rapid weightloss

jeudi 30 avril 2015

Using DNA to Manage Weight and Fitness

The fitness industry profits every year from people spending hours and money into looking better who, despite the effort, are unhappy with their results. Fortunately for those people and anyone else looking to get healthier, the struggle has become simpler with new analysis technology. DNA testing has cracked open the code towards better fitness and weight management.
Fitness-specific Genes
Through testing specific markers, researchers have discovered that certain traits such as stamina, muscle building, fat burning, energy distribution, etc. are governed by genetics not effort. At first, this may sound disappointing as it demonstrates that despite the work, some exercises simply do not benefit everyone equally. However, that view is looking at the proverbial glass as half empty rather than full. Instead, this technology clearly casts a light on what people should be doing to maximize their own unique fitness.
For example, the ACTN3 gene is partially responsible for the development of fast-twitch muscle fiber. Determining whether someone is better suited towards power-based activities (i.e. weight lifting) or endurance-based exercises (i.e. running) is based in part by variations within this gene. The key though is learning exactly which genes are in play and which specific variations people are born with to maximize success.
Using DNA to Manage Weight
DNA testing companies have already seen this technology and its industry-changing effects on the horizon for some time, and are launching products designed to tap into this weight loss potential now. By understanding exactly how one's body reacts to certain kinds of physical stimuli, the better an overall workout regimen can be designed and calibrated.
Instead of spending countless hours without obvious results, cut that time down to a mere fraction while seeing substantial, responsible change over time. Not only does this technology have the potential to improve lives physically, but also in quality of life as well. Imagine spending more time with family and friends while staying fit, simply because the amount of gym time needed to do so is calibrated for maximum effect.
The applications for DNA-based fitness routines are vast. By understanding how each body reacts towards specific factors, every person can tailor their physical activity and nutrition accordingly, thus cutting down on unhelpful calories and exercises that add pounds and stress. This science has been in development for years but is now finally reaching the marketplace. Ultimately, the entire fitness industry will take its cues from this breakthrough in genetic research.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9014429

mercredi 29 avril 2015

3 Tips For Weight Loss To Share With Your Friends

These 3 fast weight loss tips will help you lose weight quickly and are great to share with your friends. By sharing these simple changes to your lifestyles, you and your friends can avoid the all-or-nothing approach and see more weight loss than you ever thought possible.
1. Get Going On The Good Foods.
To lose weight fast you need to eat more good foods and fewer poor foods. Good foods include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats or other pure protein sources. Include two portions of vegetables in every meal you have with your friends. Green, leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale or cabbage contain lots of fibre, vitamins and minerals and will fill you up and lower your cravings for high calorie foods.
Poor foods are generally fried or processed. When something is deep fried in oil, it doubles or triples the amount of calories in that food and processed foods often contain extra salt and sugar to improve the taste. Also, control your portions if you're at your friends house for a buffet. Don't eat next to the food table as you'll eat more. Use a smaller plate, take what you want and then sit somewhere else.
2. Get Moving With Your Friends.
We all know that exercise helps you to lose weight. You don't have to spend hours in the gym but you do need to get moving. If you exercise by yourself, it's easy to make excuses and skip your workout routines. But if you exercise with a friend you can keep each other motivated. A 15-minute walk after lunch at steady pace of 3mph can burn somewhere around 60-70 calories and it's a great opportunity for a chat and catch up. That lunchtime walk can amount up to 300 calories over a 5-day working week. Also, little things can make all the difference like parking your car a little further from work, getting off public transport one stop early or taking the stairs and not the elevator.
3. Drink Less Alcohol.
When you meet up with friends socially, it will often involve eating, drinking alcohol or both. Alcohol contains a lot of calories and can make you feel hungry so you eat more. Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down how much alcohol you drink and make you to feel full. Instead of eating unhealthy snack foods, bring your own healthier choices or host a party with a health-conscious theme. The feeling of hunger and thirst are very similar so if you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. You may just need to hydrate your body.
Losing weight and getting fit does not have to be difficult. For the best nutritional tips, the most proven exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9012344

mardi 28 avril 2015

How to Lose Weight Fast for Men - 4 Simple Steps

How to lose weight fast for men?
The simple truth is that men are larger and have more muscle than women due to the hormone testosterone. They are genetically designed to have a higher percentage of muscle and less fat, which works in favor of keeping them fit and allowing them to eat more calories.
Recent studies have shown that losing around 10% of a man's body weight, they may have big bribes for their physical health. But how to lose weight fast for men?
Drink Water. Drinking beverages, energy or sports drinks, light, bear or fruit smoothie is not a very good idea as they contain approximately 100 calories and are also high in carbohydrates and sodium that trick your body into absorbing water, resulting in a puff you out. Stop drinking those terrible carbonated drinks and all that beer. Drink water, and only water. If you already drink water, drink more.
Water, on the contrary, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. Further, it also assists in flushing out excess water weight as well as starts up your metabolism. If it's just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.
Do Not Starve! And Eat Right. If you want to know how to lose weight fast for men, you should know what to eat and what to avoid.
Avoid processed foods and eat more fiber. Nothing will stand in your way of weight loss progress more than over-indulging in processed, sugary or carb-heavy foods, these foods typically contain high levels of man-made trans fats, which will make you feel even more lethargic, which is conducive to quality training- and boost your levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol. Instead, eat more foods with plenty of fresh meat and vegetables.
Do High-Intensity Interval Training. Doing HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) will burn your fat faster and is very time efficient, also it keeps eliminating your body burn calories even after the workout.
Lift Weights. It is important to lift weights when trying to figure out how to lose weight fast for men, because the more lean muscles you have, the faster you burn fat. This is because fat is burned inside of your muscles. And that is one of the reasons why men can lose weight quicker than women, they tend to have more muscle mass.
JUST DO IT.. Take action now and stop being lazy! No one else is going to do it for you! With these tips on how to lose weight fast for men, you have no excuse.
Best of luck..
To learn more about how can you lose weight in 3weeks click here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9005240

lundi 27 avril 2015

How To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise - 3 Best Ways to Lose Fat Without Exercise

You know, when I was a kid, I was always on the move... playing tag, touch football, and anything that involved running, dancing, or swings. Sound familiar? But the older I got, those activities got replaced with things like reading, socializing with friends, and going to the local mall.
Mine is a typical story of a time before social media was so vital to growing up, and I think... in a way... I had a big advantage. You see, I at least had an active childhood, even though I grew away from those things as I got older - I still have happy memories of the way it was.
Getting older, needing to finish school and start working to support myself, the time for those enjoyable activities and healthy exercise was replaced with long work days and sitting behind a desk. And to make it worse, too many office snacks and birthday parties only added to my pain. To lose fat fast without exercise became a quickly fading pie-in-the-sky dream. Diets never worked - I'd lose a couple pounds and gain back ten. I felt sluggish and tired, always drinking caffeinated drinks, which were unfortunately located near the vending machines and goodie tables. So, you can guess what else happened from here on. To increase my energy level, I resorted to snacking just to make it through the long work day, and those doggone pounds added up quickly. I didn't feel good, I didn't look good, and I was miserable.
So I decided to do some research and found some small changes I could make to lose fat fast without exercise. Here are the top 3 things I discovered:
1. Drink 9 Cups of Water Daily To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise
Some people call water the diet miracle. Why is this? Well, water will flush toxins out of your vital organs and carry nutrients to your cells. If you are dehydrated, your body will have a difficult time carrying out normal functions and it can make you tired and lethargic. Drinking plenty of water every day - 9 cups for women and 13 cups for men - can help your body work more optimally. Also, it will help you feel more full, and can help you decrease your calorie intake.
2. Get Plenty of Sleep To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise
Getting a good night's rest will help you lose fat fast without exercise. One of the big reasons is that if you are asleep, you can't eat. Also, your well rested brain will make better food and portion control choices. A study by the University of Chicago also indicated that a well rested body with 8 1/2 hours of sleep burned more fat that a body that only had 5 1/2 hour of sleep.
3. Supplements To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise
There are many supplements on the market today that tout the benefits of ways to lose fat fast without exercise. It is often time consuming and expensive to sort through all the different new technologies and strategies out there. But by gathering lots of great information, you will be able to find the supplements that are best for you to lose fat fast without exercise.
Through a lot of research and trial and error, I have found the best tips, tricks and strategies to lose fat fast without exercise. I have recently lost 30 pounds and would love to help you learn to lose fat fast without exercise. Go to http://www.loseweightnaturallyfit.com for more free information on how you can lose fat fast without exercise.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9004337

Building Muscle - The Best Shoulders Workout

Shoulders are a smaller muscle group with 3 heads, so the best shoulders workout has to hit all 3 together and separately. To hit the front deltoids, side delts and rear delts with an eye to building muscle, this workout will include 4 sets each of 5 exercises, done as a superset followed by a triple set. It's important to use proper form and weights light enough to ensure you focus on your shoulders and involve your chest and arm muscles as little as possible.
This workout can be done in your local commercial gym or just as easily in your home gym. Start by setting up your bench so that your back is supported about 10 or 15 degrees short of vertical - you want to be leaning back just slightly. Place the bench just in front of your rack so the bar is easy to lift out when seated.
Start with a light warmup set or two of seated overhead press - use just the bar or load it lightly. Remember the idea is to avoid pre-exhausting the muscles but rather just to fill the area with blood and work the shoulders just enough to warm them up. Be sure to use a full range of motion so they get a mild stretch as well.
Step One: Shoulders Superset
This best shoulders workout starts with a superset of seated overhead presses and upright rows. If your shoulder mobility allows it, do your overhead presses behind your head, but if not then bring the bar down in front. The idea to using behind-the-neck presses is to avoid involving the chest in your lift, but it will still work nicely for your shoulders if you need to bring the bar down in front. Have your training partner or spotter stand just behind you to ensure you don't go too far back at the top of the lift and to help you re-rack the weight if necessary.
When you finish your set, immediately stand up and do a set of upright rows with that same weight. Only raise your arms until your elbows are level with your shoulders to avoid impinging your rotator cuff - your grip should be wide enough that your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle once your upper arms are parallel to your shoulders.
Most weightlifters will find they're stronger on the upright rows than the overhead press, so you'll find you can do a few more reps on those. Start your superset with a lighter weight that allows you to do 12 reps of the press and 15 reps of the rows, then over the 4 sets increase the weight slightly each set, ending with a final set of 8 presses and 12 rows. Be sure to maintain strict form throughout to avoid injury, and use a cadence of 1 second to lift and 3 seconds to lower the weight on both exercises. Limit your rest between sets to 30 to 45 seconds, then after your last set rest for 3 or 4 minutes before moving on to the triple set - remember to hydrate during the break!
Step Two: Shoulders Triple Set
Now that you've recovered from the two big compound shoulder exercises it's time to isolate the 3 heads and hit the rear, side and front delts individually with a shoulders triple set. Grab a pair of dumbbells you can handle easily and start with rear delt flyes. Lean forward about 15 degrees from the waist - if you're not sure how far to lean, look to your side in the mirror and see how far to lean forward to engage your rear delts when lifting your arms to shoulder height. Bend your elbow just slightly and then lock your arms in that position, raising them to the outside to shoulder height and then returning them back down in front of you. Don't worry about lifting the weights to shoulder height - your delts are only involved in moving your upper arms, so just focus on getting your elbows up to that height.
Immediately following your rear delt flyes, stand up almost straight, leaning forward just enough to allow the dumbbells to hang freely in front of your body. Keeping that slight bend in your elbows raise your arms to either side, again until your upper arm is in line with your shoulders. Lower them back down slowly and under control, then repeat until you've finished your reps for this set.
Again without taking a break, start into your front raises. Maintain the slight bend in your elbows and start with your palms facing your thighs, then raise the dumbbells out in front of you to shoulder height and back down again. You can do both arms at once or alternate one then the other based on your own preference. By this point in the triple set your energy will be flagging but don't let your form slip - avoid the temptation to lean back and swing the weights up, keeping to a controlled raise and descent.
Each cycle through the 3 exercises is one set, and after each set take about a 60-second break before starting the next set. Start with light dumbbells you can maintain strict form with for 12 reps of each exercise on the first set then increase the weight slightly each set, doing your 4 sets with 12, 10, 8 and 6 reps. Try to maintain a cadence of 1 second up, 1 second hold at the top, 3-4 seconds lowering the weight and no rest at the bottom of each rep for all 3 exercises.
By the end of the best shoulders workout you'll definitely feel the pump in all 3 heads and know that you've worked them fully. Avoid the tendency to speed up the reps so you can go heavier - remember that your goal is to build muscle so you want to maximize your volume, intensity and time-under-tension. Because the deltoids are relatively small muscles they heal fairly quickly with proper nutrition and rest, so this workout can be repeated two or three times per week on non-consecutive days. At first they may be a little sore the next day but that will fade as time goes on and as you grow your shoulder pumpkins you'll soon agree this is the best shoulders workout for building muscle!
D. Champigny is well known in the fitness world - he's a published fitness photographer, certified personal trainer, fitness author and publisher of the popular Getting Back In Shape Blog. For more help from Champigny, add him to your circles on Google+ today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9009740

Trying New Recipes Can Be Exciting and Healthy

Coming from an ex-300 pound man I know how difficult it is to develop healthy eating habits especially when being addicted to fast food, soda, and potato chips for over a decade. In hindsight, it makes complete sense why an individual would gain a substantial amount of weight eating out more often than cooking at home.
If you are in a similar situation and would like to change your habits around in an effort to lose weight, one of the best ways to do that is by trying out new recipes at home. If a positive change is going to be made, it needs to first start in the kitchen. By trying new recipes not only will you get the chance to cook something healthy, but you may find new combinations you hadn't thought of, or tried before.
This can be the perfect opportunity to make those delicious looking meals you may have seen in a magazine, on a television show, or somewhere on the Internet. Heck, you may even want to splurge and purchase a recipe book from a bookstore to get directly in your hands a great number of meals you can prepare. You can then keep this book right in your kitchen and highlight/tab the pages with meals your family enjoys for future reference.
If you need a little motivation so that this can become a true weekly habit with your family, designate one particular night to be a "try a new healthy meal" experience. For instance, every Tuesday night you prepare a meal that's different from what's been typically eaten in your household. Eventually this tradition will be the new healthy standard your family adheres to week after week.
When starting out, don't over complicated things trying to prepare a meal that is time-consuming and elaborate. Choose something that looks appealing to you but won't take you hours to make. By reading the directions and checking for a prep and/or cooking time you should get a good idea of the level of difficulty that particular meal will take.
A crucial point to keep in mind is even though you are trying new recipes at home, that still means you need to maintain self-control. Portion size is the number one issue many people struggle with and why weight loss eludes them.
Since healthy nutrition and losing weight are the main topics at hand, don't forget to take into account the beverages you drink and subtle appetizers that may get attached alongside these meals. Try to stick with just the meal as planned, preferably with a large glass or two of water which will add 0 calories to your overall total. It's decisions like these that will determine your overall calorie count and if the meal truly stays a healthy one.
Simply put, why spend the time preparing a healthy meal if you're going to end up adding a couple of breadsticks (200 calories each), 2 large beers (220 calories each), and a piece of chocolate cake for dessert (500 calories)?
The original healthy meal that was likely around 500 calories just became a whopping 1,840 with those unfortunate additions! That's how easy it is to turn something that was originally a fantastic choice into an event that definitely packed on more weight. Be careful out there.
Gregory L. Gomez, a LAUSD teacher who's also on journey to develop a healthy life in an effort to lose weight and get in shape. Follow his progress on http://HealthyChoicesInLife.com as he strives to lose nearly 100 pounds by eating healthy and maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Get a FREE monthly Healthy Choices Newsletter along with a Healthy Eating eBook just for stopping by at http://healthychoicesinlife.com/healthy-eating.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9008639

dimanche 26 avril 2015

How to Build Muscle Mass - 5 Essential Steps

While working out and getting bigger seems like a great idea too many, it can be hard to know where to start and how to build muscle mass. Everyone seems to have their own set of rules as to what works and what doesn't. Be that as it may, there are a few basic ideas which have become excepted in the world of bodybuilding. The five steps below on how to build muscles mass should provide just the information you need top get started down that path.
Step 1 - Maintaining a Caloric Surplus
Your body needs energy to produce a significant amount of muscle after a workout. That energy comes from calories. Unfortunately, there's no way around that. To maximize your body's ability to build muscle, you should be taking in more calories than your body is able to expend on a daily basis. This doesn't mean you should eat as much as you can; a 500 calorie surplus is no more effective than a 100 calorie surplus. There are many calorie calculators available online, such as the ones at CalorieKing.com and Calculator.net. One should aim for 100 to 200 calories higher than their body needs (even after factoring in the calories burned while working out) to make sure their body has what it needs to build muscle.
Step 2 - Getting all the Macronutrients
While our bodies need calories to build muscle, that doesn't mean it is advisable to get those calories through any means possible. Most of those calories should be coming from protein, carbohydrates and fat. These are referred to as macronutrients. Without them, your body won't be able to keep up with your workout routine. The amount of each varies per person, but as far as protein goes, everyone should be eating at least 1.5 grams per pound of body weight.
Step 3 - Never Go Into a Catabolic State
A catabolic state is when your body has no fuel (food) in it's system and begins to feed on it's fat and muscle. This is how weight loss works. But we don't want to lose weight, we want to gain it. Protein shakes are especially effective when it comes to preventing catabolic states. Gulping down a whey protein shake first thing in the morning is a great way to instantly put fuel in your body until breakfast time. Also, it is advisable to fill up on protein-rich foods before bed so as not to let your body starve in the middle of the night. Things like chicken and cottage cheese are perfect for this.
Step 4 - Workout to Build Muscle, Not Strength
Powerlifting and bodybuilding are two very different things. A quick Google-search of the world's strongest men might astound you. Professional powerlifters workout for the sole purpose of gaining strength as opposed to muscle mass and their bodies show it. Whether you gain mass or muscle depends on your workout regime. The basic idea is that more reps equals more mass. If you can bench press 150 pounds for only 3 reps, then maybe you should lift something a little lighter. Your muscles shouldn't fail until 8 to 12 reps in. And as far as sets go, 2 to 3 sets of each workout has shown to be the most beneficial for gaining mass.
Step 5 - Don't Overtrain
When first starting out, the rush and excitement from lifting can make it difficult to stay away from the gym. However, it is important to give each muscle group at least one day's rest between workouts. Failing to do so won't only hinder your progress, but you can actually lose muscle from working out to much. Many bodybuilders find it beneficial to workout a different muscle group each session. This way they can still go to the gym every day without overtraining.
As said earlier, everyone has their own ideas as to what works best for gaining muscle mass. However, the above steps are fairly accepted and universal throughout the world of body building. It can be hard learning how to build muscle mass, but these steps are the first, and probably most important, ones to take. Happy lifting.
By Michael J

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8996846

What Are The New 'Balloon' Weight Loss Treatments?

For many dieters, the idea of surgical intervention to help lose weight is something that is unpleasant and largely off putting.
However, an entirely new range of techniques is becoming available or is under test, involving procedures that are perhaps technically surgery but which involve little if any real surgical intervention.
These are sometimes generically called the 'Balloon' treatments.
The basic concepts
Many surgical and more modern balloon treatments share an idea in common. That is to fill the stomach so that it doesn't feel hungry and demand feeding or in other cases to physically prevent the intake and absorption of foodstuffs.
In that sense, conceptually they are not a million miles away from well-established procedures such as gastric band surgery. Yet in practice, there is much less surgical intervention involved and that must be far less traumatic for the patient.
Many of them involve the insertion of a balloon or balloon-like structure into the stomach in order to achieve the above objectives. Here are just a few examples of some of those which are gaining a lot of attention.
ReShape Duo
This is a double balloon, which is filled with saline then inserted into the patient's stomach for half a year.
It does involve a degree of intervention but the results have been promising - though many patients suffered initial unpleasant side-effects, such as nausea, in the initial few days after insertion.
This is a capsule filled with tiny particles which are coated or built with the same type of ingredients used in food products.
As the particles absorb water in the stomach, they expand and help that 'full' feeling to develop.
They also mix with food being digested and reduce the rate of its passage out of the stomach.
Elipse balloon
This is another device that has been tweaked quite a few times already.
The researchers have tried to produce a balloon that could be lodged in the stomach and later removed but without endoscopy, which is one of those procedures patients don't like much.
The current experiment involves a long thin and flexible tube being attached to a tiny balloon that's swallowed. The tube is then used to inflate the balloon with water and the tube is then extracted. Early trial results look promising.
Obalon balloon
The first step with this device is to swallow a capsule containing a balloon.
Once that's dissolved, the balloon's released and then inflated by a minuscule tube attached to the capsule.
A doctor then removes the tube and that process can be repeated to place several balloons in your stomach.
Yet again, initial test results look encouraging.
Many of the above products should still be regarded as being essentially in the scientific study phase and although the results look very encouraging, it may be some time before they become available to the mass market.
It's also true to say that they are typically aimed at people with severe weight problems and they are not likely to entirely replace the use of a professional weight loss program in the case of most dieters.
Ongoing dieting regimes and weight loss recipes will continue to be extremely important for the foreseeable future, irrespective of how successful or otherwise some of the above product evaluations prove to be in the medium to longer term.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9008531

samedi 25 avril 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat Without Equipment

This is an article that talks about how to lose belly fat fast, easy, efficiently and without spending a fortune on equipment or gym membership.
Before we start outm let me make a small introduction about this topic. If you want to lose weight the first thing you have to do is to acquire the right mindset and get in the proper psychological state. In this way you will be able to set realistic goals about your fitness, overcome the bad habits that are distracting you from your goals and stick to them until you succeed.
The next thing you have to understand is what type of exercise is the most suitable for you so that you can easily lose belly fat. The method that is used for losing fat is called aerobic training, which is a high intensity training for a specific period of time that helps your body burn calories faster than the anaerobic training that is used mainly for muscle building.
The ultimate step you have to learn is taking action. By taking action I mean that you should make a plan and start training as soon as possible and not waste your time anymore. This is the only way on how to lose belly fat or reduce your stomach fat, these 3 simple steps: 1. Fix your mindset 2. Learn what method is used for weight loss and the most important is 3. Take action. Now without wasting anymore time let's dive in to the workouts on how to lose belly fat.
Workout Beginner Level 1:
This is a calisthenics workout with the only equipment your bodyweight. In order to complete the workout you have to do these exercises back to back with rest as less as possible. If you manage to do all these exercises back to back without rest you are ready to move to the next level.
Bodyweight Training 250 workout (250 total repetitions)
30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
20 Close Grip Pushups
10 Jumps
10 Pull-ups
40 Squats
25 Pushups
20 Walking Lunges (10 reps per side)
15 Underhand Inverted Rows
30 Bicycle Crunches (15 reps per side)
25 Squats
25 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
Workout Beginner Level 2:
This is a calisthenics workout with the only equipment your bodyweight. In order to complete the workout you have to do these exercises back to back with rest as less as possible. If you manage to do all these exercises back to back without rest you are ready to move to the next level.
Bodyweight Training 300 workout (300 total repetitions)
25 Pushups
50 Mountain Climbers (25 per leg)
25 V-Ups
50 Alternating Lunges (25 per leg)
25 Burpees (no pushup / no jump)
50 Cross Body Mountain Climbers
25 Dips (off box / chair / stairs)
50 Squats (Ass must touch 2nd Step) / Knees must lock out
Workout Intermediate Level 1:
This is a calisthenics workout with the only equipment your bodyweight. In order to complete the workout you have to do these exercises back to back with rest as less as possible. If you manage to do all these exercises back to back without rest you are ready to move to the next level.
Bodyweight Training 500 workout (500 total repetitions)
100 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
25 Close-Grip Pushups
15 Jumps
15 Pull-ups
50 Squats
51 Pushups
40 Walking Lunges (20 reps per side)
30 Underhand Inverted Rows
60 Bicycle Crunches (30 reps per side)
15 Chin-ups
50 Squats
50 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
Workout Intermediate Level 2:
This is a calisthenics workout with the only equipment your bodyweight. In order to complete the workout you have to do these exercises back to back with rest as less as possible. If you manage to do all these exercises back to back without rest you are ready to move to the next level.
Bodyweight Training 750 workout (750 total repetitions)
100 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
25 Close Grip Pushups
20 Jumps
20 Pull-ups
75 Squats
25 Stick ups
50 Pushups
50 Walking Lunges (25 reps per side)
40 Underhand Inverted Rows
25 Stability Ball Leg Curls
100 Bicycle Crunches (50 reps per side)
20 Chin-ups
50 Mountain Climbers (25 per side)
50 Squats
100 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
Workout Advanced Level 1:
This is a calisthenics workout with the only equipment your bodyweight. In order to complete the workout you have to do these exercises back to back with rest as less as possible. If you manage to do all these exercises back to back without rest you are ready to move to the next level.
Bodyweight Training 1000 workout (1000 total repetitions)
100 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
25 Close Grip Pushups
25 Jumps
25 Pull-ups
100 Squats
25 Stick Ups
50 Bicycle Crunches (25 reps per side)
100 Pushups
50 Walking Lunges (25 reps per side)
50 Underhand Inverted Rows
50 Stability Ball Leg Curls
100 Bicycle Crunches (50 reps per side)
50 Decline Pushups
25 Overhand Inverted Rows
50 Mountain Climbers (25 reps per side)
50 Squats
25 Chin-ups
100 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope
These are high intensity and highly effective workouts on how to lose belly fat without equipment. I wish you good luck with your training and progress.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8997176

vendredi 24 avril 2015

7 Quick Tips On How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Want to know how to lose weight fast without exercise? Well, exercise is better, but there are a few tricks you can do without breaking a sweat and can help shed the pounds.
You can do it by making a few healthy changes to your daily diet and lifestyle. In fact, "To speed your results, research shows that what you do when you're not exercising is nearly as important as the workout itself", says Stacy Sims, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist at the Stanford School of Medicine's Prevention-Research Center in Palo Alto, California.
Let's cut to the chase and talk about how to lose weight fast without exercise.
How and What to eat.
Drink a couple glasses of water or herbal tea before each meal. Sometimes we are confused between hunger and thirst, so drink a glass or two of water and wait for a few minutes to make sure you're really hungry before you dig in.
Eat foods that take some time to digest. You will feel full for longer if you eat foods that take longer to break down in your stomach. Focus on foods that are high in fiber, such as: particular fruits (raspberries, pears and apples..), Vegetables (peas, artichokes and broccoli) and Grains (like whole-wheat spaghetti, bran flakes and barley).
Eat slow and take smaller bites. By dividing your meal into more crumbs, this helps you eat slower which in turn can stretch out your meal and make it easier for you to identify when you're full.
Breakfast in the morning. Studies show that eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism and gets it working for the day. Skipping this meal will not help you lose more weight. Giving your metabolism something to do first thing in the morning gets it burning calories. When you don't eat for long periods of time, your body functions as if you're fasting because food is scarce, and accordingly burns less energy, and this doesn't help if you want to know how to lose weight fast without exercise.
Eat on a regular schedule. If your eating times are unpredictable or you tend to skip meals, your body will hang onto calories for an emergency, so try to have your meals at the same time each day if you can.
Turn off your TV and Computer when you're eating. Don't eat while you're watching a show. Instead of having the right amount that you need, you run the risk of eating until the program is over or you hit a commercial break, which might be well past the point of feeling full.
Avoid stress eating and midnight snacks. Instead of eating for comfort, do something like meditating, exercising, playing a musical instrument, or reading. And don't eat late at night as your body doesn't burn a lot of calories while you're asleep.
And this is how to lose weight fast without exercise.
To learn more about how can you lose weight in 3weeks click here
Only for Women, Read about this female weight loss discovery here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9004439

jeudi 23 avril 2015

How to Get Extreme Weight Loss and Stay Safe

If you're on a fat loss program at the moment, one of the first things you might be questioned is how fast you can lose weight and stay safe while you do it.
So you will always get people who just want to lose weight and do not really give a care about how they do. They just want it gone now, most people do not realize that health should be a priority.
Moreover, there is no need to jeopardize your future health just to get into your skinny jeans in a week - not to mention the torture, even while you do it.
Instead, you want to take a moderate approach and lose weight quickly, but your body without causing too much trouble in the process.
So how can you lose weight quickly? What is the most extreme rate of weight loss that you should even consider? Let's have a look at what you need to know regarding this subject.
Schedule your diet
The first thing you need to think about is how long you plan to use the power. Are you just a diet for a week or two?
If this is the case, you can probably find a slightly faster rate of loss of total fat, because you will not be starving your body for too long. Remember, all plans are essentially starve yourself to some extent. How much depends on the severity of the food really is.
If you plan to power for more than a few weeks, you're better off accepting a slower weight loss and make it rest for good.
How much weight you have to lose
Moving along, you also ask how much weight you have to lose. Is it a couple of pounds here? Or are we talking about 20-40?
If you have more than 10 pounds to lose, you will not be using the plans extreme weight loss and stay safe.
If you have a few pounds to shed, then fine, you can probably do so without danger. Get the intense regimen and down just as quickly. The more intense the power is, the faster you will lose the weight anyway, so you can come off as quickly. But if you have many pounds to lose, you just never going to lose their "fast".
Your body's tendency
Finally, think of your body trend. Do you tend to store fat easily? If so, your body will not give up so easily. In this situation, you can not perform as well on the extreme weight loss diets. A more moderate approach will likely result you better.
So there you have the main points to keep in mind as you go about your diet program. The extreme weight loss may be possible in some cases, but in many cases there is more weight to lose, a moderate approach is the safest bet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9003311

mercredi 22 avril 2015

3 Reasons Why You're Losing The Fight Against Weight Loss

We all struggle at some point in our lives. We struggle with anything that is Good for us. Whether it's getting to work on time, getting a higher Education, Remaining faithful in a relationship or Sticking to your Diet, We all struggle.
Human Nature..
It's Human Nature to do what we want to do. From as far back as biblical Adam and Eve, we've always wanted to Live Free, do every and anything, YOLO, etc. It's no surprise that the most successful companies over the past decade are the ones that exploit our need to do whatever we want.
"Drink Diet Sodas and Lose Weight!"
"Work From Home and Make $3,000".
"Eat Anything You Want and still Lose Weight!".
We live in a society that wants to have their cake and eat it too. Which brings me to why you are struggling to lose weight: No Focus, No Discipline and certainly too many distractions. I know, It's hard to hear, but sometimes the hard truth needs to be said.
With all the information out there on how to lose weight (Yes, and this is adding to that, I know) It's easy to get what I call, "Information overkill". There's always a new amazing routine or product that will help you to lose weight, but no matter what the product or workout routine is, none of it will matter if you don't have FOCUS, DISCIPLINE and DETERMINATION
You Have No Defined Goals
What do you want to achieve? Is it Getting rid of your Belly Fat? weight on your arms? Legs? Whatever it is, it's important that you have a plan and focus on your goals. Write down what you want to accomplish and stick to it. Don't make the mistake of changing your plan every week because of some information that you read online or heard from a friend. The only way to lose weight is through consistency!
You Lack Discipline
"Discipline is the assertion of willpower over more base desires". I could just stop right now and move on to the next point because that one sentence sums up exactly why most of us struggle so much. You have no control over your base desires. You want to have your cake, eat it, and still lose 10 pounds. Learn to recognize your cravings, your stress points, your weaknesses. Be honest about them and learn to deal with them. without self-discipline, no amount of workout or pills will make you lose weight.
There's No way around it. Losing Weight Takes Discipline
Too many Distractions
"New Craze in Weight loss that will make you lose a zillion pounds 30 minutes from now!!"
I suspect that this is what Weight Loss ads will be like in the next couple years because the amount of time that passes between the next best thing and the next, NEXT best thing is ridiculously short these days. In addition to that, research has shown that the Human attention span has moved from 12 minutes to just 5 minutes in the last decade! This means that we cannot concentrate on anything without getting bored. Social Media is to be blamed of course; 30 second Vine videos, 160 word Tweets, Facebook videos showing something silly every minute of the day. It is getting harder and harder to concentrate on just one thing.
Map out your routine,
Set reminders, timers, schedules.
When working out, mute your phone.
Put in your earplugs or turn on some music and block out the social world, even if it's just for 30 minutes.
With all of that said, once you've identified what exactly you need to do to meet your goals, the rest becomes that much easier. To help you over that bump, here are some great reading materials you can check out that will certainly help you set your goals, focus on them and become more Disciplined.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9001256

mardi 21 avril 2015

5 Steps For An Effective Fat Loss Workout Program

If you want to lose weight, sooner or later you are going to need to start a fat loss workout program. This does not mean that you need to be spending hours in the gym everyday, but you should plan on exercising regularly. These 5 tips will help you to face your fat loss workout positively.
1. Begin Slowly.
You will need to start your fat loss training program slowly. If you make it too tough at the outset you may strain a muscle not able to exercise for a couple of days or even weeks. Your body will need time to get used to the extra exercise. Get started with a slow and gradual pace and then increase the intensity as you become comfortable with your new regime.
2. Weight Training.
An effective fat loss workout will need to include an element of resistance training, or weight training. Your body will create muscle when you workout with weights and because muscles help to burn calories and fat, the more muscle mass you have the better. If you are working out with weights 2 to 3 times a week you can reach your weight loss goal much faster. If you don't have access to weights, use cans or water bottles.
3. Cardiovascular Exercise.
Most fat loss training programs include some type of cardiovascular exercise. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it up can be considered cardio exercise like cycling, running, walking or swimming. In addition to increasing your heart rate, it also conditions your lungs, and burns fat. To get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, use interval training where you swap between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.
4. Don't Want To Go To the Gym? No Problem!
There are many good ways to exercise at home to stay fit and healthy if you don't want to go to the gym. There are some great pieces of equipment that provide good ways to exercise at home that do not cost the earth to buy. Simple things like free weights, an exercise ball, resistance bands and a yoga mat are generally low cost and you can often pick up second hand exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and treadmills in your local classified ads or car-boot sales.
5. Be Regular And Be Patient.
Just doing one fat loss workout is not going suddenly make the excess weight drop off. Successful weight loss requires regular exercise and a healthy diet. You need to burn more calories that you consume and combining regular exercise with a healthy diet plan will give you weight loss success. But it will take time. Remember it took years to gain all that fat and it could take a year or more to lose it all. With determination, focus and motivation you will succeed.
Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE eBook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9003932

lundi 20 avril 2015

4 Proven Tips You Can Do Today to Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

Tip #1
Eat Breakfast
According to a 2001 Huffington Post article 31 million Americans skip breakfast every single day and thus to help maximize their weight gain. Your body has been fasting all night long, so skipping breakfast puts the body in starvation mode. This results in the body slowing down its metabolism for the whole day, which creates a larger appetite for dinner. In order to prevent your body from going into starvation mode, start your day by eating breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast will revive your metabolism from its fasting state, which took place when you were sleeping, and help curb your appetite throughout the day. Studies have shown people who eat breakfast tend to be skinner than people who skip breakfast.
Tip #2
Eat Every Three Hours
Eating every three hours keeps your metabolism working all day. It helps maintain proper blood sugar control, which prevents fat storage; and keeps your hunger hormones in check, which ensures better portion control and no over-eating. Sumo Wrestlers avoid breakfast and other snacks, and only eat 1 to 2 meals a day. Usually, Sumo Wrestlers binge eat at night to ensure a great caloric surplus, which increases insulin release and fat storage, for maximum weight gain.
Tip #3
Get Good Quality Sleep
This is probably asking for a lot but we as a society are not getting enough sleep. We live in fast paced society where we are constantly on the go but that lifestyle is also helping in the obesity epidemic. Studies have shown that poor sleep is an important indicator of obesity. People who sleep less tend to gain weight due to through the activation of hormonal responses leading to an increase in appetite and caloric intake and thus increase the risk of obesity. As there are many causes on why sleep is important to aid in weight loss just remember 7-9 hours of sleep is associated better weight loss and weight control than with people who sleep less than 7 hours a night. Make quality sleep a habit in your life as this will provide you with a plethora of health benefits.
Tip #4
Do Not Eat a Large Dinner and Go Straight to Bed
A lot of Americans binge eat at night, watch TV, then go to sleep. That practice provides no way to maintain proper glycemic control or to burn off the thousands of calories consumed at dinner. It also builds bad sleep hygiene practices, which will also prevent proper weight loss. Eating and going to sleep is exactly how most obese Americans achieve weight gain. They will binge eat for 3 to 4 hours per night and go straight to bed; that practice releases large amounts of insulin, which prevents fat breakdown and aids in fat storage throughout the night.
Losing weight and living with great health and nutritional excellence becomes easier once you have the nutritional tools to get you started to a life of optimal well-being. If you would like to learn more on how to permanent weight loss, please visit: http://www.blog.drfatakhov.com/
Eddie Fatakhov MD, MBA is a Physician, Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, and Weight loss specialist focusing on healthy ways to losing weight without starving your body. Dr. Fatakhov is also a Bestselling Co-Author of The Doctors' Clinic-30 Program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8994893

dimanche 19 avril 2015

How To Lose 30 Pounds In 30 Days

Just a couple of days before somebody inquired me whether it is practically feasible to lose 30 pounds in a month, and if so how it could be accomplished. I chose to use the answer I provided her and come up with an article of it. So here it is.
In any case, before I expound on how this could be possible, give me a chance to say that I recommend you give yourself sufficient time to lose 30 pounds. A month will oblige some radical measures. At the same time, in case you're unyielding about it, read on. You have to be thoughtful that keeping in mind the end goal to lose 30 pounds in 30 days, you have to make a huge calorie shortage. This isn't something which is effectively done. It is feasible to do this in 2 approaches:
1) Utilize a detox food plan - A detox eating regimen purifies your body containing a lot of undigested calories and helps you to make a calorie shortage. A detox eating regimen incorporates drinking a ton of liquids, for the most part water and organic fruit juice (farm fresh juice). This sort of eating regimen flushes you out and helps to fight off hunger. Along these lines it is feasible to lose 30 pounds fast. In 30 days, it could be possible. On the other hand, you have to be mindful that this may not be the healthiest thing to do. Utilizing a detox eating regimen for a really long time can be impeding to the body since you're not eating a considerable measure of vital nutrients. It's incredible for quick weight reduction; yet don't utilize it for a really long time.
2) The second approach to lose 30 pounds in a month is to make the essential calorie shortage by working out a great deal and eating with some restraint. You will need to do a great deal of cardio (no less than 4 hours every week) furthermore do quality workouts, yet cardio is key. You won't be building muscle tissue in 30 days; however you might be shedding pounds. When you do sufficient cardiovascular workouts, and eat with some restraint (a great deal of vegetables and foods which are low on carbohydrates), you may have the capacity to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. But you have to be mindful that this will oblige an enormous effort on your part.
As I said, it is feasible to lose 30 pounds in a month with the right sort of determination and self-control, yet I propose you give yourself sufficient time. It'll make it less demanding to accomplish your objective.
The author of this article has over 15 years of experience in market research of health & fitness.
Why wander a whole lot of sites to get the right information?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8997908

samedi 18 avril 2015

A Quick Re-Cap On Some Great Weight Loss Tips

Although you might imagine that all of the basics of sensible eating to help weight loss are well-known, in reality, when talking to dieters the reverse is often found to be true.
So, here is a quick refresher course and some basic common sense notions that you should be thinking about if you are trying to lose weight.

  1. You can lose weight quickly by following a strict diet regime and it won't damage your health. In fact, there is some experimental evidence to show that it can be more effective than a slower and easier diet taken over a longer period.

Note though that following a relatively strict diet is not the same thing as advocating a starvation diet. Few health professionals would normally advocate the latter. Check with a professional provider of diet regimes if you are not sure of the difference between the two.

  1. Get your diet under control in order to lose weight rather than relying exclusively on exercise. Getting more physical exercise may be important for many aspects of your health but it is unlikely to help you lose a lot of weight unless it is accompanied by a diet regime.

  1. Don't cut out all fat from your diet in an effort to lose weight. It is now known that your body needs certain types of fat in order to function healthily. Of course, try to avoid unhealthy fats such as the trans-fats but things such as a little butter will do you no harm at all and may actually be beneficial.

  1. Concentrate on protein and reduce your carbohydrates. Protein, such as that found in good lean meat, is harder for your body to digest and therefore you'll burn more calories in doing so than you would with carbohydrates. Carbs can also result in a very fast spike in your body sugar levels, which is something generally best avoided.

  1. Eating more fruit and vegetables will not, in itself, help you to lose weight unless it is part of an overall balanced weight loss recipe and wider-spectrum regime.

Taking more green stuff may offer certain health benefits but significant weight loss won't be one of them unless you are using that healthy foodstuff to replace some of the other high-calorie items you are consuming.

  1. Concentrate on your waist size rather than your BMI alone. That's because there is some experimental evidence to show that being overweight around your waist can be a serious additional health risk even if your overall BMI is within a relatively normal range.

  1. Get your weight to within accepted healthy levels even if you are extremely physically fit. Once again, there are studies showing that even if you have a high degree of physical fitness, carrying extra weight will still prove to be a significant health risk.

  1. Think about the science and what you need to do to correct your problem rather than simply beating yourself up constantly. There is now a huge amount of evidence to support the view that very real physical factors, as well as psychological ones, can play a huge part in unhealthy weight gain. This is not just a case of you having poor willpower. So, consult experts for help.

  1. Don't disregard your doctor's thoughts about potential weight loss surgery. True, nobody likes the idea of being operated on but this can, in medically approved cases, be extremely effective and helpful.

Above all, don't simply feel you are alone. There are some excellent weight loss programmes out there as well as some rapidly advancing medical treatments that may be able to help.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9000119

vendredi 17 avril 2015

The Best Ways to Lose Weight in Weeks

This fat torching plan can subtract up to 5 pounds from your body - without starvation, cutting out entire food groups, or hitting the gym. How? Small sacrifices combines with special techniques can help you losing weight easily. However, you need to stick with the plan and pick the right eating and exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.
Drink mainly water
Drink only water. Water has zero calories and no carbohydrates are added. It is the perfect drink, which can help you slim down your waist. It helps in increasing your metabolism rate also. Adding lemon or mint leaves can enhance the taste of simple water.
A sports drink or smoothies contains high amount of calories. Aerated drinks are strictly a no-no. They are high in sodium, sugar, and carbohydrates.
Do cardio 30 minutes a day
Exercise to remain fit. You do not have to hit the gym. Find a park nearby, wear your jogging clothes, tie your shoelaces, and start running. 30 minutes cardio can help you cut down fat from your body and make you feel healthy.
Herbal pills is a good option
Herbal pills are the best option to choose for quick weight loss. Herbal medicines are made from natural herbs, roots, barks, seeds, tea extracts, etc. These natural herbs are harmless on one's body and help losing weight very easily. People who want to lose weight without any side effects can try vitamins for weight loss.
Don't starve-eat right
Starving can leave bad effect on your body. People who want to lose weight healthily should avoid starving. A healthy food plan can help one lose weight and increase stamina. One should always eat a good breakfast, a normal lunch and light dinner. Try to add more proteins, vitamins and mineral in your diet chart and avoid fat and carbs to look perfect. Add raw vegetables, grilled chicken and fish, fruits and nuts to your diet to feel full and healthy.
Ban junk foods
However, food restriction is not necessary, but avoiding junk food is essential. Junk food can decrease the metabolism rate and make you weak. Banning junk foods from your diet can help you increase your stamina. Burgers, pizzas, white breads, pasta, pastries should be avoided completely. You can take a day out from your diet and make yourself happy on Sunday. However, whatever you eat, eat in small quantity.
So, if you want to look smart and stay healthy, then following these simple steps can help. Get determined and you can lose weight easily within few weeks of time. Start following the steps now and look perfect in few weeks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8995355

jeudi 16 avril 2015

Health Is Wealth - How To Lose Weight Successfully By Staying Motivated!

Fruitful weight reduction or, all the more appropriately, effective fat loss, is not only about calories or hitting the gym. What it takes to effectively shed pounds is a motivated personality. Everything else, from adhering to solid sustenance to working out routinely, stems completely from your attitude.
Presently you could be thinking 'However I've needed to shed pounds permanently and it is not accomplished!' That's not a motivated personality - that is pie in the sky contemplating achievement. In the event that your brain was genuinely motivated to help you get more fit, it would as of now be occurring.
Well, when your psyche is genuinely motivated you concentrate on your objectives in a significantly more powerful way. Basically, you make a move - enormously focused on activity specifically aimed at accomplishing your weight reduction objectives. You pick healthier dinners, you restrict your general calorie intake and you go to the exercise center or try for a run every single day.
You don't need to fixate on it and have it take control over every waking moment - truth be told, you most likely invest more energy whipping yourself for being overweight or corpulent than you have to use to shed pounds. In case you're really motivated, your subliminal personality will lead you to right choices without actually contemplating it most times. You'll eat when your stomach is hungry, and just eat enough to subside that hunger. You'll pick the container of water over the carbonated water or organic fruit drink at lunch. You'll pick good complex carbohydrates and green vegetables for dinner rather than pasta or pizza. What's more, you'll inspire yourself that additional couple of reps in the exercise center or that additional mile on your runs.
So, how would you attain this motivated personality? Abstain from stressing over the past or your current body condition. Focus completely on your future and who you'll be after the weight reduction. Don't acknowledge even the slightest chance that you'll fail to reduce the weight you wish - realize that you'll do whatever it takes to remove all the fat you need to. Go through the magazines and online references to discover photographs of what you wish to resemble - particularly search for photographs of individuals who have comparable features to your own... Hair shade, general form, and so forth. In case you're familiar with photograph altering tool, even superimpose your face onto a few of the computerized photographs.
Further, put the best of those photographs where you'll see them daily... Tape a few to your room door so you view them first thing each morning and last thing before going to bed. Tape a few to the lavatory mirror so you see them at different points as the day progresses. What's more, take 2 or 3 of the ones you like the best, the appealing and/or sexiest of them, and put them on your fridge door so you see them each time you go to open the fridge. Put whatever is left of the computerized photographs onto a page and print it out, then put that page and the magazine shots into a folder or some sort of cover. When you feel your attitude is slipping, haul it out and look through them once more. Indeed, look through them for a minimum of once a day and envision yourself fit as a fiddle, having accomplished your weight reduction objectives, and picture how your life will be changed then...
By then, I am sure you'll feel better about yourself, have more certainty and have more vitality every day. It is good to invest the energy to keep a motivated personality working for you through the majority of this, and giving it a chance to guide you to effective weight reduction. You should be more satisfied, healthier and livelier - and your motivated personality is the turnkey!
The author of this article has over 15 years of experience in market research of health & fitness.
Why wander a whole lot of sites to get the right information?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8996918

mercredi 15 avril 2015

Create Your Own Nutrition and Exercise Timetable in Minutes!

Creating your own nutrition and exercise timetable needs a determined goal. You have to decide what you want. Lose weight, gain weight, maintain your current weight; you have to select the one for yourself. You can also consult with your doctor by giving him or her, a picture of your specific health needs. But whatever the way you are following, the right nutrition and fitness program is always the best solution to maintain a healthy diet. Right nutrients will give you all the energy and strength. Fitness will provide you the physical activity to maintain optimal weight. Many people start a fitness plan and drop it down after a while because it becomes too difficult for them to maintain. That is not what you should look for. The plan should be simple enough so that you can maintain it without any hustle. Creating a realistic nutrition and exercise plan can make you stay healthy for lifetime.
Steps to Create Your Own Nutrition and Exercise Timetable
1. Create a Goal. The goal must be healthy. You have to design a nutrition and fitness program that can meet your goal faster by doing it properly. You can have a low-calorie diet with fat-burning exercise plan. You can also manage your cholesterol and blood sugar level by removing sugar and fats from your diet.
2. Find a Diet and Fitness Program That You Can Work On. Consider your lifestyle, check for a time from your daily schedule where you can implement the fitness program. You can make some time for the gym depending on your working hour. Some gives a try at night, other prefers it at the morning and some also makes it work during their lunch hour.
3. Plan And Prepare Your Meal. If you make it planned, you don't have to rush on unhealthy foods from stores or fast food restaurants. You can keep some healthy quick recipes for you and your family. Make them shifted and rotate those dishes throughout the week. Enjoy the food and make a fixed amount of it so that it will not make you overeat. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetable and whole grain in your recipe. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. You can make a combination of your own likes and make it accordingly. You must consider your appetite when you are making these combinations of foods.
4. Add Some Varieties In Your Exercise Plan. Doing the same workout will bring boredom to your exercise program. To make it strong, you can make your own routine for the whole week. For one week, you can take walk with your friends or family. Next week you can take bike rides. After that, you can go for work out on the treadmill and machines at the gym. You can arrange it you own way so that you remain comfortable with it.
5. Make Your Healthy Nutrition and Fitness Program Work. Small changes in your plan to avoid boredom have to be noticeable yet not tough. You can make changes eventually to bring variety on it. But you also have to remember that, you are making your own plan and it should not be dropped out after a week. For example, you can you can add one healthy food and substitute one unhealthy food from your routine. When it will become a habit, you can add one or two more to your routine and balance the change. This will help you to follow the plan slowly but still it will work effectively. You will not become bound to do it; rather you will love to do it. Same trick can be applied for exercise and workouts. You can start with a 15 minute workout. You can add 5 more minutes from the next week. Till then, a habit will be formed to do exercise every day. When the exercise becomes a part of your daily schedule, you can add more as you want. In this way, you can follow the program according to your need with your full approval.
One must a have a nutrition and exercise table of his own. It can help to manage your weight and increase your physical activity. You can follow your own plan to have a healthy life.
Perry Holden, is a web publisher on "Antioxidant Supplements" topics. His latest publications are in the areas of health and fitness. For more information about Antioxidant Supplements, visit: https://www.antioxidantsupplementsstore.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8991197

mardi 14 avril 2015

Do You Know the Secrets to Fast Weight Loss?

Almost anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight has wanted to know the secrets to fast weight loss. People search for the amazing new diet, the magic diet pill, or the latest exercise techniques to help them lose weight fast. They try new fad after new fad only to find themselves gaining back every pound they had lost and sometimes gaining back even more. Is there some magic diet or pill or exercise routine that will help you lose weight fast? The answer to this is simply no. There really are no secrets to fast weight loss. However, there are some solid principles you can follow to help you lose weight.
The basic formula for losing weight is to burn off more calories than you consume. That is all the secrets to fast weight loss rolled into one easy equation. So if you are looking to lose weight fast you will need to seriously cut down on the calories you consume and devote a lot of time to exercising. However, you need to be smart about this. Most health professionals say you should not consume less than 1050-1200 calories per day. You cannot starve yourself to weight loss. You also need to make sure you eat healthy, balanced meals and not go on a fad diet where all you eat is grapefruits or some other magic food all day.
A fast weight loss routine would involve eating around 1200 calories a day and exercising about seven hours a week (one hour a day). This is about the maximum effort your body can handle. With this regime you may expect to lose approximately three to five pounds in your first weeks and around three pounds after that. A more realistic weight loss goal is to lose one to two pounds a week on a consistent basis. You can accomplish this by eating healthy, balanced meals and burning an excess of 500-1000 calories per day.
So the big secret is there really are no secrets to fast weight loss. If you want to lose weight more rapidly you will need to cut back on your calories and do a lot of cardiovascular and resistance training. If you have a certain amount of weight you'd like to lose by a certain date you need to first calculate whether this is a realistic goal or not. Next determine how much you are willing to push yourself to meet your weight loss goal. Remember fast weight loss may not be the best route to take. Slow and steady wins the race. No matter how fast you end up losing your extra weight, just remember there are two things to focus on: how many calories you consume and how many calories you burn through exercise.
Tired of searching through all the latest weight loss products to find the right product that suits you. We have reviewed the top 5 weight loss products online so you can choose which product is the right choice for you. To Find out which weight loss product is for you go to The Top 5 Weight Loss Programs Reviewed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1998625

lundi 13 avril 2015

Still Can't Lose Weight? Here Are 5 Weight Loss Tips

A great body figure is one of the most important assets you can have. If you are struggling to get fit due to excess weight, then this article is right for you. Are you ready to make a change in your life? Read on and learn how to start losing weight.
Consult your doctor. Many people are immediately go on diets and workouts without consulting their physician first. This is very dangerous, especially for those who are suffering from conditions. You physician will give you insights on what weight loss plan you should follow. After all, physicians are experts on health.
Create a weight loss plan. This plan should include your goals and steps you have to take to achieve those goals. For example, if you want to run a marathon, then determine the things you need to do to achieve that goal. Imagine it like a staircase where you take one stair at a time until you reach the end. This is a good motivator to keep you on track with your goals.
Change your diet and lifestyle. Many people do not consider changing their diet and lifestyle, and the result is they fall of the wagon. Consider dieting and lifestyle change a new and better way to achieve your weight loss goals. There are so many nutritious options you can choose from: proteins, carbs, healthy produce, and other food groups. You do not need to binge on salty and sweet foods anymore. This does not mean you cannot ever have those foods, just keep them in moderation.
You should exercise. Do not think of exercise an ordeal. Staying fit is a lifetime process. If you are serious in losing weight and stay fit, then you need to plan a routine that works for you and you should keep on doing it indefinitely to stay fit.
Get a weight loss support and partner. You should have someone as a companion with the same goal whether it is a family member or a friend. You can also join a forum online, being around other people with the same goal help you keep the fire burning. When you feel like giving up, the people that surround you have most likely been there. This is where they can encourage you to keep you going.
Weight loss may seem overwhelming, but it does not have to be that way. Take small steps one at a time to make the process a lot easier. Just keep in mind you are not just losing weight but working towards a healthy and better life. Every change you make should be a positive addition that you plan to use as you move forward.
Manuel Zerna is a weight loss blogger. He currently owns Weight Loss PH where he blogs about weight loss tips. If you want to learn more about Manuel, then visit his website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8990804

dimanche 12 avril 2015

Calories In and Calories Out Theory, Is It Still Applicable in Body Weight Management?

Context is important
Conventional wisdom has taught us that if you want to lose weight you should cut calories intake. Most people still believe in the theory of calories in over calories out. Our bodies are not the same and a one size fits all model of weight management does not work. Our bodies will use calories from various types of food differently depending on what the body requires at that stage. For example, if you are under a lot of stress, your body will use calories differently compared to when you are recovering from an illness.
What if you want to manage your body weight by monitoring your calorie intake?
Remember that all calories are not created equal. A calorie from fats may not be the same as a calorie from carbohydrates or proteins. The use of these calories from various sources will depend on the state at which our bodies are during their consumption.
Asking yourself these questions will assist you in determining what your goal is regarding the use of calorie intake as a strategy to manage your weight:
• Do I just want to lose weight or body fat?
• Do I want to gain weight or just muscle?
• How much muscle do I want to put on and how fast?
Understanding the context at which your body uses calories is important in determining your goals on weight management. This context will further be affected by the following conditions:
• The quantity, types and frequency of meals that you consume
• Your immediate energy needs for either building, repairing or energizing your body
• The state of hormones in your body at that stage will also have a greater influence on the use of calories
• The way in which our bodies use fats, carbs and proteins, which differ from one individual to another.
Remember that the context is not the same every day. It can change at any time. If the use of calories by our bodies is so complex, the theory of counting calorie intake may not be useful for weight management. Therefore, different context will require a different plan of action in order to achieve the desired results. This will depend on whether your goal is to lose weight or gain muscles. The only way we can change the context is by changing the way in which these metabolic processes (mentioned above) work through changing what and when we eat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8988752

samedi 11 avril 2015

Obesity, Sexual Health and Other Health Effects

Obesity has been getting the attention of many health specialists because of the ill-effects it brings. Obesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat. Individuals who are 20 to 40 percent over one's ideal weight is considered as mildly obese, 40 to 100 percent over the their ideal weight is considered moderately obese, and 100 percent over one's ideal weight is considered severely obese. Body mass index, calipers, waist-hip ratio are some of the methods that are commonly used to measure body fat.
Obese individuals might be prone to health risks like cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, certain types of ulcers and diabetes, and coronary heart disease. Recent medical studies reveal that obesity may also lead to low testosterone levels and hamper the sexual health of many men. It is suggested that obesity is a significant predictor of low testosterone. These studies add that gaining ten percent in one's appropriate Body Mass Index (BMI) may lead to decreased testosterone levels by about ten percent. Because of this, fat or over weight individuals may have up to 25 percent less total testosterone than their fit counterparts. In addition to this, obesity may lead to high blood pressure, a condition that usually brings no obvious symptoms. High blood pressure may cause the blood vessels to harden and damage the lining of the blood vessels. Because of this development, less blood which carries oxygen and nutrients flow to the penis. Decreased blood flow may cause difficulties in achieving and maintaining erections. High blood pressure may also interfere with ejaculation and reduce libido. Many medications used to treat high blood pressure may also bring similar adverse effects.
Obesity may also heighten the risk of developing several health conditions that may include the following:
arthritis and other orthopedic problems like lower back pain
adult-onset asthma
high cholesterol levels
irregular monthly periods and absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)
infertility and pregnancy complications
shortness of breath
sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders
skin disorders that develop because of bacterial breakdown from sweat and other cellular material in thick folds of skin
One of the probable causes of obesity high calories in diets coupled with inactivity. A study conducted by the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in February, 2004 showed that Americans consumed more calories than they did 30 years ago. The study found out that from 1971 to 2004, American women increased their calorie consumption from 1542 calories per day to 1877. The men on the other hand, at the same time frame, increased their calorie intake from 2,450 to 2,618.
With the rise of calorie intake also came the decline of physical activities. However, less than 1/3 of adults engage in the appropriate amounts of exercise. In addition, 40% of adults in the United States do not participate in any physical activity while 43% of adolescents spend more than 2 hours in front of the television. It is recommended that individuals should accumulate at least 30 minutes among adults and 60 minutes among children of moderate physical activity three times a week. More are recommended to prevent weight gain or to lose weight.
Obese individuals who want to improve their sexual health and overall well-being should engage in regular exercise and healthy diets. Exercise is good for different people of all ages, sex, and weight. It is necessary to maintain overall health and enhanced well-being. Individuals who decide to include a regular program of physical activity should consult doctors and other health professionals for advice. This is important because a lot of individuals tend to workout too much or workout improperly, which may do more harm than good. Understanding healthy lifestyles and eating regimens may enable individuals to lose essential amounts of weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8805653

vendredi 10 avril 2015

The Main Reasons Why Diets Don't Work

Have you tried every single diet plan in the book and failed? Maybe you never stuck with it, or maybe you did lose weight, but then you gained it all back (plus more). When it comes to diets, the odds are stacked against us. So what's the answer? Certainly the answer is not to give up altogether.
Today I am going to share the top reasons diets fail, and some tips to find a diet plan that will work for you.
The mindset around dieting is perhaps the number one reason most diets fail. For most people, the word 'diet' implies that it's a plan you're going to go on for a set amount of time, and then be done with once you've lost the weight. Instead of thinking of a 'diet' as something that you go on, think about having a diet. Simply put, your diet is the way you eat consistently for the long term. And, your diet will change at different stages of life.
Along with the mindset of short-term diets, many people go into an eating plan with drudgery. They plan a 'last supper' event the night before the diet is going to start because they know their freedom to enjoy food will end once the diet starts. When improving your diet, pick a plan that includes food that you enjoy. Food is for fuel, and for pleasure. If you are worried about not being able to eat as much as you have in the past, be grateful. The food you eat and enjoy will give you energy, not weigh you down and make you feel bloated and overfull.
Many diet plans also fail because of the extreme restrictions it places on eating 'eat this, don't eat that!' Some plans emphasize 'fake foods', with the goal of being able to consume as much food as you can instead of the intent of nourishing your body. Think fat-free and chemical-sweetened alternatives. Many diet plans also make you reliant on shakes, bars and pre-packaged meals, making it difficult to eat in the real world.
Finally, most diet plans fail because they only emphasize the 'what to eat', and forget about the 'why to eat' and 'how to eat'. In my opinion, the 'what to eat' is relatively simple. The 'why and how' is much more complex. If everyone ate only when they were hungry, and stopped when they were physically satiated, most people would easily maintain a healthy body weight.
So which plan should you choose? Ultimately, there's no 'one size fits all' approach. It's okay to experiment with a plan, and see how it works for you. Do you like the food? Is the food healthful and nourishing? Is the plan, or a slight modification of it, something you can see yourself doing for the long term? Do you have a support system in place to help you with the why and the how to eat?
Tanja Shaw is a healthy-eating enthusiast, Rotarian, passionate entrepreneur, mom, runner, and owner of Ascend Fitness Inc. Tanja and her team of expert fitness coaches inspire and educate Chilliwack residents to make positive and power changes in their lives through physical fitness and sound nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8990507

jeudi 9 avril 2015

How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks?

Inspirational weight loss stories can truly transform your life. Life is beautiful. You can make this journey more beautiful if you can allow yourself to eat whatever you want. Believe me, life is not about counting calories. It is about eating in a healthy way. Our body becomes sick when we do not follow the natural system. The problem is with our lifestyle. We do not sleep on time. Eating junk food is a common habit. It is very hard to eliminate all of these elements from your life. Most people cannot avoid "Wine" and "beer". People think it will be silly to stop drinking.
If you cannot avoid junk food, and artificial drinks; how can you lose weight? People read weight loss tips but, they never practice them in their lives. It is not difficult to lose 4-6 pounds in 2 weeks. It can be pretty easy if you can follow the right advice. To help you lose weight, I will suggest you to take weight loss supplements. These supplements will suppress your appetite. Supplements motivate you to do the exercise.
Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan
On your first day, you should only eat fruits. Buy lots of colorful fruits. Prepare fruit juices and enjoy your first day. When I started this diet plan; I was drinking five glasses of fresh juice each day. I made fresh juices from Apples, Oranges, Grapes, Pomegranates, and Strawberries. It was a fantastic experience. Fruits contain too many healthy nutrients that can help you look young. They provide essential vitamins for hair growth and skin care.
My next day meal was a combination of fruits and vegetables. It is better to prepare vegetable salads. Boil colorful vegetables and add healthy sauces. You can also add some chicken pieces in the salad. It will taste better. Do not fry the vegetables. Just remember that you are on a diet plan.
The third day is about drinking ten glasses of water, and you will eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
I will also recommend you to take a walk every day for 45 minutes. The 4th day is about eating calcium. You will be drinking milk and milkshakes. Cook vegetables, eat fruits, drink milk and do some exercise.
The 5th day is a little different. You can eat some brown bread with rice. A cup of rice along with the vegetable diet plan will be good.
The 6th day is all about repeating the procedure. Repeat this procedure for the next week and check your weight. Do not forget to do the exercise.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8969459

mercredi 8 avril 2015

How to Improve Your Chances of Keeping Excess Weight Off

Among dieters, there are biological, genetic, and psychological factors that make permanent weight loss very difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Every person whose aim is to keep off the weight that they have lost is at a disadvantage because of the innate response of the body and the brain to food. Food plays a central role in most cultures today. It is rather unfortunate that with the technological achievements that humankind has achieved in the last decade, food is always around to tempt them. Food cues in the environment are difficult to ignore, especially now that opportunities to eat are aplenty. Nevertheless, there are ways to mitigate the challenges. The following recommendations are very doable, and ultimately helpful.
Be conscious of your caloric intake
In order to keep the weight off more effectively, one must not resort to just estimating daily caloric maintenance intake. Instead, greater vigilance must be exercised, and a specific caloric intake value must be set with fat loss as the primary goal. A person's energy needs is determined by taking a number of parameters into account, such as level of physical activity. Body size and body weight are two of the factors to consider. There are other factors in play. In calculating the caloric intake, it is best to consult with a professional nutritionist or dieting consultant because the numbers differ from one person to the next.
Eat enough protein and decrease the amount of carbohydrates
Scientific studies have shown that people with higher protein content in their daily diet achieved a bigger amount of weight loss than those whose protein intake was lower. The rationale behind these results is the ability of protein-rich meals to make a person feel less hungry. Because they feel satiated, they eat a lesser amount of food in the next meals. The best approach is to substitute proteins for the usual spot taken by carbohydrates. Instead of meals that have a greater percentage of carbs, every meal must have more food items that have high protein content. Maintaining this approach can help keep the weight off.
De-stress and get enough sleep
It is also important to remember that food intake and food choices are not the only factors that influence a person's chances of keeping off the weight that they have lost. People must re-evaluate their daily routine and be aware of their attitude towards the daily challenges that they face in life. Relaxation techniques can help keep off weight. How is relaxation helpful?
Stress has a huge influence on how the body gains weight. When the person is under stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which affects various body systems and stimulates fat storage. Sleep deprivation is another stimulant of cortisol release while decreasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. In such a state, the body is not ready to lose weight, but instead resorts to storing nutrients that are not used by bodily processes. Relaxation can help keep off weight by lowering the levels of cortisol in the bloodstream. Meditation is a good practice to develop. Meditation relaxes both the body and the mind, which has long-term benefits on stress management.
Find out more about weight loss program and good nutrition programme to lose weight

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8976854

mardi 7 avril 2015

How to Lose Weight in Your Face - What You Need to Know

If you're wondering how to lose weight in your face, you're not alone. Now and again, your facial weight perhaps an aftereffect of being overweight, delicate facial muscles, hereditary qualities or essentially getting more seasoned. Unfortunately, no one can tell you how to lose weight in your face alone, but there are plenty of things you can do to minimize or lessen facial fat.
Shed pounds if you are overweight. Normally the abundance muscle to fat quotients vanishes first from the face, So adding normal practice three to five times each week for 30 to 60 minutes and consuming all the newest products of the soil vegetables ought to help you to drop a pound or two a week. By following a nutritionally balanced diet to lose weight, along with regular exercise, you should find any unwanted facial fat reduces as well. Nonetheless, It is imperative to examine your eating methodology with a specialist to maintain a strategic distance from hurting your body.
Keep well hydrated. Having sufficient water intake will help you to flush out toxins and excess sodium, taking in about two glasses for every 50 pounds of body weight. If you're having problems drinking that much water, eat more fruits and vegetables as they contain water to help keep you hydrated and fiber helps keep you feeling full longer, making it easier to cut down on foods that cause fluid retention, particularly salt, and sugar. Avoid or minimize Alcohol is crucial in case you're asking how to lose weight in your face, as it contains non-nutritious empty calories and dries out your body as well.
Lack of hydration can result in your face to seem bloated.
Perform facial exercises may be the right answer on how to lose weight in your face alone that work to strengthen and firm the muscles of the face, chin and neck and can help you lose facial fat, in spite of the fact that you shouldn't treat facial activities as a cure-all and depend on this alone to decrease facial fat. However, that said, facial exercises are good to do in conjunction with dieting because they can be some help in preventing the sagging and wrinkling that occurs after a large weight loss.
Activities like Facial Yoga, Pilates and simple actions like chewing gum or bubble gum and saying X and O many times in a row, these actions will force your mouth and cheeks to contract in such a way as to make the muscles move a lot.
But HEY, remember, Only chew sugar-free gum to avoid adding any more sugar to your diet.
In case you still don't know how to lose weight in your face, then young ladies attempt this..
Utilizing cosmetics to minimize bigger zones of the face is dependably a smart thought, While Makeup is utilized to camouflage all ways of things on the face. It can likewise be utilized to decrease the feeling of expansiveness.
There are several ways to do so, such as:
1. Flimsy your face by utilizing Contouring, emphasizing the cheekbones and utilizing shading to tone down also highlight distinctive parts of the face can make a less characterized face appear more slender. But be careful and ask a local makeup artist to give you a contouring lesson on what to play up and what to tone down.
2. Curve your eyebrows. Angled eyebrows that have a little thickness can thin down a face, they can be made to emerge by utilizing a shade marginally darker than your regular eyebrow shading.
3. Try to cover up under-eye circles by using concealer, these circles can add the appearance of weight to your face.
4. Additionally, keep in mind when you're doing your makeup that darker lipstick hues give an impression of weight, this is how to lose weight in your face without losing fat.
If these natural techniques are not helping you on how to lose weight in your face, Cosmetic surgery procedures have come a long way and often only require a few hours in a doctor's office for the procedure and shorter recovery time after.
To learn more about how can you lose weight in 3 weeks click here
Only for Female, Read about this female weight loss discovery here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=MY_Hawwa

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8933171