rapid weightloss

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Fast and Easy Ways on How to Get Rid of Face Fat

The first thing that you notice about someone when you look at them is their face. You need to take proper care of your face and try to maintain a lean and beautiful outlook because there is nothing more annoying than puffy cheeks.
The best way to maintain a lean face with proper cuts is to work at losing face fat. Here is everything that you need to know about how you can get rid of face fat:

  • Weight Training

Weight training is highly effective when you want to tone your face or body. It helps you burn calories and develop muscle even when you're sleeping so go ahead join a fitness center or perhaps a gym to maintain a lean and beautiful face.

  • Chew Gum

Chewing gum is another very effective way to tone your face and get all those super-model like cuts on your face. Also chewing gum prevents hunger so this is exactly what you should be doing when you want to get rid of face fat.

  • Yoga

A lot of yoga poses are focused on the face and help you cut down on the fat especially on the face. There are yoga postures like the opening and closing of your mouth, rotating the neck and massaging beauty bones on the face to get an enhanced leaner look. Natural face stretches also help you tone your face while cutting down on the fat. Make sure you do face exercises on a regular basis if you want to get rid of all your face fat and have a leaner, more beautiful face.

  • Reduce Your Intake Of Salt

Salt encourages your body to store excessive water and also causes bloating so when you're trying to work out on reducing your face and body fat you need to limit your intake of salt. You also need to cut down on junk and fast foods because these are sodium enriched and cause your body to store water.

  • Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol has a lot of calories and is not generally good for the health too so when you want to get rid of your face or body fat its important you cut down your alcohol intake as well. Also make sure you don't eat while drinking anything because your body doesn't digest the food and stores it as fat.

  • Avoid Drinking Water Before Sleeping

This is because it makes your cheeks puffier and not only that it disturbs your entire sleep and makes you uncomfortable through the night as well.

  • Watch Your Diet

How can you think about cutting down on calories without watching what you eat? No matter where you want to get rid of fat from, you need to take a balanced diet to ensure you get all the necessary nutrients and avoid junk. This is one of the best ways you can cut down on your calorie intake and get a leaner face for a beautiful look.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9472177

jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Lose Weight Fast - How I Did It

It's a huge job to lose weight fast with only your own resources to help you through those tough periods when temptations arise. It's so hard to make progress and yet so easy to put weight back on. It may be you are busy at work, or under pressure in your private life. For some people, food can offer comfort in difficult times.
A proven diet and exercise plan is recommended because its effective, easy to follow and offers great guidance when workbooks are provided. It's true that weight loss gets harder as you get older. Women over 30 may it more difficult losing weight after pregnancy. Anyone over 40 years of age also finds weight loss a bigger challenge than they did at age 20. As the body changes, the metabolism slows down so too should your food intake be reduced.
Several studies have shown that the daily allowance recommended for protein is far lower than it should be, especially for those engaged in regular exercise. What this research has shown is that people who are not allowing for an adequate daily allowance for protein can lose valuable muscle tissue. Proteins are made up of amino acids and there are just 20 amino acids that make up ALL human proteins. Of these 20 amino acids, the body can only produce 12 itself. This means the other 8 amino acids must be obtained through the food you eat.
A good weight loss program has diet and exercise components. The diet portion can consist of three phases, each phase being of one week duration. During the first week you should see a reduced weight of weight of about 7 pounds. The second and third weeks should focus on body shape and fitness. Some people are content to simply maintain their new body weight after the first week.
A diet shouldn't involve starving yourself or exercising excessively, but instead should follow a specific scientific method of including certain nutrient rich foods into your diet. It is more effective when combined with foods offering special fat combating properties. For example Oats in either breakfast muesli or porridge will definitely help you lose weight. You don't have to restrict yourself to certain types of foods like 'no carbohydrates' or 'no sugar', but rather include specific foods to help burn the fat.
A diet should be proven, and based on years of scientific research and testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness. One thing you can do starting today is some form of exercise, even walking. Another is control of meal portions and snacks. Instead of bread and other carbohydrates, take some fruit with you to work or in the car. A banana or orange is more refreshing and will help keep the your next meal size down.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9465722

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Weight Loss Tips To Keep Bad Fat Away

A healthy weight can be achieved through intake of balanced food plus the integration of fitness exercises. People have developed bad eating habits over the years. For starters, snacking is no longer about consuming a light meal. Today, computer users, from gamers to freelancers love to snack while browsing or working.
This habit plus the sedentary lifestyle people lead contributes to weight gain. The fat ans glucose from the snacks gets stored around the thighs, hips and belly. These contribute to short and long term conditions. For example snoring and sleep apnea are short term conditions while diabetes and heart problems are long term conditions of obesity.
You can finally avoid the conditions above by keeping bad fat away thanks to weight loss tips below.
Control your emotional eating habits
Today, people no longer consume food to satisfy their bellies. It is a common habit to find them eating just because they are stressed or anxious. Furthermore, the food being eaten is laden with unsaturated fats and sugar.
It is converted into fat as the body is unable to utilize it as energy. In order to prevent weight gain, it is wise to control your emotional eating. Find what triggers the habit and engage stress relievers like taking a walk and laughing with family and friends.
Engage in moderate eating
It is important to eat moderate portions during meals. It is very easy to overeat when you serve too much food. Consuming smaller portions allows your body to digest effectively and efficiently. Start by investing in medium sized plates and clean away the large plates from the dinner table.
Purchase a standard serving spoon(s) which will allows you to serve a certain amount. Keep to this standard during meals and you will maintain a healthy weight always.
Lose weight gradually
There is a misconception that when you start a weight loss program, you will have the desired results in a week or month. What you need to know is that the body takes time in order to lose weight effectively. If you were to start exercising and eating healthy today, you will start losing what experts refer to as water weight.
As you engage in more exercises and healthy eating, your body will burn the fat around the muscles. The fat will help to power different body functions. What this means is that losing weight is a gradual process and takes time to reach a certain goal. Be patient.
Eat fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and mineral. If you were to take a short trip to the store, you will find the grocery section. Here, you will see rows upon rows filled with green vegetables and colorful fruits.
Fruits to eat include oranges, apples and plums. Vegetables to eat include spinach, kales and asparagus. Fiber increases metabolism rate allowing your body to digest as well as absorb nutrients effectively.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9466343

lundi 11 juillet 2016

Effective Weight Loss: Zumba Workout

We all want to get into the perfect shape, but don't want to work hard for it. The reasons can be anything. Late office hours, laziness, no gyms around, no preferable environment etc. If you are looking for the easiest way to get in shape and get healthier together, then Zumba is the best option for you.
Zumba was created by a Colombian dancer, Alberto Beto Perez around 1990. The workout is a full package of music and moves to which you can groove, have fun and lose weight at the same time.
You should opt Zumba!
Fun Workout
If you are a person who is lazy and don't want to get out of the bed because you find gym workouts boring, Zumba is the option for you. With the combination of music and choreographed moves, this workout is much more fun. You don't have to be a dancer to join this workout.
Areas Targeted
It is one of the best workouts to strengthen the core. It also helps in toning the legs and thighs. The jumps and moves choreographed in the Zumba workouts help work the hamstrings.
Burn More Fat
Since Zumba workout is all about burning your physical energy, use of more energy will result in effective weight loss. Zumba is incorporated with almost every kind of workout involving all the body parts. The lunges and squats moves in the movements helps you lose that unwanted fat.
Social Interaction
Zumba workouts are always done in a group of people. Give yourself a healthy activity along with your friends. You will always be more motivated and focused towards your goals. It also gives you the opportunity socialize and make new friends.
Aqua Zumba
Aqua Zumba is a low intensity, high-energy aquatic exercise. If you want to avoid the impact on your joints, then aqua Zumba is a better option. The resistance of water makes the movements more challenging, thus making the workout more effective.
No age barrier
Zumba has less impact on joints. It improves the blood circulation and even help reduce arthritis pain.
Burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes and stay healthy, no matter what your age is.
A Zumba session always has an easy, non-intimidating environment. It's an easy workout regimen. So put on some music and start Zumba. It will have you sweating in within minutes. Create your own Zumba steps and stay motivated and healthy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9442353

lundi 4 juillet 2016

Are Three Day Diets The Fastest Way To Lose Weight?

Three-day diets are popular because they are not protracted weight loss programs. They are short-term and vary in what is eaten. But they all promise rapid weight loss.
The aim with three-day diets is to lose up to 6 pounds over 3 days. Most people struggle to lose a pound in a week, so the promises made by these quick diets are appealing.
But do these diets really work? If they do, how safe are they?
Actually, they sometimes work. For those desperate to lose pounds quickly in order to look better for some event, say, then these diets can be very effective. As long as the dieter sticks to the instructions, these diets will help to lose pounds and inches.
These diets are not for the long-term because they will then be detrimental to health. They work by causing a rapid loss of water weight and the low carbohydrate content of the food in the diet.
All rapid weight loss diets work on water weight. However, as soon as normal eating resumes, back will come the weight. That is just a part normal body chemistry. Any gain in weight loss will be gone.
Three-day diets are by their nature very low in bulk. This means that the waistline reduces because the gut contains little bulky food: empty intestines take up less room.
These diets can cause some fat loss. By their nature they are low in calories and are short enough in duration so as to have little impact on metabolic rate. Only if they are extended will these short diets adversely affect body chemistry. However, depending on the dieter's size and level of activity, it will be unreasonable to expect more than a pound of fat come off.
Are three-day diets safe? The answer is yes. Followed correctly, most diets are safe. The body can easily adapt to the types and amounts of food eaten. In reality, we can eat anything for short periods with no ill effects at all.
Most three-day diets are perfectly safe for people who have no underlying health issues. It is practically impossible to become mineral or vitamin deficient over a period of three days.
In addition, most three-day diets lead to those undergoing them to eat healthier than normal because of the lack of sugars. Fructose for instance, is the sugar behind most cases of obesity. It is bad for the liver and turns readily into visceral fat. That will not be missed with three-day diets.
So what actually do three-day diets consist of?
Typically, there is meat, vegetables and fruit. No sugars or starchy foods are allowed.
The thing about these diets is that they are extremely low in calories. 1,000 calories or less are consumed on a typical day. This amount of energy intake is simply not enough to survive on for a prolonged period of time, which is why three-day diets are not safe for extended use.
A good way to use three-day diets is via a three-on, four-off program. During the three-day period, the diet is followed exactly as planned. Then, for the next four days, the same foods are eaten - but without limiting portions. This routine prevents reduction in metabolic rate, which helps to burn fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9457402