rapid weightloss

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

How I Lost 20 Pounds on a 2,500 Calorie Diet

Now in my recent studies, I discovered that this good and bad thing, well it just doesn't exist.
Also, I remembered somewhere in a book I read it was said, "As a man thinks so shall he be." Now that started me to thinking. I think that when a person hears a statement like that they go all the way left with it and try to get too complicated and analytical. So I took my studies a little further and there are at least a thousand people I found who are saying, "happy attracts happy and when we are happy we attract more of what we want."
OK, so now my brain at this point was burning. I read and kept reading. I listened and kept listening. It was amazing the information I was gathering.
"Change your thought changes your life." "Convince your subconscious and make it true."
The videos and books were saying the same thing the other guy said in his book, bottom line; we are not what we eat but what we think.
Now the thought is how do I make this work for me? So I put it to the test. I decided first because I had gained so much weight trying to lose weight, look at that - OMG! I gain weight doing diets, and the reason they did not work is because the entire time I thought of myself as an FAT ASS; I decided I needed clothes. Nothing fit anymore, and I was very uncomfortable in what I had. So I started a ritual, I made myself believe I had new clothes, and I enjoyed them. Oh, I looked great in my new clothes. It was fun. Three weeks later I received a call; a friend had a friend that needed to get rid of some clothes she had. They knew I was starting my consignment boutique and so wanted to know if I was interested. She said, "They are mostly 12's and 14's, there are a few 16's but not many." Heck, I know the same thing went through my head, "ha, ha YES" but let me tell the truth by this point I was a cool size 20.
I needed the clothes for the store, so I accepted. When I picked the clothes up from the lady, OMG there were at least twelve boxes. Clothes, shoes, it was the mother lode. I had to go through the clothes and log them so that I could email her a receipt. About four boxes in I saw this pair of pants, "that is a big pair of pants; maybe we have finally gotten to the 16's."
When I looked at the size of those pants and saw size 18W, I laugh so hard I hurt myself. I jumped up out of my chair. My roommate was looking at me like I was a nut. I started grabbing things out of that box like I had just won the lotto. My roommate asks me what was going on, pants, blouses, and jackets and pants, and a couple of really cute skirts, all sizes 18W and 20. I got my new clothes. I believed I was going to have new clothes; no I convinced myself I already had new clothes and here they were.
OK, next steps, that test worked like a charm. OMG! Am I strong enough to believe I am thin; can I convince myself to believe that the person in the mirror is smaller than what I see? Maybe I will just cover all of my mirrors. No that was not going to work, I would only see in my mind what I saw the last time I looked. I knew I had to stay away from the scale. OMG, I cannot and will not go anywhere close to the scale. What I did do, though, was the picture the scale exactly where I wanted it to be. I was going to start with 20 pounds down I was currently two hundred and thirty pounds, so that meant I needed to see 210. That was easy. I was going to give it a month, and I needed to add some walks, two a day fifteen to twenty minutes.
So the daily routine had to be laid out, because if this thing is going to work the way they say it works I have to do what they did that worked. Right? Meditation in the morning twenty minutes, focus on thin (that picture from 2004 - I was a size twelve) OMM. Breathe in - deep breath and breathe out deep OMM with passion. Water, Water, and more water at least 128 ounces per day. Move, move and move again, hence the walking and two more meditations one at lunch time and one right before bed (chant I am thin, I am beautiful, I am perfect, I am a winner, I am so fabulous, I am a size 12). Do not forget to breathe. Stay away from the scale and do not wear clothes that are tight and uncomfortable, oh but do not go around looking like a sack of potatoes either. Look nice, right size right feels - right on.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9162760

Healthy Fat Intake

This information is aimed at helping you to
reduce your fat intake.  The average individual
eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to
a variety of health problems, including cancer.
Diets that are high in fat are associated with
breast and colon cancer, with some studies
linking high fat to prostate cancer as well.

A majority of people can bring their fat intakes
down to a healthy range by making a few adjustments
in the way they shop, cook, and prepare the foods
they eat.

Now days, it's getting easier and easier to control
the amount of fat you consume.  The fat content of
foods are now available through the nutrition label
and through brochures distributed by food companies
and even fast food restaurants.

You can use this information on nutrition to choose
lower fat foods by comparing products and food
brands.  Once you have a rough idea of what a healthy
intake of fat is, you'll know what you can and what
you can't have.

From day to day, the amount of fat you eat will
vary.  Some meals and some days will be higher in
fat than others.  Even high fat meals can be kept
in line with healthy eating as long as you balance
those days accordingly.  The average fat intake over
the course of weeks and months is important, not the
fat intake of every meal and food you consume.

Younger adults and high active adults who have
higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more
fat.  Older adults and those that aren't very active
should aim for a lower fat intake.  This way, you
can control your fat intake and avoid the many
problems that fat is associated with.

mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Weight Loss - Are Workout Videos Effective For Fat Loss?

Exercise is a must for losing weight and keeping it off. Studies show people who are successful at long-term weight loss burn about 400 calories a day with exercise. Even if you increase your activity level to burn just 100 extra calories a day, this can produce a ten-pound weight loss over the period of a year.
If you're considering getting started on a workout program to help shed a few of the extra pounds you've gained, and improve your health so you can manage your blood sugar levels better, you might be considering a home workout option.
Going to the gym takes time - time you may not have, so it's far more convenient to walk into your basement and get fit there. Not to mention, a lot cheaper.
In this decision to try home workouts, you may question whether you should consider a workout video. Will it get the job done? Let's look at the reasons why home workout videos can be effective for fat loss when chosen correctly...
1. Aerobic And Strength Training. The first great thing about many fitness videos is they are designed to include both a cardio component to the workout session, as well as a strength component. Since it's vital you are including both elements in your fitness routine, this can go a long way towards improving your overall fat burning progress.
The cardio will help you burn fat while you do the workout, and the strength training component will help you keep burning fat for hours after the workout is completed.
2. Plenty Of Variety. Which brings us to the next great benefit from workout videos - variety. There are literally hundreds of different workout videos out there for you can choose from, meaning it's easy to keep changing things up, always shocking your body with something new.
This is important to keep yourself both mentally and physically engaged. Those who add more variety to their workout program are less likely to plateau, but will rather keep responding as time goes on.
3. Increased Chance Of Proper Form. The next reason to consider a fitness video as part of your at-home workout program is because it will also boost your chances of using proper form. Since you can watch the instructor performing the workout video right in front of you, this makes it easier for you to replicate the move.
If you are using good form, this will mean better results as well.
So, don't write off at home fitness videos too fast. If you choose one designed for fat burning and is backed by a reputable company, you should have no problem seeing the results you are looking for - while enjoying your fitness sessions as well.
If you aren't one for commercial/public gyms, don't let this stop you from achieving your fitness goals.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9124236

mardi 27 octobre 2015

6 Fit Tips For A Healthy Week

Are you trying to reach your weight loss goal but are having trouble getting in the groove? Or maybe you're stalled with weight loss or a sport specific goal and you haven't been able to quite reach what you're working toward? Being prepared is half the battle to reaching your goals. If you want to remain healthy throughout the week, stick to your weight loss plan, adhere to your nutrition regimen for sports or energy, you must have a plan. Here are a six tips to get you started:
1. Plan Meals - Map out your plan for the week. What will you be eating for meals and snacks? Stick to tastes and food combinations that you actually like! Don't plan an entire week's worth of foods that are healthy but don't taste good to you. Find recipes and meal inspiration if you need to. Draw up a rough menu for the entire week. This way you have an actual plan to follow. You can be flexible with this menu though. If you'd like to have Tuesday's dinner on Thursday instead, allow yourself that freedom. The most important key here is that you have some sort of plan and the food to back that up.
2. Grocery Shop - Make your list. Once you've figured out what it is that you're going to be eating for the week, list all of the food and ingredients that you need to purchase. Quality is important! Try to stick to fresh, whole foods that are GMO free and/or organic if possible. Make sure your menu has a good variety of colors, fruits + veggies, health fats, healthy carbs + protein. You can adjust as you go in the store if need be.
3. Prepare Grab + Go Foods - Always have easy food on hand to grab for snacks (cooked protein, nuts, cut veggies, cut fruit, cooked rice, quinoa, etc) as well as if you're in a pinch for a meal. This way, you can quickly throw something together without much thought and you're less likely to eat something unhealthy if you have the good stuff at your finger tips.
4. Plan Your Workouts - If you're a workout-a-holic, you probably won't need this step. If you're someone that always has a hard time getting your workouts in, then you absolutely need this step. Schedule your workouts just like you would schedule any other appointment in your da - no excuses. Moving your body every single day is important for strength, cardiovascular conditioning, balance and more!
5. Plan Your Stress Reduction For the Week - How do you relieve stress? Do you like massage, mediation, yoga, watching the waves at the beach, enjoying quiet in an open field or prefer reading a book? Whatever you like to do to relieve stress is your go to for relaxation. Make sure you get some quiet time at least 3 times per week. This type of relaxation is important regardless of the amount of time and could be 5 minutes or 55 minutes depending on what your schedule allows.
6. Plan Your CHEAT MEAL! - Yes, you need to PLAN YOUR CHEAT MEAL! You have something to look forward to at the end of the week. The goal is moderation, not deprivation so make sure you work in one or two meals that satisfy you outside of the healthy norm if you prefer.
Remember, achieving a healthy and balanced lifestyle is the goal. Creating healthy habits are key to living a healthy, stress free lifestyle. Try these tips to get you on track to living your healthy lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9208625

lundi 26 octobre 2015

Weight Loss - 8 Of The Best Fat Burning Tips

Tired of feeling stuck with your weight loss goals? Whether you've hit a plateau or simply weren't seeing results in the first place, it's important you pay attention to some tried and true tips to will help you go that extra mile.
When it comes to fat burning, all programs are not created equal. Some will definitely have you seeing faster results than others, making it critical you are aligning your plan properly.
Let's go over eight of the best fat loss tips you can start putting into place immediately...
1. Don't Ditch Heavy Weight Training. If you want to burn fat while you sleep, heavy weight training will get you there. These workouts elevate your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours post-workout.
2. Drink A Tall Glass Of Water Before Each Meal. Too many people mistake thirst for hunger. Drink a tall glass of water before every meal and you will automatically slash your calorie intake.
3. Have 50% Of Your Plate Be Vegetables. When on a fat loss mission, you simply can't get enough vegetables. Load your plate up so 50% of it is from vegetables. Then add in your protein and complex carbohydrates or dietary fats. It will keep your calorie intake in check.
4. Snack On Fruit To Calm Any Sweet Tooth. Craving sugar? Go for fruit. It's a much healthier alternative to cakes, cookies, or candy. Plus, it's packed with fiber - perfect for controlling your blood sugar.
5. Add Interval Cardio Training Into Your Routine. Ditch the steady state cardio. The studies are in and it's just not effective for fat burning. Instead, try interval training. Step up your pace and step up your fat loss results.
6. Prioritize Sleep. Sleep is essential if fat loss is the goal. Not only does it keep you energized, it keeps your metabolic rate higher as well. Aim for at least 8 hours per night.
7. Use A Moderate Calorie Deficit. When designing your meal plan, be sure to use a moderate calorie deficit. Go too low with those calories and your body will fight fat burning, clinging onto your body fat instead.
8. Eat Protein At Each Meal. Finally, don't forget your protein. Eat it at each and every meal. Protein helps keep your hunger level down, boosts your metabolism, and will ensure you are building more lean muscle mass.
Use these eight fat loss tips and you will be well on your way to success.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9125682

Simple and Effective Home Tips for Burning Your Belly Fat

This world has developed to suit the human beings, or so it has proceeded; all other forms of things, living or not, have been relegated to the background. Such is the nature of homo sapiens that they dominate everything and, sometimes, destroy it.
In asserting their domination over all facets of this world, they have been quite destructive by their deliberate actions, their unknowing actions and by their lack of knowledge.
But, there are also some things which they perpetrate in spite of having a vast amount of knowledge about that particular aspect. One of these subjects is personal health and hygiene.
The world would not have seen so many ills if the human race had stopped and cared for the bounties of nature, the flora and fauna and the other beneficial things in life.
Similarly, there would not have been so many diseases and suffering if only the homo sapiens had paused to care for themselves.
Personal health care is more important than everything else since it ensures your general health and well being and also, a longer life.
Fat is mainly responsible for the deterioration of the body and is the catalyst that invites various infirmities and ailments like heart problems etc.
In the process of accumulation of fat, the midriff portions like belly, abdomen and waist are the most susceptible to accumulation of fat.
The fat which is accumulated around the abdominal region can be a very obstinate thing to get rid of. There are, however, solutions for each problem which may be summarized as follows:
Give up sweets: Whenever you are trying to lose fat the most damaging agent that will thwart all your efforts is sugar; if you want to succeed in the battle of the bulge, this is the first, and the most important, step. That is why you might have seen models and other people, particularly those who are figure conscious, adding sugar-free pills instead of sugar.
All beverages that have been sweetened with sugar are also to be ruled out if you want to lose weight.
Give up liquor: It is seen that almost all people who drink liquor without managing their bodies are more prone to putting on weight rapidly. In fact, all experts on weight loss are of the opinion that, for all people with a problem connected to obesity and fat in the midriff region can only reduce weight if they give up the habit of drinking. That is because the calorie count, which is available in liquor is quite high as compared to other foodstuff.
Eat plenty of fruits even if they are sweet; they are healthy for the body and contain some much needed minerals etc.
Eat more of fibrous foods: Consuming foods rich in fiber are very essential to losing fat quickly.
Increase the intake of Proteins: Authoritative research has established that consuming more food rich in protein is closely related to the growth of fat particularly in the belly area. In fact, doctors aver that the quality of proteins is also a beneficial factor.
Intake of sea foods, meat poultry and unprocessed eggs and some dairy products in moderation are recommended.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9203312

vendredi 23 octobre 2015

Weight Loss - Are Workout Videos Effective For Fat Loss?

Exercise is a must for losing weight and keeping it off. Studies show people who are successful at long-term weight loss burn about 400 calories a day with exercise. Even if you increase your activity level to burn just 100 extra calories a day, this can produce a ten-pound weight loss over the period of a year.
If you're considering getting started on a workout program to help shed a few of the extra pounds you've gained, and improve your health so you can manage your blood sugar levels better, you might be considering a home workout option.
Going to the gym takes time - time you may not have, so it's far more convenient to walk into your basement and get fit there. Not to mention, a lot cheaper.
In this decision to try home workouts, you may question whether you should consider a workout video. Will it get the job done? Let's look at the reasons why home workout videos can be effective for fat loss when chosen correctly...
1. Aerobic And Strength Training. The first great thing about many fitness videos is they are designed to include both a cardio component to the workout session, as well as a strength component. Since it's vital you are including both elements in your fitness routine, this can go a long way towards improving your overall fat burning progress.
The cardio will help you burn fat while you do the workout, and the strength training component will help you keep burning fat for hours after the workout is completed.
2. Plenty Of Variety. Which brings us to the next great benefit from workout videos - variety. There are literally hundreds of different workout videos out there for you can choose from, meaning it's easy to keep changing things up, always shocking your body with something new.
This is important to keep yourself both mentally and physically engaged. Those who add more variety to their workout program are less likely to plateau, but will rather keep responding as time goes on.
3. Increased Chance Of Proper Form. The next reason to consider a fitness video as part of your at-home workout program is because it will also boost your chances of using proper form. Since you can watch the instructor performing the workout video right in front of you, this makes it easier for you to replicate the move.
If you are using good form, this will mean better results as well.
So, don't write off at home fitness videos too fast. If you choose one designed for fat burning and is backed by a reputable company, you should have no problem seeing the results you are looking for - while enjoying your fitness sessions as well.
If you aren't one for commercial/public gyms, don't let this stop you from achieving your fitness goals.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9124236

How's the Weight Loss Process Going So Far For You?

Have you recently made a commitment to start exercising and eating healthier in an effort to lose weight? Not only is that a fantastic goal to set for yourself but you'll find that when you stick with the weight loss process for a month or two, your entire outlook on life will begin to change and start to become much more positive.
You will find yourself inspired to exercise regularly as opposed to sitting on the couch watching TV with a soda in one hand and a bag of potato chips in the other. You will also want to prepare meals at home instead of going to the local fast food drive through and get a meal that is likely over 1,500 calories. You will do this because you know that eating this size of meal will not lead to weight loss but do the actual opposite, add on more weight.
If you've already tried to lose weight but haven't had much success yet, don't get down on yourself. Most people who attempt to tackle this issue have troubles and often need to start over a number of times before they get it right.
If this is the case don't beat yourself up if you happen to encounter issues. You should actually be complemented since you're not giving up and are willing to give it another go. Therefore if you're reflecting on how the weight loss process is going so far, consider how you're addressing these two specific areas - your daily nutrition and your exercise frequency.
Let's look at both of these topics in more depth.
1) Daily Nutrition
Since weight gain is generally caused from eating or drinking excessively and far too frequently, the most important item of business you need to address is your daily nutrition. The problem most overweight folks have to deal with is not only the type of food they eat, but more importantly the portion size they consume at each sitting.
Our body only needs a certain amount of calories in order to function properly. If we take in more than our body needs and the excess is not burned off in some manner such as in the form of exercise, then all those extra calories are packed away somewhere on the body in the form of fat.
Instead of having to deal with this problem, it's crucial you prepare food at home and more importantly serve appropriate portion sizes at all meals. You can still gain weight eating healthy food. Just because you grilled some chicken and made rice with beans doesn't mean you can have four servings of each. That's still going to total too many calories for one meal.
At first, portion size will take some getting used to especially if you habitually overeat at most meals. Simply put, if you eat to the point of being "stuffed", you ate too much food. Try to stick with a curled-up hand sized portion on your plate. Drink 2-3 glasses of water throughout your entire meal time. Start before, continue during, and especially afterwards to aide with digestion.
Another benefit to preparing all your meals at home is that you have the liberty to cook a bit extra to ensure you have leftovers. These leftovers can now become travel lunches to take with you to work the next day or eat for dinner the following night. If you don't have a good assortment of plastic travel containers put them on your shopping list as soon as possible. You can often find good deals on these containers at the dollar store, your local Walmart, or the supermarket.
Finally, don't get the notion that since you're eating healthy meals you can treat yourself afterwards to an edible reward such as a piece of cake or large bowl of ice cream. These choices right here will nullify all your healthy eating efforts and can limit your weight loss progress. Instead of that junk food, if you feel like you need a "reward" eat something healthy yet still sweet. Jello and frozen yogurt are two excellent alternatives to curb the sweet tooth, much better than donuts or pieces of pie.
2) Exercise Frequency
One of the best ways to burn off the excess from our bodies is to do some type of cardiovascular exercise. However unlike the nutritional aspect of the weight loss process, the exercise component comes with its own set of dangers you need to be aware of before you start any type of physical movement.
Depending on your current shape and/or if you have any medical conditions, you should seek clearance from your doctor prior to working out. Better safe than sorry right? Remember, an injury may prevent you from continuing with your workout regiment but depending on the severity it may also keep you from working at your job which can cause a whole bunch of other issues, particularly financial ones.
Once you're cleared for exercise, take the slow but consistent approach. Remember, there is no rush to go full steam ahead. Some folks haven't exercised in years so if that's the case, don't get out there and try to run 10 miles the first time you start to workout. Instead, take it from the absolute beginning and just start walking, then slowly week by week increase the duration and speed. Everyone is different so do what you feel comfortable with.
For instance, maybe the first week you walk 3-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes. The second week a little faster and now for an hour. The third week you warm up with a 30 minute walk then go into a slow jog for 15-30 minutes. The fourth week you walk for 15 minutes then run for 45 minutes, etc.
By slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts you give the body time to get used to this new healthy change along with developing the strength you'll need to last longer and longer. You can also incorporate different activities to not only stay inspired but you'll workout different muscle groups. In other words, you don't have to stick with just walking and running.
How about learning a new sport like tennis or basketball, or possibly even rollerblading? You may be surprised to find there are likely leagues or groups that meet regularly near you and would love to have a new, energetic person join their group. Check what you can find by doing a search for what you're interested in on Craigslist.com and Meetup.com.
Remember, your exercise regiment should be fun and inspirational. The more fun you have when working out, the less it will feel like actual work. There's nothing wrong with smiling while you are sweating away all those unwanted pounds during this weight loss process. Make it enjoyable and you will marvel at how your entire mindset will change over the coming months. Give in an honest chance and be amazed at the results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9205448

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

3 Foods To Burn Belly Fat Naturally

Some fruits and vegetables can help lose belly fat. The preparation of some easy recipes using natural foods contributes to weight loss while sculpting the body.
There are plenty of effective foods to lose weight and help lose weight, including cinnamon, pepper and cucumber.
Cinnamon has a thousand medicinal properties! It is a thermogenic. Indeed, cinnamon has a tendency to produce heat through metabolic stimulation of what makes the body burn fat, including belly fat.
We must take ground cinnamon and avoid cinnamon bark oil which can lead to ulcers and mouth sores.
Cinnamon is a spice that can cook with food.
How to use it?
- Sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on beverages like tea, coffee or even milk.
- Add cinnamon on toast or muffins lightened...
- Add cereal with cinnamon powder.
- Sprinkle some cinnamon on salads, dips and sauces.
Hot pepper
Originally from America, the hot pepper is rich in several types of antioxidants that protect the body from different cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and some age-related diseases.
The pepper is rich in capsaicin (antioxidant) which has thermogenic effects. A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that daily consumption of capsaicin helps to burn belly fat and increases fat oxidation. So spice up foods to lose belly fat!
How to use it?
- Add hot pepper to soups, eggs, sauces and meats.
The cucumber
Cucumber is an ideal food to lose weight, and what is interesting is that it is also excellent for burning body fat!
Elizabeth is a dietician and in her book "Nutrition for women", it proposes methods to lose weight. She says that cucumber is rich in sulfur and silicon. These allow to burn body fat and belly.
Cucumber is rich in water and acts as a diuretic to prevent bloating of the belly. When eating cucumber with a little lemon juice, it increases metabolism and breaks down abdominal fat.
It is also an anti-cancer. Indeed, the cucumber contains cucurbitacin which have anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
For people who wish to have a beautiful silhouette, they are advised to eat the cucumber because it promotes satiety and helps to lose weight by reducing abdominal fat.
Note that the cucumber contains 96% water and only 45 calories in whole, it's to consume without moderation!
How can you eat cucumber to lose belly fat?
- Add a few slices of cucumber with breakfast.
- Prepare a cucumber salad by adding some lemon juice fillet, pepper, salt or vinegar, some herbs and olive oil to make a tangy treat.
- Nibbling cucumber when hungry.
How to keep the cucumber?
- We can keep it in the crisper of the refrigerator for one or two weeks.
- Protected with plastic wrap.
- Avoid keeping the nearby fruit, releasing ethylene, help to increase the bitterness of the cucumber.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9194333

Fact or Fiction: All About Weight Loss Myths

Nowadays, many people are talking about weight loss. For some, it is a major concern that needs to be dealt with. Do you feel the same? If so, then you have probably searched for all sorts of information about shedding some pounds - effective exercises, diets, slimming products, and various healthy practices. You have probably heard about different claims; you have probably been confused about some of them, too. Now, which among the gargantuan list of information are you going to believe and apply? Not sure yet? In this article, we'll talk about some myths about losing weight. Read on and lessen your confusion.
• All low-fat foods are healthy.
Different types of low-fat food are available in the market, and most people often perceive them as healthy. Well, being low-fat alone doesn't make a certain food healthy. It's the overall content that should be your primary basis. For instance, did you know that some low-fat foods have high levels of sugar? Obviously, eating them (especially in large amounts) isn't good for your health.
• Only intense types of exercise can help you shed pounds.
Of course not! Making little changes and being consistent about them can contribute a lot to losing weight. A good example is including physical activities in your daily routine; merely jogging and walking will do.
• Slimming products alone can lead to long-term weight loss.
Do you think this piece of information is true? If so, then you're wrong. Yes, you can find some effective slimming products; but merely taking them doesn't guarantee a lighter weight that lasts a lifetime. Dear, you should do some exercise and observe proper diet too.
• Simply avoiding snacks can make you lose weight.
The truth is, eating snacks should not be your main concern. It's the type of snack that you should think of. For instance, eating fruits in between meals won't make you gain so much weight; eating chocolates will. So, please, be careful in choosing the type of food that you'd like to eat for snack.
• Skipping a major meal or two is a good way to shed some pounds.
No, it's not. Why? First, it will result to poor nutrition, tiredness, and big hunger. Second, it might cause you to eat high-sugar and high-fat foods for snacks; which can lead to weight gain. Lastly, skipping meals can cause some unwanted conditions like stomach ulcers and cramps. What you should do is either lessen the amount of calories you consume or burn more calories through exercise.
So, there. These are just some of the numerous weight loss myths. Feel free to do more research. If you aim to lose weight, you should make a consistent effort to gain knowledge about getting rid of unwanted pounds. You should confirm each and every claim; don't easily believe them especially if they are not yet proven. And the most important thing that you should do is to constantly apply the great things that you learn, and to continuously improve yourself. Losing weight is not just about having your ideal body. It's about having good health, too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9203105

dimanche 18 octobre 2015

10 Most Known Fat Burning Low-Calorie Food

Getting more fit includes doing one of these two things; devouring fewer calories or blazing more calories. Numbering calories is a noteworthy piece of any fruitful health improvement plan. Truth be told, it's a fact that as much as 80 % of effective weight reduction includes diminishing caloric admission. To demonstrate this point, how about we accept you eat the correct number of calories every day to keep up your weight. At that point, you add to your eating routine a 100-calorie apple every day amid the month. Inside of a month's opportunity, you almost will have added one pound to your weight.
No sustenance is sans calorie, so the expression "zero calories" is a bit of deluding. Then again, there are a few nourishments which lie close to zero calories that can assist you with decreasing your everyday caloric consumption. To help guarantee you are expending the appropriate measure of essential calories expected to get or keep your body at a solid weight. There are numerous nourishments that you can eat every day to smoulder calories and get in shape. The considerable news is that these sustenance’s are super tasty and they brag astounding medical advantages. Have a go at a few of these eatables and add these into your day by day or week by week diet. Eat fewer carbs and bear in mind to practice and workout consistently. Along these lines, you will smoulder many calories and enhance your well-being.
Is it a vegetable? Is it a fruit? What difference does it make? Everything you need to know is that it has a huge amount of useful things for your body for the long haul, and in the fleeting it attempts to assist you with getting more fit and help keep things off. They contain fewer calories, yet they assist to give you that feeling of a full diet. Moreover, these contain fibers that retain water and allow things to keep moving.
Like any true blue food, tomatoes convey more to the table than simply weight reduction. The Lycopene brings cancer prevention agents that studies are appearing to be possibly useful with a horde of maladies and conditions. Make sure to add tomatoes in your grocery list next time.
Sweet Potatoes
Many people enjoy eating sweet potatoes, and credit them as a major aspect of the reason that they shed pounds one time. Be that as it may, would you be able to substitute potato with the sweet one? Turns out sweet potatoes are awesome for abstaining from food knowing that they have fewer calories furthermore assist while keeping you full throughout the day.
In case you're dependent on spuds this can be one approach to take out a nourishment that generally gets the no-no when eating fewer carbs and supplant it with a superfood, for example, this has great things for you like Vitamin C, fibre, Vitamin B6 and potassium.
No compelling reason to go on some silly grapefruit eating routine to get the advantages of it, however for many people this will require another new purchase at the grocery store. Grapefruit is something that may not be in shopping records of a number of people, yet it ought to. Concerning weight reduction, the long-standing myth that they assist you with shedding pounds is being demonstrated left and right by clinical studies.
What's more, you don't need to purchase the fruit, you can likewise basically purchase grapefruit juice squeezed in a bottle or cup and begin drinking that.
We'd be delinquent on the off chance that we did exclude broccoli on this list, despite the fact that you're most likely tired of everybody letting you know about it. Turns out your mother and your grandmother were correct, these are better than average for you, yet beside that they can likewise assist you with shedding some fat.
How exactly? This might be the question you are planning to ask. Broccoli tops you off, yet it's not only filler. It has huge amounts of supplements per pound, and it's likewise pressed with fiber so it keeps you standard, which keeps you feeling great. Zest it up with flavors or peppers, yet simply abstain the broccoli cheddar soup, as it probably doesn't work for weight reduction.
Spinach is regularly a vegetable left as it is on the plate of kids, however grown-ups are coming around to it since it truly contains a considerable measure of good things in it for getting more fit and general prosperity. You can eat it in a few distinct routes, crisp as a serving of mixed greens, in a can, and it likewise comes solidified. It meets expectations for weight reduction by adding mass to your stomach without attaching on the calories.
Try not to disparage the force of cinnamon, it's not only to bake any longer. You can get weight reduction advantages just by adding more cinnamon to your eating regimen, with a teaspoon a day indicating positive results. What causes the enchantment? The way cinnamon serves to control your blood glucose levels. These have a significant impact, by the way, you feel for the duration of the day, how vivacious you are, or how drowsy you can get.
Despite the fact that the fast food chains have hopped on this pattern and are staying guacamole in everything, eating avocados is an incredible thought for thinning down. For a considerable length of time, they were evaded by calorie counters on account of their fat substance, when everything that had fat in it was named as detestable. At that point, we got brilliant and understood that Avocado really assists you with losing the fat you already have.
Green Tea
Maybe you realized that green tea is pressed with cell reinforcements, however, did you likewise realize that it can assist you with shedding the fat? There are pieces of green tea that get your body to change over to blazing more calories, and also fat.
Sadly for alternate teas, green tea turns out the victor on numerous fronts on the grounds that it's not as prepared as the others, and consequently holds quite a bit of its integrity, similar to cell Phytonutrients and reinforcements that make it a genius among superfoods.
The magnificent thing about blueberries and weight reduction is that along with the general weight that you lose, particularly the fats will be burned. They may be in the act of assisting with digesting separate fats and sugars, in addition to this they taste astonishingly good and can flavour up generally tame dinners. They likewise play well with different natural products in an organic product serving of mixed greens. Simply make certain to eat them without sugar.
Lentils are increasing more ubiquity as a solid nourishment, and one that can assist you with losing the weight. They contain fibre which will help keep you feeling great in the middle of dinners, and will assist you to keep your sugar levels from increasing.
In case you are the veggie lover, you can utilize lentil as a decent protein source, or you can utilize them to make up for a protein and go about as a side dish. It helps hold your cholesterol under tight restraints and assist you with digesting carbs all the more viable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9190952

samedi 17 octobre 2015

Getting Started Losing Weight - What You Need To Do First

To be successful with any diet you need to start with this. You need to make, and commit to this, and then you will successfully reach your goal. Here it is: I make the commitment to lose weight, and will not quit until I reach my goal. You may think this is how you start every weight loss plan, but if you haven't succeeded yet, then you haven't started right.
Never say to yourself, "I'll see it this works", or "it worked for my friend, it will work for me", or "everyone is talking about this diet, it must work"... etc. None of this has anything to do with you, your goals, your life, what you want. You must get your brain in charge of your weight loss. That means making the very real decision that this time you mean business and you will follow through with whatever program you choose and not quit until you are at your goal weight.
Sound easy? It's not, but until you really make up your mind, you will flounder, cheat, skip a work out, and before you know it, you are off your diet plan and saying it doesn't work. That really isn't true, you are the one who didn't work the plan to lose the weight. Before you start a weight loss plan, carefully chose the plan you want to follow. Make sure it will give you what you want, that way you will be more inclined to follow it. If you love cooking, choose a plan that has great tasting meal plans that will look forward to cooking and trying. If you don't like to cook, choose a plan that makes the food easy to buy and work into your schedule. Same with exercise. If the plan you are looking at requires you to be at the gym everyday and your schedule doesn't allow that, pick a plan that works your exercise into your normal schedule. Basically, set yourself up to succeed, not fail, by picking the right weight loss program to meet your needs.
Please remember that your health is the most important thing to protect. Always consult your doctor before trying any new weight loss program.
So, with all the weight loss programs available, how do you choose the right one? First, take a self inventory. How much time do you have to commit to exercise? How much do you have in your budget to commit to a program? How much time do you have to shop and cook new foods? Make sure you know all this and then start looking for a weight loss plan.
If you want to succeed in losing weight, commit to understanding this isn't something you can "try" and succeed at. Healthy weight loss can happen fast, but only if you do it the right way. Never starve yourself, make sure you are getting the right nutrients into your body to stay healthy. Make sure the diet plan you choose does keep your health the top priority.
Now, are you ready to make that decision? Think about it, figure out what your goals are, what kind of time you have to commit to weight loss, and get started only when you are really committed to the process. Then, you will have success!
For a look at some different weight loss programs and diets please see our resource page.
To your success!
Easy Diet and Weight Loss

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9195350

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

Eat More Food and Lose More Weight

Your body is like an old dog. It's hard to teach it new tricks! But not impossible. You see... Your body is an amazing machine that loves stability. It likes to keep things the same. It doesn't like change. When you eat more real food your body 'up regulates' its metabolism and burns more food. When you cut your food and drop you calories it 'down regulates' to protect itself and its energy stores. For example: One of the extraordinary features of your body is its ability to survive when food is scarce.
Back, thousands of years ago we were hunter-gatherers. When food was abundant we'd gorge on it and fill our bellies. If it continues we'd build up fat stores. When times were tough we'd use these fat stores as energy. These stores kept us all alive.
Now modern life has changed - a lot! We live in a state of permanent, food abundance. When we get hungry we go to the kitchen or visit the store to buy fast-food. We live in a time when over eating and calorie excess is just too easy. We rarely go hungry. In fact, when was the last time you really felt hungry? Be honest! So while times have changed, the human body has stayed the same.
100,000 years ago those tough times may have been the Winter. Now-a-days it's more likely that tough times are a crash diet in January. But the human body reacts the exact same as it did 100,000 years ago and treats a crash diet the exact same as a famine. Your body doesn't know the difference. And nor does it care.
On a crash diet your body starts to shut down, preserve energy stores, looks to save itself and keep things the same. Remember, it doesn't like change! So how does this affect you? When you drastically cut your calories by going on a harsh diet (say less than 1,200 calories per day) your body will go into survival mode to save itself.
Your metabolism starts to decline and your hormones start to change. "So what?" you might be thinking?! Well, your metabolism is responsible for burning up to 70% of your daily calories and it's this metabolism that will start to slow.
In addition your body works to protect its fat stores and starts to release hunger hormones that encourage you to feed. It's no wonder so many people buckle under crazy diets. Your body tries to resist it and sends your brain messages to fight the change too! So where does that leave you if you want to lose weight without triggering survival mechanisms in your body and doing the exact opposite?
First you don't go on a fad diet that causes massive calorie deficits. It's detrimental to your health and your metabolism. Instead, what you want is your metabolism fully functioning and firing on full capacity. In other words - eat! Eat healthy, whole and nutritious food. Second you need a balanced eating plan. One that makes sure you eat the right foods, at the right times and in the right amounts.
A plan that will keep your weight loss efforts on track. Together these create a small (but practical and sustainable) calorie deficit every day. One more time: Eat whole, naturally occurring foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. They'll fill you up better, keep your hormone levels stable and encourage a healthier body composition (think more muscle and less fat). And two, plan your meals for the week ahead.
Don't just make them up as you go along because you're human and without a plan it's all too easy to eat convenience foods. Combined... You won't feel hungry. You'll likely end up eating more. When you eat you'll feel happy and satisfied. Then throw in some exercise and you'll look as good as you feel.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9195683

jeudi 15 octobre 2015

How To Quickly Lose Weight While Keeping Your Lifestyle In a Balance

As much as we might wish it otherwise, there's simply no magic pill to slimming down in under a week. That's not to say you can't slim down, of course. There's just not a one shot, easy solution. Instead, it requires hard work, determination, a clear set of goals, and the right technique.
The right technique includes the right changes to your diet, as well as the right kind of workout. This will require a lifestyle change, there's simply no two ways about it. You didn't magically gain weight over night, so it would be ridiculous to hope you could magically lose it overnight, as well.
If you're not sure where to start, here are a few tips that will help you lose the weight you can't quite get off.
1. Try not to deprive yourself of food.
One of the quickest ways people fail at their diet changes is when they try to have far too little food. They get it into their head that in order to lose weight quickly, they should eat almost nothing. This never works, for two major reasons. First and foremost, when you start getting hungry you stop being able to think clearly. It's incredibly hard to practice willpower when you haven't eaten nearly enough. You'll start mentally freaking out, and then you'll devour as much comfort food as you can get, thus ruining your diet.
Second, even if you could avoid breaking down and splurging, starving yourself simply doesn't work. It's true that eventually you'll start losing weight, of course. However, the first thing that happens is that your body goes into emergency mode. When you starve yourself, your body actually tries to maintain its fat stores as long as possible. This is because your body is fearful that it won't get enough nutrients to survive, so it's trying to make sure it can survive for as long as possible. So even if you avoid going nuts and eating far more than you should, you still wouldn't be losing that fat.
2. Booze is a horrible idea. Try green tea, instead!
While green tea won't get you drunk, it is a drink that will help boost the body's ability to burn calories. Not only that, but since it's leaves boiled in water, there are almost no calories what so ever to worry about. Alcohol, meanwhile, is almost entirely empty calories. There's no nutrition in your alcoholic beverages, yet your body still metabolizes the calories and adds it to your fat content.
3. Move as often as you can!
While trying to stave themselves is the biggest reason people fail to change their diets, the second biggest reason is trying to exercise. Much like people get the idea that they should starve themselves when they try to lose weight, they also get the idea that they should try running for miles on end, and lifting all the weight they can get their hands on. Naturally, this winds up causing them to tire out quickly, become overly sore, and give up within a week or less.
Don't do that. Instead, start small. Try jogging around the block every morning. Try walking where you might have taken the bus before. Try riding a bike to work, if you can. Start simple, and build up to more. That way, you won't burn out too quickly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9195113

mercredi 14 octobre 2015

The Ultimate Guide on How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Despite popular belief, you can lose weight without a single minute of exercise.
In fact, according to livestrong.com, your diet is more important than exercising when it comes to weight loss.
There are proven measures that you can take to help you lose weight without going to the gym.
Count your Carbs
Reducing your carbohydrate intake is the easiest way to start losing weight fast. Several research studies have proven that low carb diets lost 2 to 3 times more fat than high fat diets.
Here's an outline of many carbs you should be consuming for losing weight without exercise

  • 25 - 50g per day if you're obese or diabetic and want to lose an extreme amount of weight
  • 50 - 100g per day if you're looking for substantial weight loss and looking to maintain weight
  • 100 - 150g per day if you're strictly looking to maintain a healthy and lean physique

Don't skip meals
A recent publication in the National Center for Biotechnology Information studied elementary children to investigate the difference of food choice, nutritional labeling and prevalence of obesity due to meal skipping.
The study concluded that those who meal skipped had a 60% higher prevalence of obesity compared to the group who didn't skip meals.
What this means:
Although, correlation doesn't always mean causation, those who skipped meals chose unhealthier foods and we're more obese.
Get enough sleep
Sleeping is a more important component of weight loss than people think. Among the most impactful reasons that sleep deprivation contributes to weight gain is the effect that it has on your hunger hormones.
A study in PubMed Central found that those who slept 4 hours per night for just two nights experienced an 18% decrease in their "feeling full" hormone (Leptin) and 28% increase in their hunger hormone (Ghrelin).
Sleep deprivation can cause you to overeat by reducing your body's ability to feel full. It's recommended for most people to sleep Between 7 - 9 hours while fewer hours may be appropriate for certain individuals.
Consume more protein
An increase in dietary protein can result in significant weight loss for most people. Some evidence suggests that diets higher in protein result in an increased weight loss and fat loss as compared to diets lower in protein.
AuthorityNutrition.com reports that 30% of your calories should be protein for optimal weight loss. By increasing the percentage of protein in your diet, you will spontaneous reduce your overall calorie intake.
You can easily increase your dietary protein consumption by taking a protein powder supplement.
Drink more water
Water doesn't have a magical property that will burn fat off but it will help you to lose weight.
According to Dr. Abraham Kryger, one glass of water before every meal decreases the amount you will eat by at least 8 ounces and suppresses your hunger hormone ghrelin.
The average human stomach size is 32oz. By drinking an 8oz glass of water, you're effectively reducing your stomach capacity by 25%.
This means that you will start to feel full sooner and with less food when you drink a glass of water before you eat your meal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9189857

lundi 12 octobre 2015

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Refrigerator Magnets

We have all seen the wide variety of refrigerator magnets here and there throughout our lives. There are decorative ones you come across in a variety of stores, the occasional gifts given from those who have recently traveled to another state or country, or even the ones you might purchase if you happen to visit a new place and want to remember this memory easily.
Regardless of how you accumulate your stash of refrigerator magnets, the important thing to note is they can really be put to good use if you take the right approach and stick with it on a regular basis. You'll soon see how easy it can be to put these refrigerator magnets to excellent use and will actually come to rely on these useful handy tools to keep you focused on your overall health and fitness goals.
Here are 5 reasons why you should use refrigerator magnets on a regular, if not daily, basis.
Keep A Weekly Grocery/Shopping List
Let's face it, if improving your health is a top priority, then naturally changing the types of foods that are eaten is one of the most important hurdles that will need to be addressed. Here's where those wonderful refrigerator magnets come into play. If you start tackling your nutrition on a week by week basis, you can keep a small piece of paper behind a magnet that keeps a running list of the items you need to purchase from the market the next time you go. Each time you cook, or think of something else you need, simply jot it down on this list, put it back behind the magnet, and continue doing what needs to be done. Simple yet extremely helpful so you don't forget the little things that will help keep you focused on your overall health and fitness goal.
Menu of Meals
Another reason why it's important to get used to using refrigerator magnets is so you can post a weekly menu of meals right smack in the middle of your kitchen. Not only will having this weekly menu of meals help keep you focused on what is healthy to eat, but you will not have to wonder what you are going to have tomorrow, or the day after. Everything will have already been planned (possibly on a Sunday afternoon) so your entire week can be nice and nutritious.
Motivational Quotes/Sayings
Let's face it, sometimes it helps to hear some motivational words or quotes to rejuvenate our efforts on whatever task it may be. In this case, losing weight and getting fit definitely needs constant inspiration to trek forward towards your overall goal. Here's an easy way to post something that will help keep you motivated and inspired throughout the day.
Important Reminders/To Do List
Our day can be a hectic, chaotic mess of things to do so in order to help you accomplish everything you need to on each day, keeping a daily to-do list behind a refrigerator magnet can work wonders. Develop the habit of creating a to-do list the night before so you have a specific agenda of items you want to get done the following day. Having this list can really keep you focused on the important stuff and inspire you to continue on with this healthy habit for the next day.
Exercise Plan of the Day/Week
Tied hand in hand with healthy nutrition is exercise for true weight loss success. Again, refrigerator magnets, clips, or even magnetic dry erase boards are awesome to keep track of your exercise plan especially since most of us pass through the kitchen a few times each day. Let this become your central point where you derive some, if not all, of your inspiration from and you will see how these little helpful tools can become an invaluable aide in your healthy life transformation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9192896

5 Tips On How To Lose Weight If You Hate Exercising

There is a basic formula on how to lose weight. Eat the right foods and burn more calories than you have eaten. And to burn those calories you need to keep moving and that means doing some type of exercise. But what do you do if don't like exercise? Does it mean that you'll never lose those unwanted pounds? Here are 5 tips to help you lose weight if you hate exercise?
1. Exercise Is Not Always What You Think
Exercise includes every kind of physical action and it's the best way to burn fat. Playing football with your children, taking your dog for a walk and mowing or trimming your garden are all examples of exercise. Find ways to keep physically moving with things you like to do, and you'll find yourself 'exercising' more regularly.
2. Get Into The Habit Of Exercise
Human beings can switch conscious actions into unconscious actions and that's the best way to lose weight. Set yourself a timetable to exercise 3 times per week, all at the same time each day and for the same length of time. After 20 to 30 constant repetitions, your exercise routine will be part of your unconscious routine that makes sure you don't miss a workout.
3. Be Sociable
One of the top recommendations that you'll hear from every fitness expert is to get yourself an exercise partner. You'll have a much better chance of following up on your exercise commitments when you have somebody who you are accountable to. alternatively, you could join a group of like-minded people that make your health and fitness efforts more socially rewarding.
4. Keep A Journal
Keep a journal for both your exercise routines and as a note of your healthy eating plan. One of the reasons that people don't like exercise is that they don't usually see any results. Keeping a journal keeps you honest. You can see whether or not you are putting in the effort to both exercise and eat well.
5. Think Of The Result, Not The Effort
Whatever the reasons for you wanting to lose weight, remember why you are exercising in the first place. Perhaps wish you could wear your swimsuit without feeling self-conscious? Maybe you have come to understand the health risks of being overweight and want to become healthier. When you remember your 'why', you will find yourself enjoying exercise instead of hating it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9189392

samedi 10 octobre 2015

Facts for Getting Started With the Alkaline Diet

Most of us have heard of endless diet programs. While some come with claims like 'fit body in five days', others are even more insane and can be really complicated and unhealthy to follow. However, a few of such diets are backed by many users, and with ongoing research, it is likely that we would find more support for them. In this post, we will be talking about the alkaline diet, with a few general things that may inspire a few people to understand the concept and get started.
Understanding the Alkaline Diet:
The alkaline diet is about eating foods and beverages, which are low on acid levels. According to this diet, some of the common and regular health problems are related to the foods we eat, and sadly, most of the western diet includes acid-forming foods. Now, what are the things that you would need to avoid? In general, most of the grains, dairy and meat are considered acidic and must be avoided. However, the alkaline diet isn't very stringent, so you can have most of the foods within moderation.
The Complexities of Food:
Even if we have to change the smallest things in our diets, it can be complicated for many of us. As such, the idea of junking cheese, strips of bacon and even grains may look like impossible. The best thing is you can still follow the alkaline diet! Yes, all you need is high quality alkaline water, which must replace your regular drinking water. There are some big brands that exclusively sell alkaline water, so you will find plenty of choices. Since this is a step that doesn't alter too many choices of life and is easy to follow, there are many people who are actually making the most of it.
Benefits of Alkaline Water:
Alkaline water offers almost the same benefits as the diet. Common advantages include detox of the food, higher hydration rate and acid reflux. For people who are dealing with obesity and weight loss techniques, consuming alkaline water is the best way to boost body metabolism and get a quick detox. However, it is essential to be very realistic about this diet, because unless you have a balanced exercise and diet plan, weight loss can never be as effective as expected. It is good to note that alkaline water is high on electrolytes, which will keep you more energized all through the day. Some of the brands add minerals to the water to make it more a healthy choice to regular drinking water.
Keep Checking PH Levels:
Is the alkaline diet working for you? It is easy to test the same at home with pH strips! You can use your urine or saliva on a strip and compare the result with the colors of the pH chart. If you have low pH levels, it is time to take additional steps like consuming more fruits and veggies and getting rid of lean meat. Anything less than 5 on the pH scale should be considered seriously.
I am a marketing representative of Tru Balance Water Inc. Tru Balance Water Inc seeks to introduce the highest quality alkaline health water to the masses at a competitive price while maintaining an Eco Friendly stance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9192350

Weekly Self Reflection For Weight Loss

Weight loss, and essentially getting fit, will be achieved from maintaining a number of healthy habits for a prolonged period of time. The amount of time this will take will be determined on how much weight you want to be rid of along with how consistently you stick with your healthy habits day in and day out.
Naturally it's difficult when someone is first starting out on this journey especially if this individual currently lives in an unhealthy fashion. This can be defined as someone who overeats at most meals, gets little to no exercise, snacks on unhealthy items and beverages, and eats late at night before going to bed.
As you can probably tell, the longer someone lives in this manner, the more and more weight will likely be added to the body continuing to increase until habits are changed.
If you have reached the point where you are ready to start making changes in the way you live your life and are ready to drop that excess weight, then one of the best practices you should get used to doing is to do a weekly self reflection.
There is nothing difficult about this healthy habit, and in all actuality does not even take much time to do. It is however a crucial moment of weekly self reflection where your honesty is going to really help plan the next path you take.
Successfully changing eating and living habits is what stumps most people who try to tackle the weight loss issue. Eating excessively, especially on unhealthy stuff, is not only really easy to do, but after awhile we become used to certain types and amounts of food at meals. If you are one who fits into this category, come to terms with the fact that this may be your number one adversary in this entire endeavour.
At first it can be a daily struggle as you get used to cooking at home, portioning your food/drinks in appropriate amounts, packing travel lunches and snacks and sticking with eating just those when away from home, and naturally not eating/drinking particularly late at night before going bed.
Therefore as you begin this process, take a moment at the end of each week, possibly on a Sunday afternoon or evening where you reflect on how the past seven days went. Ask yourself the crucial questions in regards to your food and drink choices, portion sizes, snacks you ate, types of foods you consumed, amount of time spent exercising.
Your answers to these questions should provide you a clear insight on what should be focused on for the next seven days of time. Having clear set goals to begin a new week will give you a confidence boost along with a specific path for you to hopefully stay on.
You can also use this weekly self reflection time to create your healthy menu of the week including the types of meals you plan to cook along with the handy grocery list so that your kitchen is ready to handle what you have in mind. Having this become your Sunday ritual will allow you to begin each new week with a solid healthy agenda and hopefully keep you from the unhealthy habits that may have ruled your life for some time now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9192890

vendredi 9 octobre 2015

Staying Motivated On Your Weight Loss Journey - 3 Tips

When we first set out on our weight loss journey everything is all very exciting and we are filled with what seems to be an endless supply of motivation. However, after 2 - 3 weeks our motivation can often decrease and start to waiver. Don't worry, this is completely normal and very common! Even the most successful Personal Trainers experience this problem because at the end of the day we are all human beings. So to help keep your motivation levels humming along smoothly throughout the course of your weight loss journey, here are 3 simple tips that I personally use!
If you start your weight loss journey with only your long-term goal in mind this is a good method to rapidly drain your motivation fuel tank dry within 3 - 4 weeks. This approach can make you feel like your goal is just so far away and that all of your efforts are not paying off quick enough. Instead, you should try to set weekly short-term goals. This way you will be achieving something every week and you will be able to sustain your progress over the long-term!
Do not compare your body or progress to Fitness Models, Bodybuilders, Celebrities etc, this will only destroy your self-esteem and confidence. Furthermore, many fitness models and bodybuilders, both male and female are on steroids even though they may claim to be natural. So don't be so naive and think you can get a perfectly chiseled, sculpted and shredded body in 3 months naturally! Instead, visualise the best version of your own body, commit it to memory and use that as your inspiration. This will allow you to feel fantastic about your own body every day and when you reach your big long-term goal you will be much more satisfied when you get there!
Even if you are a professional athlete, you still need to have one day per week where you allow yourself to have a break from your diet and eat/drink whatever you like, e.g. pizza, burgers, cake etc. You don't need to go overboard and gorge, but you do need to allow yourself to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, e.g. going out for a meal with friends and eating whatever you like, enjoying a few glasses of alcohol etc. If you allow yourself to have one cheat day per week, your motivation will be far less likely to waiver. You will also be much happier and will not feel bound or restricted by your diet!
Pursuing your big long-term goal like a bull out of a gate and trying to achieve too much too soon will only leave you disappointed and frustrated. When you begin your weight loss journey, make sure that you have small, weekly short-term goals in place for yourself. This will ultimately carry you through to meet your big long-term goal. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9189848

jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Losing Weight - It's Just a Whole Lot of Hot Air

Finally, your hard work has paid off. Those hours in the gym - the sweat, the soreness, the shortness of breath, the dieting - it's all come together, you've got there. You've reached your ideal weight. And it's been worth it. Shedding those extra pounds has been an achievement, and you look and feel great.

But... where exactly did all go? I mean, you've carried this fat around with you forever, and now with just a bit of careful dieting and some exercise, it suddenly 'disappears'.

Most of us don't give it a second thought - should we even care? We've lost the weight, right, so why should we care where it goes?

Well, perhaps we should, as it gives us a good indication of what it takes to lose fat, and if for no other reason than to dispel a few myths and theories that are floating around.

Like the one that says that fat turns to muscle. I remember people saying this when I was growing up. But I also remember my science teacher dispelling this notion very quickly - "muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue" she said. "Fat cannot turn to muscle. That's utter nonsense." Well that one was cleared up pretty quickly.

Or maybe it's that other one - the one that says our body somehow converts fat to energy or heat and it kind of 'burns off'. Again this is not correct, but it is slightly closer to the truth. What in fact happens is that we lose it simply through exhaling.

A Breath of Fat Air

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal (bmj.com) reports that although we lose some fat mass through water (excreted via sweat and urine) the vast majority of it is breathed out as carbon dioxide. It literally goes into thin air.

Due to our body's metabolic process, as we exercise, the large amounts of oxygen we inhale mixes with our blood and is exhaled as respiratory gas. This process has the effect of reducing the size of our fat cells, thus helping us lose weight. (Unfortunately we cannot lose fat cells, only make them smaller. It's a unavoidable biological fact that once they're created, they tend to stay put - which is why it's so easy to put the weight back on. Yes, I know - bummer)

In terms of numbers, the report shows that in order for us to lose 10 kilograms of fat, we need to inhale 29 kilograms of oxygen (which is by the way, a shedload of exercise) which equates to a metabolic process production of 28 kilograms of carbon dioxide and 11 kilograms of water. That's how we lose the fat.

It also goes on to report that the surprising thing is that even amongst health professionals, the facts about where fat goes is not as well-known as it should be. If it was, perhaps we could use breathing out to more of an advantage. The more active we are the generally fitter we become, and a fit person is able to work at a higher intensity for longer periods. Working at a high intensity in turn requires a lot of oxygen, which ultimately results in more exhaling, which then leads to the desired body-fat reduction. It all works together nicely.

Targeted Fat Loss?

But where on the body is the fat lost? The answer may not be music to everyone's ears. We unfortunately don't have a choice, as the body tends to use its own "easy-come, easy-go" method for fat-loss. Basically with proper diet and exercise, using the metabolic process, the body tends to shed fat in those areas first that didn't have much fat to lose in the first place - like the face and neck. The more problematical areas such as the stomach, where greater numbers of fat cells are found, tend to shrink only later on. (Yes I know - bummer #2)

So the importance of using consistent, intense periods of exercise for fat loss is clear - dependent of course, on if you are eating correctly too. There is no substitute for that.

To find out more, download your free "25 Easy LifeStyle Health Choices" guide here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9190199

mercredi 7 octobre 2015

A Primer On Safe And Healthy Weight Loss

An Overview of Obesity
Contrary to popular belief, an individual who appears fat may not be obese and the opposite is true for people who appear thin. According to an article published by the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA), fat mass (makes up large percentage of excess weight) can be broken down into gender-specific fat, storage fat, low-reference fat, and essential fat.
Essential fat accounts for only 3% of total body fat and is found in body parts such as the kidneys, tissues of the central nervous system, bone marrow, lungs, liver, heart, spleen, and intestines. Besides essential fat, women tend to have gender-specific fat as well that is usually located around the hips, pelvis, and breasts and averages 12% of total fat mass. On the other hand, storage fat accounts for 12% of total body fat in men and 12%-15% of the same mass in women. The body stores this type of fat in subcutaneous layers and its purpose is to act as a metabolism energy substrate.
The body requires low-reference fat in order to maintain normal/optimal reproductive health functions. Male bodies contain low-reference fat stores of about 5% while female bodies store about 12% of the same type of fat. Take note these figures tend to be higher in adolescents (7% for males and 14% for females). With this in mind, medical experts differ on the total amount of body fat one should maintain to avoid developing medical conditions like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Nevertheless, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) says adults should strive to maintain body fat within the 10%-32% range. This means that fat is not necessarily bad.
The Basics of Safe Weight Loss
The concept that anchors almost every imaginable weight loss or dieting program is very simple: burning more calories than you eat each day. In spite of such simplicity, many obese/overweight people struggle to shed excess weight and keep it off for extended periods. There are several reasons why people face difficulties losing weight. Firstly, some people attempt to lose as much weight as they can very fast. This approach rarely works as people who try to burn fat fast end up losing water weight instead of fat mass leading to hydration issues. In some cases, individuals lose lean tissue and muscle mass because the body cannot burn large amounts of calories in a short period. Nevertheless, it is possible to lose weight very quickly although it is not advisable to go ahead unless you consult and seek advice from a qualified dietitian or physician. A medical expert may prescribe a low-calorie diet if an obese/overweight individual develops life-threatening weight-related medical conditions. In such a case, one remains under strict medical supervision/observation.
Components of a Good Weight Loss Program
According to NATA, a long-term weight control program must be based on diet, exercise, and hydration. These components determine one's likelihood/ability to add/lose weight.
• Diet
The general rule of thumb for anyone interested in losing weight is to eat "good" foods and avoid "bad" ones. According to the Harvard Medical School, the Mediterranean diet fits the "good" foods description very well. Proponents of the Mediterranean diet advocate eating cereals and whole grain breads, relatively small amounts of red meat, fruit and vegetable servings several times per day, lean protein such as fish and poultry, consuming wine in moderation, and consuming fats made from seeds, olive oil, or nuts.
A low-glycemic-index diet can also help one reduce excess weight. Such a diet precludes all or most processed foods including white rice and white bread because they raise blood sugar levels. Instead of high-glycemic-foods, you should eat nuts, fruits, vegetables, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and dairy products. Another Harvard Medical School publication states that a low-glycemic-index diet reduces diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases risk.
Include honey in your diet because it boosts the immune system, relieves symptoms of diverse allergies, and has great anti-bacterial properties according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Avoid low-calorie diets because they can cause sudden death, dehydration, ketosis, low basal metabolic rate, irregularities in menstruation, loss of lean tissue, heartbeat irregularities, constipation, kidney infections, fatigue, and diarrhea. It is also worth avoiding detoxification diets because there is no scientific evidence that they work according to the Mayo Clinic.
• Exercise
The other component underpinning effective weight loss is exercise or physical activity of some sort. The ACSM recommends completing 30 minutes of exercise at least five days each week.
However, the ACSM's guidelines are inadequate if you are obese. To shed weight, perform exercises or physical activities that ramp up your body's metabolism rate. A good example would be aerobic exercises lasting 30-90 minutes per session. Interval exercises are also good although they do not raise the body's fat metabolism rate to the same level as aerobics.
The goal of your workouts should be to lose about 1-2 pounds of bodyweight per week. Never exceed weight loss of more than 1.5% of total bodyweight in any given week. If you do so, you may be dehydrating your body or engaging in unhealthy activities. By exercising regularly, you will boost your body's energy.
• Hydration
Water is a key ingredient without which human life would not exist. As such, you should stay well hydrated at all times. Remember liquids/beverages such as lemonade, soda, tea, coffee, and juice do not quench thirst as well as water.
Moreover, consuming sugar-rich beverages translates to adding excess calories to your diet. Benefits of drinking water include limiting excess calorie intake and making the stomach feel full faster during meals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9185129

mardi 6 octobre 2015

What Everybody Losing Weight Ought To Know About Their Scales

Those dreaded scales can be quite a problem for some people, affecting motivation, mood, eating habits & of course progress. So I wanted to write an article that would help you understand all the ways that the number on the scale can be positively or negatively affected.
1. If you are taking up exercise as part of your healthy eating or weight loss plan, especially if that includes strength training you may be losing fat at the same time as building muscle, which wouldn't necessarily show up as weight lost, but would show up in your body measurements.
2. When you eat a very low carb diet, in the first couple of weeks you lose a lot of water weight, this can show up on the scales by as much as 5lb in the first week, however if you then increase the level of carbs at any time, it is likely to show up as an increase.
3. Weighing yourself at different times of the day can give different results. Always weigh under the same circumstances, in the same clothes at the same time of day.
4. Hormones affect weight quite significantly, so if you are stressed, or pre-menstrual, the number on the scale could show up higher than it actually is. For us ladies there is also the added disruption of increased water weight during this time.
5. If you usually weigh yourself in the mornings, but the night before 'weigh day' you eat a high carb meal (such as pasta) this could show up as much as 2lb heavier on your scales in the morning. This is most likely to be water weight rather than actual weight gained, and you would probably be lighter again within a couple of days.
6. Results are not always instant so if you feel like you've had a super healthy week, eaten well and exercised your butt off at the gym, you may not see this reflected in the scale for a week or two, depending on whether there are any other factors in play (such as any of those above).
It takes consistent effort over time to start seeing reductions in the numbers on the scale, and even then sometimes what they say may not be a true reflection, which is why it is important to consider other factors.
- Have your body measurements changed
- Do you have more energy
- Does your skin look healthier
- Are you sleeping better
- Are you noticing even small changes in how your clothes fit
These are all great signs that what you are doing is working, so keep going
Research shows that successful, permanent weight loss can be significantly improved when the approach is personalised to suit you as an individual.
No more dieting, no more going without, no more feeling unhappy with how you look and feel. Just straight forward guidance, support and information on food, nutrition, healthy eating, changing habits and overcoming barriers that have prevented you from losing weight in the past

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9186878

lundi 5 octobre 2015

Fitness Tips: 3 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Have you noticed that your belly is usually the most affected when you gain weight? And, sometimes you wonder if the flab will ever go away. The good news is, there are great exercises that can target your belly fat effectively, along with other simple effective steps.
Ultimately, you will regain a flat belly that everyone won't help but notice. It's also great idea to work out in a personal training gym. Don't procrastinate, start right away.
First, start by reducing your calorie consumption. If you want to get the most effective and fastest result with top fitness exercises to lose belly fat, calorie reduction is definitely a must.
So, you should start by cutting back on your food. However, do not starve yourself as this can impact your health negatively. Besides, this can make you over-eat on the long run. You should also eliminate sweets from your diet, which can help speed up your result.
Here are the best exercises to lose belly fat;
#1: The Plank Position
The plank position is one of the effective exercises to get rid of belly fat. You need proper balance on the tips of your toes, holding your entire body weight with your hands at the same time. Your body should align horizontally to the floor. Endeavor to pull your abs muscles into your spine in the process, to help tone your muscles and burn belly fat ultimately.
#2: Abs Crunches
Crunches are known to be one of the best exercises to target tummy fat. However, if you want to obtain complete range of benefits on your abs section with abs crunches, adopt varieties of crunches.
Also, you should vary the flow by trying out exercises such as torso twisting. This will help tone and strengthen the muscles of your belly. Punch alternating arms as you twist, ensuring that you pull-in on your abs area.
#3: Whole Body Exercises
In addition, you need to exercise your entire body to achieve better result with your goal to lose fat on the belly. Belly fat usually comes when you gain body fat. So, you should embark on fitness exercises such as cardio workouts - running, walking, hiking, jogging, biking and other whole body exercises.
Finally, when seeking to lose stomach fat, pay attention to your diet. Avoid saturated fats and embrace healthy diet totally. Also, you should avoid late night foods as well as over-processed foods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9185045

samedi 3 octobre 2015

3 Tips To Make Losing Weight A Little Easier

The decision to lose weight is really the hardest part. This isn't about wanting to lose weight, but about really deciding that you are now ready to make the commitment to lose weight. So, once that decision is made, you then need to decide how to you are going to lose the weight. There are a lot of weight loss diets and programs available to you, but I want to share a few tips on how to make losing weight a little easier.
First, keep eating! Yes, keep eating. You many lose weight if you cut way back on food, but you are only trading one problem for another. It's what you are eating that is the problem. So, take an inventory of what your normally eat, and figure out what "good" food you can swap that "bad" food for. If you really love sweet food, take a look at different fruits that can satisfy that sweet tooth, but are much healthier for you. Yes, fruits have natural sugars, so everything in moderation, right? But you will find that, if committed, you will get some sweet satisfaction from the fruit and it will help you avoid the candy.
Second... drink water! I know you have heard this a lot, but it's time to make a commitment to water. If you are drinking drinks with a lot of sugar, you already know what that is doing to your waistline. Your body needs water to survive, so start substituting water for what you are now drinking. But, even better, drink a full glass of water before a meal. This will fill you up and you won't eat as much. If you really crave something flavored to drink, get flavored water with little or no calories in it.
Third... walk! Again, you already have heard this a lot, but it is really something easy you can do. If you can take a walk before or after work, great. But if you can't fit that into your schedule, there are other ways to get walking into your day. My favorite easy way is to park in the last spot in a parking lot. Then I have to walk all the way to the entrance of the building. This is so easy to do, doesn't take much more time than parking close, and I get some walking in. Also, take the stairs instead of the elevator, really, take the stairs. Even one flight will add that extra bit of exercise to your day. Again, it is easy and quick and you will be making your weight loss a little easier!
Do you agree that these three things can make your weight loss a little easier? This isn't to suggest that you can reach your goal weight with just these three activities, but the idea is to add some easy things to your weight loss plan. If this seems too much, just pick one. The point is to make that decision to lose weight, and then figure out the best weight loss plan and activities to reach your goal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9181712

vendredi 2 octobre 2015

8 Diet Tips to Lose Weight and Get in Shape

The food that you eat is of great importance for you to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, here are diet tips that you should consider:
Get Rid Of Red Meat
Instead of taking red meat you should eat plenty of white meat. Great choices that you should go with are fish and poultry. To ensure that your fish, chicken, turkey or shellfish are healthy you should ensure that you prepare them using the right method. As rule of thumb you should avoid preparing your meat with tartar sauce.
Take Plenty Of Water
Many people confuse hunger with thirst. Before you take food, you should first drink some water. If you take plain water and still you feel hungry, you should drink flavored sparkling water. It's also wise that you take a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Start Your Meals With Soup Or Salad
Soup or salad aids in curbing your hunger, prevents you from overeating and controls your portions. Salad contains plenty of fiber which helps you to feel full for a long time. For ideal results, you should top the salad with low calorie dressing.
To limit the amount of fat and calories on your salad, you should make the dressings at your home. It's also wise to include vegetables and dark mixed greens such as spinach.
When it comes to soup, you should go for broth or tomato based soups such as minestrone and vegetable soup made with stock, broth or tomato soup.
Eat Several Mini-Meals
If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will definitely lose weight. One of the most effective ways of ensuring that you consume fewer calories is to eat mini-meals. This calls for you to consume 4-5 meals or snacks per day.
Include Proteins In Your Meals
Proteins ensure that you feel full for a long time. Proteins also preserve muscle mass and encourage burning of fats. Although, it's highly recommended that you include proteins in all of your foods, you shouldn't take any proteins that you come across-you should only consume healthy proteins such as egg whites, cheese, nuts, beans, soy, seafood and lean meat.
Spice Up Your Food
Spices have been shown to stimulate your taste buds thus you feel full for a long time thus you don't eat much. To avoid adding weight, you should ensure that the spices you take contain fewer calories.
Cut On Fried Foods
Fried foods contain plenty of fat which jeopardizes your weight loss. Instead of frying the foods, you should go with other cooking methods such as broiling, boiling, grilling, and baking. To make your food great you should doctor it up by adding your favorite herbs.
Take Fruits As Your Dessert
Instead of taking calorie-filled cookies, you should take a fruit for your dessert. In addition to the fruit containing just a few calories, it also contains extra vitamins, fiber and minerals which are of great help to you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9185324

How to Lose Weight Without Endangering Your Health

1. Drink More Water
The first thing you need to do is make sure you're drinking plenty of water every day. It's recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water every day, each glass containing eight ounces of water. This has a few different benefits. Water has no calories so it'll keep your body well hydrated without adding calories. Drinking water will raise your metabolism slightly so you'll start burning more calories each day.
Water is also needed to keep your body running at full capacity. As you're exercising, your body is going to need a lot of water to keep itself in top shape and repair the damage you do to your muscles. So if you want to lose weight, it's important that you keep yourself well hydrated.
2. Stop Drinking Soda
You should also cut out soda from your diet completely. Don't just start drinking diet soda or cut the number of sodas back. Get rid of them completely. They're horrible for your body. Just by drinking water every day and dropping the soda you can lose a good bit of weight. You should also cut out as much sugar from your diet as possible.
3. Regular Cardio Exercise
If you want to lose weight effectively, you need to make sure you're exercising regularly. Every day you should be getting a minimum of thirty minutes of cardio. This can be anything from walking, to running, biking, or swimming; anything that will get you moving and boost your heart rate. The more intense the activity, the better it will be, but at the beginning, even walking for half an hour will do your body a world of good.
4. Strength Training
In addition to the cardio exercise, every other day you should be doing some strength training. Cardio training may help you lose a couple pounds, but strength training is what's going to help you burn the most fat. Cardio is good for short calorie burning bursts, but the more muscle you build up, the more calories you'll burn at rest.
It's important that you don't do strength training every day though. When you're lifting weights or doing anything that involves muscle building, you're constantly damaging your muscles. When you finish your workout, your body starts repairing those muscles, making them stronger. That's how you build up muscle. It takes around twenty four hours for your body to completely recover. So if you don't let your body rest, then you'll end up seriously injuring yourself.
Weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to shed those pounds. But if you keep motivated, you won't have any problems reaching your goals.
Learn more ways to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle with many more effective lessons and methods. If you want to lose weight permanently and make a healthy lifestyle change, you need to visit my Thin Ninja website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9179387

jeudi 1 octobre 2015

how to Find a Local Weight Loss Center

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, have you ever though about joining a weight loss center?  A weight loss center membership is a nice way to help you achieve your goal of losing weight.  If you have never been a member of a weight loss center before, you may be wondering how you can go about finding a weight loss center to join.

Before examining how you can go about finding a weight loss center to join, it is first important to know what weight loss centers are. When examining weight loss centers, you will find that weight loss centers come in a number of different formats.  Most commonly, weight loss centers are used to describe local weight loss programs, where you attend group meetings at the “center.”  There are some weight loss centers that have weekly or biweekly meetings, like for weigh-ins.  There are also weight loss centers where your membership fees give you access to onsite exercise equipment or the ability to attend an aerobics class.

Now that you know exactly what weight loss centers are, you are better prepared to go about finding one to join. One of the many ways that you can go about finding a weight loss center to become a member at is by using your local phone book. When using your local phone book, you will want to checkout the business directory section, which is also commonly referred to as the yellow pages.  You may be able to find the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of local weight loss centers by looking under the headings of “weight loss,” or “health and fitness.”

In addition to using your local phone book, you can also use the internet to help you find a local weight loss center to join. When using the internet, you can use online business directories or online phone books. These online resources are nice, but they are similar to what you would find in your local phone book. Often times, you only get the name, address, and telephone number of a weight loss center.  If you were to use an online business directory, you may also get the address to an online website, if the weight loss center in question has one.

In keeping with using the internet to help you find a local weight loss center, you can also use standard internet searches to your advantage.  When performing a standard internet search, you may want to search with phrases like “weight loss centers,” or “weight loss programs.”  This generalized search may return results for nationally operated weight loss centers.  If you are looking for a local center, you may want to incorporate your city or your state into your standard internet search as well.

Another great way that you can go about finding a local weight loss center to join is by asking those that you know for recommendations. This includes your friends, family members, coworkers, neighbors, or your doctors.  Whether the individual in question was or still is a member of the weight loss center in question or they know someone who was, you may be able to get a lot information by speaking to those that you know.  It is also nice, as you often don’t just get the name, address, or telephone number of a local weight loss center; you also should get personal recommendations and constructive criticism as well.

The above mentioned approaches are just a few of the many ways that you can go about finding local weight loss centers to join. Although it is nice to hear recommendations from those that you know or use the internet to help you familiarize yourself with all of your options, it is important that you take the time to find the perfect weight loss center for you and needs. This should involve examining the membership features that you have access to, the cost of becoming a member, and so forth.