rapid weightloss

mercredi 8 avril 2015

How to Improve Your Chances of Keeping Excess Weight Off

Among dieters, there are biological, genetic, and psychological factors that make permanent weight loss very difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Every person whose aim is to keep off the weight that they have lost is at a disadvantage because of the innate response of the body and the brain to food. Food plays a central role in most cultures today. It is rather unfortunate that with the technological achievements that humankind has achieved in the last decade, food is always around to tempt them. Food cues in the environment are difficult to ignore, especially now that opportunities to eat are aplenty. Nevertheless, there are ways to mitigate the challenges. The following recommendations are very doable, and ultimately helpful.
Be conscious of your caloric intake
In order to keep the weight off more effectively, one must not resort to just estimating daily caloric maintenance intake. Instead, greater vigilance must be exercised, and a specific caloric intake value must be set with fat loss as the primary goal. A person's energy needs is determined by taking a number of parameters into account, such as level of physical activity. Body size and body weight are two of the factors to consider. There are other factors in play. In calculating the caloric intake, it is best to consult with a professional nutritionist or dieting consultant because the numbers differ from one person to the next.
Eat enough protein and decrease the amount of carbohydrates
Scientific studies have shown that people with higher protein content in their daily diet achieved a bigger amount of weight loss than those whose protein intake was lower. The rationale behind these results is the ability of protein-rich meals to make a person feel less hungry. Because they feel satiated, they eat a lesser amount of food in the next meals. The best approach is to substitute proteins for the usual spot taken by carbohydrates. Instead of meals that have a greater percentage of carbs, every meal must have more food items that have high protein content. Maintaining this approach can help keep the weight off.
De-stress and get enough sleep
It is also important to remember that food intake and food choices are not the only factors that influence a person's chances of keeping off the weight that they have lost. People must re-evaluate their daily routine and be aware of their attitude towards the daily challenges that they face in life. Relaxation techniques can help keep off weight. How is relaxation helpful?
Stress has a huge influence on how the body gains weight. When the person is under stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which affects various body systems and stimulates fat storage. Sleep deprivation is another stimulant of cortisol release while decreasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. In such a state, the body is not ready to lose weight, but instead resorts to storing nutrients that are not used by bodily processes. Relaxation can help keep off weight by lowering the levels of cortisol in the bloodstream. Meditation is a good practice to develop. Meditation relaxes both the body and the mind, which has long-term benefits on stress management.
Find out more about weight loss program and good nutrition programme to lose weight

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8976854

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