rapid weightloss

lundi 31 août 2015

Does Coffee Stop You From Losing Weight?

Many thousands of people who drink coffee on a regular basis hope that it will help their weight loss efforts. There is a lot of research to suggest that coffee has it benefits for weight loss, there is also a debate from many weight loss and health experts that it is counterproductive to losing weight.
How does coffee impact the metabolism?
A study which was published in the American Journal of clinical nutrition was exploring the side effects of coffee and caffeine on the basal metabolic rates, and there report suggested that it may help aid weight loss.
The information revealed in the study was very interested as it revealed the calorie burning effect of a meal was far greater when coffee was consumed with the meal.
The finding from the study concluded that coffee increases metabolic rates and also helps the body's ability to breakdown large food elements into smaller particles; these are known as fat oxidation, in people who are of normal weight.
Can Coffee help you exercise better?
According to scientists at the University of Georgia in United States of America, drinking about a cup of coffee before you start a workout or exercising relieves muscle pain while the muscle is being exercised. If the user is experiencing less pain when working out, the user is able to exercise harder and for longer. The harder a person exercises the more calories they can burn and the more weight they can lose with the help of exercise.
The result of the study is one which was conducted by a gentleman called Robert Moti, a health professor at the university of Illnois-Champign. The research that Robert points to caffeine's effect on a nerve signal processing system in the brain and spinal cord linked to pain.
The link between coffee and sleep
Coffee is a stimulant if you drink large quantities of it, it may keep you awake at night. This can be a hindrance and may directly disturb the quality of your sleep. The research that was conducted by a scientist at the University of Chicago has shown a correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain.
The research showed that when a person did not get enough quality sleep, the greater their chance of gaining weight. The reason for this is because when you do not get enough REM and slow wave this lowers a bodies BMR (basal metabolic rate) and also decreases nocturnal growth hormone secretion. Studies show that coffee can also increase your body's leptin and insulin resistance, all of these will get in the way of any attempt that you make to control your weight.
Coffee with cream
Drinking coffee can make a person feel edgy, restless and a bit anxious. In fact studies have shown that coffee contributes to weight gain simply because you are more likely to eat more because you are feeling nervous. One of the biggest contributors to coffee wright gain is the line of espresso and latte drinks that are now available at fast food restaurants and specialty coffee shops worldwide.
These coffee drinks not only increase the jittery feelings that you get from their high caffeine content, but they also increase the risk of obesity with their calorie content, this is according to the Harvard school of public health.
Other Health Considerations
There was a modest and inverse relation to weight gain discussed in a study by the department of health and nutrition sciences at Brooklyn College. The research conducted by the study suggests that drinking coffee may actually result in a decrease in weight.The improvement was modest, the study gave warning and caution to people considering using coffee as a weight loss aid.
Coffee also may raise blood pressure; this was also reported in the study. Caffeine and caffeinated coffee have also been shown to greatly increase blood pressure and thereby they pose a fairly serious health threat to people with cardiovascular disease risk.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9151816

samedi 29 août 2015

Natural Cures That Work Wonders For Your Weight Loss Dreams

Weight loss! Obviously the biggest challenge for those who love treating themselves to gastronomic delights can be brought about by natural ways. Yes, you've got the power to bring yourself back to your healthy weight, naturally. So, rise above the myriad health claims shot your way by hundreds of diets plans, so called "weight loss" foods, and exercises that never seem to work. It's time to take up the challenge and reduce weight the natural way-with the help of Gerson Theory and its very effective products.
Natural Cures to Lose Weight-Eat Natural
Even after eating healthy "balanced" meals, going on a diet of miracle foods and supplements, or binging on exotic fruit juices, you may end up gaining weight. So, what do you do?
The Gerson Therapy serves as a highly effective, all-natural solution for bringing back your weight to normal and then maintaining the same. Naturally weight loss products manage your delicate biochemical processes and metabolic functions to bring about the change you so desperately need-all with the help of natural cures.
Benefits of Gerson Therapy for Weight Loss
Along with bringing about the primary benefits of weight normalization and health transformation, typical Gerson meals or modified Gerson Therapy diet patterns go a long way in helping users gain or lose weight. Though a tad complicated and time consuming, this treatment is quite multifaceted and requires three simple processes only: procuring supplements, buying necessary equipment, and gaining knowledge about the protocol.
Gerson Therapy is applicable to a broad range of disorders, creates more vitality and helps you become healthier. With just a Vita-Mix blender and the right ways to make smoothies in place, you can embark on your efforts of losing weight with a vegan diet-right away.
Hungry for Change?
The primary focus of natural cures is seldom intended for preventative health concerns. They usually focus on current fad diets and align your efforts with the remedies offered by the overall weight loss industry. With these cures in place, users may look forward to effective weight loss plans and detoxifying strategies; along with consuming a healthy diet continuously. So if you are also desirous of attaining optimal wellness, Gerson therapy is what you need!
Way Forward with Gerson Therapy
Once Gerson Therapy gets your body back into the "healing" or "healthy" mode, it will help you find the right weight for yourself through advanced natural cures. Then, it maintains that weight for as long as you keep consuming enough calories (via proper foods) to function normally.
Go for Gerson therapy-you won't be disappointed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9149197

Exercise Vs Diet For Weight Loss

When it comes to fat burning, the first thing that we think of is which route to take, do we exercise, or do we go on a diet, or do we do a combination of them both. The traditional advice to burning fat is to eat less and to move more.
There is a ton of things to do to burn fat however we are constrained by our finite resources such as time and money. Weight gain and loss revolve around caloric expenditure and consumption.
Diet Only Route
This is the easiest route because we are going to be eating anyway so we might as well cut out the calories in our meal. For most people cutting out calories is easier than burning them off but what we really want is burn fat and not to lose muscle. When we take the diet only route that is exactly what happens, not only do we burn fat but we also lose muscle as well.
When most people hear the word "diet" they think of grilled chicken and salad only, however this is an extreme diet that you probably won't have to commit yourself to. You might want to try a more balanced diet that includes high fibre and a variety of colours.
The diets with the fastest results are the low carb diets which make them the most popular, but they are difficult to sustain. Unfortunately though, most people on a diet only program tend to gain the lost weight back within two years.
Exercise Only Route
Exercise is an important part of weight loss, without it, part of the weight loss would involve muscle loss and not just fat loss. The problem with an exercise only plan is that you could possibly end up eating more and thus gaining extra unwanted weight. However those who do exercise regularly tend to keep the weight off for longer than those who don't exercise.
Exercising for just twenty minutes can boost your mood for up to 12 hours and can even help treating people with depression. Exercise has many benefits like reduced stress and better sleep at night. The most important benefit of exercise is that it increases the rate at which your body burns fat.
Muscle tends to take up less space than fat so even though you'll gain muscle weight you will defiantly look and feel better.
A Combination of both Exercising and Dieting
This is probably the best route to take.
The great thing about this approach is that dieting and exercising help to complement each other. The general rule is that weight loss should be 75% diet and 25% exercise. The important thing to remember is that dieting initially helps the process of weight loss but exercising helps keep the weight off.
Remember that you can't out exercise a bad diet!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9121887

vendredi 28 août 2015

Learn How to Lose Weight Fast - Top 3 Tips for Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight Fast - What's The Secret?
Everybody wants to know how to lose weight fast. You might have the wedding coming up, the trip to Mexico, or the class reunion. Whatever the reason might be, people always want to know the secret to losing weight fast. Well, you might be thinking you know what I'm about to say. There is no secret! Weight loss takes a lot of dedication and consistency. That truly is the secret. HOWEVER, don't quit reading just yet. There are a few tips I can offer that can help you. No fat loss tip can turn you from couch potato to chiseled abs in a short time, and any product or person who claims they can is LYING to you and you should avoid them (phew). With that said, I can teach how to lose weight fast in a reasonable, safe and permanent manner.
I want to make it clear that these tips are for losing weight quickly. These aren't tips that will necessarily work forever, especially if you're trying to put on some muscle and build solid muscle definition. Normally, I wouldn't even recommend a short term weight loss plan, but I've had a lot of questions about it, and I don't want anyone doing anything REALLY stupid to lose weight. These tips will work, but in a safe and reasonable manner.
Weight Loss Tip #1 - Reduce the Carbs
You've probably heard this before, and that's because it works. The problem most people have with this is that they go CRAZY and cut out all their carbs. Carbs are the body's ideal source of energy. This is why people who cut out carbs feel irritated, angry, and can't think. Their body needs some carbs, man! I chose the word reduce and not cut in the heading for a reason. You need carbs to really push and get a good workout, not to mention function properly on a daily basis. Keeping some carbs in your diet will keep your body right hormonally. Cutting out all carbs can send your hormones out of whack, leading to fat storage and muscle breakdown. Keep your carb intake around 20% of your total calories and you'll see strong weight loss.
In addition to keeping your overall carb intake around 20%, you need to eliminate (cut) ALL high glycemic carbs from your diet. This includes sugar and starchy carbs like potatoes. To find foods that are low on the glycemic index scale, search for glycemic index on Google.
Weight Loss Tip #2 - Perform A Lot of Compound Exercises
The benefits of compound exercises are vast! While the majority of your weight loss will come from your diet, exercise is important to keep your metabolism churning so you burn calories all day and all night. In addition to that, performing quality, compound exercises will help to put your body into a fat burning state through the release of certain anabolic hormones. Hormones are SO important! Keep them in check or your body will FIGHT to keep all of that fat you want to lose.
Some key exercises are chest presses, pull ups, rows, squats and deadlifts. If you don't have access to a gym, don't worry! There's plenty of body weight exercises you can do to ignite your body's fat burning mechanisms. Push ups, squats jumps and pull ups can all be done at home with little or no equipment. If you're not sure what to do, research some options on the internet about exercises with no equipment.
Weight Loss Tip #3 - Do Some Kind of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
If you're still wondering how to lose weight fast, the best cardio to do is HIIT. HIIT burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time, which is great for people who don't have a ton of time to exercise. Cardio like sprints, hill sprints, squat jumps, or any other type of exercise you can perform at max effort burns a lot of calories, but also builds a lot of muscle. You can't turn fat into muscle, but if you can burn some fat away and build some muscle in the process, you'll see changes a lot sooner.
Perform some variation of HIIT 3-4 times per week with a lot of walking on your off days, and you'll start losing weight fast.
Bonus Weight Loss Tip - Work Your Body Immediately After Eating
I've read about this and learned a lot on my own through trial and error. I'm pretty confident that it works though. You can help keep your body from storing the food that you eat by performing a brief bout of exercise after you eat. Ideally, compound exercises that will lead to muscular failure work best. For example, after all my meals, I'd drop down and rep out push ups to failure, squat jumps to failure and sit ups until it burned. Get your heart racing and your muscles fatigued to encourage your body to burn off the food instead of store it.
For a full 30 day program that will teach you how to get fit and stay fit, check out my 30 Day Start Up Program. The 30 Day Start Up Program consists of all the tips explained above and is designed to get your body burning fat faster than ever before.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9144637

mercredi 26 août 2015

Lose Weight and Maintain With Easy, Fun Intuitive Eating

How to Have Your Cake and Your Skinny Jeans Too: Stop Binge Eating, Overeating and Dieting For Good Get the Naturally Thin Body You Crave From the Inside Out (Binge Eating Solution) by Josie Spinardi is an incredibly accessibly written book with clear practical strategies and sound evidence-based approaches.
Your body is programmed to maintain a naturally thin weight. You don't need to know your ideal weight or calorie balance. More calorically dense foods and slower metabolism just means you get full sooner and stay full longer.
Diets only address the symptom of extra weight. "Overeating or binge eating is in fact a very powerfully anchored conditioned (learned) response to both dieting (food restriction) and a shortage of skills to navigate certain distressing emotional states."
Most dieters get stuck in "The Dieting Trangle of Despair," a cycle of dieting, bingeing, beating self up, and then dieting again... only to binge again all over in more and more extreme ways. Studies like the Ancel Keys show "dieting leads to food obsession, emotional distress, and - wait for it - binge eating."
Eat like a naturally thin person. Enjoy satisfying portions of tasty normal foods without worrying, without dieting to try to compensate. If you eat so much you feel uncomfortable, just make a note it doesn't feel good to be too full.
Eliminate the "learned habit of overriding your body's internal signals for hunger and fullness."
Use Root Cause Analysis to identify the real reason for Non Hunger Eating:
a) Gasping for Food violently out-of-control in response to deprivation, bingeing on banned foods. By eating only what's right for you according to physical and psychological needs, you can be confident in any situation instead of being ruled by food obsession, deprivation, or "kryptonite."
b) Eating Cuz You Ate breaking a diet rule. Tuning into internal forces helps.
The Mean Girl Munchies "presses mute" on critical self-awareness with rapid-fire bites of crunchy food regardless of taste. Meditation is a healthier approach to focusing in on a single something.
c) Licking Your Wounds involves avoiding and soothing with slow, sweet, creamy indulgence in learned helplessness. People who lack the skill to engage in task-oriented coping are more likely to emotionally eat. Instead, act directly to resolve, mitigate, or eliminate stressors. Try positive psychology with an empowered paradigm.
d) Recreational Eating is just a response to boredom or procrastination, particularly in times of transition like coming come from work. For a more even balance of things you want to do and things you have to do, sprinkle fun activities throughout your schedule. Give yourself permission; see the value; enjoy your life.
If you decide to eat before you're physically hungry, enjoy some of what you really want and then move on. "This is not the eat-when-you're-hungry-and-stop-when-you're-full diet." This is not about rules; it is general guidelines to make you feel good - like resting when you're tired.
1. Eat when you feel physically hungry. "Preventative eating" doesn't work. "Physical hunger is a gentle, hollow, warm sensation in your stomach." You gradually start to become more sensitive to food cues. "You feel really light, active, and energized." Hunger growls are high in the stomach, not below the navel, which is the sound of digestion. Skip sugared beverages between hungers until you can recognize hunger signals. Don't stress if you can't eat immediately - your body will use its own fuel - but don't make a habit of going hungry too long because you might get a headache, irritability, and Gasping for Food.
2. Eat what you really, really want to be psychologically satisfied.You'll likely at first indulge in the foods you've been restricting then it will transition to consistently healthier eating. "Completely release the brake" and "move all foods into the No-Guilt category." Instead categorize by what you like and how it makes you feel. Your body is designed to desire a variety of foods so make small amounts available (out of sight) and accessible.
3. Sit down, be present, and thoroughly enjoy what you're eating. Satisfaction comes from environment, freedom, perceived portions, etc. Take a substantial portion and commit to what you're eating. Sit and eat in designated eating zones. Be present to enjoy eating and eliminate conditioned triggers and escape of self-awareness. "Construct and savor the perfect bite - every time." If eating with others, enjoy food and conversation separately.
4. Stop eating when you feel comfortably satisfied. The first signal you're nearing fullness is a slight dip in taste. Try taking a 5-minute break after eating half of current portions as an experiment. Leave a quality bite of food on the plate to signal abundance and empowerment. Ask yourself if the next bite will make you feel better or worse. Create an end-of-meal routine like brushing teeth, washing dishes, or walking 10 minutes. Plan for post-meal pleasure like only allowing a TV show after dinner.
5. Check in. Notice how the food makes you feel. Pure motivational states come from consistent feeling states, i.e. pleasure both now and later. Conflicted states require willpower, so build "wantpower" by transforming Shoulds into Want To's and the Shouldn'ts into Won't's. Notice discomfort after unhealthy foods for tangible memories to change their motivational pull. Check in 30 minutes, an hour, three hours, and again up to five hours after eating rating energy, hunger, mood, concentration, and other factors like digestion.
6. Exercise if you want to feel happier and look better - not to burn calories. Rate your mood, energy, tension, and problem solvability; then, walk at a comfortable pace for 10 minutes listening to music or talk; rating the same factors afterward, you'll see the difference. Also, use a slightly snug clothing item to track progress rather than the scale.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9142858

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

One of the most common questions I get asked is how much weight you can lose in a month. People see programs such as the Biggest Loser where giant men and sometimes even the women lose a dozens of pounds in a month and want to do the same. While this is an extreme case which I often explain they still want to know what is possible for them. The question is an interesting one and one that is very much dependent on a number of factors. Let us look into it in more detail.
The first thing to remember is that weight is an inaccurate term. What weight are you talking about? When you are 'losing weight' what you really want to be losing is fat content. When you get on the scales you are in many cases losing water and even muscle. It is important to remember this as with many diets weight loss appears greater in the first week but slows down in the following weeks. This is because in the first week much of the weight is water and in some cases the actual weight of the food we had been eating.
It is important for that reason to be sure to also take measurements of areas of your body where fat is most common. This is most likely to be your chest, waist and hips. I also like to take one at the maximum point of my stomach. If and when you lose body fat it is the measurements which will give you the best reading. Losing a pound or two in weight from one day to the next proves nothing.
How to lose body fat
So exactly how do you lose body fat rather than just water when trying to lose weight? Well it is actually amazingly simple. To lose body fat you need to get your insulin levels down and to do that you cut out carbohydrates. Now there is a lot said about cutting out food groups so I would like to clarify this a little. When I talk about carbohydrates I am talking mainly about sugar products which are pretty much all processed foods. This can include chocolate, biscuits and cakes as well as alcohol and fizzy drinks. You can then take it a step further and cut out bread and pasta. While many 'experts' will say these are essential they are in fact not. All the nutrients you can get from these you can get a lot more of from fruits and vegetables.
So what do you eat?
The key things to eat when trying to lose weight/fat is real foods. This means you eat protein such as meat and fish with plenty of eggs, fruits and vegetables and the controversial part is eat fat. Yes you can eat fat as long as it isn't the processed fats. These fats known as transfats are now being removed because they are so bad for us but avoiding processed foods will ensure you don't eat any of them. Saturated and unsaturated fats are found from unprocessed sources.
You then simply eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Your body will switch from using carbohydrates as an energy source and start using fat instead. If you are overweight or obese then your body already has plenty of fat available from your fat stores. At this point your insulin levels will be low allowing your body to start using those stores and thus helping you burn body fat. It is actually a very simple procedure.
So going back to the question of how much weight can you lose in a month it really depends on how good you get your diet and how much you supplement it with exercise. Remember exercise will help you create a calorie deficit and thus low weight but if you do to much of it you will only make yourself hungry and risk eating more. This in itself isn't a problem as long a what you eat is unprocessed foods as mentioned above.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9146065

mardi 25 août 2015

The Role of a Journal in Your Fitness and Nutrition Goals

The ONLY person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.
This intelligent quote conveys an important message for you to keep in mind when you are working to achieve fitness goals, whether it be losing weight, eating healthier or building muscle. You only need to be better than how you were yesterday. One of the best way to keep track of your fitness and nutrition progress is to log your activities in a journal on a day-to-day basis. This will help you understand where you started, how far you've come, and where you are headed.
To do this, all you need is pen and paper.
Let's look at the advantages of maintaining a journal - starting with one for fitness
1. To stay on track -- If you've gone to the gym and wondered what to do for the day and ended up wasting precious time, then a fitness journal is for you. Plan your activities for the day and write it down. When you hit the gym, make a note of your sets, reps and weights as well. On your next visit, you'll know exactly where you left off and where you need to start over.
2. Why pen and paper? -- Yes, the apps and the tabs are all fancy and posh, but pen and paper work best for maintaining your journals. You won't get distracted by emails and texts when you're busy burning calories and quietly writing them down.
3. To quantify progress - You've dropped a few pounds last week- that's great! You ran an extra mile yesterday? That's even better. However, a few weeks down the line you really wouldn't remember the numbers. Make a note of your stats, along with your exercise routine, to quantify the progress you made.
They say that anyone can exercise for an hour, but it's hard to watch what goes on your plate for the next 23 hours. And that's just one of the reasons why you need a nutrition journal -
1. Conscious eating -- When we are trying to lose weight, or even gain for that matter, we try to watch our diet. However, we tend to forget about all the quick bites and snacks we've eaten on the go. Writing down what we eat throughout the day will make us more aware of our eating habits, so we can make appropriate modifications where needed.
2. Nutrition guide -- Your diet could be deficient in iron or you could be facing calcium deficiency issues. Therefore, writing down what you eat will help you analyze the situation. You can then plan your meals in your journal and check them off as you go. For instance, milk is said to be enriched with calcium. Have you had your glass today? Your journal should be able to tell you.
3. Reinforce healthy eating -- Along with writing what you eat, you need to also record how you feel after consuming a particular dish. If the milkshake you had last week made you feel tired and bloated, reading about the same a week later will help you make a healthier choice the next time around. In addition, if having the green salad made you feel lighter and more energetic, you can be sure the written word will make way for more greens to come.
Overall, a journal is a must to record, plan, monitor and achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.
Robin Reichert is an AFPA certified personal trainer, NASM certified youth exercise specialist, and freelance writer specializing in health and fitness. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health. Her services include both in-home personal training and online fitness coaching. To find out more about the Beachbody coaching business or some of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs, such as P90X or Insanity, you can visit her blog and/or website at http://www.robinsonestopfitness.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9137433

lundi 24 août 2015

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast With Effective Tips From The Experts

One of the most common health problems that many people face today is keeping a healthy and fit body. Because of unhealthy lifestyle, more and more people get sick and do not have the healthy and fit body that they have always wanted. These people then become over-weight and sometimes obese. And so, it is an advantage to know how you can lose belly fat fast. Here are some tips from the experts themselves.
Learn to swim. Alternatively, you could try out triathlon to combine all three calorie-burning aerobic exercises. If that's too intense for you, you can always jog because it can burn belly fat, too.
Do yoga. Here's an option for anyone looking to get some physical activity going, but without the fierce intensity of other fitness routines: yoga. Yoga isn't just a good way to stretch those tired muscles, but it is also an excellent way to fight stress. When you eliminate stress, you prevent cortisol from packing on the fat.
Exercise. Instead of the 100 crunches a day for a few days, you can get more results by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercises for five days. So long as you keep active routinely, even playing ball with the kids or gardening can have an effect on fat burning goals.
Take vitamin C. The best slimming program will incorporate nutrition with your plan. That plan should help you get more vitamin C, which is known as a fat burner. Whether you get your vitamin C from fruits like oranges or from vegetables like kale, the vitamin will allow your body to produce carnitine, which is a compound that turns fat into fuel.
Make sure to get enough sleep. A university study has discovered that getting five hours or less of sleep leads to an increase in visceral fat. If you haven't been getting the recommended eight hours for weeks or months, then you shouldn't wonder why your belly is beginning to feel hefty. So make it a point to get enough sleep.
Start loving green tea. The combination of going on the best weight loss program and drinking green tea can help you burn more belly fat.
Choose good fat in your food intake. It turns out you can use fat to burn fat. But choose the good kind that comes from nutrient-dense sources like avocados, salmon, and walnuts.
Finally, another reliable and highly advanced option is to go for non-invasive belly fat blasting treatments using state-of-the-art equipment. If you want fast, noticeable results, this is the way to go.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9136269

dimanche 23 août 2015

How To Lose Weight Fast With Coconut Oil

Everybody these days wants to lose weight quickly. Perhaps it's those added maternity pounds that merely typically aren't coming off regardless of all the exercising in the world. Maybe it's the midlife spreading waistline. Or perhaps you've always been a little overweight.
Among the best things you can do to conveniently lose the extra pounds without significantly changing your way of living (besides going ultra-low carb as well as abandoning grains completely) is to consume coconut oil.
In The U.S.A's recent past, the coconut has obtained an undeserved bad name.
Due to the fact that it is high in saturated fats, and also they were unjustly demonized. Cutting-edge research has virtually shredded the majority of The Lipid Theory-- the concept that there is a direct connection between saturated fat as well as cholesterol intake in the diet with incidence of coronary heart problem. We currently understand, for example, that most of the studies which revealed nutritional consumption of saturated fats (especially those utilizing coconut oil) were bad for you were actually proving that trans fats bad for you.
But unrefined, virgin coconut oil is an excellent and traditional fat and contains no trans-fats whatsoever.
Just how can C.O. improve your metabolic process as well as promote weight-loss?
1. It's high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). A research study released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found patients lost weight when they included MCFA's in their diet plan. As a matter of fact, when you compare a diet plan including coconut oil or MCFA's, it was found that people lost much more weight making use of MCFA's.
2. It's high in lauric acid. Lauric acid is an MCFA so it will certainly not just possibly help you lose weight ( the per the study above), but it's additionally documented to have outstanding antiviral, antibacterial, as well as antiprotozoal properties. In other words, it fights everything from the common cold to serious lipid-coated viruses such as HIV and herpes!
3. It may lower your food cravings. When you add coconut oil into your diet plan, you'll really feel much more full and eat less calories over all.
Still Don't Believe Me?
Look into the incredible progress these two women had when they eliminated the junk fats (vegetable oils like corn, soy, and also canola) from their diet plans and switched to much healthier fats (like coconut and olive oil).
Locating Good Quality Coconut Oil.
Today you can find a good quality coconut oil almost everywhere. Just read the label to insure it is Extra Virgin, Organic and Cold Processed. Be sure that it has NOT been Refined, GMO Free, Trans Fat Free, NOT bleached or Deodorized, Cholesterol Free and Hexane Free.
We now recognize, for example, that many of the researches which showed nutritional consumption of saturated fats (specifically those utilizing coconut oil) were bad for you were in fact showing that trans fats are bad for you.
When you compare a diet plan including coconut oil or MCFA's, it was found that individuals lost much more weight making use of MCFA's.
When you add coconut oil right into your diet, you'll really feel a lot more full and eat less over all.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9116417

samedi 22 août 2015

Diet and Exercise - Age Old Advice That Is Still Around Because It Works

We've all heard it before: all you need is a good diet and exercise. The problem is we want results now. Dieting and exercising take time, and time is one thing that we just don't have in out busy schedules. But, before you give up and just call it "fate" that you are overweight, give a look at what you are actually doing to solve the problem. You may be surprised at what you can do just by making some small changes.
Diet is the key to all weight loss. You can exercise several hours a day, but if you are making poor food choices, you will never have the level of success you want. You need to ask yourself is there is more you can do with your diet to really enhance your weight loss. Understand that your body needs proteins, fats, fiber, sugar, vitamins, and minerals every meal to feel satisfied with what it is being given. Ideally, every time you sit down to eat, your plate will have some protein, some fat, and some fiber if you want to call it a filling, healthy meal.
This takes a lot of planning on our part. We need to make sure that we have the right kinds of foods in the house, and that we aren't going to reach for a bag of chips every time we want a snack. Something along the lines of a piece of fruit and some yogurt is a much better idea, but we need to plan ahead to make it work.
Also, use a bit of common sense in your choices. Something like broccoli or carrots are usually eaten raw, so feel free to enjoy them that way. Potatoes or eggplant, on the other hand, are normally cooked. Some plants are cooked because they can be potentially toxic is consumed raw, so make sure you use common sense and make smart choices.
Here are three good tips for making sure you are eating a healthy diet.
1. Try and eat a variety of different colored foods
You need to remember that different fruits and vegetables have different nutritional value. Some have antioxidants, some have minerals, some have vitamin C, and you need them all. So, just pick a variety. Get some strawberries, blueberries, oranges, pineapples, and bananas and you will see what a color variety you have. Do the same with vegetables, and you are well on your way to healthier eating.
2. Eat food from all food groups
The problem with diets nowadays is that they want to eliminate a food group. This is usually a very bad idea since you are potentially eliminating key nutrition from you diet. Generally speaking, you need to make fruit and vegetables the bulk of what you eat, but you need to make sure you are getting some carbs, some protein, and a touch of fat as well. Variety is the key.
3. When you need a snack, find something healthy
Just because you want to lose weight does not mean you can't have a snack. You just need to be smart about it. You know what you like and what you don't like to eat, so just make sure that when you want a snack, you reach for a piece of fruit instead of a bag of chips.
There is really nothing new to say about exercise. We have known for quite a long time that it is good for us, we just don't want to get off our butts and do it. Exercise offers a number of health benefits aside from weight loss, and you should work out just to make sure that you don't end up with issues with your joints, heart, or kidneys. Aside from those benefits, exercise also can help you to lose weight. Now, diet is still king, and without a proper, healthy diet, weight loss will be almost impossible, but exercise can help to accelerate the results.
It is recommended that you work out for at least 30 minutes a day five times a week. And, yes, these are the minimums. However, recent research shows that working out for ten minutes at a time, three times a day can be just as good as 30 minutes all at once. Aerobic activity is great for weight loss, but don't neglect weight training. Muscle burns fat, so if you build up more muscle, you will end up burning more fat as well. So, it is recommended that you do both to achieve maximum weight loss.
The main thing to remember in any weight loss attempt is to focus on health, not thin. Too many people just want to get thin, and they sacrifice their health as a result. Don't get caught up with fad dieting, or magic pills. You just need to work at it, and you will see results. Start making diet and exercise a habit, and you will be able to achieve your goals, and even more. Good luck!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9138598

vendredi 21 août 2015

Lose Weight in a Week - Practical Tips to Lose Weight Fast!

Many people want to lose weight but do not know the right way to go about it; actually one needs only discipline and an understanding of the weight loss process to achieve the desired results. Misinformation may get you into trouble with your health even though you may lose some weight. Try the following pointers to lose some weight in a week.
Avoid unhealthy food
Many of us cannot get enough of foods like sweets, white pasta, grilled meat, fries, burgers, ice cream and other tempting processed foods, but these are really unhealthy for our bodies and they put extra weight on us easily. If you are really determined to lose weight quickly, you'll need to give up much of these foods, especially processed foods that are harmful to the body, as regular consumption can cause liver damage, as well as other health issues. Consider more healthy food options that are organic or natural.
You can reduce your intake of processed foods, as well as sugar, instead of cutting these off completely. This is a more healthy approach, as you will not be craving them as you work them off your diet slowly.
Alternatively, you can exercise to lose weight, which tones up your muscles. This is a better option than sitting on your couch too much. Stay active and invite your friends to a game of basketball to lose some weight while you have some fun. This form of exercise is more fun than doing some exercise routines at home.
Have a short term goal
It may be difficult to lose a lot of weight at one time; hence it may be better to set smaller goals that are achievable to lose your desired pounds effectively. Shorter term smaller goals are more motivating as you will observe quick results, albeit small values. Once you reach a small goal, set another slightly bigger goal until you achieve the desired amount to be lost.
Lots of water
Drinking a lot of water or fluid is good in the process of losing weight as the water or fluid makes you feel heavier and not want to eat. Water also increases the body's metabolism, which means more fats are burned. Ten glasses or more per day is quite sufficient to help your body increase its metabolic rate, but you can start your water intake in smaller amounts.
It is possible to lose weight and remain healthy unless you are not disciplined in your quest. The above natural ways to lose weight are easy to take on if you are really serious about losing weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9139621

jeudi 20 août 2015

Lose Weight in a Week - Practical Tips to Lose Weight Fast!

Many people want to lose weight but do not know the right way to go about it; actually one needs only discipline and an understanding of the weight loss process to achieve the desired results. Misinformation may get you into trouble with your health even though you may lose some weight. Try the following pointers to lose some weight in a week.
Avoid unhealthy food
Many of us cannot get enough of foods like sweets, white pasta, grilled meat, fries, burgers, ice cream and other tempting processed foods, but these are really unhealthy for our bodies and they put extra weight on us easily. If you are really determined to lose weight quickly, you'll need to give up much of these foods, especially processed foods that are harmful to the body, as regular consumption can cause liver damage, as well as other health issues. Consider more healthy food options that are organic or natural.
You can reduce your intake of processed foods, as well as sugar, instead of cutting these off completely. This is a more healthy approach, as you will not be craving them as you work them off your diet slowly.
Alternatively, you can exercise to lose weight, which tones up your muscles. This is a better option than sitting on your couch too much. Stay active and invite your friends to a game of basketball to lose some weight while you have some fun. This form of exercise is more fun than doing some exercise routines at home.
Have a short term goal
It may be difficult to lose a lot of weight at one time; hence it may be better to set smaller goals that are achievable to lose your desired pounds effectively. Shorter term smaller goals are more motivating as you will observe quick results, albeit small values. Once you reach a small goal, set another slightly bigger goal until you achieve the desired amount to be lost.
Lots of water
Drinking a lot of water or fluid is good in the process of losing weight as the water or fluid makes you feel heavier and not want to eat. Water also increases the body's metabolism, which means more fats are burned. Ten glasses or more per day is quite sufficient to help your body increase its metabolic rate, but you can start your water intake in smaller amounts.
It is possible to lose weight and remain healthy unless you are not disciplined in your quest. The above natural ways to lose weight are easy to take on if you are really serious about losing weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9139621

mercredi 19 août 2015

Easy Dieting To Lose Weight Painlessly

Losing weight is an obstacle that seems nearly impossible to do. When planning on losing weight you must look over the entire diet you eat. The next step is to break it up into nutritional blocks, or portions of food group percentages. Then you must balance your nutritional intake while cutting out extra calories. All the while maintaining a healthy diet this is a large chore to do. The temptation to try to starve it off will defeat the purpose this happens a lot. You will gain more weight when you binge eat as a result of trying to fast it off. The best way is to decrease your caloric intake while eating a balanced diet. You may also choose to burn it off that is to exercise excessively until you lose the old love handles. The process of dieting is done with the use of various methods to get the best results. The controlled intake method which is a balanced diet and a calorie reduction system is one of the best systems.
The other methods involve the use of programs, supplements, teas, and pills.There are many over the counter diet aids that are very effective. The proper use of those products produce astounding results with your dedication and sticking to the diet. The amount of food nutrients you lose is reduced by keeping your digestive tract in peak operating condition this is a needed task. To point out that your healthy intestines that you detox and are in peak condition will work better at absorbing nutrition than the common intestinal tract. Now as you can see there are truly many factors to consider in losing that extra pound. The goal overall else is to keep your health and comfort level while getting rid of a few pounds safely.
The use of various foods including salads and various blends of vegetables both fresh and cooked added to your diet to will lower your calorie intake.A trip to the grocery store is a calorie cutter when you plan it out. Take note of your diet plan check your larder and listing your purchases in advance will save you cash and time. The advantage of proper diet and the use of over the counter diet products will aid you in reaching your idea weight quickly and safely. The planned use of detox and dieting can improve your health and help you lose pounds. The responsible dieter will always consider getting medical advice when making life changes as it is the wise course to take.
Greetings friends Tom here welcome to T Johns Health and More it is here to serve you; Enjoy the products, links and service. The weight loss page has top quality products also you might check out the diet page link to digestive science as it may be of interest without further interruption,

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9119061

mardi 18 août 2015

The Link Between Estrogen and Being Overweight

I recently went on the National Institute of Health(NIH) website and read their statistics on overweight and obesity. Under the heading fast facts they wrote, more than 2 out of 3 adults are either overweight or obese. They consider that if your body mass index is 25% or higher you're overweight. Under the heading of causes of overweight they claim that it is from an energy imbalance. They go on to say that when people eat and drink more calories that they burn then the energy imbalance tips toward weight gain.
I believed that for most of my live and still do until this day. If you conducted a survey I would bet you that most people would agree that if you consume more than you burn then you're going to get heavier. I don't think they are incorrect with that assumption. It is just as in a car if you put gas into a car the tank fills up. When you drive around then you are burning up the gas that is in the tank. However just like with cars, we do not get the same amount of miles per gallon. We all know that trucks get less miles per gallon than compact cars. It is the same for humans. People burn calories at a different pace than others. This is where the NIH fails to communicate. We have to focus on our metabolism and find out our capacity to burn up calories. This is where the "rubber meets the road", we tend to focus on what we put in our mouths but rarely we focus on the combustion of that fuel. Would it be great if you can eat a lot of food and would not have to worry about gaining weight because your capacity to burn the food would be greater than the amount that you ate? Over course you would love it. I am not referring to eating lettuce and carrots the whole day neither. Frankly, I can eat all of the vegetables I have in my refrigerator and still be hungry. I need to eat food that is substantial to be satisfied.
So how can we speed up our metabolism so that we can be free from calorie counting and daily starvation? Because we all know that if you're not satisfied with your daily consumption of foods then one day you will say to yourself that it is just not worth it. Consistency is the key.
So what are some of the causes of a slow metabolism rate? Hormones can be the culprit. This article focuses on one and that one is estrogen. Estrogen is considered a female hormone because it makes a female womanly. However they play roles in both sexes. What has developed over the last few decade is that the world that we live has become more polluted with xenoestrogens. These are chemicals that are estrogenic. They bind to hormone receptors and when they do that your body has absorbed more estrogen. The three major players are; biphenol A(PBA), phthalates, and parabens. Basically when it comes down to it, there are too many chemicals around us and they are making us fat. PBA is a carbon based chemical that is found in plastics, aluminum cans, and many other products. Phthalates are comprised of perfumes and air sprays. Parabens are in lotions.
What can you do to reverse this trend? You should use a two pronged approach when combating estrogen dominance. This would be avoidance of these chemicals and dietary adjustments to fight them when they enter your body. When it comes to parabens look for products that do not contain them. It is difficult because most lotions contain parabens. But the good thing is that they are out there and when you do find a lotion that is paraben free then you can use that product and not others. You can use the same strategy with phthalates.
The chemical that is by far the most difficult to avoid is PBA. Studies have linked urinary PBA to body fat. Stay away from canned foods unless you know that the can is PBA free. Store foods in glass containers. Don't heat up foods in plastic containers. All plastics are not the same. Harder plastics are less estrogenic than the softer ones. The softer ones leech out more PBA's than the harder ones.
If they are already in your system things that you can do to eliminate them are; eating and supplementing with omega-3's. Eat more broccoli and leafy greens. You can supplement with zinc, folic acid, and B-6. Also avoid soy. Soy is estrogenic and should be restricted from your diet.
This by all means this is not everything you can do. This article was intended to give you information so that you can start to make the right decisions in your life. You can start to combat this infiltration of chemicals into your live and to become aware of why your not losing the weight you thought you would lose. Countries are starting to put pressure on the industries that are bombarding us with these pollutive compounds. We as citizens can take up some of the fight and contact elected officials and express concerns.
Estrogens though they are necessary to have a functioning body has overwhelmed us from of the everyday products that we use. Chemicals that bind to our hormone receptors have ruined our health and has contributed to the epidemic of obesity. Learn what you can do to reverse the trend.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9134985

lundi 17 août 2015

Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

When the holidays arrive, many people forget all
about their diets and healthy eating.  Weight
gains of 7 - 10 pounds are common between
Halloween and Christmas.  To make the holidays
easier, these tips will help you with healthy
eating through the season and not gaining weight.

Most traditional foods can be made low fat.
Turkey is very lean without the skin, and gravy
can be made without any fat.  Potatoes that are
served without butter can be very healthy.  The
beloved pumpkin pie is nutritious, although it
can be made into a fatty dessert with the adding
of whipped cream.

Even though the holidays are in, don't forget
about the exercise.  Keeping weight off during
the holiday season is burning off the extra
calories.  You should plan a walk after meals,
park farther from stores when you shop, and
take a few walks around the mall before you
begin shopping.

During holiday parties and at family dinners,
feel free to sample foods although you shouldn't
splurge.  Decide on what you plan to eat in
advance, then stick to your plan.  Eat plenty
of vegetables, fruit, low fat dressings, and
slices of lean meats.  Before you go to a party,
eat a small snack to help curb your appetite.

If at all possible, avoid alcohol.  Having too
many drinks can cripple your will power, and
also add excess calories to your diet.  In the
place of alcohol, drink water with lemon. Water
can help to limit your appetite and keep you
from binging.  Also make sure to avoid eggnog,
as each glass can have up to 300 calories.

Be flexible with your healthy eating, as one bad
meal won't ruin your diet.  Try to balance your
calories over a few days and don't just look at
one meal or day.

dimanche 16 août 2015

A Simple Weight Loss Program for Everyone

According to the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) 1 in 3 adults (over the age of 20) in the US are considered obese. They rate people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30+ as obese. This can occur in a person who is only 10-15% overweight. And, obesity has been linked to hypertension (high blood pressure), type II diabetes and even some forms of cancer.
Knowing these facts makes it very important to focus on controlling our weight. But, with estimates of 74% of US men and 69% of US women overweight, it's clear that being overweight has become an epidemic. That epidemic has grown significantly in the last decade and now is affecting a majority of children as well.
An effective weight loss program includes a combination of healthy eating and increased physical activity. For many obese people, this may be a complete change of lifestyle. A sedentary existence can be directly linked to obesity. The NIDDK found that many factors can lead to obesity including genes, eating habits, how and where people live, attitudes and emotions, life habits, and income. Dietary changes in obese people may come very slowly.
Healthy eating starts with food choices. A daily intake of 2,000 calories from pizza, fast food, etc. can have a detrimental effect on a person's health. Compare that to 2,000 calories from fruits, vegetables and lean cuts of meat all prepared in a healthy manner which would be a factor in losing and controlling weight. Defining "prepared in a healthy manner" means items are baked, grilled, broiled and with many vegetables, eaten raw. Condiments such as salad dressing and ketchup might negate healthy preparation with added sugar and fat and should be avoided or consumed sparingly.
Food choices should include fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits (some are lower calorie and lower in sugars than others) and lean cuts of poultry and fish. Red meat can be an element of a healthy meal plan if the meat is a leaner cut and is an occasional part of the meal plan. Of course, foods dense with sugars and fats should be avoided in order to obtain fat loss and support weight control.
Vegetables provide nutrients and fiber that can't be found in other foods. In addition, some vegetables such as beans are also a good source of protein. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends simply to "make half your plate fruits and vegetables." Daily recommendations are 2-3 cups of vegetables. The USDA goes on to specify:
• Dark Green
• Red/Orange
• Beans/Peas and
• Starchy Vegetable groups
all of which should be part of a daily healthy meal plan.
Fruit choices are simpler. Berries and seasonal fruits such as peaches, apples and melons are considered your best choice. Sweeter fruits such as oranges, tangerines, mangoes and ripe bananas should be consumed in more limited quantities. Those fruits are higher in sugars and pack more calories. For example, the more ripe a banana gets, the more sugars it contains.
Increased physical activity is key to losing weight. For someone who is sedentary such as someone with a job that keeps them confined to a desk and, after work they sit in front of the TV, that increase might mean starting out with a 30-minute walk every day. For people who are on their feet throughout day, they could increase their activity by adding resistance (weight) training. Adding enough activity to burn an extra 500 calories per day can mean a one-pound loss per week. Combine that with a carefully executed meal plan and you might experience another one-pound loss per week. That's a significant accomplishment and, those results can be long-lasting. For any increase in activity, the introduction of new activities should be done slowly.
For the typical adult, recommendations are to have weight training sessions 2-3 days per week, vigorous cardiovascular training 2-3 days per week. According to the OPT model from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), weight training should consist of two different exercises on each of the major muscle groups including:
• Shoulders
• Back
• Chest and
• Legs.
Additionally, there should be three "core" exercises. Of course all exercise should be predicated with thorough stretching of shoulders, back, quadriceps, hamstrings and claves. This can prevent an injury as thorough stretching is a form of a warm-up.
Adherence to a healthy eating plan and frequent exercise is recognized by health and fitness professionals worldwide as the way to reduce fat and maintain healthy body weight. Additionally, you'll reduce the risk of some diseases, be more physically able to perform tasks and have the endurance to go for that hike, or some other more demanding activity which requires you to be more fit.
Getting started is simple. Set a start date and determine your goal (i.e., 20 pounds lost by XX-XX date). Then, clean out your kitchen of tempting items that won't help you get there. If they are unopened packages, consider donating those items to a local food bank. Go shopping along the perimeter of your grocery store where everything (produce, dairy, meats) are all fresh and not processed foods. These should be what you use to stock your kitchen.
Now, begin your exercise program. Increase your vigorous activity by 20-30 minutes the first week or two. As you begin to feel that these workouts are less of a challenge, add time per workouts and/or change the type of exercise to continue to challenge your body.
Don't forget to start with beginning measurements and weight. Chart your workouts on a calendar and take new measurements weekly to track your progress. Remember a 1-2 pound weight loss is ideal. During the first couple of weeks of your new lifestyle you may experience greater weight loss but, that level is not sustainable over time. Expect 1-2 pounds on average over the journey to your goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9129747

samedi 15 août 2015

How to Safely Lose Weight Quickly

Fad or flight of fancy, staying trim and fit is the in-thing now. Glossy magazines hardly ever feature plus size models and staying in shape is becoming the new classy.
However, apart from being a fashion concern, keeping fit can actually save your life.
Research has shown that people who are obese have a higher risk of coming down with a lot of diseases, including diabetes and hypertension.
However, shedding those extra pounds should not be a heart wrenching experience as it could be quite fun on the road to a trimmer you.
First of all you have to determine that you are overweight and in need of help. To do this, simply divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. A figure above twenty three should be a cause for worry as you are clinically overweight which means you have to work on it.
Before you begin your weight loss diet however, it is important that you seriously consider increasing your level of activity.
A sedentary lifestyle is guaranteed to increase your calories and you have to keep moving to burn them. Walk that extra mile, take the stairs sometimes and not always the elevator, and if you live close to where you work, why not take a stroll to work sometimes a week.
For your diet, plan your meals in such a way that you take less of oily and greasy foods.
Cut down on meat rich in cholesterol like red meats and substitute for fish and lean meats.
Nuts and whole grains are a great stomach filler and enable your body increase its metabolic rate. Wheat bread and fibers are great for this.
In addition, eating smaller portions of the same meal instead of eating a whole large meal is proven to make you lose tons of weight. For example, instead of eating a whole plate of rice, divide it into three small portions and eat them at intervals. You may end up not eating as much.
Also, make sure you don't under emphasize fruits and vegetables as they are an excellent source of natural vitamins, without the added calories.
Losing weight via dieting doesn't have to be boring as you can get creative with your meals. Vary your menu as well as your method of preparation and serving.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9128619

vendredi 14 août 2015

3 Things You Can Do To Control Hunger

Dieting to lose 20lbs or even 5lbs can be difficult if you're having constant food cravings and hunger pains. Follow these tips to control your hunger and maximize your success!
1. Protein, Protein, Protein
Lean sources of protein such as chicken, fish, turkey, etc. are great at helping you satisfy your hunger. It is an important macronutrient that you should try to include in every meal and snack that you eat throughout the day. It is good for you and will help you stay fuller longer! Aim for at least 15-20 grams of protein in each meal, more if you can.
2. Water filled foods
You can trick your body into thinking that it is full by consuming foods with a high water content. Think of your stomach as a container, if you eat foods with a high water content, the water will take up more space in your stomach causing you to feel full. Therefore, you should aim to more leafy veggies and fruits such as melons, pineapples, and berries. They are not calorie dense, but they have so much water that they will fill you up fairly quick.
3. Fluids
Just drink more water! You should be drinking water already for its great health benefits, but it can also aid you in your weight loss journey. Try drinking a glass of water before each meal to fill some of the space in your stomach. It will cause you to eat less, but you will not feel deprived of food afterwards!
Just a side note for my readers. Losing weight is something that can be difficult for a lot of people, but just like anything worthwhile it takes work to achieve. Just keep your head up and always keep pushing forward.
The only way you can really fail at losing weight or achieving any goal for that matter is if you completely give up. There will be mishaps and mistakes along the way, but in the end you are the one that is in charge of your destiny and your results.
Find what motivates you and what inspired you to lose weight in the first place. Keep this in your head the entire time you are on your journey. Especially keep it in mind the days that you struggle and hit bumps in the road.
You will be so happy you stuck with it in the end, let's get to work!
I hope you enjoyed the read! I am always ready and willing to help those that need assistance in their fitness journey!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9130119

jeudi 13 août 2015

Should You Skip Meals to Lose Weight?

Skipping meals may seem like an easy solution to losing weight since the concept is basically burn more calories than you're taking in, but even missing one meal can do your body much more harm than good. To answer the question briefly, you should definitely not skip meals to lose weight. We've detailed some reasons on why this is a highly detrimental move.

  • It lowers your blood sugar

Lowering sugar? That may sound wonderful but low blood sugar means you'll have no energy. Food is the fuel for your body and when you skip a meal, your body runs out of gas. Your blood sugar begins to compromise within four to six hours of your last meal or snack, so sometimes three meals a day is not enough. Snacking does not have to be unhealthy and it is recommended in order to keep your body functioning properly. A prolonged dip in blood sugar level not only impacts your body physically, but also lowers concentration levels and impairs memory.

  • You will have no energy

If you're planning to lose some weight, you probably have a great workout routine planned out. That will be all for nothing if you skip meals though since you won't have the energy to even start exercising. Even if you do manage to start your exercise, you won't have the energy to complete it with the necessary intensity for weight loss. Exercise is not only great for burning calories directly; it also creates lean muscles which are great at burning fat. The more you exercise, the more your metabolism improves allowing you to lose weight more easily.

  • It slows down your metabolism

You'll feel the impact on your body even if you only skip one meal. You will feel tired and unwell. If you go too long without eating your body will think that you are in starvation mode and try to conserve energy, slowing down your metabolism. As you probably already know, slowing down metabolism will make it that much more difficult to lose weight. Your body will burn the calories you do eat less efficiently and the calories that aren't burned are converted to fat. It does not take long to slow down your metabolism so steer clear from skipping any meals for any reason.

  • You will become unpleasant?

Have you heard of the term "hangry"? It is the combination of hungry and angry and it is a real thing. When you're deprived of nutrients, your intellectual and emotional functions begin to change. Your perceptions will become blurry and you will get moody and irritable.

  • You will be more prone to binge eating

When you skip meals, you'll feel hungry. When you feel hungry, you'll want to eat. The hungrier you feel the more you will want to eat. When skipping meals, you will begin to feel an intense hunger and during those periods, people are more prone to grabbing whatever they find instead of the healthier and more nutritious option. You will also tend to eat more because it takes around 20 minutes after eating to feel full.
What should you do?
For starters, don't even think of skipping meals. Eating smaller, healthier meals throughout the day will also benefit you greatly. Look for foods that are rich in nutrients and high in lean protein. Eating snacks will also help stave off cravings and the likelihood of you eating bigger meals. Getting fit isn't too complicated. Eat well, eat often and work out to your heart's content!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9131346

mercredi 12 août 2015

Weight Loss Success Stories, My Story

I am Sharing my Story, in the hopes that you will either share your weight loss success stories, or become inspired to create your own!
Before I got into fitness, and juicing and I weighed almost 350 lbs. I got into the 300 pound range in my mid 20's and carried it pretty well. I crept up in weight and years, and when I got into my mid 40's I started noticing just how bad I was starting to look. People still didn't think I weighed as much as I did, but I could see it more and more, particularly in my face. Just before I started juicing, I tried pretty hard to get a good picture as I was updating a couple of profile pics. I wasn't severely disappointed with the picture, yet I could clearly, and easily see the effect of weight and age on my face, and I didn't like it.
I decided it was time to step and drop some weight, after all I was starting to suffer from newly acquired type-2 diabetes, and my back was definitely not happy, etc. I tried different diets that helped in the past, an app on my phone that counted calories, a modified Atkins approach, etc. I even signed up for one of those meal replacement plans. I failed each effort. I was stuck, and I felt pretty much hopeless, and accepting of my overall condition.
One night I heard snippets of the "fat, sick, and nearly dead" video, that was on in the other room. Very similar circumstances to my own, only considerably more advanced than me. I recognized that, that would be me in just a few short years. The result was that I decided I wanted to try juicing, and juice fasting. It wasn't easy to get going, but I started on the path with a smoothie every few days. Just a simple mix of fruits and veggies, including wheat grass.
I recall thinking I would be headed to Hawaii in just lest than a year, and wanted very much to be in good enough condition. To enjoy hiking and snorkeling, and all the fun things one can check out in Hawaii. I decided to do a full on juice fast. My target was a 7 day juice fast, I of course was hoping for longer, but was doubtful of success.
Guess what? I stuck to the juice fast for 45 straight days! It was so exciting to see the pounds just drop off. I lost an average of 1 pound every day of the fast. At the end of 45 days I was down 45 pounds! I have to admit that's rather extreme, but you have to know how it felt to see so much weight and fat just literally disappearing. There were times when I would lack for energy like if I did my normal work (mow the lawn), etc, and then try to do something else like cut some wood, or go for a long strenuous walk. I was using the elliptical nearly from the beginning as well. As the days went by I noticed the lack of energy more and more, so at the 45 day mark I added some more calories by switching to a smoothie in the morning with juice for the rest of the day. The smoothie had avocados and yogurt, along with veggies and fruits.
End Result?
My weight went from 343 lbs to 255 lbs, in 6 months! I also went from level 1 for 5 minutes to level 15 for 30 mins on the elliptical! Please take a moment and just think of how that felt! I am sharing this because I truly felt defeated and unable to change. I am just an average person, who has struggled with weight all my life, and if I can do it, I know, without a doubt anyone can do it! I think the reason juicing helped me so much was the immediate loss of weight. Staying on the juice fast was really pretty tough the first few days, up through about day 5, then I swear it was a cruise. The first 3 days I lost 9 pounds, yes mostly water, but when you see 9 pounds gone of the scale, you just get so excited!!
It is my sincere hope my story will offer some inspiration and encouragement to you. That like me you can overcome the feelings of defeat, lose weight, feel better, and have the best health possible!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9120210

mardi 11 août 2015

The Weight Loss Magic of Green Tea

In the quest to lose weight by people who may be on the fat side, it is necessary to combine a few effective lifestyle practices to achieve the weight loss goal. Routine daily exercise and a good diet plan are major keys to help get rid of those extra pounds. Anyone who has been actively seeking for ways to lose weight must have heard some good things about drinking green tea, as a weight loss strategy. You probably would like to get more information about this wonder brew and how it aids in weight loss. Here it is;
Green tea is a powerful drink that has been regularly consumed by people in Asia for several thousand years now. It has substantial health benefits that are believed to play a direct, positive impact on weight control, which can be attributed to the fact that this beverage contains many polyphenols. Polyphenols contain anti-oxidants that can fight free radicals from attacking healthy cells.
What makes this tea so special is the production process. With most black tea that we commonly drink, the nutrients can be lost during processing. This is because dried tea leaves are used, whereas with green tea, only fresh leaves are used. The fresh leaves are usually steamed at very high temperatures.
Although green tea isn't exactly caffeine-free, it has much lower milligrams of caffeine when compared to other tea drinks. Even though it gives you the pep of coffee, it does something that is nothing short of a miracle for people looking to lose weight. Coffee raises insulin levels, and insulin can sabotage fat loss. Green tea lowers insulin level; as a result your body fat reduces.
Drinking 3 cups of this amazing tea during the day can raise your metabolism by 4% over the course of 24 hours, which means better efforts at losing weight. Green tea also helps inhibit glucose from turning to fat cells The drink itself is low-calorie, and many people like to include it as part of their weight loss plan, because it can help control your appetite.
In a nutshell, green tea helps your body to be more active, and this goes a long way in helping to burn fat. Without a doubt, these interesting facts and benefits about the precious tea would surely be helpful in your weight loss goal. Does this not make you want to start incorporating it into your diet plan?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9124107

lundi 10 août 2015

The Best Weight-Loss Friendly Tips for a Healthier Backyard Barbecue

If you're starting a healthier lifestyle or simply watching your weight, there are plenty of ways on how you can make your upcoming backyard barbecues more weight-loss friendly. It's a matter of choosing more nutritious options when planning your menu - from the main course all the way to dessert.
Follow these simple tips so you won't have to worry about your weight the next time you take out your grill:
1. Serve chicken breasts as your main course
Change your barbecue menu for once and serve grilled chicken breasts instead of the usual burgers and hotdogs. Chicken breasts have a lower calorie and fat content but are equally filling as any other grilled meat. You can add flavor to it with any sauce or marinade you like without the guilt.
2. Skewer it up
If you're not a fan of chicken breasts, you can opt to serve your grilled meat in skewers. Alternate small pieces of meat with fruits or vegetables like onions, bell peppers and tomatoes for a more filling, well-balanced grilled dish.
3. Choose healthy side dishes
Grilled fruits and vegetables as well as a vegetable salad are great choices for side dishes when you're aiming for a healthier barbecue. You can fill up on these low-calorie appetizers to help keep your appetite at bay especially when the main course is served. Remember to go easy on the salad dressings and dips! Also, it is ideal that you don't serve mayonnaise-based side dishes such as coleslaw or potato salad. Instead, opt for vinegar-based ones which are more ideal for weight loss.
4. Have healthy beverages ready
Most guests enjoy their barbecue with an ice-cold beer or a cocktail in hand. Serving liquor at your party is okay as long as you have healthy beverage choices as well. Do steer clear of margaritas and other heavy drinks and instead opt for a refreshing glass of homemade lemon iced tea. Having non-liquor drinks ready is also ideal when you're expecting children at your barbecue.
5. Go for desserts that are weight loss-friendly
You chose to serve more nutritious choices for your main course, side dishes and drinks. Why not do the same with your desserts? Fruits are the best choice when it comes to healthy desserts. Eat them fresh or turn them into a mouth-watering smoothie, your sweet tooth will surely be satisfied and at the same time you won't have to worry about added calories!
Don't let your journey to weight loss stop you from enjoying a backyard barbecue. Follow these simple yet effective healthy barbecue tips for a guilt-free party!
Adrian T. Cheng is a food blogger and a BBQ expert. Through years of grilling experience, reviewing various top quality grill accessories and trying delicious and unique recipes, he is sharing his knowledge with everyone through his blog. For more grilling secrets, tips, recipes and more, head over to Adrian's page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9125241

dimanche 9 août 2015

Losing Weight Takes Effort - It's No Overnight Miracle!

If you have been trying to lose weight but have had no success, ask yourself, are you really trying hard enough?
It is not enough to just want to lose weight, you have to be proactive and make it happen. A lot of people underestimate the importance of being in the right mentality before starting their weight loss journey. Often people will opt for crash diets but it is known by now that crash dieting is not only dangerous and unhealthy, the results are very short-lived. They are ideal to lose weight for a special occasion or just purely for a holiday because that's as long as the results from a crash-diet will last. Also another issue with crash dieting is that often people will end up giving up and as a result they can indulge which can lead to weight gain in a very short space of time and resulting in that person weighing more than they did before they started dieting.
Often too much importance is placed on food when it comes to weight loss however it needs to be pointed out that exercising is just as important if not more so. Exercise is crucial to having a healthy and balanced lifestyle and it is also a crucial element in losing weight. You cannot realistically expect to lose anything just from making some changes to your diet. The secret to long term weight loss is a healthy, balanced diet that can be followed and this in the long run will prove to be a winning formula for helping you achieving your weight loss goals and ensuring it stays off.
In today's modern lifestyle people often will say that they are too busy or have too much to do to be able to dedicate time to start their weight loss regime however who said you have to dedicate a lot of time to losing weight? A few simple changes to your lifestyle can make a huge amount of difference in the long run for example walking to the local shops rather than driving or going for a walk on your lunch hour rather than taking it at your desk. These small things are all part of the process that goes into losing weight. It's important to have realistic expectations when losing weight, sure some people may find they shed weight very quickly however the weight loss varies person to person and it is important not to become disheartened when you don't see the results you were quite expecting at first. It is vital to think of weight loss as a long term goal where consistency and motivation are key to ensuring that you firstly lose weight and secondly keep the weight off. They say Rome wasn't built in a day and that is a very fitting quote when it comes to weight loss!
Get started on your weight loss journey - check out our best fat burners guide and get yourself some great deals today

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9122022

samedi 8 août 2015

Get Cooking and Start Losing!

If you are trying to lose some weight, I've got some really exciting news for you. A recent study published in Public Health Nutrition Journal that people who cook at home most of the time consume generally healthier meals with around 200 fewer calories daily, and only 16 grams of sugar (4 teaspoons) which is much less than the 22 teaspoons per day consumed by the average adult. This means that you can drop some pounds without going on another rigid diet that leaves you feeling aggravated, hungry, and weighing the same - or more. All you have to do is start cooking at home more often!
While it can be a challenge for most people to cook at home daily, the good news of the study was that cooking at home just 2-3 days per week was associated with decreased calorie consumption and improved diet quality - less sugar, fat and salt. The tricky part is translating these findings into action. Many people need to overcome some very real barriers of regular home cooking including lack of time and cooking skills.
These 5 simple steps will help you (and your kitchen) get ready for preparing home cooked meals.
• If you don't usually cook, start gradually. Make it a goal to cook once a week and work up to cooking more often.
• Be more efficient and make better food choices by planning ahead. Use a meal planner and prepare an organized grocery list every week. Be sure to always have healthy staples on hand, such as dried fruit, whole wheat pasta, frozen vegetables and "no-salt-added" canned vegetables, and frozen seafood.
• Go grocery shopping once a week and don't forget to take along your grocery list. This is less stressful and time-consuming than attempting to navigate through the grocery aisles and then wait on the check-out line night after night on your way home from work. And you will never again have to stare into your fridge wondering, "What's for dinner?" or resort to fast food take-out.
• Prep meals the night before or in the morning. Cutting up veggies for the salad or side dish can help save time after work. Also try cooking a big meal on the weekend and serve it as leftovers during the week or freeze it for another time.
• Experiment with new recipes so you don't get bored; and look for ways to make your old standby recipes healthier. For example, use spices and herbs to add more flavor instead of adding salt or fat.
Now it's time for you to get cooking. Here's one of my favorite everyday side dish recipes complements of my good friend, colleague and avid home cook, Patricia Stefanicha. Here's what Pat has to say about her Cauliflower Fried Rice:
"Want to satisfy both your taste buds AND your desire to feed yourself and your family a quick, healthy meal? Take-out might sound like a good idea after a busy day, but I have a better solution. This Cauliflower Fried Rice is my favorite week night go-to meal. Cauliflower is the chameleon of the vegetable world. It has the amazing ability to stand in for other higher carb ingredients. In this recipe, finely chopped cauliflower takes the place of rice.
If you're really pressed for time, convenient produce items, such as pre-cut veggies, can help you get dinner on the table so quickly you'll wonder what you ever saw in take-out! Feel free to personalize your Cauliflower Fried Rice by adding any of your favorite vegetables to the mix. Pair it with some grilled chicken and you'll have a quick, healthy meal you can feel good about!"
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Makes 6 servings
• 1 medium size head of cauliflower
• 1 medium onion, diced
• 2 ribs celery, diced
• 2 large carrots, peeled and diced
• 2 teaspoon minced garlic
• 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
• 1 egg, beaten
• 2 teaspoon low sodium soy sauce or Coconut Aminos
• 2 scallions, chopped
• 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1. Break cauliflower into florets and place in bowl of food processor. Pulse several times until a uniform consistency of small particles is achieved. Alternatively, grate the cauliflower with a box grater.
2. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add 1½ tablespoons of olive oil to pan, followed by onion, celery, carrot and garlic. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
3. Push all vegetables to edges of skillet, making a clear spot in center of the pan. Add the remaining 1/2 tablespoon of oil and the beaten egg. Let it cook until the egg begins to set, less than a minute, and then combine with the vegetables.
4. Add the cauliflower and toss everything together. Continue to cook over medium heat for another 5 minutes or so, until cauliflower just begins to brown slightly.
5. Drizzle on the soy sauce or Coconut Aminos and give everything a final toss. Top with sesame seeds and scallions. Serve as a side dish.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9126780

vendredi 7 août 2015

The Best Weight-Loss Friendly Tips for a Healthier Backyard Barbecue

If you're starting a healthier lifestyle or simply watching your weight, there are plenty of ways on how you can make your upcoming backyard barbecues more weight-loss friendly. It's a matter of choosing more nutritious options when planning your menu - from the main course all the way to dessert.
Follow these simple tips so you won't have to worry about your weight the next time you take out your grill:
1. Serve chicken breasts as your main course
Change your barbecue menu for once and serve grilled chicken breasts instead of the usual burgers and hotdogs. Chicken breasts have a lower calorie and fat content but are equally filling as any other grilled meat. You can add flavor to it with any sauce or marinade you like without the guilt.
2. Skewer it up
If you're not a fan of chicken breasts, you can opt to serve your grilled meat in skewers. Alternate small pieces of meat with fruits or vegetables like onions, bell peppers and tomatoes for a more filling, well-balanced grilled dish.
3. Choose healthy side dishes
Grilled fruits and vegetables as well as a vegetable salad are great choices for side dishes when you're aiming for a healthier barbecue. You can fill up on these low-calorie appetizers to help keep your appetite at bay especially when the main course is served. Remember to go easy on the salad dressings and dips! Also, it is ideal that you don't serve mayonnaise-based side dishes such as coleslaw or potato salad. Instead, opt for vinegar-based ones which are more ideal for weight loss.
4. Have healthy beverages ready
Most guests enjoy their barbecue with an ice-cold beer or a cocktail in hand. Serving liquor at your party is okay as long as you have healthy beverage choices as well. Do steer clear of margaritas and other heavy drinks and instead opt for a refreshing glass of homemade lemon iced tea. Having non-liquor drinks ready is also ideal when you're expecting children at your barbecue.
5. Go for desserts that are weight loss-friendly
You chose to serve more nutritious choices for your main course, side dishes and drinks. Why not do the same with your desserts? Fruits are the best choice when it comes to healthy desserts. Eat them fresh or turn them into a mouth-watering smoothie, your sweet tooth will surely be satisfied and at the same time you won't have to worry about added calories!
Don't let your journey to weight loss stop you from enjoying a backyard barbecue. Follow these simple yet effective healthy barbecue tips for a guilt-free party!
Adrian T. Cheng is a food blogger and a BBQ expert. Through years of grilling experience, reviewing various top quality grill accessories and trying delicious and unique recipes, he is sharing his knowledge with everyone through his blog. For more grilling secrets, tips, recipes and more, head over to Adrian's page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9125241

mercredi 5 août 2015

How to Lose Weight Rapidly?

Easily and rapidly burn fat
There are lots of weight loss supplements that promise rapid weight loss. All you need to do is to take a pill, and the weight will disappear. It is easy to be swayed by the guarantees and promises that these supplements offer, but the truth is not all of them can deliver on those promises. That's why you need to find the right fat burner that can help with your fat loss program.
A weight loss supplement is a pill, tablet or capsule that includes synthetic or natural ingredients that have been formulated for the purpose of increasing your metabolism in order to burn more calories. There are some supplements that have been formulated to decrease your appetite, which will make you consume fewer calories. For rapid weight loss, the supplement must be able to do both.
When you eat foods rich with protein and fiber, you will feel full and lose weight due to restricting calorie intake. Diet supplements contain ingredients that can suppress your appetite. Stimulants, such as caffeine, can reduce your appetite.
Aside from burning fat, weight loss supplements can also reduce the amount of water that your body holds. It is another way of losing weight. Supplements contain diuretics, which are compounds that flush out water out of the body. But the bad news is that water weight is easy to gain once you drink water or any other fluids.
There are some supplements that prevent the development of new fat, which is known as lipogenesis. A lot of supplements have claimed to be able to do this, but there are only a few that have been tested to be effective.
And in order to maximize the potential of the weight loss supplement, it should be paired with proper diet and exercise. Taking the pill alone will not help you lose weight. Keep in mind that supplements will not have any effect if you don't have a proper weight loss routine.
When buying supplements, you should consider getting one that is made of natural ingredients. That way you are assured that it is safe for human consumption. You should find one that has the approval of the FDA. But to be on the safe side, it is suggested that you consult your doctor first before taking any supplement. Supplements with synthetic ingredients can cause side effects such as headaches, dizziness, and seizure, just to name a few.
Give a try this incredible and life changing supplement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9112277

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism Naturally?

Some people can afford to eat almost anything and not gain weight, while others must spend the day counting calories. The explanation for this is usually on the metabolism: some people have a faster metabolism and burn more calories with every activity of daily life than others.
On the other hand, many people say that over the years has gained weight despite eating as before. The explanation to this is also in the metabolism: with age slows.
8 tips to speed up your metabolism
Moreover, if we're also not of all those privileged that." burn" all, we can try some tricks that can help speed up your metabolism quickly.
1. Eat breakfast every day: Do not skip breakfast should be an important golden rule. It used to be often said that is the most crucial meal of the day, although all are important, breakfast before one hour after we got up from the bed, helps speed up metabolism because it "wakes up". On the other hand the entire body regulates glucose and insulin levels better, and feels the need to "save" energy as fat.
2. Avoid too restrictive calorie diets: low-calorie diets too restrictive can slow metabolism as a way to protect against a time of famine, therefore, is better balanced low-fat diet but that allows us to eat and not starve.
3. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day: It has been shown that drinking water each day boosts metabolism as the cells need water to perform their functions. Drinking water will also help to eliminate toxins more easily.
4. Eat more fiber and protein: Eat more fiber and protein will increase your metabolism because your body burns more calories when digesting foods high in fiber and protein. Easily you can include more fiber in your diet by eating more complex carbohydrates. You don't have to follow a high protein diet. You just need to make your proteins are at least 30% of your diet.
5. Earn muscle mass: 1 pound of muscle burns 5-14 calories per day, so when you increase 5 pounds of muscle. Your metabolism will burn 25 to 70 extra calories per day and lose 2½ to 7 additional pounds of fat per year and...
Despite losing 2½ to 7 pounds of fat is not a lot... When you gain five pounds of muscle - you're going to see 5-10 pounds slimmer because muscle takes up less space than fat occupied.
6. Drink green tea: According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea helps burn between 35 and 43% more calories per day as well... Another study did show that men who drank green tea for 3 months lost nearly twice weight than those who drank green tea.
7. Takes milk: During a study from Purdue University. Women who took 3-4 servings of low-fat dairy burned more fat and more calories after meals, and. The study said it will be able to lose 10 extra pounds of fat just by eating 3-4 servings of low-fat dairy such as yogurt, cheese and skim milk.
8. Add spices to increase your metabolism by 20%: Different studies have said that spices can increase your metabolism by 8-20% for at least 30 minutes after you have eaten - for example...
A report by Oxford School showed that hot peppers can increase your fat reducing metabolism adding simply 3 grams regarding chili peppers with meals, besides a British study identified that spicy mustard produced people burn 45-75 added calories for greater than 3 hour

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9118860

mardi 4 août 2015

3 Easy Steps to Fast and Lasting Weight Loss

3 Steps To Lose Weight That Will Last
When it comes to losing weight there are no magic pills or secret diets that can help you reach your weight loss goals. But you can achieve your goals with these 3 steps to help lose weight.
Like most things in life losing weight (a lot of weight) boils down to conscious effort, discipline, determination and perseverance.
Losing 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds or more all comes back to what you do on a daily basis. If you do what you're supposed to do (eat right + exercise) day in a day out you will eventually lose all the weight you want.
However, if you throw caution to the wind and don't do what you're supposed to do then you may never see your weight loss dreams come true. This my friend is the saddest scenario there is.
If you're bored of being fat, if your tired of being overweight, if your ready to start your new life today then hold on because I am about to give you the simple yet extremely effective weight loss plan you've been waiting for.
Are you ready? I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms what you have to do to lose all the weight you want in 3 easy to do steps. However, in order for this to work you must maintain your focus and discipline everyday to keep doing the steps until you reach your desired results.
Even if you falter and veer off your weight loss track, it's OK. If you are able to quickly get back on track you will overtime, reap the benefits of dramatic weight loss and improved health.
And now, without further adieu here are your 3 basic steps to weight loss...
There they are. What do you think? A little anti-climatic, huh? Maybe you were expecting more... Well, let me tell you if you are able to grasp and implement this powerfully safe and effective weight loss plan is you will never again have to spend another unnecessary dime on weight loss products that don't work.
You see, your body is a fine tuned weight loss management machine. If you follow the right plan and give your body only what it needs to survive it will do all the hard work for you.
Given enough time and following the 3 steps above you can lose tens and even hundreds of pounds without starving yourself or resorting to bogus weight loss pills or dangerous body sculpting surgeries.
Now, this is not to say that the road to significant weight loss will be easy or that you will not have to suffer a bit to reach your desired results. There will be days when you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up.
On those days you might just cave into your undeniable cravings and go crazy at your local all you can eat artery clogging buffet. But hey,that's OK. You're human. Sometimes you have to go a little nuts to get back on track.
However, if you are truly committed to reaching even your most seemingly unattainable weight loss goals you can and will do it by following the plan above. Now, for your benefit let's go a little deeper into each step of the plan.
There is really no doubt about it. If you want to lose weight you have to start eating less. You have to create a calorie deficiency in order for you body to start shedding pounds.
If you do not begin to limit how much food you take in no amount of exercise will help you reach your goals. Eating less of your favorite greasy, fat filled foods will be the quickest way to dramatic weight loss.
It really doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose. Unless you take control of both your conscious and unconscious eating habits you'll be hard pressed to lose even one pound.
No, you have to start cutting back on the amount of food you are used to eating. I've heard of stories where people would go to Mc Donald's and pack away two Super Sized Big Mac Meals.
Obviously, this is way too much. In this situation even cutting down to one Super Size meal would be an improvement. But, as we will see in our next step, a better plan would be to do away with the Super Size meal all-together and start eating better.
As the saying goes, "We are what we eat." If we eat crap, guess what? However, if we learn to eat well then not only will our waistline thank us for it but we'll also feel better about ourselves to boot.
One of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. You may still be traumatized by your mother not letting you get up from the dinner table until you finished all your broccoli but let me tell you, your mother was right.
If you can fill half your plate at every meal with high fiber and nutrient packed vegetables you are well on your way to significant and long lasting weight loss. This is probably one of the simplest things you can do to really kickstart your weight loss journey.
While it might not be easy to start eating vegetables at every meal the sooner you begin the better off you'll be and the quicker the weight will start to melt off your body.
In order to kick your weight loss adventure into high gear you have to get your body moving. I don't care if you call it working out, exercising, aerobics or whatever the point is you have to do something to get your heart rate up and your sweat glands working overtime.
Exercise is the key to sustainable, long lasting and real weight loss. For every pound you lose by eating right and exercising that is one more pound that will never come back to haunt you.
Why? Because you now know the "secret" to safe and effective weight loss. If you ever feel yourself creeping back up on the dreaded scale o' fat all you have to do is put these 3 steps into action and watch as you stabilize and contradict any unwanted weight gain.
By exercising on a regular basis you are giving your body the energy boost it needs to ramp up your metabolism rate to start efficiently and effectively losing weight on a daily basis. I don't about you but that sounds pretty darn good to me.
The more you push yourself physically the faster you will see change in your body occur. You may not have to work out with a personal trainer everyday but you do need to do something.
Be it going for a walk, running, swimming, biking, hiking, or any other physical activity you like to do start doing it now. Don't spend another night on the couch watching the latest re-runs. Get your body moving and start losing weight today.
Losing weight (even a lot of weight) is not rocket science. So rest assured that anyone can do it, even you. However, it will require all the patience, discipline, determination and perseverance you can muster.
Start slow. Take it one day at a time. You may not reach your ideal weight in one week, one month or even one year but stick with it and reach it you will. By following the 3 steps above you too can become a success story like so many other before you.
So go forth and start losing all that unwanted weight that years of undisciplined living have left behind. Take control of your life starting today. Soon you'll be glad you did. When that day comes there will be no looking back.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9113141