rapid weightloss

mardi 24 novembre 2015

Successful Weight Loss Now - Avoid The Next Shiny Object

It's not your fault because you just want a result and there is a multi-billion dollar industry which has just one purpose. That is to get you to buy their product.
Plus there is so much confusion as to what you should do. It seems that every week the popular women's magazines have a new diet and the men's magazines have a new way to blast off fat and give you an amazing six pack.
Their job isn't to give you good information, or to help you lose weight, their job is to sell magazines, and the best way to do that is to offer a new shiny object as often as possible. Their problem is that they have to keep coming up with amazing new diets every week or two.
Diets are just some of the bright shiny objects which claim to find a solution for your weight.
Television gadgets are possibly even worse, there is no way on earth an ab machine will cause you to lose weight all over, even if you were on it 24 hours a day, then there is the famous diet spray successfully marketed by an Australian con man.
He falsely claimed all kinds of studies and preyed on the hopes of many people taking millions of dollars.
Gadgets are just bright shiny objects and they usually come with a disclaimer that you need to add a 1000 calorie diet. Of course you will lose weight if you follow that recommendation. But that is the whole problem you can't stick to a diet or you wouldn't be buying these products on late night television.
I heard a useful acronym F.O.C.U.S. Focus on One Course Until Successful. For you it means finding a diet and an exercise programme that you think you could live with long term. This means eliminating anything extreme or a bit crazy.
You know in your heart when you look at a diet if you can live with it, or if it is going to cause you more stress than it is worth.
Now you need ideal weight hypnosis to help you make this diet and exercise program work for you, not just for a few weeks but for as long as you want it to. Hypnosis will allow you to let go of the past and create a strong belief in you that you will succeed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9236453

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