rapid weightloss

jeudi 31 décembre 2015

How To Lose Weight Quickly In 7 Days At Home

Losing weight is challenging. For most people it takes a few weeks. However, if you want to lose a reasonable amount of weight, like two pounds or more, in a short time, you will need to adjust your diet. Adjustments to your diet will have a big impact on your weight. The best way to know how opt lose weight in 7 days is by making changes to your diet. Studies show that gradual weight loss is a healthier lifestyle and a more sustainable weight loss. To achieve this, you will need to:
1. Lean protein, healthy fats and vegetables
Design your meals to ensure they contain one low carbohydrate (carb) vegetable source, one low but healthy fat source and one protein source. Your carb intake should be in the range of 20 to 50 grams every day. This does not mean you are limited to certain foods. There are plenty of different foods that are healthy and offer a large array of nutrients. This is an integral part in learning how to lose weight in 7 days.
2. Artificial sugars compared to natural sugars
Instead of having a piece of candy as your quick snack, choose to have a fruit instead. Fruits that are low in sugars include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries. If you take tea or coffee in the morning, take it without sugar. If you can't do without sugar, replace processed sugar with a natural sugar such as honey or Stevia.
3. Eat a protein heavy, small breakfast
The only way you can get sufficient energy to last a day is kick starting the day with a breakfast that is filled with protein. Such a breakfast will also keep your blood sugar up. The breakfast you come up with should not exceed 400 calories. Eat the same breakfast every morning at approximately the same time. You can come up with several variations, and rotate a number of options. Your breakfast include a glass of water with lemon or unsweetened tea.
4. Consume a balanced lunch and dinner
Schedule your lunch so that you can eat it at the same time each day. This will also assist you to plan the lunch in advance. Rotate a number of options to ensure you receive some variety during the seven days. Take note that lunch will have an impact on how to lose weight in 7 days. Each day should be finished with a filling dinner that will not create fat that your body will have a problem burning or overload your metabolism. Maintain your dinner and lunch at 500 calories.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9265791

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

10 Healthiest Foods for weightloss and health

Do you know that your brain requires nutrients that are needed for its nutrition? A healthy brain is essential for our body to function properly, as well, to make smart decisions.
In line with that, diet plays a major role in having a healthy brain and great memory. To fuel your body and brain, here are the healthiest foods you need to include in your diet.
1. Oily fish
If you love to eat seafoods, you're lucky to have two nutrients that can keep your mind sharp: Omega-3 fats and vitamin D. Studies have shown that people who ate fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by nearly 40%.
2. Green leafy vegetables
It's not new to all of us that green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Loaded with vitamin K, greens such as spinach, kale, and collards have been found out to slow cognitive decline. According to a new study from Rush University Medical Center, eating 1 to 2 servings of leafy greens each day contribute ti cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who do not consume any.
3. Olive oil
It's great today that using olive oil is promoted in healthy cooking. This is because it's an excellent source of polyphenols-powerful antioxidants that have can help prevent aging and disease-related memory problems. Extra virgin olive oil improves learning and memory, and other studies concluded that swapping saturated fats for mono- and polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil, is linked with a lower risk for Alzheimer's disease.
4. Blueberries
Berries are known to have antioxidants-anthocyanin-that are healthy for the brain. Studies have found that anthocyanins can cross the blood-brain barrier, protecting brain cells from oxidation and boosting communication between brain neurons.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. It helps protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's.
6. Sage are proven to be effective in improving memory and yet most studies focus on sage as an essential oil, it could be worth adding fresh sage to your diet too
7. Pumpkin Seeds
Sounds new, right? Well, just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day is all you need to get the recommended daily amount of zinc, which is essential in enhancing memory and thinking skills.
8. A great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower, broccoli is truly known as "superfoods".
9. Nuts
In olden times, it is believed that nuts are the real "brain foods". In some points, it's true! A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent cognitive decline, particularly in the elderly. Nuts are rich in Vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, eggs, brown rice and wholegrains.
10. Wholegrains
Effective concentration and focus comes from the adequate and steady supply of energy which can be achieved in the form of glucose in our blood to the brain. Get this by consuming wholegrains with a low-GI, which can release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally alert throughout the day. Brown cereals, wheatbran, granary bread and brown pasta are those ideal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9261835

mardi 29 décembre 2015

Diets Delivery 101 - Diet Food Delivery Services Explained in Simple Terms

It's that time of year again. Thinking about losing weight the easy way with a diet food delivery service? Wondering where you should start?
Diet food home delivery services are exploding across North America for 3 reasons - they're easy to use, affordable and very effective at taking off weight quickly.
But if you've never tried one of these services before, you might be a bit confused about all of your options.
Which one should you try? Which one is best for you? How do they work?
Not to worry, this article will cover what you need to know - a simple guide, if you will, to choosing a diet meal home delivery service.
So what is diet delivery anyway?
This is a term for any service that sends you regular meals, snacks, bars, shakes, or any type of food to your home to help you lose weight. Most of the time, the meals are all done for you. The calories have already been counted and measured.
You don't have to do anything but heat and eat. Very easy.
What kinds of services are there?
There are really 2 different kinds of options you have here. There are fresh weight loss meal delivery services that will cook you full, fresh meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. These meals are then usually frozen and shipped to your home every week.
The companies will use special cooling packages that keep the food cool throughout the day - so you don't have to be home at the exact time that your food arrives.
The second kind of service is the pre-packaged food diets that ship to your front door. These services don't make meals fresh. They use pre-packaged foods like shakes, bars, lite entrees, oatmeals, etc.
Depending on which diet service you choose, sometimes you have to add your own grocery items to these pre-packaged items, and sometimes it's not necessary to do so.
Which kind of diet food delivery service is right for you?
This really depends on your goals, budget, food preferences and lifestyle.
For example, fresh meal delivery services tend to be much healthier for you(because there are less preservatives than with pre-packaged meals). They also tend to be more satisfying overall because your body is getting a lot more nutrients and vitamins with the food.
And don't discount the effect that eating fresh, gourmet meals has on your weight loss progress. When you eat food that is delicious and freshly made for every meal, you're less likely to cheat on your diet and grind to a weight loss plateau.
However plans with prepackaged foods like shakes, bars, oatmeals, etc. do have an advantage too - they tend to be more affordable. And you may lose weight a bit faster (because these diets tend to be lower in calories than fresh meal services.)
Regardless of the type of service you get, you do have a lot of choices when it comes to food here. For example, you can get low carb meals, vegetarian meals and even diabetic friendly meals. You can find diets that have chocolate or treats or even comfort foods included in the menu.
So the great news is that you have a lot of options to find a menu plan that you love.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9270237

lundi 28 décembre 2015

Effective Fitness Advice for Women's Health and Weight Loss

Let's admit it, we cannot start a fitness regimen by just reading health fitness advice, we have to follow it religiously. It is never easy to start with a task unless you are really passionate about it. So before indulging in the world of women's health and fitness, make sure you are determined and ready to be disciplined. After all, being healthy is fun!
Get up and warm-up
If you used to ignore health fitness advice, then you are probably allergic to the word exercise. Don't worry, it's never too late. A lot of health fitness tips will tell you that you should start small, warm up your body first. You can rely on 7-minute work-out applications for the meantime or take a regular morning jog at the nearest park to condition your body for better things like - a sexier body and a healthier life! Sounds exciting right?
Gyms are the new black
Now that you have conditioned your body to move around, you can begin taking health fitness advice to the next level. Browse over your directory and sign up at the best gym you have in town. Working-out not only gives you energy, but also tones your muscles and makes your body more efficient and stronger. Women's health and fitness comes in many forms so it's good to hire a trainer to better train you with the needs of your body. You can also enroll in gym classes like spinning, hip-hop dancing, yoga, and Zumba to spice up your work-out experience. This is a favorite health fitness tip because it does not only make you feel healthy, it is also an avenue for you to meet new people.
Make healthy a reality
Exercise alone will not give you the greatest results because you also have to watch what foods you put in your body. You really do not have to deprive yourself of food but if you follow health fitness advice, you must know that there are certain reminders you have to consider. When you work-out, it's OK to load up on carbohydrates and protein, because our body needs energy to burn. However, a very important health fitness tip is that during your idle time in a stationary position, you should choose fruits, greens, and grains because these are healthier, makes you feel fuller, and don't add much to your waistline.
Women nowadays are very empowered, even more if it's coupled with health and fitness. Health fitness advice are free for all and many of it is very easy to do. Being fit is not just about looking good or attractive; it is also about taking care of your body and swaying it away from illnesses. Always remember that maintaining women's health and fitness equates to a longer and healthier life!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9261766

dimanche 27 décembre 2015

10 Healthiest Foods for Your Brain

Do you know that your brain requires nutrients that are needed for its nutrition? A healthy brain is essential for our body to function properly, as well, to make smart decisions.
In line with that, diet plays a major role in having a healthy brain and great memory. To fuel your body and brain, here are the healthiest foods you need to include in your diet.
1. Oily fish
If you love to eat seafoods, you're lucky to have two nutrients that can keep your mind sharp: Omega-3 fats and vitamin D. Studies have shown that people who ate fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by nearly 40%.
2. Green leafy vegetables
It's not new to all of us that green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Loaded with vitamin K, greens such as spinach, kale, and collards have been found out to slow cognitive decline. According to a new study from Rush University Medical Center, eating 1 to 2 servings of leafy greens each day contribute ti cognitive ability of a person 11 years younger than those who do not consume any.
3. Olive oil
It's great today that using olive oil is promoted in healthy cooking. This is because it's an excellent source of polyphenols-powerful antioxidants that have can help prevent aging and disease-related memory problems. Extra virgin olive oil improves learning and memory, and other studies concluded that swapping saturated fats for mono- and polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil, is linked with a lower risk for Alzheimer's disease.
4. Blueberries
Berries are known to have antioxidants-anthocyanin-that are healthy for the brain. Studies have found that anthocyanins can cross the blood-brain barrier, protecting brain cells from oxidation and boosting communication between brain neurons.
5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. It helps protect against the kind of free radical damage to cells which occurs in the development of dementia, particularly Alzheimer's.
6. Sage are proven to be effective in improving memory and yet most studies focus on sage as an essential oil, it could be worth adding fresh sage to your diet too
7. Pumpkin Seeds
Sounds new, right? Well, just a handful of pumpkin seeds a day is all you need to get the recommended daily amount of zinc, which is essential in enhancing memory and thinking skills.
8. A great source of vitamin K, which is known to enhance cognitive function and improve brainpower, broccoli is truly known as "superfoods".
9. Nuts
In olden times, it is believed that nuts are the real "brain foods". In some points, it's true! A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that a good intake of vitamin E might help to prevent cognitive decline, particularly in the elderly. Nuts are rich in Vitamin E along with leafy green vegetables, asparagus, olives, seeds, eggs, brown rice and wholegrains.
10. Wholegrains
Effective concentration and focus comes from the adequate and steady supply of energy which can be achieved in the form of glucose in our blood to the brain. Get this by consuming wholegrains with a low-GI, which can release glucose slowly into the bloodstream, keeping you mentally alert throughout the day. Brown cereals, wheatbran, granary bread and brown pasta are those ideal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9261835

samedi 26 décembre 2015

Losing Weight Naturally - Easy and Fast Tips That You Can Follow

Are you among those many people who are struggling to lose weight? According to a recent survey, there are millions of people across the world who are battling obesity to become fitter and healthier, but they are doing it in an unhealthy way. Losing weight in an unhealthy way has a lot of disadvantages, and that's the reason why medical experts and even fitness instructors do not suggest it. If you want to lose weight, doing it in a natural way is advisable; here are some tips you can follow that will make you burn fats and calories without risking your health:
Exercise Regularly
Exercising daily is definitely one of the best ways to lose weight. But always remember that you shouldn't engage yourself on strenuous exercises immediately, especially if you are still new to it. Your routine should slowly progress from easy to hard, and it should take you several months before changing your exercise routine to a harder one. Also, make sure to exercise daily for a couple of hours in order to burn fat and calories on your body.
Choose Healthy Food
Unhealthy foods (junk foods, canned goods, processed foods, etc.) are among the culprits for making people gain weight. That's why, you should always be selective when it comes to the foods you eat. Vegetables, fruits, a controlled amount of carbs, plus other essential vitamins to keep your body working properly (e.g. protein, zinc, iron, manganese) - all of these should be served on your plate daily, but in a controlled manner. By simply exercising and choosing healthy food, experts are already guaranteeing that you'll lose weight within 2 weeks.
Drink Healthy Beverages
Drinking detox juices and infused water is also another way for you to lose weight naturally. Aside from helping you become fitter and healthier, these healthy beverages help flush out harmful toxins in your body while keeping you hydrated all throughout the day. When detox juices and infused water were first introduced in the market, people had a hard time making them, but today, you can easily buy an infuser water bottle which allows you to mix fruits and herbs on your drink effortlessly. You can check out a lot of infused water recipes on health and fitness blogs on the Internet.
Cut the Sugar
Cutting your sugar intake is also another effective way for you to become fitter. Try to avoid eating chocolates, candies, sweet desserts, and carbonated beverages for 1 month, and you'll instantly see the result. Foods with a lot of sugar will not only make you gain excess pounds but it will also trigger you to have diabetes, so as early as now, just avoid them. And if it is quite hard for you to do this, you can always eat sweet foods but make sure to do it in moderation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9256786

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Best Food Items for Weight Loss in Women

If you carry out the necessary research, it is not a very difficult affair to find out the best food items for weight loss in women. All these items can be easily obtained from the local market. However, it is important to state at the outset that women cannot expect to undergo successful weight loss by eating nothing at all or by having small meals that are barely enough to keep them alive. These types of weight loss strategies are absolutely wrong and extremely dangerous. It is imperative that women eat healthy food items to keep their bodies in good shape. The list of healthy food items for women to undergo weight loss is quite long, so one can choose to depend on one's preferences and needs.
Whole grains
If you were to go by the technical details, you may not be able to count all the benefits of whole grains even on your fingertips as these benefits run into many. The best part about whole grains is that they feature extremely low-fat content and hence do not cause any amount of weight gain. Their regular consumption can even help people lose weight on a consistent basis. Furthermore, whole grains consist of nutrients and fibers that build a protective shield for the user to guard them against many different diseases. One can take advantage of beneficial properties of whole grains by consuming them in any form like barley, whole rye, cereals or in the form of whole wheat. Depending on your taste buds and your requirement, you can include either one of the above or all of the different whole grain types into your daily diet plan and burn body fat on a consistent basis.
Fruits and vegetables
It is no secret that fruits and vegetables consist of the good amount of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, each one of which are extremely helpful in strengthening the natural immune system of human body and are indispensable for maintaining the healthy lifestyle. Natural fibers help the easy passage of food items through the human body as they maintain cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. A well-maintained cholesterol and blood sugar level are important in the prevention of health problems like obesity, digestive disorder, heart disease, and diabetes.
Fruits and vegetables consist of two different types of fibers - insoluble fibers. Insoluble fiber is commonly found in green leafy skins of fruits and vegetables and in beans. The soluble type is found in fruits like strawberry, kiwi, oranges, bananas and apples, and in vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots etc.
Lean meat
Lean meats consist of low-fat content and the good amount of protein, both important to facilitate consistent weight loss. Before you opt for lean meats, please keep in mind that all types of meats consist of fat and hence it is important for you to go through the food label before purchasing a specific lean meat. There are all sorts of lean meats available in the marketplace, but the ones that work best for weight loss in women are chicken breast, tuna, ocean perch, pinnacle, cod and turkey breast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9262612

jeudi 24 décembre 2015

Weight Loss - Why Do You Keep Putting On Weight?

If you're like any person that has ever had even the slightest concern over their physique and appearance, you have surely asked yourself this question. "Why do I keep putting on weight?"
Sometimes, we are confused, upset or disappointed. Maybe even perplexed. Weight gain, although simple in nature, is never linear. In other words, we know if we eat more than we need to we are likely to gain weight. But, that still does not explain why we may be only one pound heavier at the end of August, and three pounds heavier at the end of September. Especially when you recall you ate roughly the same way both of these months.
Many factors play a role in weight gain and weight loss. With that said, let's focus on answering the question presented here.
You may be wondering what is exactly responsible for your weight gain. You think about your eating habits and behaviors, and you are sure you don't eat too much. You may only dine out once a week (if that), and you do try to eat healthy most of the time.
So what gives?
One thing is for sure. There is a high chance you underestimate how much you eat on a daily basis. It can be easy to overlook the fact you snack too frequently, and those calories, no matter how negligible they may seem, do add up over time. Additionally, you may not know some calories found in foods have an extraordinary amount of variance. A granola bar, for instance, apparently contains more calories than an apple. But, did you know a handful of almonds, evidently a smaller intake than either of the above, is likely to contain more calories than both an apple and a granola bar put together? Fat sources are notorious for their calorie content, since each gram of fat contains nine calories, as opposed to just four calories found in both a gram of carbohydrate and protein.
Additionally, how much do you exercise? A walk through the mall while shopping on your weekend does not count as physical activity. If you don't dedicate time strictly to exercise at least three or four times a week, there's a good chance you're not putting the calories you take in, to proper use. If you're not expending the extra calories you've been consuming, they will just be converted to fat in your body. As such, weight gain ensues.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9178670

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

How to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight

Most people would like to lose at least a few pounds to improve the appearance of their physiques and their overall health. We all know that in order to lose weight you need to watch what you eat and exercise. Still, most of us struggle to successfully reach our weight loss goals. Why?
The truth is that for many people weight loss is more complex than simply to eat less and exercise more. Problems with a slow metabolism can interfere with weight loss and lead to sluggish results or even stand in a person's way of losing weight at all. Fortunately, though, it is possible to boost your metabolic rate and get on your way to achieving your goals.
What Is Metabolism?
To understand how your metabolism can help or hurt your weight loss efforts, you need to understand how your body burns fat. Your body needs energy in order to do every task from powering your heart to digesting your food to making your muscles move. You can think of calories as the fuel needed to produce that energy. Throughout every minute of the day, your body is burning calories to keep itself functioning.
When you eat food, the calories contained in the food become your primary source of food. If you eat more calories than you burn, the rest is used to produce fat for you to store. When you eat fewer calories than you burn, your body breaks down stored fat and burns the calories it contains for fuel to make energy. That's why eating less than you presently do allows you to lose weight.
This entire process of burning calories to generate fuel is done by your metabolism. Everyone has a metabolism, but not everyone's metabolisms work at the same pace. The speed at which your metabolism burns fat is called your metabolic rate. As you age, your metabolic rate naturally slows, and medical conditions, hormones, stress, inadequate sleep and certain medications can all slow it down. When your metabolism is slow, it's much harder for your body to burn fat at a satisfying pace for you to lose weight. Plus, you're more likely to gain weight, even when you eat sensible meals.
How to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight?
If you suffer from a slow metabolism, you can take steps to increase your metabolic rate by:
- Using Natural Metabolism Boosters. Certain natural supplements provide metabolism support, increasing metabolic rate to help you burn fat more efficiently when you're dieting and exercising.
- Eating Spicy Foods. Cayenne pepper and other spicy foods have been shown to increase the rate of men's and women's metabolism for a short period of time after they have eaten.
- Strengthening Your Muscles.People with more lean muscle mass are able to burn more calories even when they're at rest.
- Drinking Enough Water. When you become dehydrated, your metabolic rate slows, so be sure to drink at least eight or more 8-ounce glasses of water per day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9259666

mardi 22 décembre 2015

Nuratrim: The Brand New Superstar Weight Loss Supplement

Created by German physician Alfred Hasselbacher, Nuratrim says it will provide super fast calorie melting impact on par with a 40-minute run. As outlined by Britain's The Telegraph, a single pill may burn off 380 calories daily -- 15 times more calories than some other weight loss supplements promise.
All-natural Weight Loss
Greater than 50,000 Nuratrim sales orders were placed before Nuropharm launched the supplement to the British community in December 2011. The firm released the supplement to US dieters too around three months later.
Tests show that Nuratrim might be effective if coupled with eating well, routine workouts, and constructive lifestyle improvements.
Nuratrim has organic ingredients. Among the substances are licorice extract, capsicum extract, green coffee extract, and glucomannan fiber. Continue reading to find out more about these substances.
Licorice Extract
Licorice originates from the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant. It is readily recognized by the unique and fairly sugary tasting quality.
Glycyrrhiza glabra, a plant related to legumes and peas, is local to the southern part of Europe, the northern region of India, and areas of Asia. Fennel, anise, and star anise are not related to licorice, in spite of their comparable taste.
Licorice is the key component in Nuratrim as well as other all-natural weight loss supplements. Consumed in capsule or extract form, licorice can provide your metabolic process a lift, particularly if you couple it with a healthy diet plan and workout program.
Medical study reveals that licorice extract may reduce weight, body mass index (BMI), and blood cholesterol.
Capsicum Extract
Capsicum is a flowering plant in the nightshade group. Local to Mexico along with the Americas, it is grown globally as a vegetable, spice, and medication.
The fruits of the capsicum plant have got numerous names, determined by the specific location and kind.
Because of the exclusive fat-burning capabilities, capsicum extract is a significant component in Nuratrim as well as other weight loss supplements. It may not only burn off energy as carbs and body fat, but it really builds up your at rest metabolism.
Cleansing attributes render capsicum an appealing dietary supplement for overall health. It is effective for reducing LDL cholesterol, glucose, and triglyceride amounts. This also helps performance, stamina, and recuperation.
Green Coffee Extract
Green coffee extract is a comparatively modern component in nutritional supplements. Green coffee beans possess cleansing attributes that are much like those present in green tea extract and grape seed extract.
Any coffees, but especially green coffees, will help the system burn off a greater ratio of body fats to carbs. Research workers claim it could possibly also help the assimilation and usage of glucose.
Used in the long run, green coffee dietary supplements decrease fat and reduce body mass index (BMI). The results are better than with conventional roasted coffees or instant coffees. Green coffee extract is among the organic ingredients present in Nuratrim.
Glucomannan Fiber
Glucomannan is a nutritional dietary fiber produced from the root of Amorphophallus konjac. As a food additive, it can be employed as a thickener or emulsifier.
Glucomannan is the primary component in several conventional Japanese food items, such as konnykaku and shirataki noodles. It is present in the corm (bulb or tuber) of the konjac plant.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9264598

lundi 21 décembre 2015

Weight Loss - Why Do You Keep Putting On Weight?

If you're like any person that has ever had even the slightest concern over their physique and appearance, you have surely asked yourself this question. "Why do I keep putting on weight?"
Sometimes, we are confused, upset or disappointed. Maybe even perplexed. Weight gain, although simple in nature, is never linear. In other words, we know if we eat more than we need to we are likely to gain weight. But, that still does not explain why we may be only one pound heavier at the end of August, and three pounds heavier at the end of September. Especially when you recall you ate roughly the same way both of these months.
Many factors play a role in weight gain and weight loss. With that said, let's focus on answering the question presented here.
You may be wondering what is exactly responsible for your weight gain. You think about your eating habits and behaviors, and you are sure you don't eat too much. You may only dine out once a week (if that), and you do try to eat healthy most of the time.
So what gives?
One thing is for sure. There is a high chance you underestimate how much you eat on a daily basis. It can be easy to overlook the fact you snack too frequently, and those calories, no matter how negligible they may seem, do add up over time. Additionally, you may not know some calories found in foods have an extraordinary amount of variance. A granola bar, for instance, apparently contains more calories than an apple. But, did you know a handful of almonds, evidently a smaller intake than either of the above, is likely to contain more calories than both an apple and a granola bar put together? Fat sources are notorious for their calorie content, since each gram of fat contains nine calories, as opposed to just four calories found in both a gram of carbohydrate and protein.
Additionally, how much do you exercise? A walk through the mall while shopping on your weekend does not count as physical activity. If you don't dedicate time strictly to exercise at least three or four times a week, there's a good chance you're not putting the calories you take in, to proper use. If you're not expending the extra calories you've been consuming, they will just be converted to fat in your body. As such, weight gain ensues.
There are many factors contributing to weight gain. If there's a message to takeaway here, it's you probably underestimate how much you eat on a daily basis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9178670

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Weight Loss Doesn't Have To Be Difficult

The first step in weight loss is to set out clear aims. Can you visualize a certain number that you would like to see on the scale? Is there a certain clothing size you want to wear, or do you want your current wardrobe to fit you comfortably once again? Ask yourself whether you want some extra energy, or just to feel like you are in better shape.
Keeping a weekly record of your weight loss is necessary for success. Keeping track of your progress helps you keep your goals in mind. Checking your weight on a weekly basis will help you keep track of your weight loss. Think about writing down everything that you consume in a day. Writing down the foods you consume each day will allow you to see what is helpful for losing weight and what is not. Once you look at the journal you are keeping, you can get ideas for further weight loss.
Being hungry can lead to poor food choices. Try to make decisions about what to eat and when to eat before you are feeling those intense hunger pangs. You need to make sure that you are snacking on healthy foods during the day, so that you do not reach that starvation level. Schedule your meals in advance and have snacks on hand. Bring your own lunch instead of going to a restaurant. Planning ahead protects both your waistline and your wallet! When you are very hungry, you tend to make poor, unhealthy choices about the food you eat. Don't wait until you're starving to sit down to a meal. Pre-plan your daily meals and have a few healthy snacks at hand. Bring your lunch with you instead of going out to eat. This will help you closely monitor your calorie intake and save you money as well.
A truly great weight loss plan will focus on both diet and exercise. Schedule fun work out activities a few times every week. If you keep neglecting exercise because it is boring, then use the activities you enjoy to get some exercise. How about spending time with your male friends? Shoot some hoops with them! Are you focused on having a good time? Learn some new moves in a dance class. Do you prefer to escape into the world of wildlife and visit areas of outstanding natural beauty? Get out there and enjoy a refreshing hike on the trails.
Take some time to eliminate all unhealthy junk foods from your house. Remove all unhealthy choices and you will not give into temptation. If you make it difficult to get your hands on the high calorie junk food, it will be far less appealing and you will not eat as much of it.
Use a support network to assist you in your weight loss journey and this will help you to stay motivated. If you get to the point where you feel like stopping, then this support you get from other people will pump you up and give you the motivation to keep going. Look to others when you need some help.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9257107

samedi 19 décembre 2015

Healthy Eating - Important Points To Know About Vitamins

When sorting through your eating plan, chances are you are paying quite a bit of attention to the quantity of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you're taking in. These macronutrients are going to make a big difference to how you feel during the day as well as how well you maintain your body weight.
As well you can't forget about the micronutrients you choose to eat. Micronutrients refer to all the vitamins and minerals. These substances also impact how you feel and function and while they may not contain calories, they are still important.
Let's go over a few key points about the different vitamins...
1. Brightly Colored Foods Take The Winning Spot. First, if you are looking to get in as many vitamins as possible, turn to the brightest colored foods you can find, meaning, in most cases, fruits and vegetables. Vegetables, legumes, and fruits are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
These brightly hued foods will pack some of the major vitamins, many of which also serve as antioxidants in your body.
Spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, red and orange peppers, kale, and so forth are all excellent choices for getting the best vitamin intake. The more of these you can include in your meal plan each and every day, the lower your chances will be of running a deficiency.
2. Fat Soluble Versus Water Soluble. Next, also be careful to note there are water soluble vitamins and others that are fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins will be just washed out of your body when consumed in excess, meaning you need to take them in daily. If you don't, you'll be more prone to running a deficiency.
On the other hand, the fat soluble vitamins are absorbed in fat. Therefore, they can be stored for the long haul meaning that if you are taking in too many, it is possible for them to reach toxic levels in your body. As such, you need to be more careful with how many you are eating.
Furthermore, when trying to take in sufficient fat soluble vitamins, you're best off eating these with some dietary fat as this will also increase the chances they are absorbed in your body.
The fat soluble vitamins include vitamin A, D, E, and K, while all the others are water soluble.
Using this information, you can better plan how you will achieve your recommended intake of these nutrients, making sure your selected meal plan promotes optimal health as best as possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9177116

vendredi 18 décembre 2015

10 Natural Foods That Should Be Included in Your Diet

If good health is your desire, there is no getting around your diet. Remember your physical health is a direct reflection of what you eat, and how you live your life in general. Pre-packaged and processed foods may be easy to cook, but whipping up a nutritious and balanced meal from scratch using natural ingredients is an absolute must if you want to achieve optimal health. So why wait? Stock your kitchen with these natural foods that offer a range of essential nutrients for a balanced diet and add them to your diet on a daily basis for a healthy boost to your life:

  1. Lemon (Nimbu)

Lemon is not only a good taste enhancer but is also packed with antioxidants and other health benefits that rejuvenates the body and mind. A daily dose of Lemon as lemonade or squeezed raw in meals boosts immunity, cleanses body and helps the overall health. To get even more nutrition out of this sour fruit, pair with lip smacking recipes for a refreshing taste and balanced diet.

  1. Almonds (Badam)

There are a whole lot of benefits in a handful of almonds, popularly known as Badam in India. With energizing protein, hunger fighting fiber and many essential nutrients, almonds are the tree nut highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin. They are also one of the highest sources of hard-to-get magnesium. Daily consumption of these nuts have multiple benefits including helping you manage your weight, fight diabetes and keep your heart in a healthy shape. Fortunately, these flavour ful and versatile nuts are available throughout the year to make a healthy and tasty addition to your meals. Try these incredibly delicious badam recipes for easy, satiating and healthy snacking.

  1. Organic Eggs

A source of high-quality protein, organic eggs are relatively inexpensive and are a good source of quality nutrients that many people are deficient in. Eggs are easy to cook and make for great breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can try Andae ka Halwa or Badam Cutlet for some 'eggilicious' snacking.

  1. Broccoli

'Eat your Broccoli' was a common phrase and your parents knew what was up when they told you that. This humble green vegetable is a source of multiple nutrients like fiber, calcium, potassium, folate and polynutrients that help in combating risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other such diseases. Broccoli can be had as stir-fries, soups, salads, and casseroles.

  1. Oat Meal

What better way to begin the day than with a bowl full of oats mixed with dry fruits. Considered one of the healthiest wholesome foods, Oats is not only well balanced but also great to taste. It is packed with dietary fibers and minerals such as Manganese, Magnesium, Thiamin and Phosphorous. Incorporate Oats along with dry fruits in your regular diet for multiple health benefits.

  1. Garlic

With their unique combination of flavonoids and nutrients, Garlic is a must use ingredient in your daily diet. It is a good seasoning agent to add aroma and taste along with added nutrition to your dishes. Try these delicious recipes seasoned with Garlic: Taimuri Shorba, Murg Badam Korma and Badami Murg Kheema

  1. Beans

High in fiber and antioxidants, beans are more than just meat substitutes. They provide myriad health benefits, and are easily available. Beans can be incorporated into a main dish (Rajma/Dal), side dish (Baked beans), appetizer (soup - Moong Dal Badami) or snack (dip). You can be creative in your meal planning when you have kidney beans, black beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, split peas and lentils in your kitchen.

  1. Spinach

The green and leafy spinach should be an essential component of your daily diet. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin that boost immunity while improving eye-health. Make your salads with spinach; add spinach to scrambled eggs; drape it over pizza or cook the incredibly yummy Palak Badam ki Subzi.

  1. Indian Gooseberry

Deliciously sour and tart, Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a super food that is most commonly used ingredient of most Ayurvedic preparations. Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C and contains many vitals minerals essential for good metabolic health. To get the benefits of Amla in your diet, add a pinch of Amla powder in sweet and sour dishes, consume fresh Amla fruit or drink its juice to boost your overall wellbeing.

  1. Yoghurt

It is no coincidence that the yogurt section of most grocery stores has practically taken over the dairy aisle. Yogurt provides a healthy dose of bacteria that helps boost your immune system and provides protection against cancer. Yogurt topped with blueberries, almonds, flaxseed, and honey is the ultimate breakfast-or dessert. Yogurt is also a good base for salad dressings and dips.
The author loves to talk about healthy food and how balanced diet can help live a fuller life. Also, the benefits of almonds can not be neglected in our daily diet. A list of easy to make healthy recipes are also uploaded regularly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9259069

jeudi 17 décembre 2015

7 Healthiest Foods for Women's Health

Healthy food to eat is not all vegetables, fruits, or some beans; you can also toss some meat and flavour to spice up your health regimen.
1. Take your Fish
Fish products are a winner when it comes to healthiest foods for women. It has Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) which helps to prevent threats of hypertension, joint pain, heart disease, and depression. Salmon and other fish products can also reduce inflammatory illness such as lupus and enhances memory. In a healthy and delicious food guide, fish should be consumed 3-4 times a week.
2. Yogurt Alert
Are you a fan of ice cream but get scared by all the empty calories that come with it? Then you should switch to yogurt right away! Yogurt has been on the list of healthy food to eat for women because studies have been made to prove the many health benefits brought by probiotics. Almost all healthy and tasty guides contain a tip of eating yogurt because it helps you feel full without gaining weight.
3. Tomato-rific
With a minimum of 5 servings in a week indicated in the healthy food guide, tomatoes are a great source of lycopene. Lycopene is a substance which helps prevent cancer thus fruits containing this are the healthiest foods for women. Tomatoes are a flexible fruit, you can toss it in salads, put it in your sandwich, or use it to flavour your soup!
4. Fun with Beans
Beans may not be popular to many but is always seen in healthy and tasty food guides because it is low in fat yet rich in fiber and protein. Consuming beans 3-4 times a week may lower your risk of breast cancer and heart disease. It is also a healthy food to eat because it helps your hormones to be more stable.
5. Milk it Up
Milk is surely a woman's best friend. It is a good source of vitamin D and calcium that helps reduce risk of osteoporosis and other illnesses like multiple sclerosis, tumors, and diabetes. Included in the list of the healthiest foods for women, two glasses of milk a day is enough to give you your needed nutrients according to a healthy and tasty food guide.
6. Berry Good!
Berries are a good source of folic acid and vitamin C which is vital in a pregnant woman's healthy food guide. It also offers protection for the heart and skin-aging. It contains anthocyanins, a substance which helps in cell repair and makes berries a really healthy food to eat for women. Moreover, berries are a good weapon against urinary tract infections.
7. Whole grains
Whole grains are perfectly the healthiest food for women who love carbohydrates. Found in bread or pasta, whole grains are a staple in a healthy and tasty food guide because it is fiber-rich and full of B vitamins, which makes you feel fuller.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9259060

mercredi 16 décembre 2015

How Emotional Eating Sabotages Weight Loss Efforts

It has been a long and stressful day at the office, your children are misbehaving and you have to prepare dinner, when all you really want is to escape. You are stressed, anxious, tired, and obviously, irritated.
How do you deal with these flaring emotions?
Can a bag of salty and crunchy chips do the trick? Are a few scoops of ice cream enough to enhance your mood?
Well, apparently, and unfortunately for a lot of people they are.
The use of food as a solution to fix feelings of frustration, pain, sadness, anger, boredom, and anxiety is all too common. Unfortunately, emotional eating can also be a serious hindrance to your weight loss goals, and this is just one of the side effects of this type of eating disorder.
The Good And The Bad
A lot of people turn to food, whenever they are feeling down, irritated and stressed. For a very short span of time, eating can make them feel relaxed, as food brings them comfort. As a result, they begin to rely on food all too often when dealing with problems and negative emotions.
The cliché "chick flick" inevitably always features some girl reaching for a gallon of ice cream following a break up, and this scene is played way too much in Hollywood.
While emotional eating can give you a quick getaway from reality, it is not a healthy practice, by any means, especially when you are eating junk and high-calorie foods, which, is typically the food of choice for emotional eaters.
Do you ever see that girl in the movie reach for spinach?
Emotional eating, also referred to as comfort eating, is an unhealthy habit that can cause a variety of problems for you and those who love you.
Not only will it lead to unwanted weight gain and overeating, but, emotional eating can cause a handful of medical conditions as well, such as, anxiety, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a whole lot more. Furthermore, it can lead of adverse mental health problems, such as, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and body dysmorphic disorder.
Weight Gain
Emotional eating, in a nutshell, is the practice of eating large quantities of sweet and fatty food, as a reaction to feelings and emotions instead of physical hunger.
Clearly, this poor habit sabotages your weight loss efforts, as you will be consuming a great deal of calories that are not required by your body and that you will never burn off. In turn, these excess calories will be converted to fat, which, will lead to weight gain.
If you are an emotional eater it will be that much more difficult to lose weight because the habit of reaching for unhealthy food is so engrained that it will sabotage weight loss efforts.
A Vicious And Nasty Cycle
The worst part about this unhealthy habit is that it can cause problems and issues to multiply, which, can further increase your weight. Eventually, emotional eating can prevent you from learning skills and techniques that can effectively resolve your emotional distress. Instead, you will rely on using more and more food to suppress emotions.
Whatever feelings are driving you to overeat, the end result will always be the same. Not only will your emotions return to their original state, but, you will add guilt and shame as a result of the overeating on top of them that can propel you to eat even more. The result more weight gain.
A vicious and nasty cycle.
Impulsive Eating
While most people eat less during distressing moments, emotional eating can turn to binge or impulsive eating. In this disorder, you will be rapidly eating whatever is convenient, without the joy of consuming it.
As a matter of fact, emotional overeating can become so habitual that you may immediately grab a culinary treat whenever you are stressed and angry, without even thinking of what you are doing. Of course, this will lead to more weight gain and a sabotage of any weight loss efforts you are putting forth.
How To Get Back On Track
Even though stressful moments and hard to deal with and emotions can trigger this poor eating habit, it is still possible for you to control your cravings and maintain your ideal weight.
Here are some tips on how to prevent emotional eating.
Awareness Is Half The Battle: Understanding your emotional eating habits and their triggers goes a long way to beginning the process of recovery.
Stress Busters: If stress is causing you to eat more, practice healthy stress management techniques, such as, meditation or yoga.
Get Professional Help: A mental health counselor can provide therapy that will help you get back on the right path and teach you healthy coping skills for life's problems and eliminate the need to reach for food.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9022939

mardi 15 décembre 2015

Five Foods to Include in Your Diet for a Healthy Living

We live in a generation of fast paced life. The diet mostly comprises of fast foods like pizzas, burgers, hotdogs and more. It can prove to be a tedious task to watch your belly and set aside your valuable time for early morning exercise. Especially, working women find it increasingly difficult to have a balanced life prioritizing your health and work accordingly. Perhaps there may be some hope for those who are apprehensive about gaining weight, without having to lift those heavy weight dumbbells or go on jogging along the country side. According to experts, a minor change in diet can also prove to be as effective as a regular 30 minute workout. It's all about consuming fewer calories than you burn. An average 125 pound woman needs about 2000 calories a day or slightly less to lose weight. Planning of your diet accordingly is essential, so here is the list of food items to keep an eye on the next time when you go out shopping your grocery.
1. Beans
They can be inexpensive and filling at the same time. A cup of beans consists anywhere between 200-240 calories. They are also a great source of protein for women who spend time at the gym. High fiber content will slow digestion and delay your next meal intake.
2. Almonds
Almonds are fully packed with skin boosting Vitamins and also contain high fiber. A study suggested that though almonds are rich in calories they do not contribute to the belly fat. It is safe to swap your tomorrow morning snack with a handful of nuts.
3. Dark Chocolate
Next time when you crave to have a quick snack bar or a milky chocolate switch over to dark chocolate. In one of the studies it shows that people consuming dark chocolate ate less pizza than those who consumed other chocolates.
4. Apples
It not only has rich potassium which is good for women suffering from heart ailments, but it is also rich in fiber and antioxidants which help you in slower aging of your skin.
5. Green Tea
Swap your regular hot beverage with green tea and you can't stop noticing the difference soon enough. Antioxidants help in slower aging, stress reduction, proper blood circulation and also keeps a check on calorie intake.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9249706

lundi 14 décembre 2015

Three Ways Your Weight Loss Clinic Can Help You Shed the Pounds

With so much to do and so little time, it is hard to find a diet or an exercise routine that fits into our busy schedules. Some people are even completely at a loss when it comes to knowing how to eat healthy and exercise correctly, and they find the numbers on their scales increasing each time they weigh themselves because they do not have a clear understanding of what it means to be healthy. However, with the increasing emergence of weight loss clinics, shedding those extra pounds has become easier and more obtainable than ever. These organizations exist to create programs and routines that are tailored to your specific and personal health needs. Here are some of the key components that weight loss clinic programs provide.
An on-staff doctor at the weight loss clinic of your choosing will help you pick and plan a diet that you will enjoy and that will optimize your results. You will be given an estimated range of calories that you may consume daily, and it is suggested that you keep a log of your calorie intake so that you can keep track. Diets will vary according to which weight loss clinic you choose, but you will be given a diet that consists of food from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, nuts, and low-fat dairy products. By controlling the kinds and the amount of food you consume, it will ensure that you only eat healthy food that you really need instead of consuming unnecessary calories. You also will be advised to drink plenty of water in order to stay hydrated throughout each day. Optimal hydration intake is at least 64 ounces a day and is necessary to keep you healthy during your program.
The doctor will also provide you with a daily exercise routine. You must work out for approximately 30 minutes each day. It is important to stay active in order to build muscle to replace the fat that you lose. Cardiovascular exercise is recommended because this type of exercise will increase your heart rate and blood circulation throughout your body and will help you burn off excess calories. Some examples of cardiovascular exercises you can do are running, swimming, and cycling. Implementing a workout routine is also necessary to get you used to being active so that once you have lost those extra pounds, you can keep them off by continuing to exercise on a regular basis.
You will also be prescribed a weight loss medication by your dietary professional. This medication's function is to assist in the breakdown of your body fat. There is also an appetite suppressant in your medication that will help you not feel as hungry while you are cutting back on your calorie intake. You will be given instructions from your doctor regarding when and how to take your medication in accordance with your specific needs.
Programs such as these are the perfect solution for those who need that extra push to adopt a healthier lifestyle but are unsure how to start. The combination of a mindful diet, working out, and prescribed medication from your weight loss clinic will have you on your way to successful weight loss in no time!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9254974

dimanche 13 décembre 2015

Weight Loss - No More a Big Deal With Weight Loss Tea

As a teenager, I was an attractive girl. I had a healthy body weight and a great body structure. But, as soon as I left my school; I started to put on weight. Sudden weight gain was traumatic for me, and I badly wanted to get back in shape.
Weight loss - Is it easy?
Losing weight is certainly not an easy job. There are several ways to lose body fat. However, in most of the cases, the person who wants to get rid of the unnecessary body fat goes hungry and spends thousands of bucks after useless fat loss methods.
Traditional methods to follow in a weight loss plan:

  • Keep a check on appetite
  • Following a regular and vigorous workout plan
  • Saying NO to sugar-coated food
  • Eliminating caffeine and alcohol from the daily diet

Indeed, a strong will power is what you require for following the plan mentioned above. If your willpower is weak, hunger will certainly overpower your mind. Apart from that, eliminating caffeine, that is often considered as a source of instant energy can drive you mad at times.
Undoubtedly, you need to follow a strict diet plan along with a workout regime to get rid of the body fat, but sometimes following a traditional method of weight loss becomes challenging and may not be efficient enough to derive fruitful results.
I was going through a hard time as none of the plans were working for me. Initially, I spent $150 after joining a gymnasium. The workout regime they suggested was a terrible deal to crack and apart from it; the diet plan was very tough to follow.
I also wasted money after several supplements that were good for nothing. I was tired of all the weight loss methods and sincerely wanted to switch to a plan that was effective enough to control my appetite and improved my metabolic system at the same time. One of my friends informed me about the benefits of the weight loss tea that boost the overall health of a person along with assisting in weight loss.
After spending so much money on different weight loss plans, it was not easy for me to pick any of the supplements from the market without exploring the benefits of the product. I decided to do some research on my end and discovered:
Most of the slimming teas are made of 100% organic products and is often a blend of green tea or Pu-erh tea that are known to have several health benefits.
It also boosts the metabolic rate of a person and supports extreme yet healthy weight loss.It targets the stubborn areas of the body where it is hard to lose fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9254773

samedi 12 décembre 2015

How to Lose Weight Without Frustration

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Every day we see commercials for weight loss programs and medication. As a country we are in desperate need to lose weight and become healthier. I have seen family members struggle with their weight and this is what I have seen that works.
It's All in the Diet
I have witnessed my family and friends try the Adkins diet, the Cardio diet, Weight Watchers, 3-day army diet, and many other types of diets. They all have the same thing in common... it is not sustainable. These fad diets are not possible to stay on for long durations of time. So what is next if you do lose the weight that you want? What I have seen that works is to find a way of eating that you can do for the rest of your life. One such diet is the Trim Healthy Mama diet. It is supposed to become a way of life. This diet is not only for weight loss but it can be used for weight gain also by using the way our body processes food. Choose a diet that you will be able to stay on even after you lose your weight.
It's All in the Snacks
The biggest complaint of dieters is the cravings! They crave those sweet snacks, or mid-night snacks, or those carbs! I know that as I have cut out sugar and most processed flour there are things that I crave. I love Reese's Peanut Butter cups. They are my favorite and so I found a recipe that can be used as a substitute, in fact I think it is better. Find healthy snacks and recipes that will help you with the cravings. Be willing to put the time in to plan ahead and make up snacks. It doesn't always have to be carrot sticks and celery, there are recipes for cheesecake and cookies that are healthy, just take the time to find them and make them.
It's All in the Supplements
There are all kinds of supplements out there for dieters. The key to finding a good supplement is to find something that is natural. Look for supplements that will naturally help boost your metabolism. There are many products that are full of synthetic ingredients that actually cause cravings to increase. You want to look for products that will help remove free radicals from your body, help control blood sugar spikes and help you feel fuller.
It's All in the Attitude
Losing weight is a commitment. It is a time when you must determine that you will lose weight and stick to it. Get a support system to help keep you on track and encourage you. Most of all though is to not quit. When you have a bad day just get up the next morning and start again. Get up and walk or do an exercise of your choice and keep going. There will be times of discouragement and results will be few but keep moving forward because there will be those days of real accomplishment!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9249883

vendredi 11 décembre 2015

6 Simple and Tasty Healthy Recipes for Kids

You might think it's going to be hard and costly, but there is actually a silver lining to creating healthy recipe ideas. Be resourceful and alert as we give you 6 simple but fun healthy delicious recipes for kids.
1. Blueberry Oatmeal Bars
Blueberry and oatmeal gives the perfect combination of flavour and fiber for a healthy recipe. All you need in this recipe is the following ingredients:
• ½ cup oats
• ½ teaspoon baking soda
• Brown Sugar
• Milk
• Cinnamon
• ½ cup of blueberries
• Apple Sauce
• Egg
• ½ cup whole wheat flour
Procedure: Pour the ingredients in a big bowl, mix and bake inside a preheated oven at 350° F for 20 minutes.
2. Chicken Salad
The word salad may scare off kids but this healthy recipe idea may change the usual reaction. Here are the ingredients that you need.
• ½ cup plain yoghurt
• Salt
• Chopped celery stalk
• ½ cup low-fat mayonnaise
• Black Pepper
• Chopped onion
• Roast chicken
• Lettuce
Procedure: This healthy recipe is very easy to do. Put aside the lettuce and mix all the ingredients gently. Place mixture on top of the lettuce.
3. Classic French Toast
This healthy recipe is a top choice among kids
• 1 piece of egg
• Margarine
• 2 slice of bread
• Milk
Procedure: Beat the egg and pour in the milk. Melt margarine in the frying pan. Dunk the loaves inside the milk and egg mixture and grill both sides in the frying pan over medium high heat for about 3 minutes each side or until the bread is nice and golden. This healthy nutritious recipe for kids can be topped off with a little cinnamon and sugar for added extra sweetness.
4. Strawberry Popsicles
Cold treats can also be a healthy delicious recipe idea for your kids. You should try making one and be amazed on how much they would like this healthy recipe!
• ½ cup canned strawberry
• 2 cups plain yoghurt
• A can of frozen strawberry concentration
Procedure: Pour all the ingredients inside the bowl and mix, do not include the syrup. Place the mixture inside the paper cups and fill to the top. Put a plastic wrap to cover the cup with mixture and put it in the freezer.
5. Healthy Recipe for Snacks
Children love to munch away, so it's better that we know what to serve when their teeth are looking for some action.
• ¼ cup dried up apple
• 1 cup cereal
• ¼ cup crackers
Procedure: Mix the ingredients altogether and put it in a container.
6. Healthy Chocolate Parfait Recipe Idea
• 2 teaspoons honey
• Yoghurt
• Frozen mangoes
• Cocoa Powder
• Vanilla Extract
Procedure: Whisk the vanilla and cocoa powder in a bowl. Add yoghurt and honey until the color turns light brown. Pour 2 tablespoons of yoghurt mixture in the bottom of a clear glass. Sprinkle with sliced frozen mangoes and repeat procedure until the glass is filled up.
See, these simple healthy recipes are so easy to do and surely a mouth-turner for the kids. These are perfect especially if you're too busy to think of a creative healthy recipe for kids and prepare for it. You can serve these healthy delicious recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert for those kids with a sweet tooth. The best thing about these healthy nutritious recipes is that the ingredients are made of healthy substance but yummy flavor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9250273

jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Avoid Eating So Fast: Savor, Chew, and Limit Obesity

Sometimes it's exceptionally hard to eat slow and really chew and savor your food. Instead of taking the time to get the full satisfaction from your meal, you eat and eat and eat until there's absolutely nothing left, scarfing down your food and barely giving it any time in your mouth.
A few hours later, you still feel hungry, but you know that you're not "physically hungry" but you need to eat to take the edge off. You probably scarfed down some sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, or fats to get that fix you were looking for- but you could have avoided it all together if you had just eaten a little slower.
There are several reasons why you shouldn't eat too fast:
First, part of the processes that make eating great are associated with taking your time to eat
All throughout our childhood, we're taught that the tongue is the most important taste organ, but this might not be the case. Have you ever felt like you just can't taste a meal the same way when you have a cold?
It's because you can't.
The human body employs several different tactics to help you salivate and break food down better. Yes, the tongue does taste several different tastes (6 or 7 to be exact), but the mouth also plays a contributing factor in accumulating flavors and aromas. Studies suggest that as you eat, microscopic particulates of your meal form in your mouth and throat, and create a sort of invisible coat against the back of your throat that helps you taste what you're eating.
When you're eating fast, you don't develop these tastes, and your meal just doesn't taste as fulfilling or "good." When you don't get this feeling, you eat more to gain the same satisfaction from the larger amount that you've eaten.
Second, your body operates better when it feels fuller, you burn more calories and your metabolism works harder

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9251926

mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Foods To Avoid For Good Health

What you eat largely determines how healthy you are. Unhealthy eating puts you at a great risk of diseases and you therefore have to take control of your eating and select the best foods to achieve and maintain good health. So much has been said about what the healthy foods are but what foods should you make a point of avoiding if you want to enjoy better health?
1. Margarine - Whereas butter is not as bad to health because saturated fats are very essential in promoting bodily functions that are healthy, margarine is not a very good choice. This is because it is hydrogenated trans-fat oil that is not all that healthy. It is unfortunately used in so many products and it makes it important to check your list of ingredients when buying.
2. Microwave popcorn - Popcorn is a healthy snack because it is low in calories and it is high in fiber. However, microwave popcorn should be avoided because there is a release of diacetyl when microwave heated and it can destroy the lungs leading to bronchiolitis obliterans. It is also important to remember that popcorn can be made from genetically modified kernels and have lots of flavoring chemicals and preservatives all of which could have adverse effects to your health.
3. Diet sodas - Diet sodas are not as healthy as they are made to sound. They have artificial sweeteners that cause side effects like stomach pains and headaches for some people besides eating away at bones and teeth. The diet sodas also increase the risks of obesity and can be toxic when converted to formaldehyde in the body.
4. White bread - It is a favorite for many but one that is very unhealthy. This is because it has refined floor usually breached and treated with chlorine and bromide. The processing of the flour strips it of fiber and nutrients. It is left as an empty food that is only starch and it is therefore turned into fat and sugar by the body.
5. Sausages and cured meats - They are very popular and favorites for many people but they are some of the unhealthiest foods you can choose to eat. This is probably because they are high in saturated fats which lead to heart attacks. They have also been linked with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines and other diseases including cancer. Keep off cured meats as much as you can and you will be on the path to better health.
These are just a few of the foods that can take a negative toll on your health and should therefore be avoided to promote better health. Generally, you are better off avoiding sugary foods, processed foods and oily or fatty foods. The rule of the thumb is to eat balanced meals ensuring that you carefully choose the foods that should be included in the diet. Let your meals be higher in fruits and vegetables and lean protein but do not scrap out carbohydrates because it is still an important food group for better health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9250624

mardi 8 décembre 2015

Sustainable Fat Loss: A Reality Check

One consideration encompasses the notion that you are a unique and complex individual. I could prescribe the same weight-training programme for two young men and one might put on weight, and the other might lose weight. It's also the same for nutrition - two people consuming the same diet can achieve two very different outcomes.
Another example of our uniqueness is fat and muscle distribution. I can eat all I like and will put on very little fat around my hips and thighs - it'll all go on my arms, chest and stomach. The majority of women are different however, with the hips and thighs being predominant areas for fat storage. Again, some people (most commonly men!) seem to be able to eat all they like and not put on an ounce of fat. Men and women store fat differently and women are more likely to store fat after menopause.
How could that be you ask? Again, we are all unique. We have different genetic makeups, e.g., predisposition for fat storage; different levels of hormones being distributed throughout our bodies, e.g., men and women store fat differently due to the sex hormones; different food intolerances, different stresses and strains being placed on our bodies - we have not yet been designed as clones to produce a uniform external response to the things we are putting into our bodies.
Does this make it sound like it's too difficult to burn body fat? It's not. It just takes a little bit of trial and error on your part. If something isn't working then change what you're doing. There's a great quote that says, 'stupidity is repeating the same thing every day but expecting a different outcome'. But before you jump up and cry in exasperation 'none of this is working!' first give it a good fair chance to start working.
Often this requires three to four weeks of doing something consistently and then you will only usually see and feel very small changes starting to happen. Frustrating? Yes. But in reality this is how sustainable fat burning happens - slowly but surely.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9248228

lundi 7 décembre 2015

6 Life Hacks To Live A Healthier Life

The real challenge for each individual is the inability to develop good consistent actions which would result in a healthy lifestyle. Here are six life hacks you can develop to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
1. Focus on doing a physical activity you enjoy.
Take away the complexity of figuring out what to do. You don't want to do anything out of obligation or your level of motivation will be low. If you enjoy brisk 15 to 30 minute walks then grab a buddy and start walking together.
If you would rather workout at a gym or with a group then choose those for your activity. Doing what you enjoy therefore. becomes an opportunity to take control of your health.
2. Practice portion control when you eat your meals.
The larger your portion size is the larger your waist line will be. Portion control tips the scale in your favour by reducing the number of calories you consume. This means that you will reduce the amount of calories your body stores as fat.
Eat moderate portion servings until you are satisfied not stuffed. Place your food on plate smaller than the size you would normally use. Also drink a glass of water or eat a salad before your meals. Don't panic if your serving size seems small. You will be able to eat multiple servings from the same plate just not all at once.
3. Eat a fruit that is in season and a serving of 2-3 cups of vegetables daily.
Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fibre. They also provide us with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help protect us from diseases: powerful combination to maintain a healthy weight.
Go to an outdoor market or supermarket where fresh vegetables and fruits are sold almost daily. Research shows that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables also lowers the risk of chronic disease.
4. Schedule your workouts as an important appointment.
Treat your workouts like a meeting you can't afford to miss. Sometimes you might have to prioritize exercise over other activities. If you must miss your workout, re-schedule it to an available time period.
When you are willing to skip workouts you are one step closer to missing workouts altogether. Be more willing to have a flexible calendar that can accommodate your exercise plans.
5. Try to eat some form of protein with every meal.
Protein maintains, builds and replaces muscle in our body. By spreading your protein intake throughout the day your muscle will receive what it needs to be built up and repaired.
Protein boosts satiety (fullness). Your body also uses more energy or calories to digest protein. Some great sources of protein are meat, turkey, fish, cheese, nuts, peas and beans. Muscle is metabolically active meaning that it burns fat as energy to maintain itself.
6. Drink more water.
This is something everyone can do. You can drink two glasses of water upon waking up in the morning and one glass before every meal so you don't overeat. There are also apps you can use like Water Your Body for iPhone and Android and Waterlogged for iPhone.
If you don't know much about apps set alerts on your phone to remind you that you need to hydrate. If you want to "spice" up your water try adding some lemon, cucumber, orange slices, watermelon pieces, mint or some Crystal Light powder.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9239465

dimanche 6 décembre 2015

How to Lose Weight Fat

When a person is looking to lose weight they want to do so in a short amount of time. There are some ways to get the metabolism going and help jump-start the weight loss program. There are some tips on how to lose weight quickly.
Take A Break
When performing one hour of cardio it is recommended to take a quick 20 minute break around the half way point of the workout. People that took this short break lost 20% more fat than people who did not.
Limit the Salt Intake
Salt retains water in the body. A person that eats a diet that is high in salt is able to retain 50 percent more water than those that have a diet low in salt. If a person watches their salt intake they can decrease their water weight.
Drink Water
Water will help flush out the fat cells that are stored in the body. Water will also help improve the functioning of the kidneys so they are more able to flush out the stored fat.
Green Tea
Drinking three to five cups of green tea has also been shown to help with weight loss. People that drink green tea are able to burn off 40% more fat during the course of the day.
Eat Protein
Eating a diet that is high in protein will help jump-start the fat burning process. The body has to use 30% of the calories in protein in order to digest it. Protein can also help increase the feeling of fullness. A person will feel full for a longer period of time reducing the total amount of calories they consume.
Never Skip Meals
Skipping meals will never make you lose weight faster. That strategy will backfires because your body thinks food is in limited supply, so it slows down your metabolism in order to try to conserve energy. Over time, the result is that when you do ingest food even if you consume the same type of food as always your body will be much slower and use the calories as fuel, creating a backlog of undesirable pounds. If a busy day makes a sit-down meal unimaginable, put a couple power bars or a couple chunks of fruit in your purse or briefcase anything that will keep you from going hungry.
These are just some tips for quick weight loss. While it may take some time for a person to get down to their desired weight these tips can help jump-start a person's weight loss program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9236441

samedi 5 décembre 2015

Dieting Tips For Excellent Health

Healthy eating does not have to be taxing for your body with crazy dietary limitations and deprivations of foods that you like. You do not have to be unrealistically thin to be considered healthy. It is all about having energy, improving how you look through good food choices, stabilizing your mood and feeling great about yourself. Dieting even for weight loss should not be boring because there are so many healthy foods to choose from, enjoy and help you stay healthy for that matter. Here are some simple dieting tips that will remain to be good for your body and mind without getting boring.
Tip 1 - Prepare for success when you start with your dieting. Think about proper food planning beforehand and ensure that you plan out everything in such a way that you will have an easy time keeping up and at the same time enjoy every meal you prepare. Start by finding out as much as possible about healthier alternatives and then find healthy recipes you can use to make healthy foods you didn't like before enjoyable. You should also try as much as possible to prepare meals yourself. Take time to focus on the general feeling you have after eating healthy and you will be on the path to success with your dieting.
Tip 2 - Eat in moderation. It simply means eating just enough amounts as the body needs. When food is delicious it is very easy for you to go for a second helping even when you are full. Make a habit of eating just enough and ensuring that every meal is balanced in fat, fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein and minerals for the sake of sustaining healthier body. You can achieve food intake moderation by thinking of some foods as off limits, eating smaller portions severally during the day compared to eating few large meals and eating slowly.
Tip 3 - Reduce your sugar intake because they create weight problems and can lead to energy spikes linked to depression and diabetes. Limit your intakes of desserts and candy but also find out what foods have high amounts of sugars and also limit their intakes. To be a success in cutting the amount of sugars you take start reducing the sugars at a slow pace in the diet, keep off sugary drinks and processed foods, avoid replacing saturated fats with sugar and take precaution when eating out because mode sauces, dressing and gravy are packed with sugar and salt. If you must snack, then make a point of taking healthier snacks like nuts and fruits instead of cakes, candy and chocolates.
Tip 4 - Take colorful vegetables and fruits. They are not only low in calories but the deeper the colors the more the antioxidants they have and they are very healthy. You should actually focus on taking five servings of the colorful fruits and vegetables on the minimum every day. The deeper colors also show high concentrations of minerals and vitamins which is why it best to choose deeper colored fruits and vegetables to include in your diet.
Tip 5 - Bulk up the fibers to lower risk of heart disease, aid weight loss, promote better metabolism and prevent diabetes. There are so many healthy foods to choose from that are packed with fiber for a healthier you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9244058

vendredi 4 décembre 2015

The Dangers of Rapid Weight Loss

Are you interested in losing weight?  If you are, are you looking for a rapid weight loss?  Rapid weight loss, also commonly referred to as quick weight loss or fast weight loss, involves losing weight in a short period of time, often anywhere from two to seven days. 

Each year, in the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans are interested in rapidly losing weight.  Many people wish to lose weight before an important event, like an upcoming vacation or a wedding.  While it is defiantly possible to understand how you can want to lose weight quickly, namely as fast as possible, you need to proceed with caution.  Although it is possible to lose weight, at least a little bit of it, in a relatively quick period of time, you should know that there are dangers associated with doing so.

One of the many dangers of rapid weight loss is some of the many measures that some people take. For instance, it is common to hear of individuals who have decided not to eat, while trying to achieve a rapid weight loss.  Going without food, for even a short period of time, can be dangerous to your health.  A better alternative is to cut back on the food that you do eat or to just make sure that it is healthy foods in which you are eating. By limiting your calories, you should be able to achieve at least a small weight loss in the time that you were looking to.  It is just very important that you do eat.

In addition to eating healthy, another component of weight loss is exercise.  Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize that it can take up to one week to notice the signs of exercise. With that in mind, the more weight you need to lose, the sooner it is that you may start seeing results.  While exercise is a major component of losing weight, it is important that you do not overdo it, especially if you haven’t had a regular exercise plan.  Running on the treadmill for three hours, instead of thirty minutes, may help reduce your calorie intake, but, at the same time, it may also land you in the hospital. 

Another problem that is often associated with rapid weight loss is the taking of medications or other weight loss products.  The good news is that many of these products do work and some are even safe, but you may not be able to tell what you are getting. If you are interested in using a weight loss product, like a diet pill or a cleanse, to help you lose weight, it is important that you do the proper amount of research first.  This research may involve checking product reviews, to see if the product is effective, or speaking with a healthcare professional.

As you can see, it is important that you proceed with caution when trying to achieve rapid weight loss. Although unexpected events or appearances do popup, most individuals have at least a months worth of notice before attending a large event, like a wedding or even a vacation.  As soon as you know about your upcoming event, you are advised to start trying to lose weight then, if you are interested in doing so.  Rapid weight loss can be dangerous; therefore, you shouldn’t rely on it if possible.

jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Health: Weight Loss Products You May Want to Try

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are a woman who is concerned with your appearance, there is a good chance that you may be.  Weight loss is an issue that many women have to deal with.  While many women are able to lose weight “naturally,” there are others who need a little bit of assistance. The good news is that there are a number of weight loss products, available for sale, which can offer you that assistance.

One of the many weight loss products that you may want to consider investing in is that of weight loss pills. Weight loss pills, also commonly referred to as diet pills, have been used by many women, for years now, to lose weight.  Although not all diet pills are the same, you will find that most work by suppressing your appetite.  This is what makes you feel the need not to eat, thus reducing your calorie intake and, in turn, you weight.

If you would like to use weight loss pills or diet pills to help you lose weight, you will find that you have a number of different options. Weight loss pills come in a number of different formats and they sell for a wide range of prices. There are a large number of weight loss pills that can be sold over-the-counter and then there are ones that are available by prescription only.  If you are interested in seeking a prescription for your weight loss pills, it is advised that you schedule an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible.

Even if you are interested in buying your weight loss pills over-the-counter, either locally or online, you may want to think about consulting with you primary care physician anyways.  What you need to know about weight loss pills is that they are not all created equally. In addition to some weight loss pills not working, some may even be harmful to your health.  If you are unable to speak with your primary care physician about diet pills, you may want to at least do a little bit of research online.  This research should involve visiting the online website of the pill manufacturer, as well as reading product reviews online.

Another weight loss product that you may want to look into using, is that of a colon cleanse, occasionally referred to as a weight loss cleanse. Colon cleanses come in pill formats and in liquid formats.  They are designed to detoxify your body by eliminating harmful or unwanted toxins from it. What is nice about colon cleanses is that they can be purchased from a number of different retailers, both on and offline, and you can even make your own cleanse formula at home.

As with weight loss pills, it is important that you research each colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in using.  Be sure to examine how long you will have to take the cleanse for and if you will be required to restrict your eating. If you are in doubt or find a colon cleanse that sounds a little too good to be true, it may be best to move on and continue your search.

As you likely already know, colon cleanses and weight loss pills are two of the many weight loss products that may be able to help you reach your goal of losing weight.  If you are unable to seek the assistance of a doctor, it is advised that you at least use your best judgment when buying and using weight loss products, like colon cleanses and diet pills.

read more here / http://www.expressweightloss.net

mercredi 2 décembre 2015

5 Quick Weight Loss Tips For Our Fast Paced World

Finding the best weight loss tips to match you and your way of living can be challenging. We live in fast paced world and we often don't have time to think about how to lose weight. These 5 simple weight loss tips can put into action quickly and can easily become part of your everyday life.
1. Get Moving!
Regular exercise is a key factor for weight loss. It has both instantaneous and long-lasting results. The most common excuse people use is that they don't have time for exercise. But you don't need to go the gym for hours on a daily basis. Use the stairs, park your car at the far end of the car park or get off one stop early if you're using public transport. Aim to walk at least 10,000 steps each day. Research has shown that people who take 10,000 steps a day lose weight faster and keep it off.
2. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy
Fruits and vegetables make great snacks are obviously better than sugary snacks or pastries. Make sure your fridge is stocked with sliced fruits and bite-sized vegetables so that you have healthy snacks ready to eat. You can store other healthy snacks in the places you might need them, like your desk drawer, your bag or your car. These include things like low-calorie granola bars, rice cakes, fig rolls or dried fruit and nuts.
3. Use Smaller Plates
This is a really simple but effective weight loss tip. Using smaller plates makes your food portions look larger. This can trick your brain into being satisfied with a smaller quantity of food. Choosing more portions of fresh vegetables instead of processed meats can also help with weight loss.
4. Don't Miss Out On Meals
Not eating meals or fasting will cause your blood sugar to drop quickly. When this happens, it can make you feel ill or so hungry that you over indulge. Eating several small meals during the day maintains blood sugar levels and keeps them steady. People who eat small meals and don't skip meals lose more weight than people who fast.
5. Buy Healthy Foods
If your fridge is stocked with chocolate, biscuits and high calorie treats, it's going to be difficult to lose weight. If you don't have a ready stock of high calorie foods on hand then you can't eat them. Instead, stock up on healthy, natural foods, like fresh fruit and vegetables which are low in calories and will satisfy your appetite.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9241469

mardi 1 décembre 2015

The Real Facts About Carbohydrates And Weight Loss

The problem with carbohydrates and weight loss is that one moment it's recommended to steer clear of them and then the next moment we're told that we ought to eat more of them. Put simply, carbohydrates are classified as simple or complex. This article examines the difference between complex carbohydrates which are good to eat as part of a healthy weight loss diet and simple carbohydrates which should only be eaten occasionally, if at all.
Simple and complex carbohydrates affect your body in different ways.
Simple Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly, and deliver no nutrition, just energy. They enter your bloodstream quickly and are processed rapidly by your body. They have very little nutritional benefit, cause fat storage, and give short surges in energy followed by an energy crash.
As part of your weight loss diet avoid or limit your intake of simple carbohydrates. These include:

  • Sugar
  • White carbohydrates - rice, bread, pasta
  • Desserts, pastries
  • Artificial syrups
  • Candy and cookies
  • Soda and energy drinks

Complex Carbohydrates
On the other hand, complex carbohydrates provide lots of nutrients and minerals, as well as energy.Your body takes a long time to break them down and absorb them. This leads to a steady supply of energy over an extended period of time, and a much longer feeling of fullness.
Complex carbohydrates contain vitamins, nutrients and healthy, natural goodness your body needs to function. Complex carbohydrates are energy rich, usually high in dietary fibre and deliver energy constantly over a long period of time.
Most of the time, they are low in calories, in contrast to simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy weight loss diet and include:

  • Broccoli
  • Oatmeal
  • Spinach
  • Brown rice
  • Cucumbers
  • Peas
  • Asparagus
  • Beans
  • Soy Milk
  • Whole grain breads

Carbohydrates And A Healthy Diet
When you replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates, like you find in beans, legumes and many vegetables, plus eat protein and some good healthy fats, you will have a balanced diet. This ratio may be 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats. You will have to work with the ratios to see what's best for your body. Some people do well just by cutting out the simple carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are important nutrients that provide your body with energy, vitamins and minerals while also improving the rate at which your body burns calories. Carbs that are rich in fiber also help you feel fuller for longer and prevent overeating which makes it much easier to stay on a healthy diet plan.