rapid weightloss

jeudi 31 mars 2016

Crush Your Cholesterol With a Healthy Diet

Heart disease is the number one cause of death of Americans in the United States. Cholesterol is one of the major factors that impacts the development of heart disease. Understanding more about what cholesterol is and how to manage your cholesterol can help you decrease your risk of facing the number one killer.
Cholesterol is a substance that is produced by your body. This means that it is non-essential because you do not need to rely on food to get cholesterol. Despite its bad press, cholesterol does serve a number of functions in the body. Cholesterol is necessary for maintaining the fluidity in the membranes of all of the cells in your body. It is also necessary in the body for producing vitamin D.
Just like humans, animals also produce their own cholesterol in their bodies for the same reasons. When you consume animal and meat products, you consume the cholesterol that exists in the tissues of these animals, whether it be pig, cow, lamb, chicken, eggs or fish.
According to the American Heart Association, those who have cholesterol levels higher than 240 mg/dl are at double the risk of having a heart attack as opposed to those who have cholesterol levels less than 200 mg/dl. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans previously suggested that you consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. However, as of 2015 the United States Department of Agriculture revised the Dietary Guidelines that removed the limit on cholesterol. Instead, it suggests the "individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible." That's certainly something to chew on.
Unsurprisingly consumption of dietary cholesterol can add up fast. If you tally the cholesterol that you ingest from food, it can easily exceed 300mg/dl. Just to give you an idea, one egg yolk contains 184 mg or 61% of your daily value of cholesterol, one tablespoon of butter contains 30 mg of cholesterol or 10% of your daily value and three ounces of red meat contains 134 mg of cholesterol or 45% of your daily value.
Instead of worrying about what foods are raising your cholesterol, there are a few foods that you could incorporate into your life that will keep your cholesterol at a reasonable level. One place to start is by including healthy fats into your meals. Healthy fats come from foods like olive oil, nuts and avocados. These fats aren't as difficult to digest in your GI tract. You could also cut out some cholesterol and saturated fats by substituting meat for soybeans or tofu.
Another way to lower your cholesterol is by consuming more fiber. Fiber found in foods like beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains has a viscous, thick texture. This type of fiber binds to cholesterol and pulls it through your digestive tract and eliminates it through the feces.
Another factor to consider is your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3's are essential fatty acids which means your body does not produce them. They are found in foods such as fatty fish and walnuts. These fatty acids play a prominent role in heart disease by lowering triglycerides and reducing your risk of a stroke. At least two servings of fish per week will up your omega-3 intake and can help you reduce your risk of developing heart complications.

read more here / http://www.health-nutrition2015.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9362190

mercredi 30 mars 2016

Simpler Ways of Losing Weight

Losing weight does not ask for cutting calories and exercising hard every day. Even a minor change in the lifestyle can assist in shedding off extra pounds. There are very simple strategies that can assist in reducing body mass and enjoy a healthy living. Here is the list of simple strategies to help achieve the goal and maintain it for long.
Increase your Water Intake
Water is the most efficient drink that helps in achieving various health goals. In fact, it can be the best tool when you are targeting to lose weight. Consuming more water keeps you full, suppress your appetite and boost your metabolism which ultimately stops you from taking calories and gaining weight. And, there's no doubt that it is difficult to differentiate between hunger and thirst. So, whenever you feel hungry, grab a glass of water. It will stop you from eating unhealthy snacks and gaining weight. Moreover, it is not necessary to have plain water only you can also have green tea or other such drink that is rich in antioxidants as it also helps in burning unnecessary fat from your body.
Detoxify your Body on Regular Intervals
Detoxification literally helps to keep you healthy. It is actually bringing a change in the diet plan and including the detoxifying food stuff in your meal like asparagus, almonds, juice, etc. Since there are several ways to detoxify your body you shall do it at least once in a month and keep on increasing the duration of detoxification diet every next time you follow it.
Regular Exercise
Exercises contribute a lot in keeping and maintain your health goals. Just 30 minutes of walk or light weight exercises every day keeps your muscles active and decreases the chances of gaining weight anymore. Start with short intervals and increase the amount of hard work once you have mastered over the specific exercises.
Count you Calories
Weight gain or loss vastly depends on the intake of calorie amount. Since burning calories more than you eat is a simple way of maintaining the weight goal for a lifetime. When the hunger strikes, it is hard to stay patient, which lead to consumption of unhealthy snacks and piling up of calories. However, counting every calorie you take can prevent weight gain

read more here /  http://www.health-nutrition2015.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9367056

mardi 29 mars 2016

4 Unbelievable Ways To Make Stomach Slim And Flat

How can you get results to make your stomach slim and flat?
You know how it is when you have tried everything to get a flat tummy and it still pokes out? This is a very disheartening feeling. It may discourage you into losing hope all together. It seems like the belly is the most stubborn and those last few pounds refuse to go away. This can give you a horrific feeling that things aren't ever going to change.
Even though you may feel devastated, you don't have to be discouraged forever. You have everything you need to reach your goal to make your stomach slim and flat. Decide right now that this is going to be a priority for you. You can gain courage and become victorious with your goals if you triumph through this rough patch.
I too was having trouble trying to flatten my tummy. But, the problem became the best thing that happened because I was so determined to overcome it, I did it. I racked my brain on ideas of what I could change and then I focused on them. Once I focused and remained consistent, I saw changes and results. I am happy to say that my belly is now slim and flat after twenty years of carrying around a pooch. If I can do it, you can too.
4 Ways To Make Stomach Slim And Flat
1. Do This: Cut sugar and grains out of your diet for at least 2 weeks. Also, stay away from fast food, fried food and processed food (food from a box). Focus on eating fruit all morning, veggies all afternoon and for dinner, mix in lean proteins. Only snack on fruits, veggies, eggs, peanuts, and yogurt.
2. Do This: Make water your main drink. Drink it all day everyday. You should be gulping down at least 100 ounces a day. Stay away from other beverages, if you want a flat tummy.
3. Do This: Take a probiotic everyday to combat bloating and water weight. It comes in a vitamin form and helps to breakdown food for digestion.
4. Do This: Exercises for the abs, obliques, and back are great for tightening up those muscles and holding everything in. Do the exercises everyday to build on what you did the day before.

read more / http://www.health-nutrition2015.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9350739

lundi 28 mars 2016

How To Get The "Perfect Body"?

As a woman, you want to be comfortable in your skin before you flaunt it to others and that comes with having the right body shape. However, this so called "Perfect body" has taken on several shades of meaning over the years. There was a time that celebrated a woman's curves. A voluptuous figure with a heavy bust and wide hips was considered attractive. It was also considered a sign of good health and fertility. With the sexual revolution, the concept of the "perfect body" has been inverted on its head. Thin and androgynous is the idealized body shape. And, when thin is in, who would fall for the full-figured hourglass look? That's one of the main reasons we take to dieting. Popular diets and weight loss pills owe their popularity to the changing notion of the ideal body shape. Had the fashion industry not perpetuated the "tall and skinny", I bet they would have all been out of business.
Lifestyle + Eating - Exercise = Obesity
Our lives devoid of exercise also add layers and layers of fat internally. The basic principle to lose weight is to spend more calories than you consume. If you don't exercise, there is no chance to burn the extra calories. We live frantic lifestyles with an endless list of responsibilities. We barely find time to relax leave alone exercise. At the end of the day the only thing you want to do is hit the bed. That is what is causing part of the trouble for you. Exercise also plays a major role in balancing your mental state. It helps you cope with your emotions and suppresses binge eating triggered by emotional imbalances. So now, what must be done? It's time to restore the brain to natural thinness. But for that you must first determine how severe your food addiction is. If you would like to take the test, the Yale Food addiction scale is a handy tool. Developed by Dr. Gearhardt, this was among the first scientifically validated food addiction tests. You have a resume of the test below!
The following statements can have responses of: Never, Once per month, 2-4 times per month, 2-3 times per week, or 4 or more times per week. The "more often" your response is, the higher your level of addiction is.
1) I eat foods even though I am not hungry at all.
2) I worry about eating and removing certain foods from my eating plan.
3) I feel sluggish or fatigued from overeating.
4) I spend time feeling guilty for having eaten too much or certain foods, instead of spending time in important activities such as time with family, friends, work, or recreation.
5) I feel agitation and anxiety when I cut down on certain foods, even certain drinks from my diet plan.
6)My behavior with respect to food and eating causes me significant distress.
7) Issues related to food and eating decrease my ability to function effectively (daily routine, job/ school, social or family activities, health The statements below have Yes or No answers only.

read more here / http://www.health-nutrition2015.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9362484

dimanche 27 mars 2016

Weight Loss - Successfully Planning Your Cheat Meal!

Are cravings starting to creep up? If you've been eating healthily for quite some time now, it will only be a matter of time before you begin to have thoughts about less-than-healthy foods. It happens to even the best of dieters - cravings creep in, and if you aren't careful, it can lead you to fall off your diet completely.
The best way around this is to plan for your cheat meal. When you have one incorporated into your diet, you know it's not a matter of if you will get to eat the food you're craving but rather, when.
This said you do need to plan for this cheat meal. Here's how...
1. Set The Date. First things first, set the time for your cheat meal. You want this to be defined and planned out, so you aren't as tempted to just "add one in" whenever you feel like it. Do that and you'll soon find yourself having a cheat meal every other weekend.
2. Accommodate Your Food Choices Earlier In The Day. Next, figure out what you are going to cheat on and then work the rest of your meals around your choice. How many extra calories do you need as wiggle room? If you plan on eating around 200 to 300 calories more, for instance, make two or three of your meals earlier in the day slightly smaller.
This way, you can eat your cheat meal and won't have to worry about potential weight gain. Don't get too hung up on being exact here - just estimate and cut back slightly to make room for the meal.
3. Plan How You'll Rebound From The Meal. Third, think about how you'll rebound away from the food. How will you make sure you get back on track right after?
Most people will do best having the cheat meal as the last meal of the day so they can just go to bed and wake up the next day fresh and ready to start back on track.
Having the cheat meal at lunch, on the other hand, could make it harder to get back on the track as the day moves forward.
If you are going to go this route, make sure you have a firm plan in place for every other meal to finish up the day. This way, you won't be as tempted to continue with the cheat meal.
4. Balance Your Macros. Finally, last but not least, balance out your macros...

  • is your cheat meal going to be very high in carbs? If so, add protein to the meal to help balance it out.
  • high in fat? Again, add protein along with fiber.

You still want to have a relatively balanced meal, macronutrient wise, when you do cheat, so have a look at what you are planning to eat and do your best to make this happen.
If you plan out your cheat meal, you can eat the foods you crave without completely derailing your diet. Do it wisely and you'll be able to get right back on track, bodyweight in check.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9356520

samedi 26 mars 2016

Five Secrets For Weight Loss and Dieting

The first diet secret:
Diets are a very individual thing to follow. Some diets that worked for the author of that diet may not work for you. It may be too complicated, expensive or have some other flaw that makes it unsuitable for you.
You may have to combine several parts of different diets to find a method that suits you. Think of diets as a lifestyle change..
The second diet secret:
Forget about the past, regrets, remorse and the what if's. Why didn't I and if only things of the past. It doesn't matter old you are or how much you want to lose. To help you lose the weight you want, the secret is to have mini-goals.
If you break down 60 pounds as an example into three pounds a week it will be a lot easier. These mini-goals will help you focus on the future and forget your failures of the past.
You need to set realistic goals for yourself, it probably took you several years to get overweight. So it will probably take at least several months to reach your goal weight.
Most experts consider one to two pounds of fat loss a week to be a realistic goal. If you try to lose weight too fast your body will go into starvation mode. There is a physical limit on how much you can lose in a week.
Diet secret number three:
Start a food diary. Research done by the American Diabetic Association proved that dieters keep failing by underestimating their calories by as much as 300 percent. that is the reason it's so important to start a food diary.
This will also help you figure out why you are overeating, by revealing you eating triggers. When you keep your diary, record your mood, fat in the food and the number of calories you ate.
Update your goals after you have been on your diet for a while. After a few weeks you should know how you are doing and you will know how much weight you are losing each week. Depending on that you can adjust the foods you are eating.
The fourth tip:
Forget the past and any failures you have had with other diets. You are the master of your own destiny and the present is all you have to act on.
The fifth tip:
Stay positive and don't allow any negative thoughts to stop you. As part of this don't let negative people into your life.

read more here /  http://www.health-nutrition2015.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9131442

vendredi 25 mars 2016

5 Simple Strategies for Weight Loss

Taking control of your weight doesn't mean slashing your daily calorie intake or spending hours exercising every day. There are several simple steps that can be taken to boost the metabolism and achieve a more natural approach to weight loss. Here are five of the basic strategies to help maintain the preferred weight range:
Eat healthy snacks
Have a healthy and low-calorie go-to snack to eat in times of feeling hungry between meal times. Instead of heading to the fridge for leftovers or the freezer for ice cream, it is more practical to stock the pantry with healthy food choices such a high-fiber cereal with low-fat milk.
Drink water throughout the day
The body can find it difficult to distinguish the difference between thirst and hunger. Rather than reaching for a snack, it can help to have a drink of water to make sure the body isn't just starting to feel dehydrated. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of fluids per day is useful for a variety of reasons, including the ability to slow the urge to snack and keeping the body energized. Plus, it doesn't only need to be plain water. Other healthy fluids include green tea, which is zero calories (unless lemon or other flavoring is included) and rich in antioxidants.
Get involved with morning exercise
A great way to start the day is with some upper-body training such as push-ups. Exercise in the morning gives the metabolism a great boost and keeps it elevated throughout the day. Start slowly and gradually increase the number of push-ups performed each day. Once you start to get comfortable with the standard push-up, switch to a modified push-up that makes it more difficult and stops the body hitting a plateau.
Rejuvenate the body with a detox
The ability to detox the body is possible in several different ways. A simple solution is to make changes to the diet and include food types that naturally detoxify the system. Some of the best foods to invigorate the sluggish system include almonds, white tea, asparagus, and collard greens.
Take up a relaxing activity
Any activity that relaxes the body and lowers stress levels is certain to have a great benefit on the mind and body. One of the best activities is yoga, which is useful for its ability to lower cortisol levels and cut the fat stored in the body. Meditation, deep breathing, and music are further techniques that can be used to lower stress levels.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9354852

jeudi 24 mars 2016

Shedding Extra Weight? A Few Tips That Can Help

So many people have said that losing weight is so difficult. Save yourself many years of struggling by putting into application the compilation of ideas contained in this article.
Eating breakfast is one of the most important parts of losing weight. This will help get your metabolism regulated and keep you from snacking throughout the day. Eating breakfast on a daily basis will let your body know that it doesn't need to store as much of your food intake as fat and the pounds can start to shed away.
Turn off the TV and put aside the smartphones and focus on the food you are eating. Not only will this allow you to enjoy your food more, but also to slow down and chew thoroughly. You will also be able to watch your portion sizes, and realize when you are actually full and stop eating.
A great way to help you lose weight is to invest in a fat burning supplement. A lot of people make the mistake of relying too much on fat burning supplements. Instead, you should diet for a while on your own, then utilize a fat burning supplement to help you through the rest of the stretch.
Try not to eat all the food on your plate. Ignore the advice you grew up with. Do not clean your plate during every meal. Try to leave something on it. Pay attention to your body. It will tell you when you are full. Do not keep eating past that point.
Make sure to get the proper amount of water every day. When your body is dehydrated, it tends to hold on to fat stores because water is necessary to flush out your system. Drinking enough water every day, especially if you haven't been, helps to flush your system and make you leaner.
If you're having trouble losing weight, try using some fitness DVDs to give you a structured weight loss routine. Jillian Michaels has some great, proven DVDs that with a little work each day, can have you achieving your dream body in only a few weeks. If you can't afford a fitness DVD try following some fitness videos on YouTube.
Ask for help when you need it. If you've been trying to lose weight and have reached a plateau, it can be helpful to talk to someone about it. You can get in touch with a trainer, or even just a friend who has lost weight in the past. Talking about how you're feeling and asking for help will help you keep going on your weight loss journey.
If you are cooking for the family, cook the same meal for you as you do for me. A lot of dieters make the mistake of thinking that the family shouldn't have to eat their "diet food", but if the whole family can't eat what you are eating then you're fixing the wrong things. A diet has to be a life change and sustainable throughout your life, so get the family involved eating what you eat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9356250

mercredi 23 mars 2016

Deciding to Lose Weight

Learning how to lose weight takes focus. You have to find the right diet and exercise plan to get you started. If you do not begin to lose weight quickly, it can become difficult to motivate yourself. By getting the right plan, you can give yourself a boost of motivation to begin your weight loss plan.
Start With Calorie Control
There are many different diets and recipe books that can help you to lose weight. Your first goal is to find a diet plan that focuses on low calories. In general, each pound of weight is about 3,600 calories. The average person eats about 2,000 calories in a day. Even on a diet, you will still need to consume around 1,000 calories so that your body does not go into starvation mode. Picking a diet that is low in calories will help you with this portion of the diet.
For some people, counting calories and limiting portion sizes can be a challenge. These individuals may do better with a juice fast or a prepared diet so that they do not have to plan their next meal. Instead, you can just eat or drink the next thing on the list at each meal.
Drink Water
If you want to lose weight, the secret is drinking water. Have at least one glass of water before every meal. In addition to making you feel fuller, this water will also help your body to process the nutrients that you eat. During a diet, it is helpful to carry around a large bottle of water. By having a bottle of water with you at all times, it encourages you to drink more fluids and reduces the chances that you will reach out for an additional snack or dessert.
Exercise for Best Results
Aerobic exercises like kayaking, running, biking and aerobic classes are ideal ways to burn calories fast. In addition, you should plan on using some strength training because it protects your bones and muscles. A pound of muscle burns more calories at rest than a pound of fat, so transforming your fat into muscle can help you to burn additional calories. Stay focused on eating healthy and lowering your calorie intake and you can lose weight healthfully.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9347346

mardi 22 mars 2016

3 Immune Boosting Secrets To Help Manage Your Weight and Your Health

An unstable immune system can have a significant impact both on your health and your weight. An immune system that is constantly overworked and activated, never being allowed to rest, will inevitably result in long-term inflammation and an over production of stress hormones, and if you're trying to lose weight and improve your health, these factors can hinder that process and could actually result in you gaining weight and seeing a decline in your health. Likewise, a suppressed immune system can allow bacterial and viral infections to take hold in a person's body, which will also be a major stress on the body and can potentially lead to weight gain, in addition to long-term health problems, if not addressed quickly.
In this article I'll be focusing on the latter, suppressed immune activity, and what can be done to give it a helping hand.
During the winter months our bodies are more susceptible to colds and the flu as a result of cold temperatures, which dampen our immune activity and decrease the number of immune cells. By eating a careful selection of herb, spices, and foods, we can help reverse this immune dampening effect and bring about stronger immune activity in our body.
1. Ginger and cinnamon to warm the circulation
When our bodies our exposed to prolonged periods of cold, as a protective measure to keep our vital organs, the brain and it's functions alive, our bodies will restrict the flow of blood to the extremities, in an effort to help conserve body heat for our vital organs and the brain. Unfortunately, this restriction also reduces the supply of white blood cells (which are the cells of our immune system), leaving us somewhat defenceless against bacteria and viral attack. Including fresh root ginger and cinnamon daily into the diet will help offset this effect. E.g. adding ginger to curry dish or a smoothie, sprinkling cinnamon on fruit salad, etc. The reason why this is beneficial is because ginger and cinnamon stimulate blood circulation, thus having a warming effect on the body and halting the need for it to restrict the flow of blood.
2. Oily fish and vitamin D
In the winter months are vitamin D levels decline (as vitamin D is synthesised in the skin in the presence of sunlight, which there is less of during winter) and vitamin D is required in order to mount a sufficient immune response. Oily fish is the richest source of vitamin D and will help maintain vitamin D levels. The inclusion of good quality oily fish three times a week should include salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9354558

lundi 21 mars 2016

How to Block Carbs and Burn Fat

Unhealthy eating habits are probably the most important cause of obesity or excess weight and related health problems. The modern lifestyle virtually revolves around fad-laden fast foods and sugary beverages. Those who respond to the wake-up call, try to lose weight by reducing their calorie intake and burning fat. Reducing calorie intake can be a bit tricky as your body may cling to slow metabolism or adjust to the changes in your diet. And most of all, controlling your diet requires lots of will power.
Generally, the health and nutrition experts agree that cutting the excess carbs and burning fat is the ideal approach to losing weight. The carbohydrates are the main source of energy and your body stores this energy as fat to be used when food energy is not available. Obviously, your body won't burn excess fat as long as you are feeding your body with carbs and fats.
Although a balanced diet and workout regime is an ideal approach to losing weight, the fitness experts are divided into two camps. A number of experts claim that a low carb diet is the best way to lose weight and improve your health. However, other experts claim that a low-fat diet is a better method of losing weight.
Low carb diets can be very useful in creating the calorie deficit and achieving your fitness goals, but it can cause induction flu (flu-like symptoms), cramps, constipation, bad breath, heart palpitations, and reduced physical performance. These side effects can be easily avoided by maintaining the proper intake of water and salts.
Low-fat diets can significantly reduce your overall calorie intake, but amino acids are extremely crucial for your good health. Low-fat diets can encourage you to consume harmful foods that are sold as zero-fat products, discourage you from eating certain healthy foods, raise triglycerides, lower high-density cholesterol, deteriorate lipid profile, and cause heart-related health issues.
A low carb approach has certain advantages in terms of a higher HDL to total cholesterol ratio, but things hardly end up as planned. Simple sugars and exotic delicacies can be more tempting than you can handle. So, some nutrition experts recommend carb blockers as a hack to achieve low carb intake.
These carb blockers prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and excess calories are passed undigested. We need an enzyme called Amylase for breaking the complex carbohydrates. Some prescription drugs use Amylase inhibitors to prevent carb absorption in patients with type-2 diabetes. Many herbal supplements are also available to prevent starch absorption.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9355776

dimanche 20 mars 2016

Are You Looking For That Dramatic Weight Loss?

Every day we wake up and one of the first things we do is look in the mirror. Most of us look at our physique with a thought of how can we can lose a few pounds. We try to find that quick and fast way to get that perfect summer body. We know that good things don't come easy and that comes with losing weight as well. I have to battle to lose weight and I can tell you I won! I dropped 14 pounds in a week and 30 pounds overall. I went from 245 lbs to 215 lbs. I will give you some tips on what I did to reach my goal weight.
The Mind
There are many things I did you reach my goal but it all started with your mind-set. I had to be very serious about the task at hand because it felt like I would be failing myself and my wife if I didn't succeed. If you find it difficult to succeed on your own have a significant other help you reach your goal. Ask around to find that person how wants to do what you have in store for yourself. I found my wife. When you find that person then the process begins!
The Diet
During this phase in my life I knew I had to make a huge adjustment to get that dramatic weight loss I was looking for. The diet I stuck to was not for the faint at heart. I didn't do anything as extreme as a water fasting but I did something a little less tough a smoothie fasting. This fasting consisted with three smoothies a day one for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In between I was drinking a large amount of water and a few cups of great tea. This was the foundation to my diet. I would very now and then if I wanted something delicious go to Smoothie King or Tropical Smoothie to get those tasty smoothies they had. Now that I had the right diet set in place for myself what came next?
The Exercise
The part that most people hate to do the most exercise! I knew if I did the water fasting I would have no energy to exercise. The diet I chose turned out perfect so I could exercise with no problem. I would exercise consistently until I reached my goal. The important thing to remember is consistently! I would exercise Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday throughout the week. I had a work out plan that I followed but keep in mind there are many other forms of exercising. If I got didn't feel like doing my normal workout that day I would go to boxing class instead. There in nothing wrong with doing something different then the convention way to exercise. You can do many other exercises like yoga; boxing, kick boxing, Pilates, or whatever you find is worth your wild. The key thing is to just to consistently exercise so you can really benefit with weight loss from the smoothie fasting.
In conclusion, I know that if you make these three things into your life then you will have that dramatic weight loss you want. I have done it myself first hand so I know if you have the right mind-set, the right diet, and you consistently exercise the weight will drop right off of you. I wish you the best with your goal and there is no better feeling to get to the weight loss you want plus keep up that weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9352116

samedi 19 mars 2016

Weight Loss - What Personal Trainers Won't Tell You About Fat Loss

Ever wonder what personal trainers know about fat loss that you don't? Are there a few hidden industry secrets they just aren't letting you in on, but you really need to know if you hope to see results from your workout plan? How can you take the next step and see faster results?
There are a few secrets personal trainers often do keep to themselves - if they revealed them, maybe they would be out of business!
Here are two of these secrets to help you with your fat loss plan. It's about time you knew...
1. Your Eating Plan Is Responsible For 90% Of Fat Loss Results. The first big secret you need to clue into is the fact, when it comes to fat loss, your diet is 90% of the results. Your personal trainer likely wants you to think coming to your twice-weekly gym sessions is what will help you burn your excess body fat faster. And it will - to some degree. But the bigger game player here is your nutrition. If you don't have that down pat, it won't matter what you do with your trainer; you are not going to see the results you are looking for.
So keep this in perspective. Don't think just because you're seeing a trainer; you will get miracle results.
Likewise, don't think if you are able to follow and stick with a healthy eating plan plus engage in regular physical activity you need a trainer to lose weight. You don't.
2. Routine Changes to Your Exercise Workout. Which brings us to the next point - change to your regular exercise routine is not necessary. While your trainer may tell you if you aren't doing new and different exercises every workout, your body will be quick to hit a plateau. The reality is it takes longer than that to hit a plateau.
Sure, you don't want to do the same workout for five months on end, but you can repeat the same exercise for a few weeks provided you are making sure to increase the weight or reps. There isn't a big need for change.
So, if you're tight on cash, invest in a session with a trainer once every couple of months. As long as you can do the workouts on your own time, you'll be in for excellent results.
So keep these two secrets in mind. There's nothing wrong with hiring a trainer, but make sure you know what they can and can't do for your fat loss goals.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9355056

vendredi 18 mars 2016

How to Lose Fat in 2016

How to Lose Fat
Recognized as one of the greatest modern mysteries, how to lose fat is a question that plagues individuals across the world. Companies have recognized this desperation and have built a billion dollar business on it through the sale of diets that don't work and special exercises that do nothing more than cause muscle aches. However, real fat loss is much simpler than the diet industry would have you believe.
Your Diet
More so than exercise, the answer of how to lose fat rests almost entirely on your diet. Believe it or not, what you eat and how much you eat of it has a direct effect on your body's overall composition. If you eat a lot of fat, you will have a lot of fat. If you eat too much food, you will have a lot of fat. Therefore, if you want to shed the chub, you have to eat less overall food and eat less fat.
That being said, fat is an essential part of how your body stays healthy. Without it, you can't process hormones, protect your organs or store energy. This is why cutting all fat from your diet is extremely detrimental to your overall health. Instead, you only want to cut the unessential fat. This fat amount is different for men and women because females need a higher body fat percentage to stay healthy. For men, shoot for a diet where only 13% to 17% of your total daily calories are fat. For women, plan for 20% to 24%. The remaining calories should be divided up between protein and carbohydrates with carbohydrates taking up the largest part of your diet.
However, should you do this while still eating too much, you'll still gain weight. No matter how little fat you consume, your body will store the carbohydrates if there are too many of them. To prevent this, the next step is figuring out how many calories you consume each day. Once you know this, slowly lower that number until you start losing weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9348723

jeudi 17 mars 2016

Quickest Way to Lose Weight

If you are looking to lose weight, there is no escaping exercise. And, as important as it is to exercise, it is equally important to exercise at the right time. What has the time of the day got to do with exercise? Does it influence the number of calories you can burn?
The time of the day has more to do with your attitude towards exercise and nothing else. Most experts recommend morning as the best time to exercise for the following reasons.
People who exercised in the morning were found to be more consistent with their exercise. When time, social and other pressures creep in later in the day, it is easier to sacrifice exercise in order to fulfill those commitments. Early morning exercises set the body into a cycle making it easier to stick to the exercise routine.
Early morning exercise also gets you psyched up for the day. It kicks starts your metabolism and keeps it going for several hours, even after you have stopped exercising.
Thus, the body burns calories efficiently throughout the rest of the day. People who exercised early in the morning claimed that they felt more energized on days when they exercised than on days when they did not. To add, the body temperature is lower in the morning than the rest of the day. Therefore, exercising in the morning demands more time and energy to warm up.
A particular study also showed that women who exercised in the morning slept better at night than women who exercised later in the evening as it disturbs the body's circadian rhythms. And, as most of us know, getting enough sleep at night pulls the reins tight on those nasty hormones, particularly those that regulate appetite.
You either get 60 minutes of exercise daily and 4 hours a week on an average. Before you start working out or trying any new exercise routine, you should always consult the doctor first. Start slow with low intensity exercises such as walking and cycling. When you start out, you should also start with shorter exercise durations and increase gradually. Combine exercise with a chore such as walking the dog or running errands. This way you can save time. If you don't like working out alone, join a health club. It will help a lot. You can also buy workout tapes and DVDs to get going.
Even though doing almost any exercises in the morning has been proven to boost metabolism, the second way I am recommending is the best for weight loss, it takes less time and is more effective.
Here's a workout that worked great for me and that in only 15-20 minutes burns almost 200 calories, and since you work your muscles and they need to recover, your body will burn calories even after the workout. It is a trick to boost metabolism a lot!
So, tomorrow morning do 5 sets of: 5 burpees, 10 pushups, 20 squats, 20 lunges, 30 abdominal crunches and 50 jumping jacks. Do each of these 5 times, try to accelerate, and do these exercises in a very intense rhythm.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9348750

mercredi 16 mars 2016

Accountability: Tips for Weight Loss Success

Accountability is a key component to reaching your goals. Whatever the goal- whether it's to lose weight, to hit the gym 4 days a week, to stop drinking coffee, to run a half marathon, to get up before 8 am - we all need accountability to keep us on track and to give us momentum.
Accountability is responsibility. When you know you are being held accountable for something, you are more likely to do it.
You're busy. You have responsibilities, obligations, friends, family, chores and careers. Remember that your first responsibility is to yourself. If you aren't fit and healthy and happy, making everyone else happy becomes that much more difficult. Hold yourself accountable for you. Whatever it takes, we can make it work.
Hire a Trainer
As a trainer, it's MY job to hold you accountable. Your trainer is either a) going to be waiting for you at the gym or b) going to be tracking your workouts and nutrition daily. Simply knowing that helps you to push yourself through the "I'm tired", "I don't want to", "I'm busy" moments. If you don't show up for a workout, if you aren't pushing yourself through a set, your trainer will know.
Track It
Track your workouts and meals in an app, in Excel or in a fitness journal. Don't just write down how many reps you did and how many minutes you spent on the elliptical machine. Write down how you felt - were you tired, did you exercise on any empty stomach, did you feel like a rock star? This is important because when you look at your journal later, you will be able to get an idea of WHY a workout went the way it did. If you felt like you could workout for hours, take a look at what and when you ate that day, what time you worked out and who you worked out with. Try to pick out the activities and patterns that made certain days great and form habits so that EVERYDAY is great.
Sign up for a Competition
You don't have to sign up for the next Cross Fit competition in your state. But sign up for a 5k or a bike race to raise money for a cause. Sign up for a race in Rhode Island with a friend and call it a mini-vacation.
Once you've signed up, that competition will sit in the back of your mind. The less you train for it, the more likely it is that race day will not be pretty. Once you've signed up, you've put money (and if you're anything like me, a bit of pride), on the line. You have a deadline to meet and each step you take to train gets you a bit closer to that finish line.
Share on Social Media
Share your goals, your workouts, your successes and your screw-ups. Social media is an amazing place to find like-minded people and vocalize your commitment. Whether you post on your own Facebook page, a community fitness page, Instagram or whichever other platform you use, you've put that energy out in to the universe. In response, you might find you get more encouragement and motivation than you thought you might. And you might find that you offer that encouragement and motivation to others as well.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9344877

mardi 15 mars 2016

How to Increase the Calories Burned While Sleeping?

With the world gearing towards a holistic approach to losing weight and keeping fat from creeping into their bodies, calories have become an essential tool to measure the amount of food that goes into one's body. Essentially, everyone is looking for ways in which they can burn maximum calories without having to lower their calorie intake and still burn fat. You may not realize it, but it is not just possible to burn calories during the day when you're active, but you can also do so in your sleep and consistently burn fat throughout the day and the night. Given below are some tips that will help you increase the calories burned sleeping.
1. Strength training:
You may swear by your cardio as it helps burn an intensive amount of calories and fat making you sweat. However, the effects of calorie burning when it comes to doing cardio last only till you work out. Strength training, on the other hand, may not feel as intense or get your heart rate as high as cardio does. In fact, you sweat the least when doing strength workouts compared to cardio. However, the capacity of strength training to burn calories even after the workout is complete is immense. Essentially, you could be burning fat for as many as 2 days from a single session of 30-60 minutes of strength training. Needless to say, you then end up burning more calories in your sleep too.
2. Eating smaller meals more often:
In order for the body to burn fat while it sleeps, it is very important to keep giving your body adequate fuel. In the absence of fuel, or lower metabolism, your body is just not going to have the strength to burn the fat and calories. However, if you keep feeding your body with fuel in the form of nutrient-dense foods in smaller portions every few hours, your body gets charged up and therefore, you end up burning more calories even when you are sleeping.
3. Always ensure you get good quality sound sleep:
Good quality sleep can be a deciding factor in how much fat you burn when you are fast asleep. Throughout the day, your body goes through a tremendous amount of stress. Whether you have an active or a sedentary lifestyle, the body is constantly doing its work of burning calories and processing the food that you've consumed. It is only when you sleep does the body get some time to relax itself and repair itself from all the tiring activities it was put through the day. However, for this to happen, you need to completely de-stress, which happens in the form of a long, undisturbed sleep every single night. Most people tend to spend way too much time in their electronic gadgets as the night sets in and therefore, barely get sleep for more than 4-5 hours. This can not only be detrimental to your health and focus levels the next day but can also slow down your fat burning ability.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9348288

lundi 14 mars 2016

The Easier Way to Weight Loss

When patients are contemplating which weight loss procedure to go through with, one of the first concerns is looking for the best possible procedure that is compatible with their bodies. When discussed with a surgeon, a long and thorough analysis usually takes place, which includes the risks and benefits of certain procedures. There is also an evaluation done by the surgeon to determine what kind of surgery would suit the patient.
In the United States, it is more common for a patient to undergo a gastric bypass procedure than its latest alternative. The going rate is up to 80% while the remaining 20% undergo a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, which is relatively newer than the gastric bypass and is becoming a popular operation.
This is a restrictive procedure since it originated as part of the duodenal switch operation. While many surgeons use it as a stand-alone procedure, it is also being used as a staging process for high risk patients before they undergo a gastric bypass surgery.
A sleeve gastrectomy is performed by making five to six incisions in the abdomen while using a laparoscope or a video camera for viewing and using long instruments, which are placed through the tiny incisions. During this procedure, up to 75% of the stomach is removed and a narrow-gastric tube, or what is called a 'sleeve,' is left behind. This leaves the intestines untouched; it does not have to be removed or bypassed. The entire procedure takes an hour or two and is mostly recommended on patients with heart or lung diseases.
Once the sleeve gastrectomy is completed, the patients' stomachs shrink by limiting the amount of food that can enter. Thus, patients immediately feel full during each meal. It is also believed to decrease the appetite by reducing ghrelin or what is commonly referred to as the "hunger hormone," which is produced by the stomach. Though the duration of the effect is not yet clear to surgeons, the proof of this occurrence is through the patients' experiences of decreased hunger after going through the operation.
The success of the sleeve gastrectomy has been observed in a great number of bariatric patients. For the extreme cases where patients go through a sleeve gastrectomy as a staging procedure for the gastric bypass, it takes 12 to 18 months before the latter operation may be performed.
A gastric sleeve surgeon is not hard to come by so if a patient is seeking some medical advice, it is relatively easy to get an opinion and a second one as well. Also, sleeve gastrectomy surgery is gaining more popularity making it available in almost all hospitals. The benefits of this operation are also impressive as the weight loss can go on for up to three years. For effective weight loss procedures, it might be helpful to consider a sleeve gastrectomy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9350940

dimanche 13 mars 2016

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid for Healthy Weight Loss

Some of my health conscious-clients were also concerned that some of these conventional diets they tried recommend foods that are full of preservatives, chemicals and sodium which is not something they want to put into their bodies.
So how can you make sure that you lose weight in a healthy way? Simply by following a balanced and whole-foods diet providing adequate nutrients that naturally cleanses your body of toxins, balances your hormones and boosts your metabolism.
Such a diet will not only allow you to naturally release the extra fat but also maintain your muscle tissue, improve your body shape and feel good about yourself in the process. Best of all, it's proven and tested to help you keep the weight off for good without deprivation or struggle.
As a holistic nutritionist and weight loss consultant, I see common weight loss mistakes that people make that don't help them to lose weight and can compromise their health on the long run.
So here are 5 common mistakes to avoid for healthy weight loss.
1 - Starvation
Some people starve themselves by fasting or eating only one meal a day in order to lose weight. This method usually doesn't work as it will deprive your body of many essential nutrients, slow down your metabolism and even cause more weight gain. You might be surprised to know that some of my weight loss clients actually need to eat more in order to lose weight.
2 - Skipping Meals
Skipping meals is not a good idea because it will affect your blood sugar level and probably cause more eating in your next meal and cravings for fatty or sweet foods. Keeping a balanced blood sugar throughout the day is crucial for healthy and permanent weight loss.
3 - Calorie Restriction
Calorie diets are not realistic or practical. Calorie counting puts a lot of pressure on you and ignore the fact that all calories are not created equal. For example two foods with the same caloric value will not have the same effect on your body. Example dates and candy.
4 - Fat-Burning Supplements
I got asked a lot about these supplements that are advertised as magic pills for weight loss. The truth is that a few of them might have a metabolism-boosting effect but unless you're following a proper diet, nothing will work.
My experience with my weight loss clients is that most of them don't need these supplements unless there is a specific problem affecting their metabolism. A whole-foods diet and a few basic supplements are usually enough to see measurable weight loss results within a short period of time.
5 - Laxatives
Using herbal laxative supplements or medications to release extra weight is not a good idea. It can cause some very transient effects however it can dangerously deplete your body of essential minerals in the process. It also causes dehydration and interrupts the normal elimination function of the large intestines and dependency problems which is not good for your health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9340107

samedi 12 mars 2016

Losing Weight With Supplements and Slimming Body Wraps Today

There are a lot of ways that you can lose weight. Many people don't realize that they have extra boosts with certain items. For instance, many already know the benefits of exercise, but what if you wanted to work through something more? Let's say that you wanted to go through the process a bit faster, what would you do? Nutritionists and experts state the same, you use supplements. There's nothing wrong with this, and many professional athletes use them to get performances that are absolutely on top of their overall game. If you are looking to lose weight right now, you're going to want to use them, as well as slimming body wraps, and there's several reasons why.
The Supplement Element
The main reason you should take diet supplements is because they work. That's right, they simply work. How do these usually work? Well, the majority of them curb appetite, but the best ones give you a boost of energy. Often times, you'll find that the energy boost is not just to keep you alert and focused. When you add an energy boost to your regular exercise plan and daily routine, you are going to find that your metabolic rate spikes. When you get that to rise, you will burn through calories faster. If you burn calories faster, you will end up with a thinner waistline, within faster speeds than most.
Slimming Body Wraps Work Too
The second thing that you should look into today is simple, slimming body wraps. These are interesting in that they provide a great number of benefits. The main benefit is to slim and train the waistline. The second is to burn more calories, remove toxins, and deliver a potent mix of vitamins. You'll be training your body to work faster with the metabolic rate that you have. These are relative new, but they have been proven to work time and time again by real people.
Getting Results Faster
The number one thing to remember about losing weight with diet supplements and slimming body wraps is that they bring about results faster. Sprinkle in a good healthy lifestyle, exercise, and you'll see your results will rise to all new heights. You want results, like many people do, and these two elements have been proven to work faster, and easier than other methods. It's with that in mind that you should focus on these elements moving forward. You'll thank yourself, and you'll see the pounds melt away fast.

vendredi 11 mars 2016

3 Key Benefits of Using Slimming Body Wraps For Weight Loss

There are a lot of weight loss secrets floating around. However, none of them are quite as compelling as slimming body wraps. These are somewhat new to people, but for the health industry, it's a long held secret of how to get rid of stubborn fat, around the belly. For millions of people, diet and exercise alone doesn't seem to work out quite as well as they'd hope. They try and try, but it seems like an impossible task to get through. If you have been fighting this and haven't really been able to get to the place you want, then it's time to look into something that could possibly work better. That's where you will find the notion of using body wraps. They work in 3 major key benefits that you should know about.
Training The Waist
The first thing that these do is simple, they train the waist. Over time, you could train your waist to have a slimmer figure, and it's not something that is going to harm you in any way. The key is to look at natural solutions so that you are able to get this done without harm to your abdominal area. These wraps are made to help, not to constrict and cause damage like others.
Reducing Fat Cell Build UP
Another benefit comes from reducing fat cells. When you put on a body wrap, you will be targeting fat areas that usually compound and come together. You want to loosen these up so that they are burned through your regular workouts, and daily routine. That's where these come in handy. By sweating the area, and applying creams, you will be breaking up the cellular deposits of fat, and allowing muscle to burn through. Simply put, it reduces your fat cells and turns them into muscle.
Results You Can See
One of the most compelling benefits of using slimming body wraps for weight loss is that you can see results. That's right, you will see results right away, because the goal here is to reduce the cell structure of the stubborn belly fat. Within a short span of time, you are going to see the results manifest, and over the long haul, you're going to have six pack abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9345972

jeudi 10 mars 2016

5 Foods That Might Fool Your Weight Loss Diet

Choosing healthy foods for a weight loss diet can be challenging. The grocery store shelves are crammed with products marked reduced calorie, healthy substitute, fat-free, lower fat, and so on. The way that some foods are labeled, it's easy to believe that you're eating healthy options. But food labels sometimes are not as they may seem and can unintentionally ruin your weight loss goals. Here are 5 foods that can fool your weight loss diet plan.
Healthy Option Fast Food And Snacks
Fast food snacks, like chips or biscuits, that are marked as low fat or no fat can often contain hidden sugars and can be very high in calories. One low fat cookie can be 50 calories or more. And how often do we eat just one cookie? Make sure you learn how to read food labels whilst on your weight loss diet and monitor your serving sizes. Always remember that junk food is junk food irrespective of how healthy the labeling says it is. Always eat it in moderation.
Diet Sodas
These fake sweet drinks might be doing more harm than good to your weight loss diet plan. They are typically loaded with artificial sweeteners that can make you want to eat more and lead to cravings for sweets. As an alternative, add slices of lemon or orange to water and give yourself something that's genuinely sweet and not bad for you.
Salad Dressing
Salad is great food for a weight loss diet. It's good for you and its low in calories. But most people like to eat salad with some type of dressing. Keep in mind that low fat dressings are not low calorie food and can be stuffed with extra sugar to make up for the flavor. Go for vinaigrettes made from olive oil and vinegar or other homemade dressings which are a better option when you're trying to lose weight.
Portion Sizes (Even On Healthy Foods)
Portion sizes are confusing on packaged food, but you can also run into problems with natural foods. For example, a serving size of an avocado is only 50 calories. But having said that, it's also only a fifth of a whole avocado. Even though an avocado contains a very healthy fat, it's high in calories. Once again, moderation and calorie control is key.
A lot of people are using pre-packaged frozen fruits and veggies to make smoothies, or buying them at their local coffee stop. These smoothies typically contain additional things like yogurt and sugary syrups making them a high calorie drink. If you want to enjoy these frozen drinks, it's best to make them yourself, and keep a careful eye on what goes in them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9344643

mercredi 9 mars 2016

How To Eat A Healthier Diet

Is learning how to eat a healthier diet the next big thing? The good thing about learning how to eat a healthier diet is that your body will reap the many benefits and your life can be fuller and more energetic.
You know the feeling when you want to change a habit and you try, but the habit is so ingrained that it wins in the end? It seems to shatter your hopes of conquering your bad habit and coming out on top. This is a similar feeling of starting the daunting task of changing the way you eat. But, you are ready for change if you feel sluggish, tired, sick, or have any health issues that threaten a healthy lifestyle.
You already know that being more healthy will help you to have more energy, be more productive, have more confidence and a longer lease on life. And you know that it all begins with what you eat. Now that you know all of this, it is time take action. Decide now to devote yourself and your time to your body and your future. The payoff is tremendous and you will feel so much better inside and out.
Choosing to incorporate a healthier lifestyle really changed things for me. I felt so much more energy and less anxiety and stress. I was able to fearlessly overcome problems and issues as I gained control of my eating habits. The first step is a courageous one, but once I focused, I was able to accomplish my goals and lose even more weight than I first anticipated.
How To Eat A Healthier Diet
You Must: Plan ahead what you are going to buy, fix, cook, and eat for the upcoming week. Planning is a must for healthy eating. Take 10 minutes a week and plan out all your meals and snacks. Next, write out a grocery list. Only buy what is on the list.
You Must: Prepare food in advance to make it more convenient to eat and take places like work. Double your recipe and freeze the rest to make cooking easier. Cut up fruits and veggies and place in baggies. This way you have a healthy snack ready to eat or take somewhere.
You Must: Decide what days you are going to indulge. Choose one day a week to eat your favorite dessert or beverage. Choose 3 days a week to not eat any grains, pastas or breads to cut down on calories and ease digestion.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9343542

mardi 8 mars 2016

Top Motivation to Lose Weight - Setting Goals for Yourself

Motivation is something which pushes you forward to reach your goals. And there is no better motivation to lose weight than setting goals for yourself. You need to set goals and targets which you need and plan to achieve in a given time span.
It is these goals which sort of create some mental contract with you and in turn pushes you ahead to complete the contract. How successfully you reach your goal depends on what type of goals you set for yourself.
If you set too difficult goals to achieve, it only affects your success as you cannot easily reach it as your subconscious mind does not know how to distinguish between big or little. It only recognizes success and failure.
Set realistic goals
So if you set a weight loss goal of exercising four times a week but only manage to do it thrice, your mind considers this as a failure. To avoid this, set only realistic and easily reachable goals. So whenever you reach a goal, the feeling of success it creates gives you more motivation to complete your other goals to lose weight.
First write down all your goals so that you can keep a tab on your goals every now and then to see your progress. Set easy goals so that you feel a sense of accomplishment as you reach each goal. For example, set measurable goals like losing a pound each week as it gives you something easier and reachable to work for.
You feel a sense of accomplishment as you reach each goal and this gives you even more motivation to lose weight. It is important that you don't set goals that are too much to achieve in too short a time span. It not only makes it difficult for you to lose weight, but also creates stress which does not favor weight loss.
Inform friends and family for support
Telling your friends and family gives you motivational support. They will keep reminding you about your goals, and you thus there is a lesser chance of your diverting from the goals. Similarly, you need to make it a habit to think positively and start replacing thoughts like 'I can't' with words like 'I will' and 'I can'.
Instead of setting similar goals all the time, it's better if you set new and challenging goals. This helps prevent you falling into a normal routine which can become a bore and more like a chore. You can perhaps change your exercise routine like going for a walk twice a week, aerobics twice a week and perhaps swimming another day or two. You thus don't bored with your exercise, and in fact, look forward to it.
So you can see, losing weight involves more than calories and workouts. It is all about how you set your mind frame to keep pushing you ahead to reach your weight loss goals. It's only with the right motivation to lose weight can you actually lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9343038

lundi 7 mars 2016

Take Time To Reflect On Your Weight Loss Progress

If you are in the process of tackling a new goal in your life such as weight loss it's important you take time to reflect how the progress is going. This is especially important since taking on a new goal means that definite changes must be made on a continual basis in order for you to be successful.
That's why it's important you take time to reflect on how your progress is going. When you take a moment each week to reflect on how the last seven days went, you can then revise your agenda so that the upcoming week is as focused and productive as possible.
Let's face it, taking on a new goal means that there will be a number of things that must change in order to develop new healthy habits. Your efforts may not always work out on the first attempt. There will be some setbacks and maybe even some temporary failures, which is why it's as important as ever to take time to reflect on how the entire process is going.
Once you get into the weekly habit of reflection, you will then be able to identify problem areas and address them right away. For instance let's take the weight-loss process as the intended goal. In order to effectively lose weight, a person needs to monitor the types of food and drinks they consume, have a good handle on the portion size at each eating instance, and get a consistent form of exercise.
Even though that might sound like it shouldn't be a very difficult task to achieve, the majority of people who take on the weight-loss process do not achieve this goal on the first attempt. Unfortunately, many who try to lose weight end up quitting and reverting back to their old unhealthy habits.
Give yourself a tactical advantage and take a moment every week to reflect how the weight loss process is going. This does not need to take an enormous amount of time to accomplish, just a few minutes of self-reflection on a Sunday afternoon or right before you go to sleep that night, reflect on the previous seven days.
As you are getting used to this process, you may want to have a small piece of paper such as a Post-it note along with a pen handy to write down important thoughts and ideas. Don't forget your phone likely has a Notes app where you can keep important information which you may prefer especially if you are technically savvy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9341259

dimanche 6 mars 2016

Weight Loss - What Motivates You to Lose Weight?

When you think about your motivation to lose weight, what comes to mind? Looking better in a pair of jeans? Avoiding your risk of disease? Feeling more self-confident about the way you look?
While these are all great reasons to seek weight loss results, they by no means are the only reasons. Sometimes it takes figuring out what sparks your motivation to help you stay on track with your weight loss program.
Let's look at a few important reasons to help you attack your weight loss program full force ahead. Perhaps one of these will get you going...
1. Less Joint Pain. For many people, joint pain is a big part of life. Especially if you are older and are dealing with issues such as arthritis, joint pain may not be avoidable. But, the heavier you are, the worse it's going to be. Losing weight can take tension and stress off your joints, minimizing the level of pain you experience so you can lead a more active lifestyle.
2. You'll Sleep Better. If joint pain isn't an issue, what about sleep? Do you often wake up feeling other than refreshed? Imagine what it would be like to wake up feeling energetic ready to face your day.
If you get a good night's sleep, this can become a reality. For many people, quality sleep is about maintaining a healthy body weight. Those who are overweight are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea, and in addition, have a greater tendency to toss and turn during their rest, reducing their overall sleep quality. Although often overlooked, your body weight does matter when it comes to the quality of sleep you get.
3. You'll Taste Food Better. Finally, let's not forget the fact your food will taste better when you're at a healthy weight. Your leptin and ghrelin levels will be normalized when you're at a healthy weight, and these hormones will play a role in your overall appetite and how good food tastes.
If you've ever been famished at work, perhaps you noticed whatever you ate simply tasted good. Now, this isn't to say you have to be overly hungry to be aware of this - not at all. But, if you are carrying excess weight, there's a good chance you aren't tasting your food as your appetite level isn't where it should be.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9333813

vendredi 4 mars 2016

Weight Loss - Are Freshly Prepared Pre-Packaged Meals A Wise Choice?

If you've been keeping up with the times on the hottest new trends in fitness and nutrition, you may have come across companies that will now ship you freshly prepared, calorie counted, measured and weighed pre-packaged meals that are all ready to go.
Pre-packaged meals take the guesswork out of the food you are eating as well as its calorie content - it's all ready to go for you. Some of these companies will have a nutritionist or dietitian planning the meals out while others may just allow you to pick and choose which meals you want to eat.
But the question remains, are they a healthy choice? Should you use these pre-packaged meals as part of your overall health and fitness plan?
Let's go over some important points to consider...
1. Their Nutritional Content. First let's talk quality. For the most part, provided it's a reputable company, these meals are quite nutritious.
Unlike regular frozen dinner meals available at the supermarket, they typically do come loaded with vegetables, contain a good quality source of protein, and will also add in a moderate dose of complex carbohydrates.
They provide you with all the main ingredients a healthy eating plan is made from. In addition to this, they're already pre-portion controlled, so this can be a great thing for those who tend to overeat at meal time and are looking to lose weight.
2. Their Impact On Your Adherence to Healthy Eating. Another point to consider is the influence freshly prepared pre-packaged meals can have on your adherence to your weight loss plans. If eating these meals means sticking to your healthy eating plan while the alternative - cooking yourself - leaves you eating fast food more often than you would like to admit, chances are they are an excellent choice for you.
Adherence, when it comes to diet, is 95% of the weight loss game.
3. Their Cost. The last point to consider is their cost. These pre-packaged meals don't come cheaply. If you are aiming to watch your grocery budget, they likely aren't going to fit in so well with that plan.
But, if you use them only on occasion, on those extra busy days, it can be an excellent alternative to less than optimal choices.
All in all, if you aren't someone who likes to cook or has time to cook, these freshly prepared pre-packaged calorie counted meals can be a healthy alternative to consider. They may not be as ideal as making the food yourself, but they're a step in the right direction.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9300711

Weight Loss - What Is The 5:2 Diet Plan And Is It Right For You?

One diet you may have heard of and now be considering is the 5:2 diet plan. What is it all about and is it right for you?
Before starting any diet protocol, it's important you take some time to figure out why it works and whether it will fit in with your lifestyle.
Let's look closer at what this one is all about...
1. What The 5:2 Is All About. The 5:2 diet plan is currently the most popular fasting approach out there right now and has you eating a healthy caloric diet five days of the week and then consuming a reduced calorie fasting diet on the other two days.
The idea is because you are only fasting two days per week, you'll reduce your risk of losing lean muscle mass, ongoing hunger, and feelings of deprival, all while still being able to shed weight.
Many people will find it's easier just to restrict calories on those two days and then eat a calorie healthy diet on the other days during the week, compared to say reducing each day by a more moderate calorie deficit.
2. How To Set Up The 5:2 Diet. To work on the 5:2 diet plan, you'll eat at your maintenance calorie intake on five days out of the week. If you don't know your maintenance calorie intake, it can be estimated by multiplying your body weight (in pounds) by 13 to 14 pounds if you are moderately active, or 15 to 16 pounds if you are more active to reach your ideal calorie intake.
Then once you have this intake, you need to create your fasting days. Choose two days out of the week (any two days is fine provided they are not consecutive days) and on those two days, you'll consume just 500 calories if you're a woman or 600 calories if you're a man.
When you choose to take these calories in is entirely up to you. Some people may prefer eating them at breakfast while others may prefer them at night after work.
On both fasting days, focus on choosing healthy foods such as lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
3. Is The 5:2 Diet Plan Right For You? So is this diet right for you? At the end of the day, only you can determine this. If you hate feeling restricted all the time, you'll likely respond well to this diet plan as you can eat more on those non-fasting days.
But, if you struggle with hunger, you may find the 500/600 calorie days too hard to get through and as such, lose focus and give up.
Whichever route you choose, when done right, provided you eat healthy foods, this plan can work. It isn't something you should do for the long-term, but to give your weight loss a jump-start, the 5:2 diet can be effective.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9300765

jeudi 3 mars 2016

5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

Losing weight isn't as simple as balancing calories in vs calories out. Or eating less and working out more. Our bodies are complex and a lot of factors contribute to weight loss. Factors such as the types of foods you eat, the type and intensity of your workouts, and even your lifestyle. Here are 5 tips you may be overlooking that are keeping you from losing weight.

  1. You're not eating enough calories. We all know eating too many calories can pack on unwanted pounds, but did you know that not eating enough calories can be just as detrimental to your weight loss efforts? It's true. When you don't eat enough calories your body starts to think it's going into deprivation and so your metabolism actually slows down and your body starts storing fat. This makes it very difficult to lose weight, especially those last few pounds. Make sure you're eating no less than 1200 calories per day, and for most women 1400-1700 calories per day is ideal for weight loss and to feel energetic throughout the day.

  2. You think you're eating healthy. You fill up on "low carb" and "low fat" food items, but unfortunately these types of food don't always translate into low calorie or healthy. Often, these foods are really just junk food loaded with sugar or chemicals marketed to seem healthy. Don't ever trust these claims. Instead do your own investigating and always read nutrition labels and ingredients. Better yet, stick to fresh fruits, veggies, meats and minimally processed foods and steer clear of boxed and packaged foods whenever possible.

  3. You focus too much on cardio. The more cardio I do the more weight I'll lose correct? Not exactly. Actually, incorporating weight training and more intense interval workouts will increase fat burn and boost your metabolism greater than any cardio session. And you'll also save time. Weight training for only 30 minutes 3-4 times a week and incorporating only one or two 20 minute interval training sessions can have a huge impact on your results and fat burning. Furthermore, excessive cardio can make you hungrier and crave sugar, which often leads to overeating. So instead of doing more cardio, focus on weight training and shorter interval training sessions.

  4. You fear eating fatty foods. Do you worry about eating fat thinking it will easily turn into fat? Well the truth is not all fats are bad for you. It all depends on the source and type of fat. Sugar is actually more likely to turn into fat than fat. Fats are important for many bodily functions including weight loss. So be sure to avoid trans fats at all costs (usually found as hydrogenated oils on labels). Also, limit fats from conventionally fed beef or dairy products as well as fats high in omega 6's such as corn oil or safflower oil found in many canned and processed foods. Instead load up on fish and fish oil, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts such as walnuts or pecans, avocados, grass fed beef, and eggs from pastured chickens. These all contain healthy fats that are necessary for healthy functioning and for weight loss.

  5. You're not getting enough sleep. Although sleep may not seem important to your weight loss goals it has a huge impact. Lack of sleep can release hormones that tell your body to store fat and that make you feel hungry. So make sure to get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night if you want to not only look your best but feel your best.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9335805

mercredi 2 mars 2016

Why You're Doing Everything Right and Still Not Losing Weight

You're watching what you put in your mouth. You're exercising more. You caught onto the fact that sleep is important. You still can't get the scale to move. If that's your story, keep reading. There are five things that could be imposing on your ability to lose weight. They play a bigger part of weight loss resistance after midlife than they ever have before.
1. You really don't know what to eat.
What was labeled as healthy once might no longer be true at all and potentially not for you. First, you're getting so much information that conflicts what you knew it's hard to pick a lane and stay in it.
Second, the quality of our soil, the methods we use to harvest foods now, then ship them, and store them even before so-called fresh produce reaches you means foods we eat have lost their nutrient density.
Last, what's true of you may have changed. You may have been eating wheat bread for years but because of the quality of it or a leaky gut from stress or other food sensitivities you can't eat it now.
The answer is to test. You test you. There's no better way to know.
2. You exercise too much or too little or both.
Most women are making the mistake of too much aerobic activity or too many classes that offer a little of this and a little of that. There's no purpose to workouts. There's not adequate recovery between.
Women need more spurts of high intensity intervals one or two times a week and no more. Women also need heavy weight training for a few sets and exercises twice a week. Hour-long classes full of light weights and many repetitions may make you tired but not better.
You want to shift from trying to burn the most calories to balancing hormones with your exercise. They control weight loss and gain.
3. You are too stressed.
Believe it or not if you're eating right, exercising, and getting adequate sleep but your stress level is through the roof you will have a hard time getting your body to release fat.
Cortisol makes fat cells grow, fat storage more likely, and fat burning impossible. It's time to take a look at what you're doing not just to reduce stress but to cope with it.
Add joy to your life. You're not going to get away from stress but you can learn to be more resilient about it.
4. You aren't absorbing enough nutrients.
Even if you're eating them, which would be really hard to do in a single day, there's a strong chance that something about your lifestyle depletes you of nutrients. Stress, lack of sleep, certain preferences of eating and even exercise deplete us of nutrients.
If your gut is not in great shape due to food sensitivities, you have an even worse problem. Leaky gut is causing your body to fight against itself. Internal inflammation will make you weight loss resistant.
Your body is like a machine that needs all the cylinders firing to work. With too little of even one nutrient you set yourself up for breakdown.
The good news is that while food is the problem it's also the answer. You can improve with a few tweaks in nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9338556

mardi 1 mars 2016

Focus on Being Healthy Not Being Skinny

Here's one of the most important points to keep in mind if you are longing for weight loss success - don't focus on being skinny, just focus on being healthy. All too often folks get the notion that the only way to successfully lose weight is to starve yourself and that you must turn out looking like one of the skinny models in the many magazines plastered on newsstands and the supermarket aisles.
Let's put this nonsense to rest: Don't focus on being skinny, instead focus on being healthy.
In a nutshell, if you focus each day on your nutrition and exercise plan your weight will take care of itself. The only time problems usually occur is when we allow too much sustenance to enter our body without providing a way to burn off the excess in the form of exercise.
Therefore from the moment you wake up, be mindful of every single thing you put in your mouth throughout the entire day. Everything has a calorie count so don't merely pay attention to the types of food you're putting into your body but also the quantity.
Portion size is usually what packs on the pounds since many people eat until they are stuffed. Guess what, if you are eating to the point where your stomach feels like it's going to "explode", you've eaten far too much. Your body just doesn't need that much food to function efficiently.
Eating an appropriate portion size is often the toughest aspect to get a consistent handle on especially since there are numerous opportunities to overeat every day. In other words, even if you eat a healthy breakfast and lunch that doesn't necessarily mean your day will end nutritiously. Dinner can often be a caloric nightmare since most of us are tired at the end of the day, lose self-control, and eat far too much.
If this happens not only will you eat too much, but since dinner is likely later in the evening your body won't have the opportunity to burn off the excess. Then you'll go to sleep and all those extra calories will now simply stick around on the body in the form of fat. Instead of ruining your weight loss efforts and essentially shooting yourself in the foot, here are some tips you can use to help control the portion size at every meal.
One of the best ways to combat overeating is to first serve yourself an appropriate portion of food on a small-sized plate and drink at least 2 glasses of water during the meal. Take your time when eating your meals too. It takes about 20 minutes for the body to register if it's had enough to eat so slow your chewing, drink that water and take your time.
Once you finish your portion, get up from the table. Don't sit around since your eyes may drift back to the food that's still out and convince your mind that you should eat some more. Best yet, start doing the dishes and packing leftovers in travel containers. This will really help get you out of "food mode".
Don't overlook the dangers of snacking while doing leisure activities too! Those moments when you're watching television, on the computer, reading a book, playing video games, or anything else you enjoy doing during your free time. This manner of eating can greatly affect your daily calorie total causing you to go way over an amount that's appropriate for you. Try not to snack while you mind is occupied on something else and you'll save your body countless numbers of calories over the year.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9334992