities such as always taking the stairs and walking more.
6. Check Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
The proven formula on how to lose belly fat is to do more exercise and burn more calories than you consume. Ge a Body Mass Index (BMI) chart and plot your fat level. It should be in the mid to low twenties if you want to experience optimum health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9313187

lundi 8 février 2016

How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively

Is it an uphill battle to try to lose weight effectively? It can be if you lose your focus.
You know that feeling of climbing a hill and you almost reach the top and can see your destination, but you still have quite a few more steps to go? You keep thinking that only a few more steps and you'll get there, but the very tip top requires you to keep going until you are almost to the point of going back down. If it was a big hill, you may have felt more tired towards the top, but you determined to make it to your ultimate destination, so you kept going.
This scenario is so much like creating success in weight loss. Just when you think you are getting there, there are still a few more steps you need to take.
How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively
What to do to get on track and stay there:
*Clear Path. Before you know what you need to do, you need to know where you are going. Write down specific goals for your fat reduction. They also need to be attainable and realistic. Read them everyday.
*Clear Vision. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals everyday. Imagine yourself eating healthy foods and feeling energized after.
*Stay Focused.Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, stay focused on that goal. Read articles or watch videos about shedding unwanted pounds. The trick is to keep it in the forefront of your mind all day everyday.
How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively
Weight Loss Tips:
*Drink water. Keep a water bottle handy and drink at least 5 or 6 a day. Water is perfect for keeping your energy up and your appetite down.
*Smaller portions. Think about portion size at every meal. A good rule of thumb is to eat more food at breakfast, a regular amount at lunch time, and a small toddler size amount at dinner. This will make your metabolism work for you instead of the other way around.
*Moderation in sweets. Save goodies and treats for the weekends only. Stay on track during the workweek. It's okay to reward yourself on the weekends for a job well done Monday through Friday.
Staying focused was a game changer for me to lose my belly fat. I planned every meal and stuck to the plan. If ever I lost focus I lost control.
You can do this and make it successful. Just keep it in your head daily and you will so create healthy habits to last a lifetime.
Want More On "Lose Weight Effectively"? CLICK LINK http://www.theamazingu.com and find out how you can Lose Belly Fat Fast with our FREE Report which will show you how to easily lose weight and keep it off. Don't miss out on our FREE Report, (limited quantities available)!
"If you've enjoyed this article, please be sure to forward it to a friend!"
Hi, I'm Shari Carter and I am a Cosmetologist as well as a Health and Wellness Advocate. I am passionate about helping people reach their health and weight loss goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9309606

dimanche 7 février 2016

How To Lose Weight For A Busy Person

Can learning how to lose weight for a busy person make you more stressed? Not if you can make this simple changes into habits that you will be able to do without thinking about it.
You know what it's like when you sit down for 5 minutes and all of the sudden feel tired? I joke with my hair clients that almost fall asleep in the chair during their shampoo. If they have been so busy that day, they just melt in the chair because they finally sat down and relaxed. The body just seems to let go and the energy runs out.
If you are a busy person, you know what I am talking about. No wonder it is difficult to learn how to lose weight for a busy person, because there is not enough time in the day, even for relaxing.
But, there is hope. Since you are so busy, you must be generally healthy and that is all you need to make some simple changes to your routine and make them a habit.
How To Lose Weight For A Busy Person
*Water bottle Relationship. If you don't have a good water bottle, get one. Fill it up and take it everywhere with you. You should be drinking 50-80 oz a day. Drinking a ton of water is what most people do that experience weight loss success. It helps you to have energy and suppress your appetite.
*Eat Less. Since you may not have much time to eat, eat less. Watch your portions during meals. Even if you are tempted, don't skip meals. Eat at least an apple or banana or something. Eat less carbohydrates and foods with sugar.
*Vitamins. Take 5 minutes and gulp down your vitamins. Good quality vitamins will help you to feel more energized and less stressed to tackle your day. They can also help to speed up your metabolism.
*Essential Oils. Using essential oils is the most convenient way I found to shed unwanted pounds for someone busy. I use the kind that you can take internally. It is so easy. I just drop a few drops into my water and drink it throughout the day. I feel energized, satisfied and happy. Cravings are thing of the past.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9309624

samedi 6 février 2016

How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively

Is it an uphill battle to try to lose weight effectively? It can be if you lose your focus.
You know that feeling of climbing a hill and you almost reach the top and can see your destination, but you still have quite a few more steps to go? You keep thinking that only a few more steps and you'll get there, but the very tip top requires you to keep going until you are almost to the point of going back down. If it was a big hill, you may have felt more tired towards the top, but you determined to make it to your ultimate destination, so you kept going.
This scenario is so much like creating success in weight loss. Just when you think you are getting there, there are still a few more steps you need to take.
How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively
What to do to get on track and stay there:
*Clear Path. Before you know what you need to do, you need to know where you are going. Write down specific goals for your fat reduction. They also need to be attainable and realistic. Read them everyday.
*Clear Vision. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goals everyday. Imagine yourself eating healthy foods and feeling energized after.
*Stay Focused.Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, stay focused on that goal. Read articles or watch videos about shedding unwanted pounds. The trick is to keep it in the forefront of your mind all day everyday.
How To Create Success And Lose Weight Effectively
Weight Loss Tips:
*Drink water. Keep a water bottle handy and drink at least 5 or 6 a day. Water is perfect for keeping your energy up and your appetite down.
*Smaller portions. Think about portion size at every meal. A good rule of thumb is to eat more food at breakfast, a regular amount at lunch time, and a small toddler size amount at dinner. This will make your metabolism work for you instead of the other way around.
*Moderation in sweets. Save goodies and treats for the weekends only. Stay on track during the workweek. It's okay to reward yourself on the weekends for a job well done Monday through Friday.
Staying focused was a game changer for me to lose my belly fat. I planned every meal and stuck to the plan. If ever I lost focus I lost control.
You can do this and make it successful. Just keep it in your head daily and you will so create healthy habits to last a lifetime.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9309606

vendredi 5 février 2016

Struggling With Weight Loss? Hypnotherapy May Be the Answer

Hypnotherapy for weight loss is a revolutionary new method that is helping people get the right mindset to finally see success. adding trance to your weight loss efforts can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer. Hypnosis has been around for centuries and is based around techniques that allow one to focus their attention into their efforts, basically.
Until recently, there's been no science based evidence to support the fact that hypnotherapy for weight loss actually works; but in a recent study those who took part in hypnotic study lost twice as much weight as those who did not! This is very promising evidence, but for some reason the method is still not widely accepted unless one actually knows someone that has had success.
Think about it, a full on mind and body approach could be the answer to help obese people get in control of eating habits. Here are some concepts that may sway one to make a decision regarding hypnotherapy for weight loss.
We Already Have It All
Hypnotherapists know that their clients already have everything necessary to succeed within themselves. The trick is to make them believe it too! Fad diets and pills aren't going to make it happen, that's for sure. When one finally trusts they have what it takes to succeed, they'll finally get on the wagon and never fall off. It will eventually become an automatic behaviour and balance will be found.
Using Imagination
Visualising victory is something even professional athletes do to prepare for the big game, and it works! Check into any famous athletes, routine and find things like meditation or quiet focus time. So too does hypnotherapy for weight loss work. If one takes the time to envision a day filled with healthy foods and exercise it is more likely to happen. Other methods include vision boards filled with healthy images or even an old picture of the person when they were in shape placed somewhere they will see it every day. These tricks can be taught with ease by a skilled hypnotherapist and help anyone see weight loss success.
Curbing Cravings
Commercials, magazines and other advertisements can put an image in one's head of that unhealthy cheeseburger they are craving, or giant ice cream sundae. The trick is to replace those images with one that will destroy them, like a heart symbolising health or a bikini. Whatever works to motivate you in replacement of those bad images is embedded in the brain to help the individual have the power to say, "No! This is going to make me feel sick."
Trying Various Methods
Many hypnotherapists will use a combination of hypnosis and CBT or cognitive-behavioural therapy. What this is, is a way to turn around bad thought processes and behaviours and make them good ones. It has proven to be a successful combo helping clients lose twice as much weight.
Keeping a Food Diary
In combination with the hypnotherapy for weight loss, keeping a food diary is an important step. Having what is eaten on a daily basis in front of them, they'll be able to see exactly where calories are coming from and possibly where they are going wrong so they can adjust it. Even if just done for a month or so it can raise one's awareness of what is going in their mouth daily.
Make Some Adjustments
Learning to swap out lower calorie or healthier options for one's favourites is another important step in the process. Adding this habit to the hypnotherapy for weight loss sessions will only help even more. One example is to swap a wheat tortilla for white bread slices, or whole fruit sorbet for ice cream.
The combination of all these habits will get anyone well on their way to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9310235

jeudi 4 février 2016

Do Diet Plans Really Produce Results?

There is no denial of the fact that obesity is in the air and at the same time we cannot deny that once the weight is gained, it's difficult to shed it off. People often wonder if the diet plans really work. And the answer is yes, diet plans operate results if you strictly stick to the plan. There are many people who have successfully lost weight by replacing the fat rich food with the healthy meals.
Chief Element of Diet plans
The main element of any diet plan is eating right and working out. Gaining weight or losing, is entirely the game of what you intake and how much you exercise. There are diet plans which suggest particular meals to be taken to lose pounds. These plans basically cover the important nutrients to be included in the diet to stay hale and hearty. No doubt, if you eat what you are suggested to, there will be weight loss for sure. Another important element that every diet includes is the consumption of fiber-rich food like fruits and raw vegetables.
Boost up Your Metabolism Level with Exercise
Almost every diet plan includes particular exercises to be performed while following the diet schedule. People often complain that exercises do not bring outputs. But, this statement is hard to be accepted. The reason behind can be the improper way of performing the exercises or irregular exercise plans. Workouts literally boost your metabolism level up and improve your digestion capacity which ultimately contributes in losing weight, if you are dedicated towards it.
Exercises not only help you lose weight but also elevate the presence of oxygen in your body, perk up the blood circulation in your system and bring a glow to the skin. Thus, the advantages of performing exercises are manifold.
Success Depends on the Authenticity of the Diet Plan
Of course, nobody takes the risk of updating the weight loss programs that are not tested. But, still, it's important to check if the meal plan you are following is genuine. If you are even one percent doubtful about the specific diet schedule, you are suggested to stop implementing on it. In addition to it, if you already have any health problem, consult your physician first and then only go along any weight loss chart.
As a result, there are fewer chances of the failure of any weight loss plan if it's genuine and tested. All you need to do is, follow it strictly and stay determined to it till you get the desired shape.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9304512

mercredi 3 février 2016

Best Diet Tips For rapid Weight Loss

It's that time of year. Many decide they want to start the new year off losing weight. These 5 best diet tips will help you stay with your plan. Whether you are just trying to drop those extra few pounds you put on during the holidays or you are looking to make a complete body transformation, write these 5 best diet tips down in your smartphone and read them daily for about a week until you have them locked into your memory bank. It is important - as this psychology of dieting report shows - to stay positive and keep on track with your tips.
I set this 5 best diet tips list up in the order I consider most important. You can decide which is most important for you, just use the list to help you stay on track.
Drink A Gallon Of Water Per Day
I realize this sounds like a lot but it really isn't that difficult. I count all liquids I drink, coffee, tea, OJ etc... First thing to get in the habit of doing is drink 16 oz of water as soon as you wake up. If your like me and like to have a cup of coffee (my case 2 cups) first thing in the morning then beg = fore you even leave for work you will have consumed 32 oz. Make sure when you are working out you drink a minimum of 20 oz of water. Anytime you drink anything during the day, keep track of how many ounces you consume. Try to stick to drinking mostly water. Avoid sodas and energy drinks full of sugar. You can mix in some flavored sparkling water and try mixing in some hot tea, you can add honey if you need flavor.
Eat Breakfast
No matter what, be sure you eat breakfast. If you think you don't have time in the morning then get up a half hour earlier. Make sure you are taking in at least 20 grams of protein as it will help keep you feeling full longer
Say No To Late Night Snacking
Over eating of unhealthy foods occurs most often after dinner. You finally relax in front of the TV, unwinding from the day and suddenly you find yourself hungry, mostly for junk food. This is when mindless eating occurs on chips or eating too much ice cream. When this urge occurs, you are probably dehydrated so drink some water. Plain water probably will not taste good so try making your own flavored water. You can also try brushing your teeth or getting up and walking around the room while still watching the TV.
Be Sure To Eat Your Favorite Foods
The worst thing you can do stop eating all the foods you love. I think this is the most important sentence in these 5 best diet tips. Even if your favorite foods are unhealthy, do not completely cut them out of your life. Instead, use portion control. Love ice cream, by the small 4 oz containers instead of the quart or half-gallon. Instead of chips, make some pop corn. There are lots of different ways to make popcorn taste great and it's a healthier snack then chips. Make sure you use portion control throughout the day, only taking in 300-500 calories per meal 4-5 times per day. Make breakfast your highest calorie meal of the day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9297426

mardi 2 février 2016

Weight Loss - How Stress Affects Your Mind, Body, and Food Intake

Nothing good ever comes from eating a meal when feeling stressed. Think about the physical state of your body while under stress. You are probably tense, with a knot in your stomach, and your mind on so many different topics you can't think straight. Now imagine how destructive it would be to add food to that equation. If your body is tense and clenched, it won't be relaxed and able to accept food in a healthy way.
Aside from physical discomfort, stress can cause many harmful side effects. Research shows stress can cause obesity and other weight-related conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes.
One harmful side effect presenting itself after a stressful event is when your body first releases a hormone suppressing your desire for any food intake. The purpose of this is to divert your body's attention away from food and to the more prioritising need to resolve the stressful situation: also known as "fight-or-flight." The next hormone release is the problem: several hours after this stressful event your body releases another hormone stimulating hunger.
Recognizing the difference between actual hunger and stress can be achieved through the practice of mindful eating. Before you make the decision to eat, think about your day and your current state of mind...

  • notice when you are feeling stressed and your brain feels scattered.

A good way to measure your level of stress is to clear your mind. If you can think clearly without distraction, then you are ready to begin building a connection with yourself, so your weight loss plans kick into gear.
Relaxation is a major factor when it comes to eating or overeating. When your mind and body are relaxed, you not only digest food more healthily you make better decisions about your food choices. Being at peace with yourself means treating others with kindness and living the way you want to be remembered by your family and friends.
If you are upset over how you handled a particular situation, you will not be at peace with yourself and, therefore, you will be not be satisfied with the food you chose to eat. There is nothing you can eat that will make you feel better about whatever is bothering you.
Connecting with nature doesn't always mean taking a walk through a forest. It can refer to the connection you have with food and how food either keeps you healthy or makes you overweight and unhealthy. If your feelings and actions are helping to make you sick, there is no amount of healthy food to help improve your overall health.
Remember to breathe slowly and deeply before starting to eat. A few deep breaths in and out to purge negative feelings and promote calmness before and while eating, will do wonders for your digestive system, overall health and weight loss plans.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9220172

lundi 1 février 2016

Losing Weight With the Help of Apple Cider Vinegar

In today's times, people who belong to the baby boomer generation are now already into their senior years. This aging baby boomer generation led to the increased awareness for health and fitness that people nowadays seek to improve their well-being through proper diet, maintaining a good weight and exercise. If you want to lose weight but do not have enough time or money to regularly go to the gym then you might want to try putting Apple Cider Vinegar in your diet.
Apple cider vinegar has been known to be an all-around natural remedy for both the prevention and treatment for a number of illnesses. It has also been used to aid people in losing weight because of its following properties:
Suppresses your appetite. The acetic acid or the vinegar component of apple cider vinegar will give you a feeling of fullness which will cause your appetite to be suppressed. The feeling of fullness can be directly attributed to the amount of apple cider vinegar consumed.
Stabilizes your blood sugar levels. This also helps in maintaining your blood sugar level. This will prevent your sugar level from increasing and decreasing rapidly which can cause you to want to eat more between meals.
Prevents fat accumulation. It contains a number of enzymes and natural acids that can speed up your metabolism. If your metabolic rate is increased, this means that you will burn your body fat faster and prevent any excess fat from accumulating.
Detoxifies the body. It has also been known to get rid of body toxins that affect the efficiency of the body in utilizing nutrients. The high fiber content of apple cider vinegar helps in absorbing the toxins. The high fiber content will also help you to have a regular bowel movement that can aid in maintaining or lowering your body weight.
When you are planning to incorporate this into your diet, you may want to do it gradually. You can start by adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water per day. As you get accustomed to its taste, you should increase the amount per serving of water and increase the frequency of drinking this with infused water on a daily basis. However, since apple cider vinegar is acidic, you should limit its concentration to about 2 tablespoons per glass of water since liquids with high acidity content can irritate your throat lining and cause damages to your teeth

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9303828